Archive for the ‘Obama’s Fault’ Category

I don’t care about the SCOTUS seat.

Breyer is retiring, and Joey Sprinkles gets to appoint somebody. Somebody of a preordained gender and race.

Do I care? Not really.

  • It’s an even swap, ideologically. So other than trading a rusty old lefty in for a newer model with fewer miles on her, it’s almost a good idea to put the fear of the God they mostly don’t believe in into the Never Trump swamp creatures, to show them what happens when muh norms and muh principles are too sacrosanct to vote for the Bad Orange Man.
  • We probably couldn’t stop it even if we tried. (Unless, that is, Sinema doesn’t care for being called a C-U-Next-Tuesday and decides to show them what that really means.)
  • Judicial temperament doesn’t matter. They’ll just lie about it anyway–see how “moderate” Merrick Garland turned out. (Dodged a bullet there – Mega props to Cocaine Mitch for that one.)
  • Qualifications barely matter. Case in point, that bloody moron Sotomayor. Whoever Brandon picks can’t possibly be dumber than the supposedly “wise Latina”.
  • To the extent that qualifications matter, there are a few qualified-at-least-on-paper individuals to pick from who match the race/gender preference. They can pull from their vaunted Ivy League, and don’t have to go slumming for a left-leaning, higher melanin content Harriet Miers.
  • The Court is irredeemably political anyway, and we’re really just counting votes. Whoever was to be appointed, whether of the stated race and gender or not, they were always going to be a solid left vote. The Court gave up actual jurisprudence a long time ago, what with the twelve-pronged by three-tined malarkey “tests” that are actually just retconning a predetermined outcome onto the fact pattern in evidence.
  • The stakes are so much lower than other “anti-racist” appointments like the Kamala Harris VP pick, what with the whole line of succession thing potentially giving Harris the nuclear football.

One thing I do rather tire of, is the “Well at least a young [insert ethnicity/gender/sexual proclivity] child has somebody to look up to who looks like them.” Yes, all things being equal I’m all for that. But if I were a [insert ethnicity/gender/sexual proclivity], I’d kind of want the person “representing” me to be competent. What does it tell a young girl that, yes, if you polish some prominent mayor’s knob and cackle nervously at any modestly difficult question, you too can someday be Vice President of the United States, so long as you fit a predetermined identity profile that has nothing to do with your qualifications for office?

Hardly inspiring, if you ask me.

I’m voting Trump. It’s not even really a hard decision.

Yes, he’s a jackass, and yes I kind of hate him. I was actually more interested than I generally care to admit that he caught COVID. But hey, Biden’s just really that bad. (And don’t get me started on Harris.)

With Trump, I get probably better than 50% of my policy preferences. And every once in a great while, something he does that I had opposed turns out to not even be that bad. Yes, he fumbled a bit early on with the pandemic, but I have zero confidence Biden (or Clinton) would have done any better given the previous administration’s performance and contemporaneous statements from earlier this year. Biden’s “plan” is partly cribbed from Trump, and partly a cop-out to acquiesce to expert advice, which may or may not mean lock-downs, depending on what suits Biden on any particular day. (FYI, Biden has no Constitutional authority for the national mask mandate he’s promising, irrespective of the merits of such a policy.)

With Biden, I know I’m getting approximately zero of what I want. At best, it’s a reversion to the Obama years, and that’s pretty damned bad. He’ll re-regulate everything that Trump deregulated, raise taxes, and we’ll go back to stagnant economic growth. Then, mysteriously, all of the unintended consequences of that taxation and regulation will somehow be the fault of greedy capitalists, and we’ll need to regulate and tax some more. Funny how that works.

Even worse, Biden might actually get some of the new things he’s campaigning on, like the $15k home tax credit, which is phenomenally moronic. Subsidize the purchase of an item with inelastic supply that’s generally bought with debt and… instant real estate bubble. I’m tempted to make an Alzheimer’s joke here about Biden’s short memory regarding the government-induced real estate bubble that ensured the election of the Obama-Biden ticket. But really, Biden’s been wrong about virtually every policy he’s ever touched for nearly five decades, so I can’t necessarily chalk that one up to senility. It’s actually impressive how wrong he’s been. On everything. Wrong, even when he was sharp, which if we’re being honest here, is no longer the case.

Now, for those of my friends who claim that “hate” is on the ballot, I have some bad news for you. You’re the victims of a really pathetic propaganda campaign. I mean, for starters, nobody is invalidating anybody’s marriage. Think Trump hates gay folks? Go ahead and Google “Richard Grenell”. Have you fallen prey to the “fine people” race hoax? I’m sorry that you’re stuck in a media bubble, but that’s ridiculous. It would be laughable if so many people didn’t take it so seriously, which is why Biden and Harris both repeated that lie. And have you noticed that Trump’s polling as well among Hispanic voters as Dubya? How did that happen? Show me on the doll where the Orange Man hurt you.

Which side is full of hate? The side that is lighting shit on fire is full of hate. Which side do you suppose business owners fear when they are boarding up their store fronts?

Nevertheless, I fully expect Biden to win. I find it difficult to believe that the polls are as wrong as they would need to be for Trump to turn it around. The dinosaur media and Big Tech social media have been giving a full court press, somehow outdoing all previous propagandizing efforts. And much as Biden is obviously a DC swamp creature, and almost certainly involved in the Russia-gate scandal, he’s not quite as hated and hate-able as Hillary Clinton.

P.S.: Jared should get the Nobel Peace Prize.

David, can I call you David?, Don’t look back in anger. It reduces the quality of the now, look back and laugh. It doesn’t make now any better but at least you’re laughing!


Look back and recall the laughs we had when Usubstantiated!!!!, Incidental!!!!!!!!! and Inadvertent!!!!!!!!!!! were the Journolist Words Of The Day

Nunes disclosed in his letter that the former Obama administration had “easy access” to sensitive classified information and that they may have used it to “achieve partisan political purposes, including the selective, anonymous leaking of such information.”

Congressional investigators uncovered that “one official [whose] position has no apparent intelligence-related function”—now believed to be Power—”made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration.”

Hmmmm, so there was spying on Trump, it was purposely leaked so that makes claims that Trump’s peeps were not targeted look like lies.

Why…. that looks astonishingly like Chicago-Machine-Politics?!?!?!?!?!?(!?!?!?!?!?!????????)

It doesn’t make a difference if it was Powers, Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI, whichever anti-American asshole collected a check for ‘being’ NSA or Joe fucking Biden, there was no legitimate reason to do that. The only reason was political.

It’s surprisingly easy to figure out what’s a real scandal for the Democratic party. If it looks like a conspiracy theory and they don’t report it, it’s true, if they harp on it, like Obama’s birth certificate deal, it’s not true.


We have to look back to Agree With Headlines But Disagree With The Body! (first in a series!)

McConnell Criticized For Pelosi-Like Tactics On Health Bill

I agree!

