Archive for the ‘Trump’ Category

I wish I lived long enough to be able to read history stories that say, “…and then, and this really happened, they…”over and over.

But alas, it feels more like this every day.

Important, Above The Post Update!!!!!

No, really, and then this happened

Yes, the Taliban put two grim looking goat fuckers with AKs behind this news anchor who totally wasn’t forced to say the Taliban are our friends. The guy on the left looks as if he kills the goats after he fucks them.

Now, back to our ridiculous future history in most of its entirety!

Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan has been the worst series of military decisions since the Charge of the Light Brigade,

It was so bad Marine LtC Stuart Scheller threw away his career, and said he was doing so, to call out his chain of command.

Naturally he faced the consequences he knew were coming, he’d done it out of honor for love of country. As everybody is noticing, another LtC, LtC Bearclaw as Ace calls him, disobeyed orders from his commander in chief and badmouthed same and the only repercussions were well paid positions. He’d done it for love of our fine betters against his oath on and to the Constitution.

Meanwhile, and then this really happened, this soldier has no worries about repercussions for saying

Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries. It’s pointed at you. If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy.

The remaking of the military is going gangbusters.

Back to the retreat of the heavy brigade,

…and then, this really happened, Biden actually gave the Taliban the names of people we want to get out because we are afraid the Taliban will kill them.

But Biden and his Generals! are responding to the murderous suicide attack!

Defense Department officials said one of the Islamic State drone targets was a “planner,” and one was a “facilitator.” Both, they said, were involved in planning attacks against Americans, although officials at a news conference on Saturday declined to say whether they were involved specifically in the Kabul airport attack.

So just some guys cruising around in a Toyota pickup. That’ll learn ’em!

And then this really happened, Biden’s Partners For Peace are screwing up the order on one of the worst things to screw it up, they’re killing then raping.

“They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?”

The other is, of course, ‘pillage, then burn’.

Obama created ISIS, Trump crushed them and sent them into hiding, and then this really happened,

Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday…

small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military

So they won’t actually go and gather Americans to defend them from savages, they have to sneak their way past gangs of roving murderous savages to make it to the military.

And then this really happened, civilians did the job our military isn’t.

an all-volunteer group of American veterans of the Afghan war launched a final daring mission on Wednesday night dubbed the “Pineapple Express” to shepherd hundreds of at-risk Afghan elite forces and their families to safety,

Goat fucking, 7 century savages have absolutely no fear of America, and apparently rightly so.

And then this really happened, folks in the US and UK called for reparations to…. the Taliban!

Richard Burgon, a member of the British Parliament for the far-Left Labour party and Secretary of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs,(said)…what the West really needs to do now is start forking over money to the Taliban

Now they’re just fucking with us.

And then this really happened, the POTUS is now telling our enemies that we know about their plans

 President Joe Biden on Saturday warned that another attack on the Kabul airport was “highly likely

That was, of course, a staple of the Obama years and somewhat curbed under Trump

If you’re in Afghanistan, the US is on the job!,

The state department has urged all US citizens to leave the area near the airport because of a “specific, credible threat”….

The US is continuing evacuations

And then this really happened, a suicide bomber killed many people, including Marines and a Navy medic, so Biden actually went to see their bodies when they arrived in America but he was late for a nap or pudding

And then this really happened, everybody blamed the guy who wasn’t in charge

and not the guy who is.

Don’t Blame Biden! IT’s Trump’s Fault!

The images coming out of Afghanistan have been disturbing. But let’s be clear: The Trump Administration led us straight into this mess. And President Biden is doing everything he can to get us out of it.

Our fine media betters in a preemptive strike!

Six months after the conclusion of the last impeachment, Republicans have begun calling for President Biden to be removed from office over his handling of the evacuation of Americans and allies from Kabul.

That from the Wash Post, who were all in on impeaching Trump for wanting the investigate corruption by the Biden Crime Family and whatever the other impeachment was about, now they’re against impeaching Biden for non-ridiculous reasons.

Which leads to this

Out of 1,000 likely voters surveyed August 24-25, 2021, just 29% said they “trust what the news media are reporting about the current situation in Afghanistan.”

Yes, that really happened, and yet people still act as if the media is trustworthy. We’ve seen it since they were lying about Bush.

So what else scary is going on? The reaction to Kung Flu of course.

And then this really happened!

So as the “free” world is attacking their citizens for wanting to live free, they know who’s not to blame for the Wuhan Flu that came from Wuhan, the lab in Wuhan to be exact, Wuhan being in China and the lab being a gov’t lab.

And then this really happened,

Notwithstanding, histrionic Chinese officials are threatening to retaliate against any nation that names the Wuhan Institute of Virology bat lab as the point source of the pathogen.

China warned the world not to blame it for the pandemic it unleashed.

And then this really happened, everything seems to cure Covid

Long-used cholesterol drug may help fight severe COVID-19.

except for the vaccine.

Science journalist Alex Berenson has been permanently suspended from Twitter, just one day after a viral series of tweets spotlighting an Israeli preprint study which showed that natural immunity from a prior Covid infection is 13 times more effective than vaccines against the delta variant.

The endiness is just so bad it’s hard to appreciate, but that is about funny.

And then this really happened, someone had to explain why it’s a bad idea to vacation in a murderous commie dictatorship’s gulag.

And then this really happened.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, which runs a monument to 1700s history in Virginia, has created a “Gender Diversity Committee” to create “programs and reenactments geared toward educating the public on LGBTQ history in the colonies.”

Words fail me. I bet they leave that out of the history books because it would destroy their credibility.

The enemy of my enemy is my entertainment.

a reporter named Maranie Staab was attacked by members of an Antifa-affiliated group. After complaining about a report she’d done in Colombia in conjunction with TK News, they maced her, shot paint at her, and threw her to the ground.

And then this really happened, when one group planned a protest and another group came expressly to get violent and try to stop the protest, the people whose reporter/propagandist was assaulted, blamed both sides.

After a series of violent street clashes between left and right activists in Los Angeles, right-wing protesters planned a “United We Win” rally in Portland, Oregon for this past weekend. Antifa and left-wing groups pledged to “defend Portland from racist fascists.” 

Can’t we all just get along? Stop thinking you have free speech so they don’t have to attack you!

Let’s cancel National Review! A guy at work brought in an old copy of NR so I read through it, it had this advertisement

They’re supporting slavery! Cancel them! The dastards!

and then this happened

So whataday think is coming next month?


I know what I’m rooting for

Man, the last few posts have been much angrier than my usual, laugh in the face of the endiness.

I’m not sure if it’s me or if the endiness is just so horrific that it’s hard to appreciate the humor of whoever’s running things giving the names of people we want to protect from the Taliban to the Taliban or boning our allies and our own people.



I started this post a long time ago, ^that long ago. Stacy Abrams as Gigantor.  Or was it Gigantor as Stacy Abrams? 

I really should get photoshop, I can sorta use a really old version on a computer that I can’t get to boot up. 

So let’s start with another paint-shop. 

I got pretty upset the fucking foreskins wimped out. I actually had to call them the Redskins for a while. That was a bad week or two, but I think I came up for a great name for the Washington Football Team (wimps)

Can’t decide where to put the scissors, and just do a gelding or go for the package deal? 


Lest we forget in all this making fun of the Geldings, 

Lottsa old going on but some new since last we met. 

Let’s break out our trusty GOP voter device one last time for Bill Barr

GOP Voter Device

Barr’s leaving but he did his job, he got GOP voters arfing, slapping their fins and honking their squeezy bulbs but did absolutely jack and shit. And shit ran out of gum.

He could have done something like, ohh…….. arrest someone for all the fucking feloniously treasonous actions taken against Trump and now the election but he didn’t and now his job is done.

Ignoring that the machines used to cheat Joe into winning are blatantly set up to fucking cheat. Remember when Diebold was going to steal an election? As with everything the left accuses others of doing, they’re doing it.

Biden and his criminal family belong in jail but instead he has a good chance of becoming POTUS ,at least partially thanks to Barr (and all the other AGs) not doing his job.

Which brings us to PACO’s post It’s all about pissing me off.

