Endamentally Changed

Posted: August 20, 2015 by veeshir in Fun with Elections, Fun With Media, Funniest End of Civilization Evah, Obama's Fault

Certainly not that funnydamentally changed.

Planned Parenthood is killing babies in certain ways so they can sell the body parts. I can’t sell my own kidney, but they can sell parts from 8 and  3/4 month, “partially” born ‘fetuses’ and it’s apparently a “GOP war on women thing.


Today’s Hillary Clinton email ‘scandal’ update (Yawn) Like the dead baby deal, the media is pretty uninterested and frams it , when they mention it, as “The GOP has new allegations against Hillary!”


Day 800 and something of the IRS “scandal”, which the media is similarly utterly uninterested in.


This one is pretty darn funny.  I mean it’s endy, but it’s still pretty good.

Andrew Klavan, Why are Conservatives Attacking Conservatives?

He doesn’t mention who he’s talking about, but I think I can assume he’s not talking about Rush Limbaugh badmouthing Ted Cruz.

If he’s including Trump or Jeb Bush attacking each other, well, that’s not a conservative attacking a conservative, it’s a huckster/pretty darn liberal huckster attacking a big-gov, pro-illegal immigration establishment prick.

Bush is only a ‘conservative’  in the social conservative sense (if he’s even that, I don’t know care enough about him to find out). Like W nominating Harriet Myers and we were supposed to be happy because she would vote the ‘right’ was on abortion.

I haven’t paid enough attention, but if Cruz is attacking Fiorina is attacking Scott Walker, then let me know, otherwise, wake me up when M’Shell enters the fray.


The worst story of the day and why I used that title,

The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after an 11-year Special Forces career, after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother when she reported the incident.


Fricking horrible.

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