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is facing questions about his leadership after the Obamacare repeal debacle. Many Republican senators are criticizing McConnell’s strategy of crafting the bill in secret without input from members of the GOP caucus.

They did that shit for opposite reasons in relation to the legislation, Nancy wanted to pass the bill, McConnell wanted to not pass the bill. If you’re focused on fucking McCain and Collins, don’t. If Pass had more votes, more GOP senators would have happily voted no.

So the body of the article should read

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.DC) is facing questions about his leadership being a lying fuckhead after the Obamacare repeal debacle gambit. Many A Bunch of fish-throwing Republican senators are criticizing McConnell’s strategy of crafting the bill in secret without input from members of the GOP caucus to make sure Obamacare is the Law(less) of the Land. 

Same tactics, same endgame. Fuck Us!


You’d think we would be able to look back in anger what with all  the cameras following us around wherever we go. You’d be wrong to think that.

Regarding that abysmal clearance rate on CTA property, a reader had a good question:
Millions of dollars on cameras covering almost every inch of trains, buses, platforms and stations – and 90% of crime goes unsolved? Were taxpayers sold a bill of goods?

That’s a good point. I’d bet that thugs and criminals have known that for a while now. When one keeps not getting arrested even though he committed his crime Live! On TV! he’ll notice something so he’ll tell two accomplices and they’ll tell two accomplices and they’ll tell….


We’ll take time out from not looking back in anger to Look Back In Fucking Anger at one of Obama’s self-described Success Stories

More than one million malnourished young children in war-torn Yemen are at risk of cholera, the charity Save the Children warned on Wednesday as it began sending more health experts to the worst-hit areas.

Sonomabatch. Recall when Obama declared Yemen a success story.

He boned us, but he boned the rest of the world even more. Which is sorta scary, most places do not get even more ridiculous when their leaders are too ridiculous to be believed, they go the other route. They go all too real, like commies, nazis and garden-variety warlords. And middle ages diseases. Jebus.


We’re still not looking back in anger, let’s Look At Now In Anger! Get out your squeezy bulbs!

GOP voters device

Ben Rhodes Is A Person Of Interested In A House Hearing!!!!!!!! (who cares what it was about?)

House Freedom (FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Caucus Member (singular) Calls For Mueller’s Resignation!!!!!!!!

House Judiciary Committee Wants To Investigate Hillary!!!!

I could go on all day, but until it’s the Dept of Justice, not the Dept of “Justice”, it don’t mean shit. It means worse than shit.

Cuz it’s being thrown in our faces.



ABCNews looks back and I’m confused.

Foreign automakers have received billions of dollars in subsidies and tax incentives to build factories in the U.S. and create American jobs.

A new CBS News primetime series, “CBSN: On Assignment,” uncovers the hidden foreign workforce being used to build sections of U.S. auto plants. The show premieres on CBS on Monday, July 31 at 10 p.m. EST & PST, streaming simultaneously on CBSN, the network’s streaming news service.

For three years, Gerald Greiner managed safety on American construction projects for a German contractor called Eisenmann. His first job was at Mercedes in Vance, Alabama in 2013.

They did that investigation when Obama was POTUS. Why? At first I figured they were trying to make Trump look bad by reporting it, but it makes Trump look good.

Has anybody seen this on any TV news? I’m pretty surprised they even did that investigation, it seems like the kind of thing that got Cheryl Atkinsson  and some others fired.

Weird, good, but weird.


Brett Bozell of Media Research Center sez:

The media need to know, when reporting on Senator Flake and his “book,” that the author is a deceiver out for personal and financial gain.  I also call on my conservative brethren to denounce this impostor, who dishonorably claims to speak for conservatism, in the strongest possible terms.


Bozell’s in California, right? They have legal weed right? He’s been paying far too much attention to Minitrue and Congress for more than a decade to expect anything of the sort. I’m not against it, but it’s tilting at particularly annoying and willfully ignorant windmills.

While I’m For tilting at windmills, sooner or later Don Quixote is going to win, usually you just get ground down for grain… or something I don’t know I lost the metaphor a little while ago.


Here’s something can look back in laughter in a few months.

A Virginia Republican challenging Rep. Barbara Comstock in the party’s primary has spent the past couple of months posting about penis enlargement techniques on his personal website.

If this hits the Va news he should go with it, At least you know I’m not A Big Dick, unlike the rest of the GOP.

Of course his opponent could go with it as well, “My opponent wants to go to DC so he can be a big dick like Paul Ryan!”


Historically White, Upper-Class, Ivy League, University Has Panel On White Privilege. Following link to link to link we find this

The event, in its second year, drew 300 participants that mostly consisted of K-12 teachers and principals, the institute’s director Amy Wells said in a phone interview with The College Fix. The four-day conference included plenary sessions, dozens of workshops and dialogue sessions.

One presentation, called “Whiteness in schools,” provided “a history of Whiteness…

I don’t really care, I just hope at least one Powerpoint presentation had this picture.


Not cuz I care, just cuz  you know the participants in this idiocy would look back in Furious Anger while I want to look back in laughter.


Speaking of whiteness, arrogance and taints, let’s Look Now In Laughter

UNC’s arrogance over academic scandal has tainted the school’s once-great image

From 1993 through 2011, about 3,100 UNC students – nearly half of whom were athletes – took African studies classes that proved to be bogus. Classes generally did not meet; homework was not assigned.

Most required little work – a simple term paper at the end of the semester often sufficed.

UNC hired attorney Kenneth Wainstein to investigate, and he found that about 40 percent of those term papers were at least in part plagiarized, yet were accorded an average grade of A-minus.

Can we discuss the racism inherent in the system?

If I had substituted “wymyn” for “athlete” and “Wymyn’s Studies” or “Gender Studies” for “African studies” would that paragraph have been any different?

Of course it would have! That’s not “Arrogant”, that’s “Empowerment!” and it wouldn’t be a scandal.

It would still be full of taints.


I will honk and even arf for this fish that Trump is throwing.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) signed a waiver of environmental regulations on Tuesday to allow construction of upgrades to the border wall and new wall prototype projects to break ground.

Hell, forget arfin and honkin’, I had to cut-n-paste that one-handed.


I hate to look back in anger, but that Yemen shit pissed me off. Updated cuz I checkedThis is the first “Obama’s Fault” I’ve posted since January (I think, I meant not to do that). Not even close. 

Fuckhead pissed me off today.


I’ve been driving the Caballero and it’s been nice. The A/C ain’t working, but I’ve mostly driven it at night. Today is not bad, it’s overcast and rainy so it was only about 95 when I had to run to AJ.

On the highway back from I heard a bad noise, for a second I thought it was engine related but then realized it sounded like something was dragging. I pulled over and when I stopped, it stopped. I was happy. I left the engine running when I got out.

When I opened the door the noise started again, for just a second I thought, “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!” but it was just the side molding from the door that was dragging.