2) Judges – even the highest in the land – are as susceptible to threats and intimidation as anyone, and the SCOTUS justices have calculated that there is more to fear from the Left than from the Right (see #1);

3) Judges refusing to do their job, for any reason, are demonstrating cowardice;

4) Any state (which I took to mean not only political sub-units of the U.S., such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the nation-state, as well) that cannot ensure a fair election deserves no respect whatsoever.

Exactly on point 4. I’d say there’s some blackmail and maybe fear but I’d bet there’s a lot more money involved in Roberts’ deal.

Our fine betters in the uniparty have no idea what they’re playing with. Everybody knows that the rule of law is dead now, how many law-abiding people are going to act accordingly?

The media and our political betters in the GOP and Dem party think they know what they’re doing, they’re smarter than we are after all, but I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen.

How will people resist the more and more random, unnecessary, confusing and yet blatantly controlling edicts coming out of so many pols’ mouth?

Who’s going to enforce their will?

The cops they’re been shitting on for a long fucking time? The ones who are leaving in droves?

Of course, that could be part of the plan, if I thought those idiots weren’t idiots. Get rid of cops who care and keep the young and malleable. I don’t know, that’s an interesting thought. ‘Interesting’ as in “unsettling.”

Are they counting on the military? To ignore the Constitution they take an oath on?

Yeah, about that.

That’s the military cheering Trump. As they do whenever they can. He hasn’t started any new wars and was getting us out of the endless wars around the world.

I can’t believe the military leadership wants us in fucking Syria. My long time plan still stands, give any and all jihadis a ride to the area of Syria of their choice, give them an AK, rpg or bomb vest as they get off the bus. We don’t need Americans dying in the bucket of scorpions. Somehow I think the people who’ve had to actually deal with syrian jihadis feel the same way.

So what’s the fucking point? Are they really expecting to use cops and the military to take our guns? I mean, sure Obama revamped our officer corps, but they’re not the ones out in the field to shoot Americans.

What the hell is going to happen next month? Seriously. People who think 2021 is going to be less bad than 2020, well, they’re going to have a rude awakening. 2021 is going to be fucking interesting.

The worst part? I have to watch what I say and wearing Trump gear is actually an act of bravery in many places. That’s fucked up.

And getting fucked uppeter.

How fucked uppeter? Firefly reimagined by Disney. That’s how far up we are fucked.

My source tells me that Disney is in early development on a Firefly reboot.  The new show would start the story of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew aboard the Serenity over from scratch, with an aim to make this a long-running series on Disney+.  There is a twist here and the twist is that they see the show as ideal family-friendly programming for Disney+.  My source tells me they’re planning to target it more at a PG-adventure, family audience and less at the sort of PG-13 dynamic the original Joss Whedon show went for.

Although I shouldn’t pick on Disney, there isn’t really anybody who could do it and not make it cringe-worthy. Joss Whedon is a lefty tool, he’d make a subplot where Mal goes crazy because all anti-gov’t types are one shot of whiskey away from killing everyone in sight to people like him.

Caballero story, it’s been sitting for a long time. The gas tank is leaking. My Mustang needed work and other stuff has needed money. I’ve taken a while off from throwing money down the caballero’s exhaust. I hope heyzeus is happy now.

Eh, I thought I had more links, but really, what is there to talk about right now?

Well, the debt that’s getting ridicudebtacular. We blew past $30 trillion like nothing. We’ll be $40 trillion in debt by 2023 or 2024. Seriously, how long can we go when we’ll be borrowing money to pay just the interest on our debt?

I didn’t foresee exactly what happened, but about 15 years ago I started wishing for an asteroid strike. I really think it would have been less destructive than what’s about to happen.

So, how’s your week going?

I’m voting Trump. It’s not even really a hard decision.

Yes, he’s a jackass, and yes I kind of hate him. I was actually more interested than I generally care to admit that he caught COVID. But hey, Biden’s just really that bad. (And don’t get me started on Harris.)

With Trump, I get probably better than 50% of my policy preferences. And every once in a great while, something he does that I had opposed turns out to not even be that bad. Yes, he fumbled a bit early on with the pandemic, but I have zero confidence Biden (or Clinton) would have done any better given the previous administration’s performance and contemporaneous statements from earlier this year. Biden’s “plan” is partly cribbed from Trump, and partly a cop-out to acquiesce to expert advice, which may or may not mean lock-downs, depending on what suits Biden on any particular day. (FYI, Biden has no Constitutional authority for the national mask mandate he’s promising, irrespective of the merits of such a policy.)

With Biden, I know I’m getting approximately zero of what I want. At best, it’s a reversion to the Obama years, and that’s pretty damned bad. He’ll re-regulate everything that Trump deregulated, raise taxes, and we’ll go back to stagnant economic growth. Then, mysteriously, all of the unintended consequences of that taxation and regulation will somehow be the fault of greedy capitalists, and we’ll need to regulate and tax some more. Funny how that works.

Even worse, Biden might actually get some of the new things he’s campaigning on, like the $15k home tax credit, which is phenomenally moronic. Subsidize the purchase of an item with inelastic supply that’s generally bought with debt and… instant real estate bubble. I’m tempted to make an Alzheimer’s joke here about Biden’s short memory regarding the government-induced real estate bubble that ensured the election of the Obama-Biden ticket. But really, Biden’s been wrong about virtually every policy he’s ever touched for nearly five decades, so I can’t necessarily chalk that one up to senility. It’s actually impressive how wrong he’s been. On everything. Wrong, even when he was sharp, which if we’re being honest here, is no longer the case.

Now, for those of my friends who claim that “hate” is on the ballot, I have some bad news for you. You’re the victims of a really pathetic propaganda campaign. I mean, for starters, nobody is invalidating anybody’s marriage. Think Trump hates gay folks? Go ahead and Google “Richard Grenell”. Have you fallen prey to the “fine people” race hoax? I’m sorry that you’re stuck in a media bubble, but that’s ridiculous. It would be laughable if so many people didn’t take it so seriously, which is why Biden and Harris both repeated that lie. And have you noticed that Trump’s polling as well among Hispanic voters as Dubya? How did that happen? Show me on the doll where the Orange Man hurt you.

Which side is full of hate? The side that is lighting shit on fire is full of hate. Which side do you suppose business owners fear when they are boarding up their store fronts?

Nevertheless, I fully expect Biden to win. I find it difficult to believe that the polls are as wrong as they would need to be for Trump to turn it around. The dinosaur media and Big Tech social media have been giving a full court press, somehow outdoing all previous propagandizing efforts. And much as Biden is obviously a DC swamp creature, and almost certainly involved in the Russia-gate scandal, he’s not quite as hated and hate-able as Hillary Clinton.

P.S.: Jared should get the Nobel Peace Prize.

Holy moly! We’re seeing new things! I mean, we’re seeing all the old things but with a new twist.


Trump is retweeting Judicial Watch discuss the coup, making me wonder if he’s actually considering my Fire the Dept of “Justice” and replace them with Judicial Watch” plan. That would be awesome.


Barr, the AG, told Congress about Obama and co. spying on Trump and the butthurt is awesome.

Evidence Free is going to make a comeback! Can Inadvertent and Incidental be far behind?

Let’s go back in timetwo years to March, 2017

Charles Krauthammer, who usually provides center-Right analysis, stated categorically that:
“It’s a farce, you know, the idea that everyone in this town – the media – the agencies – the congress – are running around chasing their tails on a story that everyone knows it’s not true, but having to pretend that it might be because he’s the President when we know how it’s going to end.”
This is absurd.

Yes, yes it was. I do have to wonder if it’s going to get more…how much more absurd it’s going to get. I’m not sure exactly how much more absurd we can survive.

Ace has a bunch of updates on his post that show testimony from years ago that maybe, possibly, could point out how it was an attempt at a coup. You should click over there, it’s in a much more compact form than the archives of various righty blogs from the last few years. The ‘new’ part is that our fine betters are having to notice it and/or twist into absurd contortions pretending they weren’t all in on that stupidity. They are facing a crisis. They might even have to admit to themselves that they were nitwits.

