What The Stuff?

Posted: January 7, 2017 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah

Lots of stuff going on, but what does it mean? Often there’s a unifying theme about what’s happening, but lately it’s been unfocused and even more stupider than ‘normal’.

Our fine media and global warmmongering betters screech about every hot day in the desert in August, the rest of us are noticing record cold and snow when we’ve been told to expect the end of winter.

Which leads us to: People been revolting against their betters all over the place, can Canadia be next?

And so, if they raise their eyes and see that last year carbon dioxide molecules were, say, 387 parts per million in the atmosphere of our planet, and now – as a mere cost of billions and utter depression in their electoral prospects, it is, say, 386 or even 385 parts per million – Ontario, they cry, has done its bit. A bit, after all, being all that Ontario can do.

The best con job ever has to be, during a cooling period, convincing Canadians that they don’t want the world to warm up and so get money out of them to stop The Warmening!!!!


I love this headline. normally it would be the funniest of the day, but it’s against some tough competition.

Investors all ears as Trump set to break silence

When has Trump been silent about anything?


This trend is horrifically funny.

A Canadian woman has been arrested in Turkey for allegedly insulting the country’s president in comments posted on Facebook

Murderous thugs the world ’round are imprisoning and murdering people over Facebook posts and Tweets.

That’s the kind of thing that seems funny, until you think about it.


Another day, another Japanese recall.

Japan has temporarily recalled its ambassador to South Korea over this statue commemorating Korean women forced to work as sex slaves for the Japanese in World War II.

It’s an interesting situation, the Japanese acted very badly toward the Koreans since…uhhh… there’s been a Japanese people and a Korean people. The Japanese want to put that unpleasantness behind us, the rest are having a problem forgetting the last 1,000 years that culminated in the brutal murderousness of the Japanese during the war. They raped cities. Whole cities.


That moment when I have high hopes that gov’t workers go fucking crazy and tear up everything inside the Beltway.  We all recall the gov’t selling the roads to a private company to charge money, I figured it would send gov’t workers around the bend. During a snow storm,

A FOX 5 staff member driving on Interstate 495 found a sign showing the toll for the Express Lanes starting from nearby the Tysons Corner area to the I-395/95 exit would cost a whopping $30! Using the lanes to I-66 would be just shy of $10.


That’s about $1/mile. Check out this quote from the private company that pays elected officials so are above the law.

The company said there is no cap on the toll and the prices will fluctuate based on the real-time traffic demand.

I am so rooting for a riot that spreads from the Beltway at 395 north and engulfs the whole area. The country would run great until we elected another bunch of feckless, corrupt assholes.


We’re gonna see a lot of these stories, Baltimore’s running out of cops. You have to love this bit of idjicy.

The Los Angeles Police Department was short of nearly 100 officers as of mid-December—only 1% of its total workforce, but still enough to be felt on the ground, says Captain Alan Hamilton, who runs recruitment for the department. Philadelphia had 350 vacancies, largely due to a spate of retirements. Last spring, Dallas cancelled two academy classes for lack of applicants; its preliminary applications dropped by over 30% between 2010 and 2015. In 2012, the ratio of police officers to population hit its lowest level since 1997, according to Uniform Crime Reporting Programme data published by the FBI.


So why is that stupid?

The dynamics underpinning the shortages vary by department, but there are national trends making it harder for police forces to attract applicants. The first is a strong economy….When plenty of jobs are available, people are usually less motivated to enter dangerous professions.

Buh? Unemployment is low because people are giving up on even looking for a freaking job. Jebus. They  talk about how the perception of cops is that they suck cuz they shoot unarmed black me and it’s dangerous cuz people are gunning for them. They don’t seem to even contemplate something I’ve seen cops like the Chicago cop blog and Jack Dunphy talk about

And speaking of incompetence, we aren’t going to say much about that “60 Minutes” hit piece Sunday night. It was summarized pretty well by a few of our readers, namely that:
the Department is racist;
if you do street stops, you must be racist;
if you don’t prevent murders, you’re racist
if you engage in any sort of proactive police work, it’s only because you’re racist;
any “self preservation” instinct that kicks in to prevent accusations of racism, is in fact racist;
racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist racist;
and don’t you dare point out that 95% of the killings of minorities were perpetrated by minorities you racist;
Thank goodness we had our first “post racial” president to heal the divisions.


When your life can be ruined because some thuggish criminal demands to be shot, why bother?


Speaking of which, this is funny, until you think about it.

A music video shoot in Texas came to a premature end when rappers dressed as bank robbers drew the attention of actual police.

Angleton rappers Tru Keezy and Yung Groovey said they and members of their crew were filming scenes for a music video outside of a Lake Jackson credit union on New Year’s Day when Lake Jackson police arrived on the scene with their guns drawn.


A probably fairly normal rap video looks like a violent federal crime in progress, such good role models.


This is messed up. Another, funny ’til you think about it thing.

The “Star Wars” actress, who passed away suddenly in December following a heart attack, gave the world one last laugh when her brother, Todd Fisher, carried her ashes to the burial site in a giant Prozac pill urn.

That. Ain’t. Right.


This one is funnier the more you think about it.

Some 50 pole dancers performed on top of Jeeps during the funeral procession of former Chiayi City county council speaker Tung Hsiang in Chiayi City, southern Taiwan.
Tung’s son said his father appeared in a dream and told him he wanted his memorial to be “hilarious,”…
The procession featured the dancers, traditional totems, drummers, imported luxury cars, and flag bearers — an homage to the politician’s apparent love of crowded places.



Now I have to change my will.





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