Archive for the ‘Why I Hate People’ Category

When couples get a divorce, it’s often said that the marriage ended long before they signed the divorce papers. Our national marriage is in that state – our Constitution is not operative, and nobody can even conceive of a realistic plan to bring it back.

I’ve been putting this off for ages, but wanted to spit something out before the election so as to avoid having this appear like a reaction to said election. Besides, my position doesn’t depend on whether there’s a Red Wave or not, or whether Pennsylvanians send a Bernie-bro with the cognitive capacity of a baked potato to the Senate. While I certainly have preferences in next week’s election and will be voting accordingly*, it ultimately doesn’t matter a lot in the long run who wins because the republic doesn’t exist anymore.

The bureaucracies are sovereign. The voters and our representatives are not institutionally capable of reining them in. The IRS leaks tax data for blatantly political purposes without so much as an “oops!” and harasses political undesirables at will with no consequences. The FBA/CIA/NSA run nonstop domestic election interference via both legacy media and new media while ignoring left wing riots (that were probably instigated by the FBI), clinic firebombings, assassination attempts, etc. Endless lawfare harassment against bakers and photographers who dare to hold traditional values, and by “traditional” I mean “widely held as of about five minutes ago”.

They do this right in front of our faces. It’s more effective for them to do it right in front of you so that understand exactly how screwed you are. Your Congress-critters, should they oppose this (-and many don’t), are utterly powerless to stop it. You, the voter, are utterly powerless to stop it.

You think it’s maybe not a great idea to have public school teachers hide your child’s gender transition from you? You think that maybe elections should be secure, and that voting should be a discrete event rather than a month-long scramble to produce passable ballots? You think that laws mean anything? What are you, some kind of terrorist?

I’m not sure if it’s more funny or sad when folks on the right try to espouse federalism/decentralization/ subsidiarity as the solution to our national disunity. It’s not funny/sad because they are bad concepts. Far from it. It’s funny/sad because their hope for restoration of the Constitution is like Kanye West asking Kim to come home. The left has no interest in allowing conclaves of right-leaning folks to do as they please.

Sorry fellas, the Constitution is out having sex with Pete Davidson right now, and I don’t think it wants to come home.

Time to draw up the divorce papers.

*(Yes I will be voting for the snake oil salesman from New Jersey.)

The last 5 days have been utterly insane. I try not to look at stuff from Afghanistan but it’s so outrageously unbelievable and continuously adding more unbelievable outrageousness.

Much as I hate to do it, let’s start there.

I’m not posting the picture, but a bunch of goat and little boy fucking savages copied the iconic photo of the US Marines on Iwo Jima raising our flag.

Yes, they’re mocking the United fucking States fucking Marine fucking Corps.

In part thanks to the actions of Marine General “Mad Dog” Mattis and in accordance with his wishes.

I hope that motherfucking, oath-breaking, insurrectionist is fucking happy. It’s not my place, but the rest of the Marine Corps should declare the first ex-Marine.

And not just the Marine Corps, but they’re ordering all US military out of their ‘country’ by 9/11.

They probably want us out before whatever horrible terrorist attacks are going to happen on 9/11 so we’d have to decide to go back, get ready to go back and then actually go back. Which wouldn’t happen for the foreseeable future.

And in the Taliban’s defense, they’re entirely too mockable.

The Brit told him to go fuck himself, hopefully in those words. With other words questioning his manhood, parentage, procreational acumen and equipment. If it was a woman, I hope he made gender proper insults.

Without asking the general’s pronouns.

That shit is just embarrassing.

Of course, as Biden said it’s no problem getting to the airport.

He has a plan to evacuate them.

Well, not so much a plan as a hope that our fine media betters don’t report on the thousands of executions we’re about to not see.

Despicable and embarrassing. This sucks and it’s only going to get worse. A whole lot fucking worse.

The Taliban is showing off the weapons we paid for that they have but We The People don’t.

Helpfully illustrated

In the Glorious Now instead of Funny Cuz It’s True we have Not Funny Cuz It’s True.

And lest you think our fine betters in the State Dept are not on the job,

I wonder if they got absentee ballots.
I mean for federal elections, California absentee ballots are a given.

The State Dept was hacked but I’m sure it’s not serious.