I can look back in laughter, it wasn’t so funny for a split second.




How did it get so freaking absurd out? It’s pretty endy, but it’s not really funny. Just absurd.

I saw stuff about Obama To Meet With Merkel!!!! and I thought he might be doing some diplomatin’ without a license so I clicked the link.

Barack Obama will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her home country late next month for a panel on democracy.

So just the normal, post-POTUS, 6-7 figure, plus airfare, accommodations and gift bag, Senior Statesman deal. It’s sorta funny that Obama, and others apparently, think of him as a Senior Statesman, but while that’s sorta absurd what’s really absurd is the focus of the panel.

The two will participate in “Being Involved in Democracy: Taking on Responsibility Locally and Globally,” which is sponsored by both the German Protestant Kirchentag and the Obama Foundation.

Yeah, Mr. I Never Met A Democratic Movement I didn’t Ignore, like the Iranian Student Protests and The Maiden Protests in Ukraine.  The Iranian student protest link is a hilarious, “fact check” by CNN where Romney said Obama was silent on the Iranian protests. CNN says,

Obama’s initial response to the protests became a source of controversy at the time, and his political enemies have brought it back up at various times since.

In the very first days of the Iran protests, the president did not weigh in publicly. After more and more images of violence surfaced, he condemned the actions of the Iranian government, and later toughened his talk.


They try to obfuscate that Obama only “talked tough!!!!!” after images of gov’t thugs beating (sorta like SEIU thugs beating tea partiers) and murdering protestors showed up on TV he said

“up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be,” he said, adding that “we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.”
But, Obama said, “I am deeply troubled by the violence that I’ve been seeing on television. I think that the democratic process — free speech, the ability of people to peacefully dissent — all those are universal values and need to be respected.”
He said it was his understanding that “that the Iranian government says that they are going to look into irregularities that have taken place,”

Yeah, they got right on that. Giving out medals requires a careful analysis of their thugs’ actions.

Which statement, of course, showed he did his normal did jack and shit when democracy folks get beaten.

And shit was out of gum.

How can you blog when Obama, who spent much of his POTUSy actively damaging democracy around the world is on a panel about spreading democracy?


The other day I wrote,

First, the lie that they wanted to bomb anybody but Texas and Israel,

I meant it to be funny. While I think he wanted to bomb Israel and Texas, he was ready to bomb just about any jihadi enemy of Iran. like ISIS but not Hezbollah, anywhere, anywhere. The truth of the statement was that bombing Iran’s client state in Syria was not on the table. Especially since he had to use his flexibility with Putin.


This WSJ article linked by Stephen Green at the puppy blender’s shows a fundamental misunderstanding of “bi-partisan” legislation.

Democrats’ Conditions for Tax Overhaul Make Bipartisan Deal Unlikely.

Democrats getting their way is the definition of bi-partisan. It’s absurd to think otherwise.


I’m not looking for it, but I saw a CNN bit yesterday or the day before where their “neutral” reportage actually seemed to side with the Norks against the aggressive warmonger Trump. I mean, they allowed a bunch of unopposed statements about how Trump was being all bellicose at the peaceful Norks.

Which leads to We’re Better And Smarter Than You News:

I see Little Lord Graham talking about how the Syrians Sure Showed Trump!

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s decision to immediately resume air missions out of the airfield the US bombed is a big “FU” to President Trump, one senator said Sunday.

Like McCain, he wants to go to war all over the place. And then bitch about the war.

Trump said he blew him up over chemical weapons, when Assad uses more chem weapons get back to me. That would be an FU, which I’m sure would garner a No! FU! response. Be interesting to see if either Iran or Putin want that, but absurd to take the side of a murderous dictator against the POTUS from your party.

Well, ostensibly his party. It’s absurd to think that Graham and the rest of the permanent overclass could put up with a northeast liberal as a GOP POTUS who’s not pretty much Lincoln Chafee.


It’s funny watching Canadians seeing an invasion of entitled types from a third-world country and not being happy about it.

Canadians have empathy for refugees crossing into the country illegally but their concern over border security trumps (Heh V) all, a newly-released poll reveals.

Angus Reid Institute found that 50% of Canadians believe there’s a significant or huge risk of criminals and other dangerous individuals crossing into Canada through the unguarded border points now used by asylum seekers heading north from the U.S.

Almost three in every four Canadians want the country to focus its resources on monitoring and patrolling the border to discourage more crossings.

So you want to secure your border but we need ours open? Bite me, eh.


Anti-racism protesters  segregated themselves by race

That’s absurd. Pretty funny in that today’s totally tolerant anti-racists want all the same things as yesteryear’s totally hated racists, but it just keeps getting more and more absurd. Especially the reason for the self-segregation.

For white accomplices: Please keep in mind that your role at this protest, aside from acting in solidarity with POC students at the 5Cs, particularly Black students, is to serve as a buffer between students of color and the police,” the page states. “That means, if the police come, it is imperative that you stay at the protest with fellow accomplices and engage with cops should it come to that.”…

The instructions also describe an “accomplice meeting” at Scripps College where protesters could learn more information about how to handle themselves in various situations.

Nice to acknowledge the felonious feature of so many leftist protest by calling them “accomplices”, so kudos for that. Not sure why they thought having whitey mix it up with cops would be any better. Haven’t they been watching TV? You need at least one “person of color” beaten to get any airtime.

Absurdity all around.


This is totally absurd.

Should ongoing discussions in Salem materialize, voters would see a question on their general election ballots asking if a 172-year-old ban on dueling by public officials — as in, the old-fashioned way of resolving fights — should be erased from the Oregon Constitution.

Duels require a sense of honor. I can count American pols with a sense of honor on the toes of one hand. It would thin their ranks nicely so I’m fer it so long as there’s a budget for advertising when cowardly pols avoid a duel.


Illustrating the inherent absurdity of trying to get involved in Syria.

President Donald Trump ordered a Tomahawk cruise military strike against one of the 3,297 factions currently fighting in the Syrian civil war, sources confirmed today.

Just days after the Syrian government, one of the thousands of rebel groups, or al Qaeda terrorists allegedly bombed civilians with chemical weapons, Trump and his military planners launched missiles after mulling options that could potentially punish the perpetrators of such a war crime.

We blew them then up when they pissed us off. That’s all the dealings we should have with “regime change” in Syria. Whoever wins, the region loses. I’d be happier totally getting out and just supplying well-armed jihadis of all stripes to extend the conflict. A flypaper strategy where jihadis fight each other instead of us and Israeli school-children.


Man of Steel gets hard, feels his resolve weakening!



Mostly the first, but some of the second.


Even if you’re not in favor of Trump bombing Syria, it’s been entertaining.

A little digression. Google is going to push their brand of fake news…stop FAKE NEWS!!!!!! using Snopes and Politifact.

I told you that so I could tell you this.

When Trump spit on Putin and blew up the Syrian airbase

US officials said measures had been put in place to avoid hitting sarin gas they said was stored at the airfield.

