Archive for the ‘Vagina Squad Fail’ Category

Is it even worserer than we thought?

This one could be huge. No, YUGE!!!!!!!!

Via Cold Fury, we see this from the alt-right that Hillary! named as an Emmanuel Goldstein.

The set-up.

Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in American History….

The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails, pictures, and videos….

We believe these pictures and videos were taken… to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda.


The part that’s fucking huge.

they would soon know he was the one who released him to us.

We tried to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out…

We will not only be releasing these documents, but we have multiple memebers of the FBI, CIA, and NYBD who will be publicly verifying their authenticity once their safety is assured.

This hack has not come from Russia or anyone else they may try to blame this on. This is a leak from Americas own Government Officials who fear for their safety had the opposed them directly due to reasons that will be made clear soon.

Wow. If true, Monday is gonna be oh so entertaining.

RTWT, there are some seriously disturbing things in it, like a 2-star general committing suicide right before he gets his 3rd star.


Related, I hadn’t even thought of this, in light of the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation:

This casts the informal meeting last summer on an airplane between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in an even worse light than before. As one reader puts it:
It would seem rather inappropriate [for Attorney General Lynch] to be meeting with someone without staff if the person is not just the husband of a subject of an FBI investigation, but actually a subject (or head of a subject) under FBI investigation.

Now that meeting makes much more sense and much worse. I can see Bill getting all angry and telling her she better stop that investigation.


This is only funny cuz it shows how stupid your average jihadi is. Recall the bunch of Saudis who only wanted to learn how to fly and land jets.

Recruitment offices across the country have reported “individual inquiries from applicants who are eager to join the Bundeswehr [the German military] for only a few months and are explicitly interested in intensive weapons and equipment training,”

Seriously. Jihadis asking the German army to teach them how to kill.

See, they could have stayed in Syria and Obama would have our special forces guys teach them that shit.

Dumb ass jihadis.


Via Bearing Arms, we see this bit of hilarity about an armed robber being shot and killed by his intended victim, who had a legal gun.  The parents of the armed robber are upset.

“Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.


That’s Clinton-level chutzpah, their son brought a gun to a robbery and they’re upset he got shot.


Let’s go to poo!

When last we looked at Spain, were looking at a town overrun with dog-poo that had their giant, inflatable merde stolen,  now we have another Spanish town apparently covered in dog-poo going a different route.

City officials in Mislata, a municipality in Valencia, Spain, are creating a doggie DNA database…

The idea is to use the database when a dog owner fails to pick up their pet’s excrement on the sidewalk to track down the turd scofflaw.


Turd-scofflaw! I love it. If you go to Spain, watch where you’re walking.


I gotta admit, I don’t see the discrimination in this.

The court system in Logan County has seen a pile of court cases accumulate in which people are accused of violating a local ordinance in Auburn requiring large animals to wear collection bags to catch their droppings….

It’s being clearly designed to single out the Amish and, frankly, to discriminate against the Amish,”


I’d say it’s targeted at Amish horses, not Amish. The article doesn’t mention it, so I’m gonna assume most, if not all, the people using horses on public roads in the area are Amish.

While horse-related, my Caballero (which is running great!) and my Mustang do not drop doo behind me. Just rubber.


This is really some shit.


Look how the Clinton campaign dude manslpains to the reporterettes what they should ask.


Now this is some dumb shit.



More like vagina/boob envy.

Men don’t have them so we want to play with them as often as possible.

Many non-leftists have been noticing that lefties ‘left’ traditional religions and just replaced it with some brand of leftism.

Global warmmongering is the most obvious, but it’s the same across the leftist spectrum.

Case in point.

I often joke with people that feminism has been like a born-again religion for me – that once I found it and let it into my life, my entire perspective shifted in such a way that suddenly, everything made sense – and that I feel compelled to spread that gospel.

Preach it sister!

it was never my fault or about me individually gave me space to start an immense healing process.


I often encounter people who ask me and others, though, what the point of feminism is – how it’s still relevant, why it matters….

Because feminism isn’t only present in my life when I’m filling out a ballot or waiting for my birth control prescription. Feminism has colored every single thought and action that passes through me in a day. Feminism has changed how I see myself and others. Feminism has rebooted my entire being.

You really don’t want to know what they use for a baptismal.