Oh crap, they denied it. Hmmm, as I think about that, I’m actually thinking it really won’t affect their mission in Afghanistan, since they do not currently have a mission to evacuate anybody in Afghanistan. Whew, dodged that bullet!

Wherein Veeshir disagrees with Mark Steyn

Afghanistan is about Afghanistan – if you’re Afghan or Pakistani…

Afghanistan is not about Afghanistan, Afghanistan is not a country, it’s a place that no country wants enough to keep it.

Afghanistan to Pakistanis and Afghanis is about their own tribe and which tribes they’re allied with and which tribes they’re fighting.

As for alliances, they are just a convenience, they rarely have anything to do with who each tribe is going to attack.

The People’s Front of Afghanistan will ally with the Afghanistan Front of People against the People of the Front of Afghanistan but when battle starts, the Afghanistan Front of People suddenly join the People’s Front of Afghanistan against the People of the Front of Afghanistan! But wait! Suddenly the Afghanistan Front of People are joined by the People’s Afghanistan of Front against the……..and so on, century after century. They can’t even get together to repel an invader.

It’s like Syria with no central gov’t but with more little boy fucking and better beards.

I was fer going in, not so thrilled with “nation building” where there has never been a nation. I did have a plan for leaving a few years ago, it involved bombing much of the country with fuel air explosives, nuking the Pak border and leaving a few Marines with Ospreys, some of the 10th Mountain and a shitload of A-10s and Apaches.

The nukes were possibly a bit much, but that would have been better than what we have now.

That’s all the Afghanistan I can take, let’s look at something happy!

Whoever’s running the federal gov’t is ignoring the Taliban to focus on the real enemy.


One of the themes of this brave new world is how America might be boned, but the rest of the world is astronimcally more boned.

“These protestors want their freedoms back.”

Watch the whole, short, thing if you ran out of coffee and need an adrenaline fix to get going. I made it about 25 seconds. I had enough coffee this morning.

If you want more of the same, click here. It’s half infuriating, half frustrating and half depressing. Too many halves for me. Australia is going to a scary place.

In more “The People Are Getting What They Voted For Good and Hard” news, Seattle!

Seattle residents fed-up with homeless encampments fined by city for taking back their streets

Seattle residents, tired of their streets being used for homeless encampments and vehicles, blocked off parking spaces with cement blocks only to cited by the city.

Kurt Schlichter asks, Can Larry Elder Save California?

I’ll field that one.

No. California needs for the people to take back their state.

What our fine betters are prepared to do to keep us from ever voting for an unapproved candidate.

First, ensure we only see approved information

According to Vorhies, Google had tweaked its algorithms to ensure that people only saw negative stories from the mainstream media about former president Donald Trump when they used the search engine. He admits that the Big Tech platform altered its news algorithms to harm the president’s reputation, as well as the 2020 presidential election.

Yeah, we saw that, and anybody who wanted to know could have discovered it. Most people don’t want to know and/or are happy it happened.

In ‘Canada, they’re making a political party verboten!

Leaders’ Debates Commissioner David Johnston has confirmed that leaders of five political parties will be invited to participate in the upcoming election debates — but People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier is not among them.

I don’t care enough to find out if they’re commies as their name implies, but I don’t care.

FBI starts to cloud their involvement in January 6th False Flag Operation.

I might have taken a liberty with the end of that quote.

The motive for the FBI to say there is “scant evidence” of any coordinated group activity in the January 6th Capitol Hill events is transparent.  The FBI need to cloud their involvement, their coordination, their agents, their planted informants and the FBI direction in the events.

And bingo was his name-o.

The reason for the title and first picture (which caption I saw on a graphic somewhere a few weeks ago, I forget where and couldn’t find it.

Glenn Greenwald — CNN and Lib Media are controlled by the CIA…

All too plausible and even likely.

A great 21st Century story.

A landmark study on how to curb cheating has been retracted after nearly a decade and the prominent professor whose team produced the paper is himself accused of cheating and relying on faked data. 

That’s too funny. The Global Worming dept must have had cutbacks at that school.

This one I don’t understand.

Bishop caught masturbating on Zoom call replaced by Pope Francis

I’m not sure if that would have been an improvement, I wouldn’t want to see either one beating off.

Let’s end with some graphics.

Sure they didn’t have antibiotics or deodorant, but this makes a good argument.