Now I wonder how happy normal Americans, even people who don’t like Trump, are going to react if there are no repercussions for felonious treason as our betters explain it away.

Is it time? Will there actually be repercussions? (warning: That’s a ‘busy’ page. Lots of stuff going on.)

The Justice Department’s watchdog is reportedly looking into an FBI informant who was a source for the bureau’s Russia investigation during the 2016 election cycle.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigators are asking questions about Stefan Halper, an American professor at Cambridge University, who met with members of President Trump’s campaign, according to the New York Times…

But wait! There’s still more!

Attorney General William Barr has assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, an administration official briefed on the situation told Fox News on Tuesday.

I have to admit, I’m even thinking of breaking out my GOP Voter Device for reals.

GOP Voter Device

I might even ‘arf’. I ain’t slapping my fins until there’s a perpwalk though.

Of course, it’s not really a Republican doing it, it’s Trump.

In spite of everything the GOP can do he’s still keeping on keeping on. They’re fighting him on his whole agenda, they just will not send him any legislation or even allow him to do what he’s trying to do. They don’t even ‘view with concern’ all the times the “Justice” Dept absolutely ignored everything judges involved in their cases had to say.

Especially considering this, someone from the RNC talking about Mueller.

MARTIN: What’s your reaction? I’m sure you have many, but what’s your top line reaction to today’s report?

DHILLON: Well, the president was completely vindicated and exonerated after two years of false allegations and really, what I consider to be a coup attempt against his presidency. But we are not cheering, most of us here on the Republican side, because it is atrocious and outrageous that the Department of Justice and the FBI and these other institutions were hijacked for a partisan end, and that for two years, our president was not allowed to fully carry out his agenda because of this cloud hanging over his presidency.

So far so good, then this

And I will also say on the other side, the Democrats in Congress don’t appear to be willing to let this go either. So I don’t think we’ve seen the end of this entire situation by a long stretch.

That’s code for, “We’ll work with our very good friends across the aisle to bring them to justice!”

It works better if you read that in John McCain’s voice and think of what legislation they’ll pass to make sure we can’t do what they did.



Here Trump’s going around Congress by doing a little creative funding,

White House officials will shift about $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build President Donald Trump’s controversial southern border wall

He’s reaching back to his construction days. Hmmmm, do you think he’ll pull out another of his faves, bankruptcy? How funny would it be if we went bankrupt. Our whole gov’t letting their phones go to voicemail. That could be a good alternative to an asteroid. Something to think about anyway.


Troll Level: Trumpian!

That’s getting around Congress by making them look like fools. Hypocritical fools.

Sure, he’s not very presidential in word but he surely is in deed and he’s fighting back. I’ll take it.




There is no left left in Israel

The problem is that leftism has become utterly absurd and utterly untethered to reality.

America can survive that for a while, we’re strong and isolated from powerful enemies, Israel literally cannot survive pretending the community based reality is actual reality. They are constantly facing a literal existential threat so pretending idiocies can only ensure they’re all dead.


Evergreen headline:


Syria is a bucket of scorpions all killing each other as Allah intended.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Army continues to make indiscriminate attacks:

Huh, I didn’t realize there was a cease-fire.

You want to hear something funny? I wrote that before I read this

The Observatory said 10 people were killed in Tuesday’s attack in a “demilitarized” zone set up under the Turkish-Russian agreement.

Your shoelaces are untied!

Related, watching the Dems defend this

“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something,

has been illuminating for many people who’d managed to avoid learning things about Dems.


Speaking of keeping people from learning bad things about Democrats, Jim Acosta has won an award for keeping Americans from learning bad things about Democrats while reporting made up bad things about the bad Orange Man!


The New York Press Club announced the recipient of their “Truth to Power” award: CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta.

The guy who was kicked out of the press room for acting like a petulant, spoiled, tantrumy 5 year old

Truth To Power!!!!! Which in the current issue of Newspeak has this non-artist’s rendition:


It’s stuff like that that lets you know exactly how imaginative the Babylon Bee is, it’s really hard to think up stuff more absurd than Dems already do. Remember this?

They’ve managed to get more absurd. That takes skill….real willful-ignorance!


A whine. I’m sick of the phone companies and computer companies and tech companies thinking they own my phone and my computer. I’m sick of my stuff constantly “updating”, which updates are usually just things they think I need, like changing the solitaire game or something equally important. Right now every time I play solitaire I get a dialogue box that asks if I want to go online and do fun stuff!!!. It doesn’t give me the option of “No”, I can do it now or later. Since I never play solitaire while I’m online, I think I piss it off.

My phone is full of Google apps. I keep turning them off and they keep turning back on. I can turn off “Google Location Service” a brazilion times and it comes back on a brazilion and one.

As most of us saw at Ace’s, Google does manually change searches so it’s harder to find stuff they don’t want us to find.

I’m about done with Amazon too. I just don’t trust those assholes. And we see this Inc. employs thousands of people around the world to help improve the Alexa digital assistant powering its line of Echo speakers. The team listens to voice recordings captured in Echo owners’ homes and offices. The recordings are transcribed, annotated

It’s for your own good! You belong them Amazon. Just because I bought the Kindle and buy the books doesn’t mean I own them. Just as with my phone and my computer.

My kindle is also always updating, I can’t stop them from doing it. They’re not fixing anything, they’re just putting in spyware and ads. When I buy a new book and connect to the tubes, it often takes 5 minutes or more before it starts downloading my books.

I’m going to start figuring out another way to get e-books. I will buy lots of actual books, but there are Kindle writers, but I’ll probably get some of them on paper. I am thinking of getting another cheap Kindle and never connecting with the one I now own again.


Let’s end on the Feel Good Story of the Decade!

This guy met up with some Antifa Fightin’ Fascists. They found out that, while they’re big on the fascism part, they ain’t so hot at fighting.

Yes. We bullied Antifa. We punched them in the face. We took their flags. And we ate their pizza.

First and foremost, I want to boast that I got to punch a commie. In the defense of one of my fellow Americans that was being attacked, I actually got to punch a commie. Granted, he was a weak, noodle-y looking thing, but I got a shot in before the cops stepped in the middle of it and prevented more. I also got a souvenir from one of them. I kept offering to give it back to them if one of them was brave enough to come and take it from me; sadly, the cowards didn’t take me up on it. As I advised readers not long ago, get yourself to a protest.

Heh. RTWT, it’s pretty darn fun.

That it happened in Austin just makes it sweeter.

Man, just tubing my tube is all about seeing shit we’ve been talking about for more than a year. That’s why I can’t work up a good OUTRAGE!!!!! I mean, I’ve been fucking OUTRAGED!!!! by this shit for a long dam time so seeing others finally notice it and act all surprised is sorta frustrating.

I can’t even act surprised at this shit.

Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI are Hillary’s Bitches!

The FBI agent who was fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team for sending anti-Donald Trump text messages conducted the interviews with two Hillary Clinton aides accused of giving false statements about what they knew of the former secretary of state’s private email server.

Neither of the Clinton associates, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences for their misleading statements, which they made in interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter Strzok

Well, duh. We watched that Tom Sawyer “Investigation”/whitewashing unfold last year in the months leading up to the election and we’ve been watching the search for something, anything! on Trump since the election.



Let’s Translate!

 ABC News on Saturday suspended investigative reporter Brian Ross for four weeks without pay for his erroneous report on Michael Flynn, which it called a “serious error.”

We all know the reason he’s been suspended is because he got caught fabricating a story, not that he fabricated a story. If any of our minitrue betters were serious about being against fakenews, CNN would be off the air and the NY Times would be fresh out of journolisters. The Wash Post doesn’t even pretend and hasn’t since Chimpy McBusHitler was raining terror across the world.


Get out your squeezy bulbs!

GOP voters device

U.S. House Republicans are drafting a contempt of Congress resolution against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, claiming stonewalling in producing material related to the Russia-Trump probes and other matters.

Yeah, we’ve been getting smacked in the face with fish for a long time now, this bit is particularly stinky.