She then lists a dozens of ways that feminism makes life better, ranging from hilarious to utter stupidity. I’d make fun of it but that’s probably a macro-aggression, you see, only feminists can say what’s wrong with other people, to say what’s wrong with feminists is evil, othering, psychick rape* and NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!

When I clicked that link via David Thompson, I got a pop-up that I couldn’t not click.

Everyday, videos of police violence, snippets from Trump’s speeches, and other blatant evidence of systemic racism spreads across the media and internet.

More and more white people are feeling the urge to do something about it – and that’s great!

But many white folks don’t know where to start and feel overwhelmed by the emotions that begin to arise – whether that’s feeling frozen with guilt, powerless to make a difference, or defensive about the idea that racism is a factor.

Yes, whitey just doesn’t get it. For the record, I wrote the next sentence before I saw this

In this interactive online workshop, you’ll learn how to free yourself from toxic whiteness and begin developing an anti-racist white identity by learning:

I know there’s a bunch of former slave-owners here, so you can go expiate your sins as you learn the importance of not being racist, you white devil you.

So in the before, there was white supremacism but now we have white subordination so stop thinking that the color of your skin means anything!

Before we move on, Hate Crime!


In more, it’s not the wymyn’s fault!, the fact this isn’t true isn’t Stoaty’s fault


She was lied to by whitey.


*psychick started out as a misspelling but now I’m proud of the phrase “psyckick rape”. That has to be a hate-crime.


Mostly endy.

Recall when the State Dept told Americans trapped in Yemen to call India.

Now, some Americans are captive of jihadis in Yemen (how do I know they’re jihadi? Cuz Yemen is Sietch Terror, duh) and the State Dept is on the job!!!!

he State Department said in a statement. “We are doing everything we can to get these individuals released.

“Due to privacy considerations, we do not have any further personal details or information to share,” the agency said. “The protection of U.S. citizens abroad is a top priority.”


That’s closing the barn door after the IRS steals your property for “structuring”.

Poor bastids, they’ve more boned than the average run of Americans (except those trapped in other failing states like Baltimore, Detroit, L.A. and NYC).


Want some more endy?

Well, you’re getting it anyway.

I think Americans should show just as much respect for the law as President Obama has.

Those words come from a law professor.

How’s that for endy?

One more

From a public health point of view, abortion care, no less than contraception, is an essential measure to prevent the heartbreak of infant mortality…

So abortion will cut down infant mortality?

H/T Liberal Logic on the last one.


Actually, that last one had some funny it.

In a very endy way of course, but still…..

High Praise! to Harvey for finding this.



In my lifetime that went from pretty funny to pretty endy.

It’s funny, and endy, how stuff that was bad not so long ago is now good.

Or else.

Sorta like watching Florida Evans rail against tokenism and paternalistic liberals.

Outdated, dangerous thinking.


Unrelatedly funny is that some feminist group is honoring Miss Piggy

will receive her very first award at the annual Sackler Center First Awards at the Brooklyn Museum.

…recently called “The Gloria Steinem of the Muppet world”…take the stage with Ms. Steinem…


Okay, that’s hilarious. We have an angry, man…frog-obsessed diva of divas and feminists think she’s a role model.

Should we tell them Miss Piggy is a pre-op transgender?

Nah, they’re too fragile to face the real world. We should keep them barefoot and ‘tubing.

Pretty funny.

In the first major speech of her scandal-plagued presidential campaign, Democrat Hillary Clinton explicitly raised the issue of sexual assault on college campuses.

Wait for it….. wait for it……

Thanks to her husband’s actions as president and as the governor of Arkansas, Hillary is no stranger to the sexual assault scourge.

You know, from the supply side of sexual assault. .

The only freude we’re getting these days is schaden.

Since this post is about ladyparts, some feminist poetry about lady parts below the fold.


Geez, I could almost literally just repost something from 2 years ago and nobody would notice it.

Not even if this was the type of blog that people read and click the links.

Let’s start with the peacefully murderous members of the Religion of Peace where it appears that something we haven’t seen in a long time is happening, region-wide war.

First, a drudgetaposition that is very illustrative of the whole, Peace Process farce.

Israel arrests the murderers of a Palestinian teen.

Meet The Proud Mother Of Palestinian Man Accused In Death Of Israeli Teens


Slight difference, you have to love.…hate how the Wash Post characterizes the Israelis utterly expected actions in relation to murderers.

