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  1. Edward Semer says:

    Bloggers doubleplusundead, veeshir, alexthechick, aliceaitch, Sean M., socklessjoe, Moron Pundit, Eddie The Bear, and Conservative Belle,

    I’m Edward Semer, undergraduate research assistant to Dr. Diana Cohen. Dr. Cohen is an associate professor of Political Science at Central Connecticut State University. She’s conducting an online survey about conservative activism on the internet.

    We want your input.

    Cohen intends to refute Matt Kerbel’s thesis in Netroots: Online Progressives and the Transformation of American Politics: online activism being dominated by liberals. That is where this survey’s results will come in.

    It’ll increase awareness of what conservative blogs perform well at, your audience’s profile, how on-line activism is conducted and in what ways your contemporaries spread information.
    There’s no downside to describing what you do, only an upside of macroscopically understanding it.

    Here’s where to take the survey:

    Please invite other conservative bloggers to take the survey also; the more, the merrier.

    Edward Semer
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Central Connecticut State University

    Diana Cohen
    Associate Professor
    Central Connecticut State University
    Department of Political Science
    1615 Stanley Street
    New Britain, CT 06050

    P.S. Like your theme. Ah, brings that industrial feel right back home.

  2. Doug Ross says:

    Dude, you’re a winner of a Fabulous 50 Blog Award.

    Try and contain your excitement!


    • Natali says:

      I agree with you Lornax.. the only times I don’t cath you I always miss the best parts I’m glad you guys had fun tuhogh maybe you should record some of the blogtv chats and have then on iTunes to buy .. good profit maker

  3. Ogre says:

    Be the eddiebear:

    Bored and useless, i wandered into one of the online ‘madlibs’ sites. Channeling the Shakespeare of our times, i inserted variations on the only word that matters and was rewarded with:

    “Dear Fuck,

    You are extremely Fucking and I Fuckingly you! I want kiss your Fuckstick Fuck times. You make my Fuck burn with desire. When I first saw you, I Fuckity stared at you and fell in love. Will you Fuckingly out with me? Don`t let your parents discourage you, Fucks are just jealous.

    Yours forever, Fuckstick”

    Kinda p.o.’d that i figured this out too late for Valentine’s Day…

  4. Doodie says:

    Love your site man! Would you be interested in doing any link sharing? I’d like to add you to our links section. Hit me up…..


  5. phatPhat says:


    are we going to do a fantasy league this year? I will volunteer to run it as I am now cursed with a desk job.


  6. Dan Kaiser says:

    Wildey company. I own two of your pistols. One is NIB short barreled 45 Win Mag, plus the standard Death Wish 3, 475 Wildey Mag with the 8” barrel.
    Unlike my short barreled one, this one doesn’t have a box, owners manual etc. I was wondering if you’d be willing to sell me a Wildey box and manual?

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