Contempt proceedings don’t mean shit. They have avenues they could go that would actually accomplish something, this is just to get us arfin’ and honkin’.


This is hilarious.

Volunteers have criticised the Red Cross charity after receiving a communication telling them to remove crucifixes from the walls of their branches as the organisation looks to become more secular.

The Red Cross is getting rid of crosses. Pretty darn funny.

Of course, we’ve all known the International Red Cross is full of lefty assholes who hate Xtians for a long time. Duh. They’re getting away from that icky ‘cross’ thing and focusing on the Red thing.


Jeff Flake hates the people who voted for him, film at….uhhh…. whenever he’s on camera I guess.

That’s the guy running against Roy Moore. You see, Flake’s not against Conyers or Al Franken but this guy? String him up!

I wonder, did John McCain ‘groom’ him in some perverted way or was he just lying when he acted like a conservative in the House? I’ll admit, I arfed for that asshole. Makes me fell like an idiot that does.


Trump’s in favor of protecting America’s borders!

 Thomas Homan, acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Monday that immigration enforcement is thriving under President Trump’s leadership unlike any recent commander in chief.

Yeah, see… that was his biggest draw as a candidate. That and


We all know I like to Yell at Headlines!, let’s yell at this one!

Media meltdown and the damage it does to democracy

No, democracy is causing the media meltdown. They get upset when we vote the wrong way.

In other words, our fine media betters damage democracy by their lying and fakenewsing, now that we’re onto their schtick and voted the wrong damn way last year they’re melting down.


This I didn’t know

Is the IG going after Hillary’s Bitches? Now that would be a fucking surprise. I hope that’s not just trying to get me to arf, honk and forget that the whole Dept. of “Justice” needs to be thrown in jail and be replaced by the fine folks at Judicial Watch.

Speaking of which

Judicial Watch today released 29 pages of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documents related to the June 27, 2016, tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. The documents show that FBI officials were more concerned about leaks than the actual meeting itself

That’s the shit the DO”J” should be for, not against. And why they all need to be fired and replaced with Judicial Watch folks.


This sorta surprises me.

President Donald Trump unveiled a plan Monday in Utah to dramatically scale back two national monuments – calling it an important move for ‘states’ rights.’

Trump’s a northeast liberal, they are against western states using their land for people. In the east, they took care of that shit decades/centuries ago so they can afford to be all against that shit.

Of course, as we all know, ‘states rights’ is code for “slavery” and since we all know Trump is a slaver since he stopped bribing Dems and put that (R) after his name so we all should have known that.


This is awesome, but I learned it long ago.

That’s why I don’t buy presents for my family, I got sick of being called names by willfully-ignorant fools.





No really, it’s just too freaking…I don’t know but it’s too much of it!

First, I’m gonna agree.

“George Washington was all about counterintelligence,” he said. “He would have had at least half the Trump WH shot as traitors, without tears or doubts.”

Probably. Almost definitely.

Since we’re discussing George Washington shooting elected officials, let’s talk about how he would have shot the entire Obama admin, the entire (hypothetical) Hillary admin, pretty much all the Dem Cong and most of the GOP Cong. Capitol Hill would have about 8 people living there after he got done with them.

Did nothing anybody said about this election get through to our betters? The choice wasn’t between “Better” and “Betterer”, it was between “Fuck me” and “I’m Fucked”.


Let’s do some Minitrue!


Clinton campaign plagued by bickering

Alternate Headline

Hillary Clinton Is An Unpleasant Person To Campaign For

Support for alternate headline

She’d been humiliated in the Michigan primary the night before, a loss that not only robbed her of a prime opportunity to put Bernie Sanders down for good but also exposed several of her weaknesses. How could she have been left so vulnerable? She knew — or at least she thought she did. The blame belonged to her campaign team...

Sensing just how angry she was, Mook responded by putting together a morning conference call so that Hillary could vent. But that didn’t settle her; if anything, it left her more perplexed and angry, as her debate-prep team witnessed firsthand.

Her aides took the browbeating — one of several she delivered in person and on the phone that day — in silence (all emphasis me V)

So..her aides took her attacks in silence and there was “bickering”? Doesn’t “bickering” imply that there is more than one person doing the yelling?

And once again, this is not new. We already established this way back in Travelgate.


Up Next We Have The GOP Congress Section!

So…it’s been introduced legislation only, none seem to even have been voted on, much less passed. So there’s a GOP Cong and POTUS and yet, Congress has not done any of the things they’ve been specifically elected to do.

Let’s see what they’re doing.

Via TaxProf Blog (he of the Day 125,874 of the IRS Scandal posts) on day 1435 (25 days from the 4 year mark) some CongressCritter in Texas wants you to honk your horn, slap your fins and ARF!!!!!!! for all you’re worth!

Today, Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-08) and Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL) sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions calling on the Department of Justice to review evidence that Lois Lerner, the former IRS Exempt Organizations Division Director under the Obama Administration, broke the law to target Americans for their political beliefs.


Taxpayers deserve to know that the DOJ’s previous evaluation was not tainted by politics. Again, I respectfully request that the Department of Justice to take a fresh look at the evidence presented in the attached referral in order to assure the American people that DOJ’s prior investigation was handled fairly and to restore taxpayers’ trust in the IRS.

Oh, so he’s not saying, “Arrest that lying, thuggish, fascist”. Is he saying to actually investigate her or is he Tom Sawyer convincing some friends that’s taking care of Aunt Polly’s fence is gonna be fun? The last sentence sorta implies that.

Ace learns something that we here at DPUD learned long ago, Gateway Pundit has hyperbolic headlines that don’t match the story.

He links Gateway pundit with with headline

BREAKING: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner

…There is a bit of hyperbole in Gateway Pundit’s headline, but it is clear that the House is taking another look at Lerner with the intent of referring her to the Justice Department for prosecution.

GP has this quote

Rep. Roskam: The Obama Administration was very lenient with the crimes that Lois Lerner committed. And those are strong words that I’m using but the House Ways and Means Committee voted out a criminal referral to the Department of Justice which was completely dismissed by the Department of Justice… We think that Lois Lerner did two things wrong. Number one, she denied people due process and equal protection of the law based on their political philosophy. We’re convinced that there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that that’s true. And that’s a felony. Secondly, we suspect that she lied to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department.

That’s not saying they’re doing crap, that’s saying she deserves it.

Yeah, we knew that. We also knew you assholes aren’t going to do crap.


Ooooohhhhhh!!!!! They’re going after Susan Rice Too!!!!!!!! ARF ARF ARF!!!!!!!!!!

GOP Voter Device

An unnamed member of the House Intelligence Committee confirmed that Rice is now under “a full-blown investigation,” Fox News reported on Wednesday.

“We will be performing an accounting of all unmasking for political purposes focused on the previous White House administration. This is now a full-blown investigation,” the committee member said.


FULL!!!!! BLOWN!!!!!!!!!!

Contra the 70s T-Shirt, we’re gonna get injected, not blown.

They’re doing jack and shit.

And shit ran out of corn.


It’s Failure Theater all the way, they have not passed one fucking bill on border control or repealing Obamacare, both of which they should have been planning since November 9th. They’re talking about “taxes” but taxes was not a big issue in the election, Obamacare, illegal immigration and spending were the biggest issues.

An old Eddiebear post, hie thee hence and read the whole thing, it’s oddly apropos.


That’s right. We still have too many fucking RINOs in our midst who seem content to fuck us over at the drop of a hat. We still have too many fucking RINOs who are willing to abandon core principles in order to get an invite to a party or a glowing WAPO Style Section article. We still have too many RINOs who are willing to spit in our collective eye and tell us that we are in the wrong for demanding they vote the way we want. We still have too many RINOs who are more willing to work as statist collaborators than as defenders of freedom. We still have too many RINOs who feel entitled to their seats as though they were a sinecure appointment without consequence. We still have too many RINOs who ignored November’s call to action and think that holding your nose and voting for “the lesser evil” will hold sway with us. And we still have too many RINOs who need to be culled, for they are disloyal Quislings who put us in the problem we are in right now for their past actions. And to them, and their supporters, I say:

Fuck you...