I’m not the first to notice or mention it, but is anybody watching cable news? Have any of them (besides, I’d bet, Hannity tonight) mentioned that Obama declared Syria CHEMICAL WEAPON FREE!!!!!!! and if you pointed and laughed at the abject idiocy of that statement…denied that statement’s brilliance and TRUTH! you were branded a fascist xenophobe?

Wait…A fascist sexist? No, you rarely get two -ists together. Fascist homophobe? It was some sort of -ist and a -phobe…Oh yeah, a racist Islamophobe, that’s what it was.


My expectations (and hopes) for Trump were a Nuke The Moon! thing.

The White House was quick to paint the decision as limited to deterring the use of chemical weapons, and not part of a broader military campaign to remove Assad by force.

“The intent was to deter the regime from doing this again, and it is certainly our hope that this has had that effect,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis told reporters.

Blowing their shit up when they piss us off is a good idea. It would be a good accompaniment to my Syria strategy of free transportation for any jihadi, no matter the brand, with a free AK and RPG (while supplies last) when they get off the bus. They’d have to be self-driving buses, we’d go through a bunch but it would be worth it.

Oh, and major kudos for trotting out Jeff (erson?) Davis as spokesman. Subtle but funny, I hope it was on purpose.

There should be a position on Trump’s team that is just to figure out little things to try to get lefties frothing over stupid shit. They won’t all work, but when they do the results are high-larious as CNN freaks out over the color of the napkins at a White House Dinner.

Speaking of which, he should buy a billboard as close to the White House as he can and put TRUMP! on it. He can wait until they stop spinning from “Trump lied when he said Obama wiretapped him!!!!!!” to “Obama was right to wiretap that dangerous man!!!!!!!!!.” to get maximum froth. They’re sort of confused right now. He’s a Russian puppet but he just courted war with Russia. Has MSNBC claimed he wanted to start a war with Russia so we could lose it? Back in the 80s, right wingers thought that. there’s just something hilariously symmetrical about lefties saying it. I hope it happens but I don’t know if I expect it.


I’d hoped but didn’t really expect Nikki Haley to spit in their faces so well.

So now we get to find out if Putin, Iran and the Norks want a war with a crazed POTUS.

They wasted years, they had a free hand in the world and they waited too long to start their wars of conquest.

But that never stopped an invader before (see: Every war in every history book. Ever.)


Speaking of murderous dictators and how to handle them, China! As Trump was meeting with a murderous, commie dictator, he bombed another murderous dictator’s forces and now we see this.

The National Security Council has presented President Trump with options to respond to North Korea’s nuclear program — including putting American nukes in South Korea or killing dictator Kim Jong-un, multiple top-ranking intelligence and military officials told NBC News.

Telling our enemies like that is a good idea. I mean, they could have told Foxnews or the Wash Times, but he told NBC! They’re sure to trumpet The Insanity!!!!!! so the murderous, commie dictator would be sure to get the message.


Ace reminds us why he’s the man. 

Five Dead In Stockholm As Three Men Each Acting Alone Hijack Truck and Peacefully Drive It Into a Throng of People
“We’ll Never Know the Motive,” Swedish Police Vow

There’s so much ‘narrative’ in that headline you don’t even need to read the post.

Hmmm, maybe that’s how that started.


Does anybody else think things are interesting and weird?

It doesn’t feel as endy as last year, but I think it’s a lot more endy.

Maybe it’s just that 2 of 3 branches of gov’t have to pretend not to want to spit on us while the third is the only one on our side. Not having your gov’t actively go after you is  nice.

It’s also less funny out. I mean, while the media is pretty funny what with all the frothing and foaming, it’s repetitive and stupid so the entertainment value is low, while poison gas and war are only moderately funny as an object lesson in how much Obama lied and Minitrue defended his idiotic, not even plausible, lies.


Let’s see how the Elitest! of our Elite! are doing.

Harvard has a definitional problem.

Graduate students at Harvard University said Donald Trump’s presidential victory pushed them into an “existential” crisis of sadness and despair.

Existential. They’re not going to exist soon so they’re all sad and despairing. I wonder, does that make them goth or emo?

Neither! They’re ELITE!!!! They’re wizards.

Remember in the “Harry Potter” series when Albus Dumbledore is forced to leave his job as headmaster of the wizard school and the students banded together to form their own underground resistance?

Well, if you don’t, it was called “Dumbledore’s Army,” and some Harvard graduate students are trying to replicate it in response to President Donald Trump. Seriously.



Nother definitional problem at that other bastion of Elite!!!!!!!!hood, Yale!

The [female teaching assistant] reported John to Yale upon receiving academic papers from John in which he referenced (and denounced) the crime of rape and rapists to illustrate Plato’s ideas of justice in the Republic. John was also required to take sensitivity training …


Sensitivity training because he thought about Rape. He’s wasn’t in favor of it, he just mentioned it! He’s a man! you see. When he talks about rape he LITERALLY RAPES EVERY WOMAN ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!

In violation of Yale’s Woodward Report, which says the university upholds the right to “discuss the unmentionable,” Doe became a target precisely because of “Yale’s draconian regulation of his speech” in the philosophy paper,


This is a philosophy class! You can’t think outside the box we mandate!

That’s a nice touch. It shows how Elite they are.


Mea Dumba. Sorta expected, I’ve been sloppy lately.

Mike asks

Is there anybody the lawless Ogabe junta DIDN’T wiretap, surveil, or spy on?

To which I responded.

I’ll stick up for him.
He didn’t wiretap the Iranians, the Chinese, the Syrians, the Cubans or the Venezualians.

Mark corrects me.

Nor did he wiretap the Norks, Veeshir, nor ISIS, nor Al Qaeda, nor Soros, nor…

Yeah, you got me.


Ya Think?

MLB prospect shouldn’t have filmed himself snorting lines

Now that’s spitting on a gigantic pile of money.


I’ll take Secondary Considerations for $1000 Alex


Why the media want to bury the Susan Rice ‘unmasking’ news

Money shot after sorta rehashing much of the last month on any righty blog.

To acknowledge the clear political motive behind those leaks, and behind Rice’s “unmasking,” is to admit that Team Obama abused intelligence data — and that its media friends were complicit in doing so.


The last part of that sentence is absolutely correct, so is the first, so is the middle, but taken together they are a secondary consideration at best.

They are lying about Rice because they will not admit their God-President (He’s still their President! dammit!) committed a heinous act by spying on his political opponent, that’s why they’re complicit.


Last, and what I expect.

My movie review of Ghost in the Shell below the fold.


So, here’s where we are.

The previous administration almost definitely engaged in criminal (or at least improper) espionage on a political opponent and as-yet unnamed individuals leaked that information to the press.

We are certain that Obama expanded the ways in which this information can be shared right as he left office – a move that is far too convenient to believe is a coincidence.

