Archive for November, 2015


I’ve been pretty busy with work and vacation and, well, being lazy, so I haven’t tubed much lately. I try to watch the news but really, I could care less what idiocy Yale fools do and watching whatever the hell is happening in Missouri seems like too much effort to try to understand, just nitwit leftists going all Stalin, so I have no idea what the hell is happening but it appears to be pretty darn endy and only peripherally funny.

But today I tubed and realized, it’s freaking hilarious.

This misleading headline makes me laugh.


Little Support for Punishing Global Warming Foes

From the body of the article.

Democrats (27%), however, favor prosecuting those who don’t agree with global warming.

Do you realize that more than a quarter of Dems want to punish people who are in favor of the scientific method?

It’s like the Scopes Monkey Trial all over again, except now we have the anti-science people screeching about being all scientifical and shit. I’d be many of that 27% are in government or Penn State. Which makes it funnier IMIO.


I have an idea, let’s let our European betters tell us how to govern!!!!!

It has long been believed that when it comes to interest rates, zero is as low as you can go….

But for the people who control the world’s money, this idea has recently been thrown out of the window. Many central banks have pushed their rates into negative territory and yet the financial system has still (not? V) to come to an abrupt end.


So does that mean I’ll have to pay interest on my savings account?

Makes me wonder if this is what that moh-ron Yellen is talking about.

“Policymakers have to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of alternative monetary implementation frameworks in the presence of new policy tools,” Yellen said

Sure that’s gobbledeygook, but I think she thinks it means something. Which would be pretty darn funny in a Monty Python movie but pretty darn scary in the real world.

Methinks it’s time to  forget about buying more silver and gold and focus on wood, polymer, steel, brass, lead, complex, fast-burning chemicals and toilet paper. They’re going to be the new exchange medium after the collapse.


For the record, contrary to what is being written, neither I nor my mild-mannered, alter-ego are gay.

…upcoming Scholastic Book Fair includes a gay character… “Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot”

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I do have to admit, it’s been funny watching people realize that maybe, just maybe, Polie-ico are a bunch of lying Minitrue members in good-standing.

As was evident to anybody who ever paid any attention to them at all long ago, starting with their first Big Story!!!!!, a lying hitjob on Fred Thompson that was proven a lie as soon as video of the incident came out and continuing on with every “Scoop!!!!” they’ve ever had.


Two last things,

This is funny.

Donald Trump said Wednesday he was shocked to see Hillary Clinton’s latest hairdo, calling it “massive” in an interview on conservative talk radio.

You have to admit, Trump making fun of someone else’s hair is downright hilarious.

I will say that in Drudge’s pic, it does look like a wig.


This ain’t funny.

Cuz it’s true.


Okay, I lied. Two more things below the fold.


Oh, that’s motherfucking liberal fucking media.

I saw the hate-fulled, attack-mode, leftist douche-tools admit that Carson was talking about when he was 14 and younger and all the fuckheads they managed to find were in his high school so they wouldn’t have know about him in junior high and younger but that didn’t stop them from “asking questions” about Carson’s discussion of his life.

Questions about the last 20 years of Obama’s life were out of bounds but ‘interviews’ with fucking lying, hate-filed assholes about Carson’s life from 50 years ago are fair fucking game.

I hate those fuckheads, and the only person I’ve ever hated before was Yassir Fucking Arafat.

He created a death-cult of a statelet where children are brought up to want to die killing other children, the fucking assholes in our media are happily destroying the rule of law and the American experiment in self-governance, happily aided and abetted by our fine establishment betters in both parties who are trying to shove another Clinton V. Bush election which will turn off most of America.



An aside, am I the only one boycotting TVLand for dropping the Dukes of Hazzard while still keeping that racist asshole, Steve Harvey, hosting Family Fued?