Archive for November, 2014

First, a Drudgetaposition that made me laugh.

Missouri state senator: This is race war!

Most Businesses that were mostly-peacefully destroyed were minority owned.

Watching all the lefties excuse the riots as “people trying to start a necesary dialogue on how police do their jobs” is pissing me off. The kid attacked a cop, kept attacking after he was shot and somehow, that’s a teachable moment about how blacks don’t trust cops. It’s more of a teachable moment about how Democrats are trying to divide Americans against each other.

Case in point, Obama talking about Ferguson on the 24th, .

They have deep roots in many communities of color who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly.  That may not be true everywhere, and it’s certainly not true for the vast majority of law enforcement officials, but that’s an impression that folks have and it’s not just made up.


Asshole, It’s not made up but it’s touted by assholes like you.

Obama is POTUS, he shouldn’t be validating their hatred. I would say he needs to explain that the kid was not Saint Hands Up but a thug who put himself in a position where his death was likely, did nobody watch Chris Rock’s vid on how not to get shot by the cops? below, but Obama cannot do that. He divides to rule.


And we know certain things work.  We know that if we train police properly, that that improves policing and makes people feel that the system is fair.  We know that when we have a police force that is representative of the communities it’s serving that makes a difference.

And we know that when there’s clear accountability and transparency when something happens that makes a difference.

We had a well-trained cop and fair system and no charges were filed but the Mob, egged on by Oama’s admin and their Minitrue toadies, refused to admit that the 6’+, 300lb “boy” was accountable for his actions and demanded a head and you’re here justifying it.

because the problem is not just a Ferguson problem, it is an American problem.

Yeah, it’s you you fucking Chicago-Machine, far-left, anti-democratic asshole.


So on to splitting us up over immigration while allowing his Minitrue toadies and the GOP establishment to call me a hateful racist for having a problem with people whose first act in my country being to break the law and then committing all manner of fraud to stay here, crimes that would land me in jail but it’s apparently understandable because of Teh Hatred and Racism!!!!!!!

 If you look at the history of immigration in this country, each successive wave, there have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, well, I don’t want those folks.  Even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans.


Notice the side-stepping of the whole “Illegal” part. Asshole.

Next, WTF? We took this land fair and square.The people here before us killed and ate the people here before them so they had the land by right of conquest.

And don’t say, “It’s IndiansAmerican IndiansNative American…First People and therefore not the same because that’s racist and paternalistic. If you think the Arapahoe would be any happier at losing their land to Apache than whitey, well, that’s just stupid.

Then he puts some numbers on our asses.

One study a few years ago found that immigrants start more than a quarter of all new businesses in the United States

Of course, he’s probably lying, but even if not, how many of those were illegals and how many were legals?

Notice whenever supporters of illegal immigrants always leave out the “illegal” part, Minitrue tries to make it verboten to even note they’re here illegally.

Divide and rule. It worked for Cortez, Obama of course is going the opposite way. Installing a God-King instead of deposing one.






As with the Religion of Peace, the felonious thugs in Ferguson are accorded more rights than the people who live and have businesses there.

Via Ace, we have this from Missouri Lt.Gov. Kinder

Why were they not in there at the first sign of an overturned police car, or a smashed police car window, with a show of force that would have stopped this? And here’s my question that the governor must answer: Is the reason that the National Guard was not in there because the Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department leaned on you to keep them out? I cannot imagine any other reason,” Kinder said.


You know that if they deign to answer a question about this decision they’ll say they didn’t want to exacerbate the situation.

You know, because they wouldn’t want to incite the mostly-peaceful protestors or 20 or more buildings and businesses  might be burned and/or looted.

Assholes. As if they should be more solicitous of thugs and felons than the people they’re performing their felonious acts on.

So what’s on deck for tonight?

The media have been blaring the news about reporters being injured, I can see some thug thinking it’ll be funny if a reporters gets killed live on TV.

Hell, I can see some producers thinking that would be cool.

They’re saying now that they’ll more Guardsmen on duty.

Now that everybody is wound up, both the protestors and the people who are going to try to keep order.

Should be interesting,

Especially since I’d bet the mostly-peaceful protestors there tonight will be the ones who are even more mostly-peaceful than the norm.

It’s going to be a busy couple days, we get to watch Ferguson tonight and then tomorrow the blizzard in the northeast.