Ultimately, we have to face a grim reality we have often imagined but could never verify: Our political opponents have been knowingly, blatantly, repeatedly breaking the law from the highest levels of authority.

Susan Rice isn’t where this ends. She is where it begins.

The Trump Administration is left with a daunting task. Should they choose to legally pursue this they will have to follow the evidence which, I’m fairly certain, will demand they prosecute essentially the entire leadership of the Democrat Party along with countless abettors in the media and deep state government.

This goes all the way up. And down. And all around. It is going to get ugly. Very, very ugly. Maybe uglier than they are willing to accept. Maybe so ugly the Republic can’t survive it.

Draining the swamp is going to be a lot more destructive than it may have seemed before. Now that we know how broad and deep this corruption and abuse goes, we should be even more adamant that it happen. But I acknowledge it will take great courage to go down that road. I hope Trump and his cabinet are up to the challenge.

I wish I saved that graphic from yesterday for today. I watched CNN for a while this morning and saw their talking heads saying stuff like, “What those reich-wingers are claiming Susan Rice did wasn’t a crime, we really need to focus on Russia and Trump!” when they could be assed to cover it. They’re mostly talking about some healthcare shit and RUSSIA HACKING THE ELECTION YOU STUPID AMERICANS!!!!!!

Watching Howard Kurtz on Outnumbered, he’s such a media defender, why does Foxnews pretend he’s a watchdog? I know why the Wash Post and CNN did so, he was defending their lies, but Foxnews confuses me.



Here’s someone who cares more about explaining CNN’s perfidy than I.

Since news broke Monday that the Obama Administration’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, directed the “unmasking” of NSA intercepts of Trump associates, CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report.

CNN Tonight’s Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs.

While interviewing a Democratic congressman, CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought surveillance of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove.

I just point and laugh and comment about their standard standard, but having people take that stupid shit seriously is probably a good idea.


To steal a bit: The NY Post, two papers in one!

First, nothing to see here!

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser tried on dozens of occasions to learn the identities of Trump transition officials whose conversations with foreign officials were “incidentally” collected by US intelligence


Nunes told reporters last month he briefed Trump on the documents because of concerns that Americans who were caught on routine surveillance were being “unmasked” for no reason.

The Obama administration shared the intelligence with officials throughout government because it feared the information would be covered up in a Trump White House.

Once the information was widely distributed, “intelligence officials” began leaking it and some of it appeared in media reports, including conversations fired National Security Adviser Mike Flynn had with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

Hmmm, seems she succeeded. Why the word “tried”? Remember, all journalists are trained in US universities to be lying sacks of journolist, it’s tough getting any that don’t suck the lefty narrative.


Editorial on same day (today, March,35th)

Do you suspect that the noise over Trump campaign contacts with the Russians is just a political hit arranged by Obama insiders before they left? You got fresh evidence of that Monday, with news that then-national security adviser Susan Rice was behind the “unmasking” of Trumpites in transcripts of calls with Russian officials.

Again, nothing on the public record so far shows that anyone on Team Trump said anything improper on those calls.

Maybe you should talk to your journolists about that there Mr. Editor.


Via Paco, we see this bit that reminds me of the 90s and why we have Drudge.

Ever since Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell (about Obama’s newly discovered felony)…everyone has been wondering who within the Trump White House or the intelligence community supplied him with such a massive scoop.

But, as it turns out, Cernovich didn’t need a ‘deep throat’ within the NSA or CIA for his blockbuster scoop, all he needed was some well-placed sources inside of a couple of America’s corrupt mainstream media outlets.  As Cernovich explains below, his sources for the Susan Rice story were actually folks working at Bloomberg and the New York Times who revealed that both Eli Lake (Bloomberg) and Maggie Haberman (NYT) were sitting on the Susan Rice story in order to protect the Obama administration.

A bunch of our fine media betters knew about Monica Lewinsky blowing Clinton in the Oval Office but kept it quiet until Drudge posted the story.

As I saw somewhere today, the media has been in cover-up mode so much it’s going to be hard to pivot to a defense when they can no longer pretend it didn’t happen or it doesn’t matter that a POTUS used the gov’t against his political enemies.

No, not the IRS. No, not the DHS. No, not the Coast Guard. No, not the…listen, it’s the intelligence community. this one is about the intelligence community not his Chicago-Machine feloniosities using other federal agencies. Geez, stay focused.


More reports that CNN will have to ignore and explain why we need to to ignore it.

The National Security Council has uncovered computer logs that detail the instances former national security adviser Susan Rice requested and viewed records that included President Trump and his campaign staffers’ names in intelligence reports from July through January, according to a report published Monday.

Worst kept secret ever!


In the past month we have learned:

The Obama administration openly shared classified information with political appointees about Donald Trump in the summer of 2015, and likely earlier. The citation.

Obama’s attorney general sought warrants to spy on President Trump’s campaign team last June, and was denied last June by a federal judge. The citation.

Obama’s attorney general sought warrants to spy on a server at Trump Tower last October and was granted one by a federal judge. Ibid.

The Obama administration spied on President Trump’s transition team. The citation.


Well, some of us have learned that. There are many who knew all about it who are doing their best to hide it (see above).


Speaking of journolist, the story of the day is “O’Reilly sexual harassment symptom of Foxnews and Trump!”

First up, journolist tries to recruit the puppy blender!

Hi Glenn Harlan,

The recent sexual assault charges on FOX News star, Bill O’Reilly, is more reason to believe that the Trump era is leading to increased normalization of sexual assault against women. According to relationship expert, Wendy Strgar, “the culture of sexual violence not only remains rampant but is condoned at the top levels of our national leadership.”

I wonder if Wendy Strgar, relationship expert (she’s had thousands of them! Now she lives with her 12 cats while hoping to meet Mr Right!) has anything to say about a certain ex-POTUS who’s been credibly accused of rape while his wife held them down….destroyed their lives.


Next, CNN shows they got the memo!

There are women at Fox News who want to speak up. But they’re afraid. They’ve seen other women stand up for themselves — against former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, against host Bill O’Reilly — and lose their jobs as a result. Meanwhile, they’ve seen those men defended and handsomely compensated by the company.


Puffhos got the memo.

Variety too.

The NY Times of course, they probably sent the memo. They are also pretty busy defending their God-President and his peeps.

This one is hilarious.

President Trump sought to turn attention away from the Russia investigation on Monday, saying that “the real story” was what he called a “crooked scheme against us” by President Barack Obama’s team to mine American intelligence reports for information about him during last year’s presidential campaign.

Don’t ever change.

I was going to avoid it, but I just can’t.


Not really all that important or new, but a good article on What If?