The arrests shocked those on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide — Palestinians because many had assumed Israel would never act against its own


Assholes. The only people that “shocked” are assholes who hate Israel have a caricature of them that no amount of reality can change.


As Obama and the rest of the compassionate set lambast Israel for breaking the ceasefire, we have

Hamas militants in Gaza fired “dozens” of rockets into southern Israel late Monday,

Yeah, that’s what they do. They’re murderous thugocrats who use a religion to justify their thuggery.


Speaking of people ‘shocked’ by reality, something we here at DPUD have known about for over  year.

Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] — also known as “The Islamic State” — has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.

Yeah, that’s been happening for a long time.

So how is America viewed in this most dangerous of times?

Bahrain’s Foreign Ministry said Monday that US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Tom Malinowski, is “unwelcome” in the Sunni-ruled kingdom and should “leave immediately.”

We’ve become the Rodney Dangerfield of the world, we get no respect. (Obama’s made sure we deserve none)

In relation to the murderous Religion Of Peacers kidnapping girls in Nigeria, we do have Top Men and Women on the Job!!!!!



Okay, I’m officially embarrassed by my nation’s gov’t.


In other regional war news, Ukraine!

Another drudgetaposition.


The Ukrainian army is preparing to dislodge Kremlin-backed separatists from Donetsk and Luhansk,


Russia may begin a “peacekeeping” operation in Ukraine within the next two days, according to comments made on July 3


Yeah, I’m sure that’ll end well. If something happens there, in the middle east or the South China Sea, Obama will take a weak to make a ‘decision” and his ‘decision’ will be to tell everybody, killers and killees, to step back.


That’s enough They’re All Gonna Die, let’s do some WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!! stuff that, surprisingly, isn’t global worming caused.

This happened in America, at the Murrieta deal. where we had some mostly-peaceful counter-protestors


That’s in America. Seriously.

And we know the gov’t has our backs.

Davis says he reported the destruction or losing of applications (by the VA V) to White House deputy chief of staff, Rob Nabors, and gave him a copy of his whistleblower complaint. He says the complaint was then leaked to the very same people about whom he was complaining.


You know, for a place to store their knives.

Speaking of storing knives in our backs, I give you the establishment pricks in the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party in Mississippi.

This site doesn’t have permalinks to each story, but this is the top story today. With pics and links to the FEC stuff.

Cochran campaign staffer Amanda Shook was illegally reimbursed for over $40,000 cash in walking around money during the Republican primary, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings. The payments are described as “Reimbursed Expenses – Campaign Walkers.”


$40K buys a lot of votes to beat that stupid idjits from their own, putative, party.

But wait, there’s still more!

A conservative media consultant is accusing the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) of laundering money through a political consulting firm to a shadowy SuperPAC that ran racist negative ads attacking the Tea Party and Chris McDaniel in the Mississippi runoff election.

Lest you have forgotten, this flyer.

gop win!

Yeah, it’s unproven so far, but we know that’s only because the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party has been watching the Chicag0-Machine assholes running our country and learning how to hide their perfidy.


Eh, that’s enough for now, except for this illustration on how we can’t have nice things because of the coalition of humorless leftists and the people who care what they screech.

“Air NZ finds it appropriate to reinvent the in-flight safety video with a celebration of Sports Illustrated 50th anniversary. A safety video is to alert passengers on what to do in an emergency; it should not be an excuse to objectify the sexualized female body,”

The ad in question.


Assholes, don’t they want us to be safe?




Good News:

The bloody civil war in Syria and Iran’s efforts to come in from the diplomatic cold will drive the agenda next week …(at) Davos.

Bad News:

…not be Davos with the presence of celebs …Hollywood heartthrob Matt Damon…Bono …and Goldie Hawn

You have to love the description of Goldie though, “erstwhile US comedy star Goldie Hawn”

That’s cold.

Good News: ISIS is losing in Syria

The Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has reached out to other rebel groups in Syria to head off infighting,

Bad News: That means Hezbollah is winning and that means winning in Lebanon.

Top Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad on Sunday said that his party was unwilling to discuss the ministerial statement before the formation of a government,

In other words, “We’re going to be terrorists you sheep.

Bad News: China is spoiling for a war in the South China Sea, Korea and Taiwan.

“Those borders where our army has won victories are more peaceful and stable, but those where we were too timid have more disputes.”

Goodish News: The Philippines are pushing back.