High Lariously Hilarious

Posted: November 24, 2014 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah

Hagel was asked to leave.(updated with link that I forgot earlier)

Why is that high-larious?

He raised the ire of the White House in August as the administration was ramping up its strategy to fight the Islamic State, directly contradicting the president, who months before had likened the Sunni militant group to a junior varsity basketball squad. Mr. Hagel, facing reporters in his now-familiar role next to General Dempsey, called the Islamic State an “imminent threat to every interest we have,” adding, “This is beyond anything that we’ve seen.”


He was fired for being competent.

Think of that. Chuck, “Nobody will take my calls” Hagel is one of the few people in the world who can make J Effin Kerry look not a total idiot, who can make Biden look like a foreign policy genius and he was fired for competence.

C’mon. That’s darn funny.

I’ve been working online 4 hours a day these days so I’m on the tubes anyway.

Let’s go tubin!

ISIS, fresh from being defeated in Iraq by Obama (that’s why the media stopped reporting, right?), is on the run!!!! They ran to Libya where

The black flag of ISIS flies over government buildings. Police cars carry the group’s insignia. The local football stadium is used for public executions. A town in Syria or Iraq? No. A city on the coast of the Mediterranean, in Libya.


Running scared, running amok…either way, Obama has them on the run, amiright?

Breitbart headline



The only machiavellian tactics the GOP use are  on me.

It’s funny how the media keeps parroting the line that there is no inflation while anybody who shops for food knows there is.

LIFE IN THE ERA OF HOPE AND CHANGE: $4.15 Per Pound: Ground Beef Climbs to Another Record High. “Five years ago, in October 2009, the average price for a pound of ground beef was $2.177, according to the BLS.”


In AZ, decent  hamburger is over $4, even the crappy sleeve stuff that always comes up in poisoning deals is over $3.

What happens in a religious dictatorship? Let’s ask our fine, Green brethren.

Then it was finally revealed that while eggs did contain cholesterol, they also contain lecithin, which is the enzyme your body uses to break down cholesterol, and they have more lecithin that cholesterol, making the consumption of eggs something that actually reduces cholesterol….

t was dangerous for other people (women under 25) to have low cholesterol,

In my life eggs have been good for you, bad for you, good for you, bad for you…., ditto salt, bacon, olive oil, butter and more.


What made me absolutely stop paying attention was when I saw a report, back in the late 70s or early 80s, that said lettuce causes cancer. That’s when I realized they weren’t doing science, they were just fucking with me.


As an addendum to my post about how annoyed I was that people are finally noticing how big a liar Obama is, we see this post from Feb. 2012 about how people were noticing how he lied to get his stimulizing done.

True believers want to be deceived and that’s why I stated that they will not learn a thing when he lies the next time. You know, like over legalizing illegals.


Here we have some upcoming hilarity. Ace’s post in its entirety

Grubez “Invited” To Testify Before Issa’s Committee on Transparency

Awesome. If Grubez refuses the invitation, he might get a subpoena instead.

You realize what that means? As Obama is saying that he’s never heard of a Gruber, he’ll declare that Gurber can’t testify before Congress because of executive privilege.

That’s gonna be funny.

I anxiously await CNN explaining how the GOP are meanies for not agreeing this.

That’s gonna be funnier.

You know, in an infuriatingly endy way.


Here, This’ll Shut Them Up

Posted: November 20, 2014 by veeshir in Uncategorized

Above The Post Update!!!!!

If Obama does not make his proclamation in front of his Greek columns from 2009  (or at least Caesar’s Palace), he’s a pussy.

Now, back to me being an unhelpful asshole!

Man oh man do they think we’re stupid.

Considering who we keep electing, it’s hard to argue against that.

Case in point.

Quoth Byron York

Then in January, with the GOP in control — and, presumably, Obama’s edict in hand — Republicans will work on crafting a new spending measure that funds the entire government, with the exception of the particular federal offices that will do the specific work of enforcing Obama’s order.

Yeah, that’s gonna be Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

A couple months after they’ve been legalized the GOP is going to make sure they can’t legalize….uhhhh… the people who’ve already been legalized.


Of course, even if they do actually try to do something useful  (I’d bet against that), Obama will veto it and shut down the gov’t and the GOP will accept blame (as declared by Dems and their Minitrue allies).