What if a Republican had presided over Benghazi instead of Ms. “At-this-point-What-Difference-Does-It-Make” Clinton?
What if a Republican administration had intervened to prevent Arizona from enforcing federal immigration laws?
What if a Republican had decided to enforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act selectively, omitting, for the time being, those that were politically inexpedient?
What if a Republican had made a deal with Iran that all-but guaranteed their acquisition of nuclear weapons within a few years?
What if a Republican administration had spied on a rival presidential candidate, who then, to the surprise of wise men everywhere, became the disfavored president-elect?
What if a Republican administration had illegally leaked, from classified intelligence reports, the names of private citizens to the media?
What if, what if, what if?

Anybody who says our fine media betters would handle it the same if Chimpy McBushitler had done this to Obama is a lying sack of ignoramus.



I’m done boycotting the Russia deal, let’s do some other news.


Jack Dunphy, nom-de-tubes of a CA cop, is writing about privatizing traffic enforcement and he’s agin it.

Mr. Pritchard recommends decriminalizing the traffic laws, thereby taking police officers out of the business of enforcing them.


I’m fer it, so long as they try it in California.

If you’ve seen Chisum or Young Guns, you’ve seen what happens when you privatize the police. Privatizing that will give us private companies who own politicians being above the law as they screw people over with impunity, watching CA implode over that shit would be funny.


ACLU is right but wrong.

Harold Jordan, a senior policy advocate for the ACLU of Pennsylvania, penned an op-ed for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Thursday, which was reposted on the ACLU’s main website Friday, that said cops stationed at Pittsburgh city schools should be forced to continue working without sidearms…

“Having officers patrol the hallways with firearms sends a negative message to students,” Jordan wrote. “It makes many students feel that they are being treated like suspects.”

I’ve worked in two charger schools that had cops in the hallways. In one, it was necessary on a daily basis, in the other I only saw them being called into a class once or twice in a couple months.

What people should be upset about isn’t the fact that armed cops are there but that armed police are needed in a fucking school to keep the students from attacking each other or the teachers. Also, I’d bet a lot of students don’t feel like suspects, I’d bet a lot they feel more protected.


In Akbar Britain cultural suicide news, Easter Egg Hunt!

Theresa May has hit out at the National Trust for dropping “Easter” from its egg hunt, describing the decision as “absolutely ridiculous”.

It’s just so 21st century that something called, “National Trust” is selling out the nation’s values.


Yesterday I was wondering about the protests going on in Ecuador over their election, the lefty won and the righty’s supporters are claiming fraud.

At Babalu Blog, the place for all things Latin American Commie, they think it was fraud.

The people of Ecuador are refusing to ignore the flagrant fraud that took place during Sunday’s presidential election. For two straight nights they have taken to the streets to protest Ecuador’s wannabe dictator Rafael Correa’s brazen attempt to steal the election for his handpicked successor.

Lefties stealing elections is their M.O. so I wouldn’t be surprised. Look at what they tried to do here (see above).


Apparently, Black Lives Matter are demanding Mercedes now.


Let’s end on something that would be even funnier if it was accidental.

It’s very subtly funny if it’s on purpose, but if it’s on accident that just makes it a lot funnier.





I H8 The Media!

Posted: March 22, 2017 by veeshir in Liberal Fascism, minitrue madness, Obama's Fault

No, really I do. They’re abusing their privileges to lie, lie, lie. They lie for their pols and against the ones they hate.


As we all knew, Obama was surveilling Trump,

The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump’s transition team and the information was “widely disseminated” in intelligence reports, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Wednesday.

“I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition,” Nunes told reporters.

But since it’s a favored pol, they’re giving Obama the benefit of the doubt. You see, he was just doing some surveillance of something else, nobody seems to care exactly what, and just happened to wiretap Trump and his peeps. It was all an honest mistake. Because we know Obama was all about Honesty and mistakes. But mostly mistakes. And dishonesty.

As we’re seeing more and more proof that he was being surveilled, they’re all still calling Trump’s statement of fact, “Unsubstantiated!”, as I saw on the crawl on Foxnews.


Couple things about the terrorist in London today, notice all the EUnuch sources call him “Asian”. That’s one of the things that bothers me about the current Newspeak dictionary, there’s no uniformity! In America, we’ve been told we can’t call orientals ‘oriental’, we have to call them ‘asian’. You see, because racist lefties are always hearing racist dogwhistles. But in Akbar Britain, ‘asian’ is Pakistani, or just a general ‘brown person’.

That link is the perfect example of today’s ‘journalists’.

British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow’s Train Bombing.

Oh wait, that was a Tim Blair commenter, here’s the right quote.

“We’ve seen this rise of a kind of a right-wing movement here and throughout Europe. And this is only going to put wind in the sails of those who would say that this is an issue that needs to be looked at, that needs to be examined in terms of refugees.”


So…we’re not supposed to notice certain things. It’s just not done in polite society.


I’m not sure if Weasel Zippers did this Drudgetaposition on purpose, but I was planning it after the first post, then I saw the next post.

First postSan Francisco Considers Punishing Companies That Bid On Trump’s Border Wall…

Next postCalifornia’s Carl’s Jr. Ditches Golden State Over High Taxes…

California punishes anybody who tries to do business in their state, whether through high taxes, regulations or bribes to the prominent Democratic party politicians who run that state, I’m not sure how much more San Francisco could do. Steal newspapers off their stoop in the morning?


Let’s end on someone paying attention.

Hot teacher ‘rapes’ teenage, male, student.

As we all know, the hotter you are the less jail time you do. So that mugshot is  just a pre-emptive, “I’m Hot!” salvo.


That has to be the way our fine media betters see the Age Of Trump!.

They’re used to controlling what is said and how it’s said and can’t handle not having that control. It’s also hilarious because they just did not see this coming.

Ace’s post on this is spot on.

They feel that they are in a nightmare. If you’ve ever described a nightmare (or just a dream) to someone, you know it’s full of stuff like “And you were there, but you weren’t you, and I was at work, but it was also high school…” It’s weird precisely because familiar stuff appears unfamiliar, and what we usually experience as solid, steady, unchanging terrain — like our workplace –is now a shapeshifting landscape.

They were wholly unprepared for the reality of Trump — they never even prepared themselves psychologically for such an outcome, because it was inconceivable and absurd, and only Dumb People thought stuff like “Trump could win,” and as they’re fond of telling you, they are definitely not the Dumb People.

They are freaking the fuck out. They have to think, “THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!” at least 20 times a day. The total repudiation of their entire, fantasy-based, world-view is just devastating.

Americans experienced the shock of sudden almost-inconceivable horror on 9/11, but progressives experienced something even worse: The feeling that they’d been wrong their whole lives.

We lost two towers and 3000 people that day; they lost their comfortable fictions and pretenses.

Exactly. And they’ve spent the last 15 years denying that experience.



…Your ad hominem attacks about “right wing” radio host and conspiracy theory stuff … incredible.
I simply put together the stories that YOUR profession reported, on the public record…

They can’t away with lying with impunity now. Say what you want about Trump, but he made pushing back against their lies mainstream.


Which is making them losing the battle on Obama’s chicago-machine wire-tapping stuff hilarious.