Eddiebear at his fucking finest.

And that’s my point, how can you get motivated to blog when we’re dealing with the same bullshit we were dealing with two POTUSes ago?


Trump keeps ‘xecutively unordering Obama’s leftisms and making the world afraid of America again, why we elected him. He can’t do Congress’ job. We can get respect from our allies back eventually but for now, I’m hoping for a heaping helping of fear.

Tsar Putin I is very upset and it’s all Trump’s fault!!!!!!!!

Hours earlier on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin was equally pessimistic, saying in an interview broadcast on Russian television, “The level of trust on a working level, especially on the military level, has not improved but has rather deteriorated.” (since Trump, V)

I’m with the tsar. Last year he had a POTUS he could literally shit on

Although Russia was full of pranks against American officials during the Cold War, the State Department suggested the current harassment has been going on since 2014…

…On at least two occasions, diplomats have found human excrement on their floors.

And now he has to deal with President Bomby McNukerson. Talk about a let down for a murderous, expansionist, Tsar.


Two things.

Yesterday I wrote about the Norks but wasn’t clear….ummmm…was more unclear than normal.

Nobody is going to side with us if we hit the Norks, except probably Japan. It’s not in anybody else’s interest to do so. Well, unless we go to war, to the hilt war, with China.

But that’s unlikely (unless China starts it which is a very different kettle of dead commies), what is likely is a little fucking with.
I’d love to see Japan (or us, but I’d prefer them) to cruise missile the next Nork missile test. Just blow it the fuck up on the pad. Then, when everybody starts freaking we tell them to go screw or even better, deny it. “I don’t know who did that. Japan, did you do that? No? Taiwan, did you do that? No? Sorry murderous, Chinese, commie, dictators, we don’t know who did it.”

China and Japan are already close to war, this won’t change shit except possibly do a ‘Syria’ on China. Keep them worried about our crazed, poofy-haired maniac instead of the other way around.


Stephen Green links the WSJ because I can’t and the Wash Post because I don’t wanna.

First, WSJ

Meantime, of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin was the great-power leader who was supposed to emerge as the Trump favorite, the one who would develop a close relationship and be forgiven for past transgressions.

Minitrue cannot get past the lie that Tsar Putin I preferred Trump over an easily and often bribed Clinton. And what exactly are our “past transgressions”? Ignoring their invasions, assassinations in other countries and when we caused the fall of the USSR?

Yet somehow in the five months or so since Mr. Trump’s election victory, almost the reverse has happened. Now it appears the Trump-Xi relationship may be emerging as the world’s most important.

Our betters are all enamored of China. China is still a murderous, expansionist, commie, dictatorship. They really, really, really want us to emulate them.


Premier Li says ignore your lying eyes!

China is not militarising the South China Sea, Premier Li Keqiang said on Friday, although he acknowledged that defence equipment on islands in the disputed waterway had been placed there to maintain “freedom of navigation”.

Yeah, freedom of navigation. How free?

Despite its concessions, China’s presence here is growing, with a larger contingent of coastguard and fishing boats than was indicated in satellite imagery late last year.

That fuels concerns by Manila that Beijing may have ambitions for the Scarborough Shoal similar to the artificial islands it built and fortified in the Spratly archipelago, inside the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

No really, how free?

Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte has cancelled a planned visit to an island the Philippines claims in the disputed South China Sea, after Beijing warned him against the visit.

Reminds me of some movies from the early 40s, they were not happy movies.


Back to the original, Stephen Green link where he links the Wash Post.

Entire sections of booster rocket were snagged by South Korea’s navy and then scrutinized by international weapons experts for clues about the state of North Korea’s missile program. Along with motor parts and wiring, investigators discerned a pattern. Many key components were foreign-made, acquired from businesses based in China.

When China decides that the Norks need a good missile, they’ll have the best missiles the murderous commies in China can make. When China decides the Norks need nukes, they’ll give them some commie Chinese nukes.

There’s a line in Pork Chop Hill where one of the US Generals or diplomats negotiating with the Norks says something like, “Don’t just think of them as Orientals, they’re commie orientals.”

The Chinese are sure we’re idiots and their culture is the only good one. They will say all manner of shit just to fuck with us. Indeed, they look down on us when we are honest.

So anything they say about the deal with the Norks means absolutely nothing at all. It’s only useful as a guide that we might be able to use to figure out what they are going to do, but even that is more miss than hit.

They want to expand, they’re not going to give up NoKo and they love having the Norks fuck with the world. They’re the Plausible Deniability state. Which would make it even funnier to blow up their missile test and plausibly deny we had anything to do with it.


Some people make me laugh. Imam wants to make sure hateful Americans understand Islam means Peace.

a message he intends to spread especially to non-Muslims who may be familiar with the religion only through news coverage of Islamic extremist groups and federal policies such as the Trump administration’s travel ban.

“We as Muslims owe it to the American people to tell them what Islam is,” Al-Qazwini said. “Islam is not a cult. It is a religion followed by over 1.6 billion people around the world. … Yet many Americans don’t know basically anything about Islam. Many Americans have not met a Muslim in their life.

So what is he calling his message?

Al-Qazwini’s new mantra: “Islam for All.”

Yeah see, that’s one of the biggest, non-splodey, problems we have with many Islamic types, they want us all to be their religion.

Oh, and Islam doesn’t just mean ‘peace’

Islam is derived from the Arabic root “Salema”: peace, purity, submission and obedience

Peace through submission.

I prefer Peace Through Superior Firepower.


I’ve had this conversation with a bunch of people on a bunch of subjects, from “standing to sue federal officials” to how my bank should treat me, and while I understand my position is not the legal one, this illustrates my problem with not just airlines but lawyers.

OregonMuse had a post at Ace’s

#2 son worked for several years as a “ramp agent” at our local airport. Ramp agents are airline grunt workers. They check passengers in, check baggage, wave planes into the gate with flashlights, clean up the passenger areas of the plane between flights, etc.

Coincidentally, he worked for United.

I asked him for his take on the United brouhaha.

The money shot for me.

They’re allowed to overbook their flights and they’re also allowed to kick off pretty much whomever they want to make room. The law states that the airline must solicit volunteers to take another flight (which they did), after which they can start involuntarily denying boarding to passengers. It’s also my understanding that “denied boarding” can even occur after the plane is physically boarded.

I understand and accept overbooking, lots of people miss flights and the airline shouldn’t have to eat that, but the “denied boarding can occur after boarding” is fucking stupid lawyer tricks.

How can he be “denied boarding” after he’d already been boarded? The boarding is in the past, they cannot then ‘deny’ it. They can negate it, but they cannot deny that which has occurred.

Sure you already drank that soda, but we’re denying you drinking that soda so I’m going to punch you in the stomach to get it back! is not reductio ad absudum, it’s reductio ad exactly the fucking samum.

Stupid fucking lawyer tricks.

I’m sure if any of you are lawyers you think I’m wrong. I accept that. Accept that I think it’s stupid fucking lawyer tricks to deny the plain meaning of words because there’s some stupid fucking argument that denies reality but sounds good.

He was in his seat. He “possessed” the seat and they took it away. It was apparently perfectly okay for an airline to use law enforcement to enforce their rules that go against the plain meaning of the words.

Stupid fucking lawyer tricks, allowed by ex-lawyers as judges, made them violently hauling that guy off the plane perfectly fucking legal.

Man, that worked me up.

Let’s have a coupla chucklers.


This story is Kagogi Approved!

The journey took the 8-year-old through 4 intersections, over railroad tracks and also required him to make a few right hand turns and a left hand turn.

Witnesses told police he did obey all traffic laws and drove the speed limit.

Once at the McDonald’s on Market Street, a family friend who happened to be eating at the restaurant, notified the children’s grandparents. The children did get to eat their cheeseburgers before police arrived.

A trip to the Golden Arches is always in order.

There’s a little 21st centuryism in there.

Officer Koehler arrived at McDonald’s and talked to the little boy, who told him he had learned to drive by watching YouTube videos.

That makes me laugh.