York says,

But even if a move to counter Obama passes the Senate with 60 votes, the president will veto it. At that point, a shutdown battle could occur — but it would be a battle over shutting down the small part of the federal government tasked with enforcing the immigration order.

Yeah, that’s stupid.

They’ll have to have this in the continuing spending resolution they use these days instead of budgets (because CRs don’t have earmarks and other wet kisses to political operatives and hookers), so he’ll veto that and shut down the gov’t.

Of course, it’ll be useless because the GOP are a bunch of feckless assholes who are on Obama’s side on this one and he’s already shown he doesn’t give a shit for laws and Minitrue will be backing him up so the Republicans who might want to do something will be overruled by the “Commen Sense Coalition” of Boehner, McConnell, Graham, McCain etc.

We be boned.


Or still?

Both actually.

Via Doug Ross.

Oh yeah, I mentioned Lyndsey Graham, you know what that means.

little lord graham

Some more shots below the fold.


Important Update Below!!!!!

So the Puppy Blender links to a “bloomberg view” article with this quote

So let me finish by noting what I actually find disturbing about the whole Gruber episode. It is not that voters aren’t particularly well-informed; voters could not possibly be well-informed about all the issues that our government deals with.


What pisses me off is that many of us called bullshit in real time as this was happening and were called names by all our betters, including the people screeching at us about Grubergate!!!!! (I’m looking at you NRO).


which is why, when people ask me my opinions about foreign policy nowadays, I say, “I don’t know. Looks like a hard problem to me.”

Yeah, see that’s the coward’s way out.

Believe me, I understand that disagreeing with your group is a bad thing, but that doesn’t excuse pretending to believe outright lies, whether the ignorance is willful or a result of stupidity (Hello Shep!), matters not.

In short, Grubergate taught us nothing new about how Obamacare was sold and passed but it does show us how willfully ignorant/stupid and assholic our “elite” are.

And they will learn nothing whatsoever from Grubergate. They’ll be calling us unhelpful wackobirds when the next bit of lies “for our own good” come down the road.

Our establishment loves Obamacare, it gives them the control over our lives that they crave. They really pine for the days when peasants knew their place.

Fuck them all.

They think their OUTRAGE!!!!!! inoculates them from being called out on their credulity/willful ignorance.

It does not. Especially as all of our establishment/elite jackasses called tea partiers names for noting the reality that those douches are only now noticing.

As well all know, there is no sin worse than being correct too soon in that circle.

In my opinion there is no sin worse than being wrong too long. Everybody gets taken in once in a while, but when you viciously attack the people who are trying to explain reality, well, you’re a hopeless fuckwit who has no right to be in charge of anything. Take away their ant farms.


They think you’re idiots Update!!!!

Via Ace, we see the truth of what I’ve written in relation to our fine GOP betters.

It would be “impossible to defund President Obama’s executive order through a government spending bill, House Appropriations Committee spokeswoman Jennifer Hing said Thursday….


Yeah, about that

The only thing that differentiates mandatory and discretionary spending is how often each must be re-authorized. Every single dollar spent by the federal government must be first appropriated by Congress. Just because some spending is not subject to annual appropriation doesn’t mean it’s not subject to appropriation at all. Congress can’t block Obama’s executive order by shutting down the government, but it most certainly can defund it by law.


Now is the time in the election cycle for GOP voters to go “Derp”.


Para bailar La Bomba

Posted: November 19, 2014 by veeshir in Notes on the Revolution

Important Bat-Update Below!!!!!


So the Catalonians want to dance. and it appears Spain does too.

80% of the voters voted for independence from Spain. Turnout was decent too.

Spain responds

Spanish prosecutors are to file criminal charges against Catalan President Artur Mas in response to a 9 November unofficial independence vote….

Charges will also be laid against Mr Mas’s deputy, Joana Ortega, and Catalan Education Minister Irene Rigau.

Considering how the Basque (ETA terrorist group) have responded to having their separatist dreams dashed, could the Catalonians and Spanish be ready to dance The Bomb?

Something to cheer us up as we await Ferguson’s explosion and our God-President’s pronouncement tomorrow telling us all to suck it.


Holy forgetfulness! I forgot this link earlier.

For sale:

Earliest Known Officially Licensed 1963 Batmobile…..