Wild Weekend! says he. It certainly was, says I.

No, it’s the President learning how to play the Washington, complicit media, political hack game, and rope a dope. He’s also proving he is decent body punching brawler. He not only exposed the danger to freedom presented by powerful and misused intelligence agencies, but more importantly he exposed the willingness of some members of the American political class to use those powerful capabilities against American citizens – and against their own government. These communists are more than willing to use police state tactics while calling everyone else a Nazi or communist collaborator. This threatens the freedom of every American even the nitwits cheering on the Soros funded Obama led attempts to subvert the new administration.

Even O’Reilly is admitting this doesn’t look good for Team Minitrue or Team God-President. He tried to “Be Fair” and ignore reality, but Newt brought this up and said something like, “You know this. You just reported it!”

What’s happened really does require some thought. We know that General Flynn’s telephone conversation with the Russian ambassador was monitored, transcribed, and released to the public. Supposedly the monitoring was of the Russian which is perfectly fine. But and it is a big but. As I understand the law, conversations of American citizens in these cases are kept private and releasing the transcript in any manner is a felony.

Yup. Who tapped Flynn’s phone? Why? Where’s the warrant?

President Trump alleges that the Obama administration wire tapped Trump Tower prior to the election – searching for evidence to show Russian collusion – we know they were monitoring General Flynn. Let’s add that if they found such evidence, impeachment proceedings would have already started. Multiple newspaper accounts indicate the surveillance happened. You just need to think on that for a bit. A sitting President (and anyone who thinks he would have no knowledge of this is nuttier than squirrel turds) likely through his weaponized justice department requested FISA court orders to monitor communications of a presidential candidate from the opposing party. In comparison, this makes Watergate look like the boy scouts. It should cause every American to pause.

Newt said something about how if Russia was doing the wiretapping of a US citizen on a Presidential campaign, that’s an act of war. Then, Putin would have had to leak that to the Wash Post.

But…..Putin and Trump are butt-buddies! Oh what a tangled web they weave when they’re too lazy and sloppy to come up with good lies…uhhh…. to deceive.

Another place that reminds the NY Times of what the NY Times has reported.

Currently on the front page of the NY Times is this article, saying how Comey asked the DOJ to reject Trump’s claim of wiretapping. You guessed it… Completely unsubstantiated…

There’s just one problem with that. In January, the publication published an article that state plainly and clearly that the investigation into Trump’s campaign consisted of some wiretapping.

See, the story in January was to tie Trump to the Russians’ Hacking Of The Election!!!!!!!!, using it to prove Obama’s perfidy is just not cricket!f

Lots of people noticing this strange yet totally expected juxtaposition.

So it seems to work this way:

Press: Leaked transcripts of Trump wiretaps show Trump was being investigated by the Obama administration.

Trump: Obama wiretapped me!

Press: Transcripts? What transcripts?

Yup. Sort of reminds me of the “Illegal Aliens Are Voting” deal.

Trump: Illegal aliens are voting

‘Reporters’: Liar, there’s no proof!

Trump: I’m going to investigate to get proof.

‘Reporters’: Racist, lying hater!

If only Trump would do what people keep telling him to do.


Intelligence Fight!

The Trump administration has been plagued by leaks from inside the government. Yes, unelected government employees, holdovers who are apparently loyal to Obama, have been leaking classified information in order to undermine the President and limit his effectiveness…

According to Joseph DiGenova, a former US Attorney under Reagan, the CIA is aware of the identities of the leakers and has turned over those names to Attorney General Sessions, himself a victim of the lying Obama holdovers in government.

We have to fire everybody in the DO”J” GS-12 and higher and start over. Seriously. Since that’s unlikely, prosecuting these assholes to full extent of the law is a good start.


I wondered about what the hell Comey was doing, but then I read this and that made me wonder harder!

In this particular case, FBI director James Comey is said to have requested that the Justice Department refute the President’s claims of unlawful wiretaps.

As the Times itself notes, Comey himself did not deny the existence of the wiretaps, though he is the top law enforcement official in the land and fully equipped to do so.

Why didn’t Trump fire Comey? I really have no idea. That guy is so compromised and full of shit he cannot be effective. Plus, he appears to be far too political to be in the FBI. And that’s the worst part. The FBI is supposed to be above politics and this asshole keeps inserting himself into politics in a particularly slimy way, he decided to branch out from the Friday Newsdump shit. Eh, I’m sure there’s a reason. If there’s one thing I’ve decided is that Trump does have a reason for what he does.


Just to remind us that there’s a whole world getting ready to blow up, let’s look at this perplexing story.

ISIS threatened to carry out terrorist attacks against China in a new 30-minute video. The video included a child executing a kneeling prisoner with a pistol shot to the head.

This marks the first time ISIS has threatened to carry out terrorist attacks against China.

The clip shows children, purporting to be from the Uighur ethnic minority within China, undergoing physical and religious training.

The clips showed children, purporting to be from the Uighur ethnic minority within China, undergoing physical and religious training.

One militant declares to the camera, “You Chinese people who don’t understand the language of the people, we the soldiers of the Caliphate will come to you to teach you the language of weapons, to spill rivers of blood as revenge against the oppressors,” according to Vocativ.

In one scene a religious instructor asks a group of children “what is the target of the kuffar [unbelievers] and the murtadeen [apostates] when they fight us?” A child responds “they want us to go back from our religion and to be according to their religion and want us to be according to their religion.”

If they get the Uighurs riled up that could be very bad. The Chinese will treat Xinjiang the way Putin treated Chechnya and we know the ISIS terrorists will treat the Chinese the way Chechen terrorists treat… anybody not of their brand of crazy.

The funny part? Terrorists blowing up parts of China appear to be a result of Obama’s Smirt Duhplomicy!

China recently stepped up its involvement in the war on terror. They have been assisting in counter-terror border patrols in Afghanistan, Ren Guoqiang, spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army recently revealed. China also sent special advisers and other support to assist Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War.

That’s funny. Although, I had no idea China was fighting in Afghanistan.

There is mounting evidence that Chinese ground troops are operating inside Afghanistan, conducting joint counter-terror patrols with Afghan forces along a 50-mile stretch of their shared border and fueling speculation that Beijing is preparing to play a significantly greater role in the country’s security once the U.S. and NATO leave.

The full scope of China’s involvement remains unclear, and the Pentagon is unwilling to discuss it. “We know that they are there, that they are present,” a Pentagon spokesman said. Yet beyond a subtle acknowledgement, U.S. military officials in Washington and in Kabul would not respond to several detailed questions submitted by Military Times.

When did that happen? If only we had a real media instead of house organs for their chosen party we might have heard of this important development.

At first I was sorta pissed off, but it’s not like giving Iraq to Iran after we lost so many good men there. No, it’s more like us taking over in Vietnam from the French.

I wish the Chinese luck in Afghanistan. I hope they try to “Tibet” it.