Gazmin, (Philippines Sec Def V) visiting a military camp in the northern Philippines, said the Hainan law did not apply to Philippine territorial waters, some of which overlap with those of China which claims most of the South China Sea.

“We will not follow their rules in our own territory. Why do we need permission from another country that does not own our fishing grounds? These are ours,” he told reporters.

More Goodish News: The Philippines are noticing that China is actually preparing for war.

Stephen Den Beste always said that we aren’t afraid enough of the Japanese, I’ve always believed him, which leads to…

Weird News To Note: From the Japan Times

One can only wonder what sort of tale American “techno-thriller” writer Tom Clancy …might have spun from the scenario that’s now unfolding in the East China Sea.

Alas, Mr. Clancy passed away of an undisclosed illness on Oct. 1, …

Buh? You’re talking about fighting the most populous nation on the Earth and you’re wondering what the hell Tom Clancy would have to say about it?

Good News: We have a decent chance for a zombie apocalypse (or linking link bait)

America’s Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger ‘Zombies,’ Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior

An aside, you’re characterizing zombies and murder as “disturbing behavior”? Heh.

Bad News: They’re already in charge in some places.

The San Francisco Inquisition is now itching to roast Maria Conchita Alonso alive.  The charge: blasphemy.  She not only dared to support a Tea Party candidate for governor, but also used the term “illegal” in reference to migrants from south of the border who sneak into the United States without a visa or any kind of permit.

She  was supposed to be in the Vagina Monologues. Isn’t that some sort of free speech thing? I don’t know, I don’t have one. I have rented them though so I suppose I should find out.

Another aside, listen to her in The Running Man and then listen to Selma Hayek and try to figure out who is who.

Good News: Scientists are starting to notice the Sun is not cooperating.

Bad News: These idiots can’t give up their religion. After a few paragraphs talking about the Maunder Minimum and other minimums causing outrageously cold condition we get this:

And while some have argued that ebbs and flows in the Sun’s activity are driving the climate – overriding the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that solar variation only makes a small contribution to the Earth’s climate.

A trace gas (less than .04% or under 4 parts in 10,000) is driving the climate more than that great glowing orb of nukular fire whose effects (noon in a desert), or lack thereof (northern cold areas), can kill you in a matter of hours from 93,000,000 miles.

How do you even talk to someone who so smugly believes that idiocy?

That’s the worst part of global warmmongering, you can’t do real science on our effects on the climate, you have to prove CO2 is gonna KILLS US ALL!!!!!!!.

If you find that say, the Great Brown Cloud of Asia has more effect on the environment than all the autos and flatulent cows in the world, well, you’re a denier and you can’t get your stuff published.

The Science Is Settled.  Heretic.

Good News: Arizona has rights to lots of water from the Colorado for irrigation.

Bad News: California needs that water.

Worse News: Klamath Falls had rights to water for irrigation too.

There’s a spring on the patch of land where my apt is and there isn’t another one anywhere close.
When it all falls apart, I still think I’ll head to the mountains. There are no terrain features here, just flat scrub while the Salt River flows through mountain valleys that have pretty much ready made strong points on or near water. At least I’ll have water for the trip. Hopefully I get there soon enough that the residents won’t be organized to keep riff-raff like me out.


Posted: October 10, 2013 by veeshir in FAIL, Vagina Squad Fail

Could someone let me know when the football season is over.



I mean for everybody, not just the NY Football Giants.

Important update


A drudgetaposition

DHS buying $9 million worth of guns from H&K and Sig

DHS hiring!

Now, I defended CPAC for not inviting people like Christie, but I am pretty upset about GOProud.

As Eric asks, Is Breitbart’s ghost uninvited?

Quoth Breitbart

“If being conservative means rejecting gay conservatives because they are gay, then fine, I’m not a conservative.”

It’s their party, but people afraid of gay cooties really need to get a grip. Everybody knows girls are where cooties come from.

Now, I hate trusting a Minitrue outlet, but I don’t think they’d actually alter a transcript, you never know but this feels right.

Boehner from ABC’s This (is) Weak

MARTHA RADDATZ: So, do you trust President Obama?

SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: Absolutely….. There’s no issue there. We have a very, very– good relationship.


But it gets better.

SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: We do not have an immediate debt crisis.

Double fuck.

SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: Well, I think– most people would think that I’m part of the common-sense caucus.