There are 11 million hits on this, but I don’t think I’ve seen it before. Of course, that could just mean I posted it on this blog.

Some dude is leaving a message when he sees an accident.


I keep picturing the “Where’s the beef?” blue haired crew.


Okay one more.

I bet this is Seattle.


Dude, did someone move the city?

How did it get so freaking absurd out? It’s pretty endy, but it’s not really funny. Just absurd.

I saw stuff about Obama To Meet With Merkel!!!! and I thought he might be doing some diplomatin’ without a license so I clicked the link.

Barack Obama will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her home country late next month for a panel on democracy.

So just the normal, post-POTUS, 6-7 figure, plus airfare, accommodations and gift bag, Senior Statesman deal. It’s sorta funny that Obama, and others apparently, think of him as a Senior Statesman, but while that’s sorta absurd what’s really absurd is the focus of the panel.

The two will participate in “Being Involved in Democracy: Taking on Responsibility Locally and Globally,” which is sponsored by both the German Protestant Kirchentag and the Obama Foundation.

Yeah, Mr. I Never Met A Democratic Movement I didn’t Ignore, like the Iranian Student Protests and The Maiden Protests in Ukraine.  The Iranian student protest link is a hilarious, “fact check” by CNN where Romney said Obama was silent on the Iranian protests. CNN says,

Obama’s initial response to the protests became a source of controversy at the time, and his political enemies have brought it back up at various times since.

In the very first days of the Iran protests, the president did not weigh in publicly. After more and more images of violence surfaced, he condemned the actions of the Iranian government, and later toughened his talk.


They try to obfuscate that Obama only “talked tough!!!!!” after images of gov’t thugs beating (sorta like SEIU thugs beating tea partiers) and murdering protestors showed up on TV he said

“up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be,” he said, adding that “we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.”
But, Obama said, “I am deeply troubled by the violence that I’ve been seeing on television. I think that the democratic process — free speech, the ability of people to peacefully dissent — all those are universal values and need to be respected.”
He said it was his understanding that “that the Iranian government says that they are going to look into irregularities that have taken place,”

Yeah, they got right on that. Giving out medals requires a careful analysis of their thugs’ actions.

Which statement, of course, showed he did his normal did jack and shit when democracy folks get beaten.

And shit was out of gum.

How can you blog when Obama, who spent much of his POTUSy actively damaging democracy around the world is on a panel about spreading democracy?


The other day I wrote,

First, the lie that they wanted to bomb anybody but Texas and Israel,

I meant it to be funny. While I think he wanted to bomb Israel and Texas, he was ready to bomb just about any jihadi enemy of Iran. like ISIS but not Hezbollah, anywhere, anywhere. The truth of the statement was that bombing Iran’s client state in Syria was not on the table. Especially since he had to use his flexibility with Putin.


This WSJ article linked by Stephen Green at the puppy blender’s shows a fundamental misunderstanding of “bi-partisan” legislation.

Democrats’ Conditions for Tax Overhaul Make Bipartisan Deal Unlikely.

Democrats getting their way is the definition of bi-partisan. It’s absurd to think otherwise.


I’m not looking for it, but I saw a CNN bit yesterday or the day before where their “neutral” reportage actually seemed to side with the Norks against the aggressive warmonger Trump. I mean, they allowed a bunch of unopposed statements about how Trump was being all bellicose at the peaceful Norks.

Which leads to We’re Better And Smarter Than You News:

I see Little Lord Graham talking about how the Syrians Sure Showed Trump!

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s decision to immediately resume air missions out of the airfield the US bombed is a big “FU” to President Trump, one senator said Sunday.

Like McCain, he wants to go to war all over the place. And then bitch about the war.

Trump said he blew him up over chemical weapons, when Assad uses more chem weapons get back to me. That would be an FU, which I’m sure would garner a No! FU! response. Be interesting to see if either Iran or Putin want that, but absurd to take the side of a murderous dictator against the POTUS from your party.

Well, ostensibly his party. It’s absurd to think that Graham and the rest of the permanent overclass could put up with a northeast liberal as a GOP POTUS who’s not pretty much Lincoln Chafee.


It’s funny watching Canadians seeing an invasion of entitled types from a third-world country and not being happy about it.

Canadians have empathy for refugees crossing into the country illegally but their concern over border security trumps (Heh V) all, a newly-released poll reveals.

Angus Reid Institute found that 50% of Canadians believe there’s a significant or huge risk of criminals and other dangerous individuals crossing into Canada through the unguarded border points now used by asylum seekers heading north from the U.S.

Almost three in every four Canadians want the country to focus its resources on monitoring and patrolling the border to discourage more crossings.

So you want to secure your border but we need ours open? Bite me, eh.


Anti-racism protesters  segregated themselves by race

That’s absurd. Pretty funny in that today’s totally tolerant anti-racists want all the same things as yesteryear’s totally hated racists, but it just keeps getting more and more absurd. Especially the reason for the self-segregation.

For white accomplices: Please keep in mind that your role at this protest, aside from acting in solidarity with POC students at the 5Cs, particularly Black students, is to serve as a buffer between students of color and the police,” the page states. “That means, if the police come, it is imperative that you stay at the protest with fellow accomplices and engage with cops should it come to that.”…

The instructions also describe an “accomplice meeting” at Scripps College where protesters could learn more information about how to handle themselves in various situations.

Nice to acknowledge the felonious feature of so many leftist protest by calling them “accomplices”, so kudos for that. Not sure why they thought having whitey mix it up with cops would be any better. Haven’t they been watching TV? You need at least one “person of color” beaten to get any airtime.

Absurdity all around.


This is totally absurd.

Should ongoing discussions in Salem materialize, voters would see a question on their general election ballots asking if a 172-year-old ban on dueling by public officials — as in, the old-fashioned way of resolving fights — should be erased from the Oregon Constitution.

Duels require a sense of honor. I can count American pols with a sense of honor on the toes of one hand. It would thin their ranks nicely so I’m fer it so long as there’s a budget for advertising when cowardly pols avoid a duel.


Illustrating the inherent absurdity of trying to get involved in Syria.

President Donald Trump ordered a Tomahawk cruise military strike against one of the 3,297 factions currently fighting in the Syrian civil war, sources confirmed today.

Just days after the Syrian government, one of the thousands of rebel groups, or al Qaeda terrorists allegedly bombed civilians with chemical weapons, Trump and his military planners launched missiles after mulling options that could potentially punish the perpetrators of such a war crime.

We blew them then up when they pissed us off. That’s all the dealings we should have with “regime change” in Syria. Whoever wins, the region loses. I’d be happier totally getting out and just supplying well-armed jihadis of all stripes to extend the conflict. A flypaper strategy where jihadis fight each other instead of us and Israeli school-children.


Man of Steel gets hard, feels his resolve weakening!



I wish I saved that graphic from yesterday for today. I watched CNN for a while this morning and saw their talking heads saying stuff like, “What those reich-wingers are claiming Susan Rice did wasn’t a crime, we really need to focus on Russia and Trump!” when they could be assed to cover it. They’re mostly talking about some healthcare shit and RUSSIA HACKING THE ELECTION YOU STUPID AMERICANS!!!!!!

Watching Howard Kurtz on Outnumbered, he’s such a media defender, why does Foxnews pretend he’s a watchdog? I know why the Wash Post and CNN did so, he was defending their lies, but Foxnews confuses me.



Here’s someone who cares more about explaining CNN’s perfidy than I.

Since news broke Monday that the Obama Administration’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, directed the “unmasking” of NSA intercepts of Trump associates, CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report.

CNN Tonight’s Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs.

While interviewing a Democratic congressman, CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought surveillance of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove.

I just point and laugh and comment about their standard standard, but having people take that stupid shit seriously is probably a good idea.


To steal a bit: The NY Post, two papers in one!

First, nothing to see here!

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser tried on dozens of occasions to learn the identities of Trump transition officials whose conversations with foreign officials were “incidentally” collected by US intelligence


Nunes told reporters last month he briefed Trump on the documents because of concerns that Americans who were caught on routine surveillance were being “unmasked” for no reason.