I like Sabbath and I like that song, but the video and what Sabbath meant for the song make me laugh.

They think if the US gave up our nukes it would be all puppies and unicorns.

That’s funny.

Which reminds me, invasion season is just around the corner! And with the media at war with Trump, it’s going to be difficult for him to respond.

So as it’s been for a long time now, we might be boned the rest of the world is exponentially more boned. After decades of whining at American Imperialism!!!! they’re going to find out what happens when America isn’t around and now the freaks who don’t care about life have nukes!

Jean Has A Long Moustache!


Invasion Tomorrow!

Going ashore

Of course, this time it’s the forces of fascism who are planning on blowing up trains and stations.

I’m posting this tonight because I’m in AZ so by the time I get up, Trump might just be POTUS! My last post under Obama!

Or… my last post before Obama gets his Emergency Powers!!!!!! on and we start to pick up Radio Free Texas here in AZ telling us if John’s mustache is indeed long.

In an absolutely stunning CNN segment, the anti-Trump cable news networks media analyst Brian Stelter floated the idea that the impending Trump presidency is an actual national emergency.

…Remember, Obama has already ordered an investigation into supposed Russian hacking of the elections to specifically help Trump. What aired on CNN Sunday could very easily have been the beginnings of a media narrative leading to Obama announcing that his investigation has found direct connections between Russia and Trump’s campaign and therefore he has to declare a national emergency and stay in office until either Clinton is pushed through or a new election (minus Trump) is held.

…it is strikingly obvious that the entire establishment is doing everything in their power to stop Trump from ever taking office…


Mmmmm, that’s good paranoia.

I’m not accepting that Trump will be POTUS until Saturday.


The awesomeness that will hopefully be our future.

RUSH (Limbaugh V): This John Lewis business, Trump… I’m telling you, folks, the guy… They just can’t intimidate him, they can’t scare him, they can’t shut him up. He’s back tweeting about John Lewis. Now, you would think that after the press barrage of the last couple of days their effort to shame Trump for, “How dare you attack this man who was beat up on the Pettus Bridge in Selma 50 years ago? How dare you attack him! How dare you?” Trying to shame Trump. “You attack John Lewis, civil rights icon?” So Trump tweets out, “John Lewis lied. He said mine is the first inauguration he’s not gonna attend.


It’ll be very entertaining no matter what.


So… OUTRAGE!!!!!! monger, Megyn Kelly, left Foxnews and boy are they missing her!

Since taking over for Megyn Kelly, who departed earlier this month for NBC News, ratings in the 9 p.m. time slot have seen double-digit increases.


I’ve been flipping to Tucker Carlson a bunch, he’s a hoot. Last night he should have shut off that congresscritters mic, the guy wouldn’t shut up and kept denying what he had just said.

Just flipped to his show and caught a chilling video of a 1o-12 year old boy who had started a fire in the street protesting Trump. I’m seriously sure that his parents are very proud of him.

See? Fucking chilling. The rest of the vid is very educational.


Speaking of Megs, is she working yet? I can’t find anything online about it. Once she’s at NBC, I do look forward to lefties’ about-face on her being Eva Braun.

I also look forward to her daily OUTRAGES!!!!!! about Trump, NBC probably has that in the contract.


Fake News! Lives! It seems that maybe, just maybe, Putin would have preferred the person he’s been bribing for a long time who is the wife of another of Putin’s bribees?!!?!?!?

But inside the Kremlin, the initial euphoria over having a Putin admirer in the White House is giving way to skepticism that any meaningful detente with the U.S. can be achieved, according to four senior officials in Moscow.


There was no “euphoria” in the Kremlin, there’s probably a profound sadness that their bitch is leaving office.

The next time someone tells you Putin wanted Trump more than Hillary, ask them if Putin would want Trump more than Obama. If that person says, “Yes”, then you can safely ignore anything that person says.


In Akbar Britain News, Adhan!

Islamic CALL TO PRAYER Held Inside Historic British CATHEDRAL

Cultural suicide is very sad. Especially since that’s the ’empire’ that most Americans equate most with Rome.


In, Not Getting Trump News, this guy does not seem to understand Trump.

Trump intends to offer Putin the sanctions lift in exchange for a deal on a nuclear arms cut…

we can say that the Russians are simply bargaining…


Wait, you mean Trump might end up in negotiations with Putin? Oh Noes!!!!!!! He’s never done that before!


In SSR news,

“I’ve (President Me V) said before, I expect Russia and Ukraine to have a strong relationship. They are historically bound together in all sorts of cultural and social ways,”

Yeah, they’ve had a very strong relationship since the 30s, they call it Holodomor.


What’s this “We” shit Fakenewser? (warning, Wash Post/Minitrue link)

A free press is all of us now

You assholes are on your own. Don’t get me involved in your lie-inflicted disaster, especially after attacking me for decades.


The South China Morning Post used to be a good paper. Now that the commies have taken over Hong Kong, it’s just a mouthpiece of the gov’t.

Let’s point and laugh!

China doesn’t want to be America!

I’d say that depends on which China you talk to, the thugocrats or the rest of the country.


This one slays me. Trump is just like Mao!

US president-elect Donald Trump could be the true heir of Mao Zedong, according to several China experts in the US who see many identical traits ­between the two men.

Although it does confuse me, is Mao bad now or is Trump good or are Minnie Chan and her editor headed for census duty in the Uighur province?

What’s not confusing is that China’s already told us which POTUS is just like Mao.



Staying with our eastern motif, Engrish!


I bet that’s some fucking sale.

Coupla Dave Barry links.

Sometimes a crime just makes sense.

A MAN dressed as a beer bottle is being sought by police after allegedly stealing two pizzas

I wonder if alcohol was involved.

For those who don’t know, Dave Barry has a fear of squirrels (he must live somewhere they don’t allow dogs or guns), so he’s upset about this.

Squirrel Appreciation Day is observed annually on January 21.


Me? I appreciate squirrels, they’re delicious.

My father’s favorite recipe

Leave whole rub inside & out with olive oil, salt & pepper; stuff cavity with celery leaves and mushrooms; bake at 350 about 1/2 hour or until done. DO NOT PARBOIL BEFORE BAKING. They should taste like a Squirrel. If you insist on parboiling drink the water and throw the Squirrel away.

You too can appreciate squirrels! I don’t use mushrooms though, you can substitute turkey stuffing.


Let’s end on one of Trump’s most OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!! OUTRAGES!!!!!! and how it’s viewed by the people who know.

Remarks from President-elect Donald Trump earlier this week calling NATO allies ‘obsolete’ have been labeled completely unprecedented by everyone except the thousands of American soldiers who have fought alongside them in Afghanistan, sources confirmed today.


That’s one of those things All The Right People cannot admit.

I’ve decided that we won’t end on that, let’s end on this instead!


Good luck America. Tomorrow it might just get a whole lot funnier to go with the all the extra endiness caused by Obama’s last months.