The ’63 Batmobile was custom-built from the ground up. Starting with a 1956 Oldsmobile 88 frame and the famous 324 Rocket engine — a predecessor of 1960s muscle cars — Robinson replaced the Oldsmobile body with his custom-designed body, measuring 17 feet by 83 inches, sporting the Batmobile’s iconic dorsal fin, bat-nose front end and pocket sliding doors.


It’s bad ass.

If you have $120,000 laying around, you can own it!!!!


More pics at the link.

A few posts ago, while talking about Obama ‘destroying the Democratic party” (Just like Clinton in the 90s) I wrote

See, once the Dems get power they don’t care all that much about keeping it, they care about advancing their agenda.

If anybody had actually read it, they probably though I was idiot.

Or rather, they thought I was more of an idiot.

What I meant was that, with gerrymandering, the leadership in both parties are in ‘safe’ districts. That means that it is extremely unlikely they’ll lose their re-election bid. they can  only be primaried and not voted out in the general election.

Case in point.

Rep Tammy Duckworth lost two legs fighting in Iraq when her helicopter went down in 2004. She is now pregnant (in the last month of her pregnancy) and her doctors tell her not to travel. That means she must stay in her District until the child is born in next few weeks. Here is the outrage: Democrats will NOT let her vote by proxy (absentee ballot) when they have their vote for House Democratic Leadership positions. OUTRAGEOUS! And this is not about a bill on the Floor of House, it is their ‘student council’ vote — who will have what leadership roles among House Democrats. Leader Pelosi needs to fix this PRONTO.


All Pelosi and Boehner care about are their perks and power, they couldn’t give a shit about their foot-soldiers.

Recall Denny Hastert, he had that attitude. Too bad his loss didn’t wake up Boehner. And that’s why I don’t think Boehner will do crap about Obamacare, he has his agenda and it has very little to do with what the GOP claims to care about.

Already Forgotten?

Posted: November 17, 2014 by veeshir in Fun With Media

People are freaking out because some CNBC tool admitted that CNBC told her to stop with the Obama bashing.

Ummmmmm, that’s so old Ace thinks it’s old. From April, 2009

It was an intensive, three-hour dinner at 30 Rock which Zucker himself was behind, a source familiar with the powwow told us. “There was a long discussion about whether CNBC has become too conservative and is beating up on Obama too much. There’s great concern that CNBC is now the anti-Obama network. The whole meeting was really kind of creepy.

One topic under the microscope, our insider said, was on-air CNBC editor Rick Santelli’s rant two months ago about staging a ‘Chicago Tea Party’ to protest the president’s bailout programs — an idea that spawned tax protest tea parties in other big cities, infuriating theWhite House. Oddly, Santelli was not at the meeting, while Jim Cramer was, noted our source, who added that no edict was ultimately handed down by the network chieftains.


Jebus, did everything that happened before today not happen?

Who’s ALL GONNA DIE? update below.


As we wait for Ferguson to erupt and spread, It’s not just us., they’re ALL GONNA DIE!!! too.

First, a little funny. UAE are designating other people’s terrorists as terrorists.

Why funny?

The following is the list of  organisations designated as terrorist that has been approved by the Cabinet:

Council on American-Islamic Relations  (CAIR)



The names I’ve been called for noticing that.


Speaking of terrorists, ISIS unveils the currency for their, totally not Muslim, Islamic State.

That’s pretty darn uggily funny.

We lost far too many good people from our military trying to make Iraq into a non-shithole country and Obama comes along and wastes the sacrifice of better people than he could ever be.


He’s also busy losing the Cold War 25 years after we won it too.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Nov. 14 of increased Russian meddling across Eastern Europe, criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin for practicing a foreign policy reminiscent of the Cold War.

I’m not sure if we can survive 2 more years of that asshole. Of course, impeaching him means President Joe Fucking Biden. Hell, there isn’t anybody in the chain of succession who is fit to lead an ant farm, much less America.

I’m left with worry if he can lose WWII too. Do we need to worry about Germany and Japan getting frisky?

Actually, at this point that’s a best case scenario.


Important, Obama Is Working On WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!! with another red line to be ignored.



Before we were worried about Iran getting nukes, not Obama is talking about ISIS getting nukes and if they do, then they’ll feel his wrath!!!!!!!!!

Saw it at Gateway Pundit, who lives in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area and is now awaiting the rioting.

I wonder, is Obama working on getting nukes to the Ferguson rioters?

Because you have to admit, that would be sorta funny.