The Obama administration shared the intelligence with officials throughout government because it feared the information would be covered up in a Trump White House.

Once the information was widely distributed, “intelligence officials” began leaking it and some of it appeared in media reports, including conversations fired National Security Adviser Mike Flynn had with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

Hmmm, seems she succeeded. Why the word “tried”? Remember, all journalists are trained in US universities to be lying sacks of journolist, it’s tough getting any that don’t suck the lefty narrative.


Editorial on same day (today, March,35th)

Do you suspect that the noise over Trump campaign contacts with the Russians is just a political hit arranged by Obama insiders before they left? You got fresh evidence of that Monday, with news that then-national security adviser Susan Rice was behind the “unmasking” of Trumpites in transcripts of calls with Russian officials.

Again, nothing on the public record so far shows that anyone on Team Trump said anything improper on those calls.

Maybe you should talk to your journolists about that there Mr. Editor.


Via Paco, we see this bit that reminds me of the 90s and why we have Drudge.

Ever since Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell (about Obama’s newly discovered felony)…everyone has been wondering who within the Trump White House or the intelligence community supplied him with such a massive scoop.

But, as it turns out, Cernovich didn’t need a ‘deep throat’ within the NSA or CIA for his blockbuster scoop, all he needed was some well-placed sources inside of a couple of America’s corrupt mainstream media outlets.  As Cernovich explains below, his sources for the Susan Rice story were actually folks working at Bloomberg and the New York Times who revealed that both Eli Lake (Bloomberg) and Maggie Haberman (NYT) were sitting on the Susan Rice story in order to protect the Obama administration.

A bunch of our fine media betters knew about Monica Lewinsky blowing Clinton in the Oval Office but kept it quiet until Drudge posted the story.

As I saw somewhere today, the media has been in cover-up mode so much it’s going to be hard to pivot to a defense when they can no longer pretend it didn’t happen or it doesn’t matter that a POTUS used the gov’t against his political enemies.

No, not the IRS. No, not the DHS. No, not the Coast Guard. No, not the…listen, it’s the intelligence community. this one is about the intelligence community not his Chicago-Machine feloniosities using other federal agencies. Geez, stay focused.


More reports that CNN will have to ignore and explain why we need to to ignore it.

The National Security Council has uncovered computer logs that detail the instances former national security adviser Susan Rice requested and viewed records that included President Trump and his campaign staffers’ names in intelligence reports from July through January, according to a report published Monday.

Worst kept secret ever!


In the past month we have learned:

The Obama administration openly shared classified information with political appointees about Donald Trump in the summer of 2015, and likely earlier. The citation.

Obama’s attorney general sought warrants to spy on President Trump’s campaign team last June, and was denied last June by a federal judge. The citation.

Obama’s attorney general sought warrants to spy on a server at Trump Tower last October and was granted one by a federal judge. Ibid.

The Obama administration spied on President Trump’s transition team. The citation.


Well, some of us have learned that. There are many who knew all about it who are doing their best to hide it (see above).


Speaking of journolist, the story of the day is “O’Reilly sexual harassment symptom of Foxnews and Trump!”

First up, journolist tries to recruit the puppy blender!

Hi Glenn Harlan,

The recent sexual assault charges on FOX News star, Bill O’Reilly, is more reason to believe that the Trump era is leading to increased normalization of sexual assault against women. According to relationship expert, Wendy Strgar, “the culture of sexual violence not only remains rampant but is condoned at the top levels of our national leadership.”

I wonder if Wendy Strgar, relationship expert (she’s had thousands of them! Now she lives with her 12 cats while hoping to meet Mr Right!) has anything to say about a certain ex-POTUS who’s been credibly accused of rape while his wife held them down….destroyed their lives.


Next, CNN shows they got the memo!

There are women at Fox News who want to speak up. But they’re afraid. They’ve seen other women stand up for themselves — against former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, against host Bill O’Reilly — and lose their jobs as a result. Meanwhile, they’ve seen those men defended and handsomely compensated by the company.


Puffhos got the memo.

Variety too.

The NY Times of course, they probably sent the memo. They are also pretty busy defending their God-President and his peeps.

This one is hilarious.

President Trump sought to turn attention away from the Russia investigation on Monday, saying that “the real story” was what he called a “crooked scheme against us” by President Barack Obama’s team to mine American intelligence reports for information about him during last year’s presidential campaign.

Don’t ever change.

I was going to avoid it, but I just can’t.


Not really all that important or new, but a good article on What If?

What if a Republican had presided over Benghazi instead of Ms. “At-this-point-What-Difference-Does-It-Make” Clinton?
What if a Republican administration had intervened to prevent Arizona from enforcing federal immigration laws?
What if a Republican had decided to enforce provisions of the Affordable Care Act selectively, omitting, for the time being, those that were politically inexpedient?
What if a Republican had made a deal with Iran that all-but guaranteed their acquisition of nuclear weapons within a few years?
What if a Republican administration had spied on a rival presidential candidate, who then, to the surprise of wise men everywhere, became the disfavored president-elect?
What if a Republican administration had illegally leaked, from classified intelligence reports, the names of private citizens to the media?
What if, what if, what if?

Anybody who says our fine media betters would handle it the same if Chimpy McBushitler had done this to Obama is a lying sack of ignoramus.



I’m done boycotting the Russia deal, let’s do some other news.


Jack Dunphy, nom-de-tubes of a CA cop, is writing about privatizing traffic enforcement and he’s agin it.

Mr. Pritchard recommends decriminalizing the traffic laws, thereby taking police officers out of the business of enforcing them.


I’m fer it, so long as they try it in California.

If you’ve seen Chisum or Young Guns, you’ve seen what happens when you privatize the police. Privatizing that will give us private companies who own politicians being above the law as they screw people over with impunity, watching CA implode over that shit would be funny.


ACLU is right but wrong.

Harold Jordan, a senior policy advocate for the ACLU of Pennsylvania, penned an op-ed for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Thursday, which was reposted on the ACLU’s main website Friday, that said cops stationed at Pittsburgh city schools should be forced to continue working without sidearms…

“Having officers patrol the hallways with firearms sends a negative message to students,” Jordan wrote. “It makes many students feel that they are being treated like suspects.”

I’ve worked in two charger schools that had cops in the hallways. In one, it was necessary on a daily basis, in the other I only saw them being called into a class once or twice in a couple months.

What people should be upset about isn’t the fact that armed cops are there but that armed police are needed in a fucking school to keep the students from attacking each other or the teachers. Also, I’d bet a lot of students don’t feel like suspects, I’d bet a lot they feel more protected.


In Akbar Britain cultural suicide news, Easter Egg Hunt!

Theresa May has hit out at the National Trust for dropping “Easter” from its egg hunt, describing the decision as “absolutely ridiculous”.

It’s just so 21st century that something called, “National Trust” is selling out the nation’s values.


Yesterday I was wondering about the protests going on in Ecuador over their election, the lefty won and the righty’s supporters are claiming fraud.

At Babalu Blog, the place for all things Latin American Commie, they think it was fraud.

The people of Ecuador are refusing to ignore the flagrant fraud that took place during Sunday’s presidential election. For two straight nights they have taken to the streets to protest Ecuador’s wannabe dictator Rafael Correa’s brazen attempt to steal the election for his handpicked successor.

Lefties stealing elections is their M.O. so I wouldn’t be surprised. Look at what they tried to do here (see above).


Apparently, Black Lives Matter are demanding Mercedes now.


Let’s end on something that would be even funnier if it was accidental.

It’s very subtly funny if it’s on purpose, but if it’s on accident that just makes it a lot funnier.





I just cannot keep watching the news. We had months of reports of ‘leaked transcripts of wiretapping” that attempted to harm Trump, which immediately switched to “no proof of wiretapping!” as soon as that could harm Trump.

I’m not interested. At this point, I’m only wondering how the GOP is going to try to explain being feckless assholes who refuse to do anything they’ve been specifically elected to do. Like get the gov’t out of healthcare, secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.

But since the ‘news’ is out, let’s get some NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heavy on vids and pics.

First, some real news.