By “most people”, I assume he’s talking about his staff and GOP tools who hate wacko birds.

I could quote this fucking thing all day, but I’ll end on a hilarious note

SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER:…The Senate is likely to finish their budget– after– the Easter recess.

Listen, there aren’t enough “ha”s in the world for that “bwa” so I don’t want to use them up on something so fucking stupid.  They’re already doing more continuing spending $trillions resolutions.  Those are much better than budgets, they don’t have deficit spending or earmarks. At least, everybody can pretend they don’t and really, that’s all that matters.

In Fuck You Minitrue News, a puppy blender link quoting The Hill. (I don’t link Minitrue if I can avoid it)

“A growing number of states are moving forward with legislation to exempt them from new federal gun controls and, in some cases, brand as criminals anyone who tries to enforce them. While many of the bills are considered symbolic or appear doomed to fail, the legislative explosion reflects a backlash against legislative and regulatory efforts in Washington to tamp down on gun violence.

Fuck you, it’s not about reducing gun violence, it’s about control, it’s about making citizens into subjects and you assholes know it, you just keep pushing your fucking view at every chance.

So what does it say when I see the ‘Justice” Dept. is investigating the Wall Street Journal and my first thought is, “How did they piss off Obama?”

said it had received information from a person it described as a whistleblower who claimed one or more Journal employees had provided gifts to Chinese government officials in exchange for information, according to people familiar with the case.

First, so fucking what? If they want to pay for information, why is that Obama’s….. oh yeah, Chinese bribes.


Another Weasel Zippers link that would be fucking hilarious if it weren’t as we they were fucking with us over the SEQUESTER THAT’S GONNA KILL US ALL!!!!!.

The federal government is spending $227,437 to investigate how animals have been depicted in National Geographic magazine over a span of 120 years, which federal officials say is an “innovative study” that will examine “images of animals to see how people have changed their view of the natural world.”

… “Predators like wolves and coyotes have been consistently portrayed as a threat.

Gee, too bad they don’t make people think coyotes are all fluffy and friendly and stuff. I mean, who wouldn’t want their kids wanting to pet a vicious carnivore that’s one of the more opportunistic killers and lives in and near people areas? Sure jerks like my neighbor who lost his dog and chickens to the coyotes might be unhelpful about that, but that’s cuz he’s not as smart as bureaucrats in DC.

Okay, three more chucklers to end the day.

First, “Crazed Man Dressed As Vagina Shuts Down Pro-Life Speech” I will say, the story delivers on the headline. His mom isn’t very good at sewing.

Second, a little global warmmongering hilarity.

The estimates – given with 75 per cent and 95 per cent certainty – suggest only a five per cent chance of the real temperature falling outside both bands.

But when the latest official global temperature figures from the Met Office are placed over the predictions, they show how wrong the estimates have been, to the point of falling out of the ‘95 per cent’ band completely…

Do tell.

The funniest part, for me, is people scratching their heads and thinking that maybe other people who say the same phenomenon causes heat, cold, drought, floods, oyster herpes and the Earth exploding might just be making shit up.

And last, a quiz. I guaran-damn-tee nobody, and I mean nobody, gets the answer.

Who wrote this bit of poetry? (Link below so you can’t cheat, I took this from the middle because there are some words that might give a clue)

I am a supplicant for a goblet of wine
from the hand of a sweetheart.”

“O Friend, I have become captivated
by the mole over your lip.
I have seen your languid eyes
and I have become sick.”

“Place a strand of your wavy hair in my way.

In white ink, so you’ll have to highlight it.

Sayyid Ruhollah Mostafavi Musavi Khomeini

That’s right, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei,

As the author says

Apparently the same guy who issued a deadly fatwa against Salman Rushdie and his ‘Satanic verses’; the same guy who has written a mini guide for good Muslim pedophiles on how to have sexual pleasure from a baby among other atrocities;  has also written poetry on wine, love, taverns, drunkenness and languid eyes

Did you get it? Of course not.

Must have been his Paris days.

Let’s go round the Tubes today.

First, a little middle east madness

Not sure what to think of this, I’ve seen it a few places, supposedly Egyptians found US missiles headed for Gazanian part of Terrorstan.

Nobody mentions exactly what missiles, they say surface to air and anti-tank. Now, the most logical place they could come from is the Egyptian military. Yay! I read somewhere that our stuff can’t be used to shoot at our stuff without some codes we don’t sell. So Egypt can’t use their US stuff to shoot down Israeli US stuff but we could/should give the data to Israel to shoot down Egyptian stuff. I hope that’s true and wouldn’t that be fucking hilarious and delightfully machiavellian?

Next, we have the difference between Israel and their fine, middle east neighbors illustrated very starkly and one reason I hate all “Internationalists”.

A single Syrian missile strike on a bakery near Hama killed more than 60 innocent civilians last week,

Attacking civilians is the goal for them. You can argue it, but there is a philosophical, moral and ethical distinction between intending to kill civilians and collateral damage.

so how did Israel manage to fire more than 1,500 high powered missiles into densely-populated Gaza in November, with the total loss of 161 lives, of which 90 have been acknowledged by Hamas itself as active combatants?

So 1,500 Israeli missile strikes killed 10 more civilians than 1 Syrian missile strike. Foxnews allows the Israelis to answer their question from the above quote.

In cases where there are people inside a house or building we never strike the target without prior warning. We make phone calls, send leaflet flier warnings, and sometimes use a technique called ‘Knock On the Roof,’ where we fire very, very small, very precise tiny bombs onto the edge of the roof

If that shitty, little country were half as evil as our fine political, moral, social and intellectuals in the International Community screeched, there wouldn’t be a Palestinian ‘problem’, except to worry about disease from all the dead residents of Terrorstan. As Yourish notes, Not that the world recognizes Israel’s efforts. But there you have it.
Tangentially related (via terrorism), we have something that makes me a little embarrassed. I had  Blogwar with Stoaty Weasel and it took me a year to get her to fix our link in her blogroll.  I’ve been basically blogwarring with Lemur King and I’ve accomplished….uhhhh… getting a picture of Salma Hayek (and friends) in his sidebar.
Not very impressive compared to the Jawas.
How many other blog wars ended up with most of the losing participants in exile, in jail or, worse, dead?
None, that’s how many. Damn overachieving bastids.
Closer to home, we see the new class of Wymyn Senators talking stupid shit.
But the women also admit that they believe having more women in the room would help in fierce negotiations, compromise and legislating on Capitol Hill, traits they say do not come as naturally to their male colleagues in the Senate….
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., says that women have a camaraderie which helps in relationships that are key to negotiations on Capitol Hill, something she says comes natural to women more than men….

advice and really standing up for each other that you don’t always see with the men,”
Merde de toro. I worked for many years in a bunch of Dunkin’ Donuts (if you say, “Time to make the fucking donuts” I will punch you) and a few years as a waiter, in both places I worked primarily with women.
They fought constantly, their alliances shifted constantly. As Elaine said, “We just tease someone until they develop an eating disorder.”
One guy slept with most of the single girls in one restaurant where I worked, they hated each other and all loved him. Women talk about each other behind their backs like crazy and are fucking mean.
That sentiment enjoys bipartisan support among the women of the Senate.
Yeah, I bet.
Here’s the part of the post where I get women mad at me and men nod knowingly.
says that women are “problem solvers.”
You tell a man you have a problem he tries to help you solve it, but that’s not what women want, they want commiseration. I got in more trouble because of that until I was in my 20s and figured it out. I see a problem I try to fix it. It’s a guy thing.
And no, I would never say that to a women I was dating, I’m not an idiot. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love women but I refuse to idealize them. They’re people too. All that bullshit about if women were rulers we wouldn’t have wars is just that, bullshit. The ruler of Britain would tell Germany that Italy had a fat ass, Germany tells France while making sure that Italy can hear it and well, the nukes start flying.
Now that I’ve pissed off half the people reading this, let’s end on an optimistic note.
Near-Earth-Asteroid 2012 DA14 is scheduled to come close to the Earth on the 15th of next month. NASA claims it will miss. I’m hoping they used their global warmmongering “scientists” to figure out the trajectory and it hits.
It’s about 150 feet in diameter or so and it would be moving pretty darn fast relative to the Earth so we could get a big boom, but not an Earth shattering kaboom.
While I would have preferred it hit before the election, you take what you get in this particular end of civilization.
Why do I think it’s likely to hit? It’s the day after Valentine’s Day. A just asteroid would kill us all before that.
Update: Sorry about the line-spacing, I tried to fix it to make the post easier to read but it didn’t work. I know enough about computers to be dangerous and that’s about it.