Geez, Trump is so fascist and hatist, mere proximity has turned Canada into a bunch of fascist haters!

Nearly half of Canadians want to deport people who are illegally crossing into Canada from the United States, and a similar number disapprove of how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is handling the influx, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Monday.

I do wonder how they reconcile that stance and their, Trump is a racist hater for wanting the same thing, stance. You know they’re probably mad at America over it, They’re America’s Illegal Aliens!


If you’re going to make fun of Trump, this is how to do it. Zapp Brannigan doing Trump quotes.

Perfect and hilarious. While we’ve never seen them in the same room together, I’ve never seen Trump wear velour. But then, the 70s were sort of a blur and that’s when he would have worn one.

We all have clothes from the 70s we’d like to forget.


Via this dude, we see that erstwhile QB Colin Kapernick had some luck on the free agent market!

We know he can scramble and throw a bomb. I’m not sure how he’d do against America’s defensive line, but I’d like to see!


Relatedly, via the Jawas, we see this bit of hilarity.


Boycott us? No! Boycott You!

Oh, and go fuck yourself. Especially considering the use of “repressive”, just cuz you’re trying to delegitimize their nation doesn’t mean they should be rude!


This Amtrack train came into the station through a snow bank, it’s sorta cool, but notice all the people filming this with their phones. Not a one of them realizes that what they’re filming could affect them in any way until it’s far too late. They’re just swept aside. I wonder how badly they, including our intrepid reporter, were injured.

Situational awareness, it’s not just for buying drugs in shitty neighborhoods you know.


Now, I could understand padded knees, but would someone explain these mom-jeans to me?

No wait, don’t. I’m sure it’s stupid and I’ve learned enough stupid things for the day.



US Women’s Hockey Boycotting Championships Over Equal Pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven’t actually watched women’s hockey but if it’s as riveting as women’s basketball, I’m gonna assume there’s a reason for the disparity in pay.


Now this story is a perfect example of the problem with journalism today.

Some guy rammed his car into a tree, repeatedly. Here’s the problem.


Police: Man charged after crashing car into tree repeatedly ‘to prove a point’


A local man is facing charges after police said he repeatedly drove a car into a tree on his property in order to “prove a point” to another resident at the address…

Bailey told officers that he had done so “to try and prove a point”…

he was ramming the car into a tree to prove a point…


Who: Local Man, What: Ram car into tree, Where: Pawcuatuck, When, 3pm for half an hour, How: By driving his car

They got the sensational stuff out of the way, tried to make him look like a dumb redneck, but nowhere do they tell us the important “Why”.

Not once do they mention the point he was trying to prove.

They make a point of telling us 4 times that he was attempting to prove a point, but they don’t mention the point or if he proved it!

Just shoddy journalism. How can we know if the point was worth it?

I also don’t see why the police were involved, he was on his own property destroying his own stuff, that’s none of their business.

But then, everything is now the govt’s business anymore it seems.

Into the Aaaaaahhhhhhhh.

Ice box:  that was Kingston last week after a “dusting”. It was below freezing for most of my stay. I saw the blizzard coming and my brother had to go back to work so I switched my flight to yesterday. It was a long day, but it was worth it.

 Aaaahhhhhh. That’s what I’m talking ’bout!

There’s a spring behind the laundry building on the right side that sorta ‘leaks from right to left down a wash behind and below that wall. There’s a lot of life around here, it’s like a bird, rabbit and squirrel sanctuary. Except for the hawks, owls and coyotes I guess.

I’m still a little burned out from my travails yesterday, it was a long day, so just a short round.


A little revisionist current events.

Or, some would say, Trump is hurting himself. Either way, there are troubling indications that President Trump is losing his battle with the Democratic Party press.

If it were just Minitrue, he would have a chance. Hell, if it were just the Democratic political/entertainment complex, he would be winning.

But he’s also fighting the GOP,

like McCain going after him for the bullshit Russia Hacked The Election hackassery.

Arizona Sen. John McCain said “there’s a lot of shoes to drop” regarding more information about President Trump and his team’s ties to Russia.

McCain said several aspects related to Trump’s connections with Russia needed more questioning during an interview on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday.

Little Lord Graham 

President Donald Trump’s proposed budget is set to hit a brick wall in Congress, where some Republican lawmakers say the proposed cuts to foreign aid are out of the question.
“It’s dead on arrival – It’s not going to happen,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., according to NBC News. “It would be a disaster.”

Paul fucking Ryan

House Speaker Paul Ryan told his Republican colleagues in October that he was cutting ties with Donald Trump, saying he would defend the presidential candidate “not now, not in the future,” according to an audiotape of the call released on Monday by Breitbart.

That was from October, but have we seen anything from Ryan that shows he’s not still of that opinion?

Mitch The Bitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday played down expectations that any tax package can be completed before the August recess, despite Trump administration vows to pursue “historic” legislation soon.

“I think finishing on tax reform will take longer,” the Kentucky Republican said in a Politico Playbook interview. “We do have to finish the health care debate … before we go to taxes.”

Which “health care debate” is all about… you guessed it! 

Indeed, the whole GOP establishment is fighting Trump.

The RNC is having a hard time finding Republicans who haven’t roasted Trump.

On Wednesday, the RNC’s Hispanic outreach director, Ruth Guerra, resigned from her post. Two aides told The New York Times that she felt “uncomfortable” working with Donald Trump, who has routinely made racist remarks about Hispanics during his presidential run. The RNC announced that Guerra would be replaced by Helen Aguirre Ferré, who furiously deleted scores of tweets attacking Trump.


“roasted Trump”, as you can see, means, “roast Trump daily”. You know, if you want to be technical. And accurate.

For the record, I typed each of the names with links above before looking for the links, I knew what I would find.

He’s fighting everybody who’s pissed off at We Teh Peepul for deciding to pay attention to the screwing we’re getting from our betters.


They’re relentless. Most of the media is still talking about Flynn for fuck’s sake. And that includes most of Foxnews. I can’t even watch Shep anymore, I just want to smack the ignorant yet oh-so-superior smirk off his face.


Related: CBO declares WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE IF THEY CHANGE A JOT OR TITTLE OF OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Congressional Budget Office said Monday that the White House-backed plan to repeal and replace Obamacare would result in an estimated 24 million more uninsured people by 2026.


When I first saw that I thought how funny it is that not forcing people to buy something means fewer people will buy it, then I saw some congresscritter make the same point and Minitrue was On The Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  with help from some helpful Republicans.

“If half of the CBO [report] is true, I think we should slow down,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday.

Asked for reaction to the score, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who is physician, said, “It’s awful.”

“President Trump says he wants as many people covered as under ­ObamaCare,” he added.

With this howler from that minitrue outlet in good standing, the Hill.

The findings from the nonpartisan CBO

Yeah. Non-partisan. We’ll go with that. It sounds so much better than ‘establishment pricks who hate the concept of America’.

Which howler is followed by another.

The findings from the nonpartisan CBO are significant because both parties have long pointed to the office’s findings when pushing legislation.


And that my friends is all they’re good for. Cuz they certainly aren’t any good at actually predicting shit.


Also related. A puppy blender post.

INDEED: “The implicit standard in analysis of the health insurance system is that every consumer must have government-selected coverage. But why?”


That’s because our fine betters are all saying that’s the standard and the media is happy to push it that way. They’ve moved the debate from “Should the gov’t be involved health care?” to “Of course the gov’t needs to be involved in healthcare, let’s argue about how much freedom we’re going to pretend to give our serfs.”

We no longer have just the Democratic political/entertainment complex pushing that shit, the GOP and much of Foxnews is doing it as well. Which makes it much harder for the idea that the gov’t should not be in charge of every aspect of our lives to be discussed.

It surely can’t be discussed in polite company.

They’re relentless. Much of America is getting sick of it. Which is exactly what our fine betters are hoping.

It reminds me of a young Tard dog learning a valuable lesson when he caught the cat he had chased a few times.

Chasing something is far different from actually catching it.

They’re chasing our complete subjugation and I don’t think they’ll like it if they get much farther along that particular spectrum.