A coupla current events related ones

actually, this next one is totally not current events related at all. Not at all.

Yup, totally unrelated to anything that happened in November 2020

Speaking of events that didn’t happen, I hope Roberts is happy at what his fecklessness and probable corruption have wrought.

I had a heck of a time getting home the other day.

That’s freaking great.

A little personal business.

I’m pretty darn paranoid (but am I paranoid enough?), the other day I left work at about 12:45 am and got on the highway. I set my cruise for 80 so I don’t get a ticket (I love AZ), and passed a guy as soon as I got on the highway.

He sped up and started following me. I hadn’t come close to piss him off but, eh, I figured he just wanted me to get the ticket.

He got off at my exit, 10 or so miles later. He followed me through 4 lights to the right turn on my street, a major street. I noticed it but thought I was being too paranoid so didn’t worry about it. Much.

He turned into my trailer park. What the fuck? Now I’m really fucking paranoid. I went past my street and just went straight, if he followed me I was going to just pull over and get out to see what his deal was but he turned down my street. WTF? I was glad I didn’t turn that way because that would have freaked me out. I went around a block and saw him go up the next cross street, turn and pull into a driveway.

I figure he saw my car, knew it because he drives by my place a lot and there aren’t a lot of silver Mustang convertibles cruising the greater Phoenix metro area with a devilishly handsome, balding, silver-haired, fat guy driving.

For a second I thought Hayzeus was looking for my new place, good thing it wasn’t. I was gonna put sugar in his tank for a change.



I started this post a long time ago, ^that long ago. Stacy Abrams as Gigantor.  Or was it Gigantor as Stacy Abrams? 

I really should get photoshop, I can sorta use a really old version on a computer that I can’t get to boot up. 

So let’s start with another paint-shop. 

I got pretty upset the fucking foreskins wimped out. I actually had to call them the Redskins for a while. That was a bad week or two, but I think I came up for a great name for the Washington Football Team (wimps)

Can’t decide where to put the scissors, and just do a gelding or go for the package deal? 


Lest we forget in all this making fun of the Geldings, 

Lottsa old going on but some new since last we met. 

Let’s break out our trusty GOP voter device one last time for Bill Barr

GOP Voter Device

Barr’s leaving but he did his job, he got GOP voters arfing, slapping their fins and honking their squeezy bulbs but did absolutely jack and shit. And shit ran out of gum.

He could have done something like, ohh…….. arrest someone for all the fucking feloniously treasonous actions taken against Trump and now the election but he didn’t and now his job is done.

Ignoring that the machines used to cheat Joe into winning are blatantly set up to fucking cheat. Remember when Diebold was going to steal an election? As with everything the left accuses others of doing, they’re doing it.

Biden and his criminal family belong in jail but instead he has a good chance of becoming POTUS ,at least partially thanks to Barr (and all the other AGs) not doing his job.

Which brings us to PACO’s post It’s all about pissing me off.

2) Judges – even the highest in the land – are as susceptible to threats and intimidation as anyone, and the SCOTUS justices have calculated that there is more to fear from the Left than from the Right (see #1);

3) Judges refusing to do their job, for any reason, are demonstrating cowardice;

4) Any state (which I took to mean not only political sub-units of the U.S., such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the nation-state, as well) that cannot ensure a fair election deserves no respect whatsoever.

Exactly on point 4. I’d say there’s some blackmail and maybe fear but I’d bet there’s a lot more money involved in Roberts’ deal.

Our fine betters in the uniparty have no idea what they’re playing with. Everybody knows that the rule of law is dead now, how many law-abiding people are going to act accordingly?

The media and our political betters in the GOP and Dem party think they know what they’re doing, they’re smarter than we are after all, but I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen.

How will people resist the more and more random, unnecessary, confusing and yet blatantly controlling edicts coming out of so many pols’ mouth?

Who’s going to enforce their will?

The cops they’re been shitting on for a long fucking time? The ones who are leaving in droves?

Of course, that could be part of the plan, if I thought those idiots weren’t idiots. Get rid of cops who care and keep the young and malleable. I don’t know, that’s an interesting thought. ‘Interesting’ as in “unsettling.”

Are they counting on the military? To ignore the Constitution they take an oath on?

Yeah, about that.

That’s the military cheering Trump. As they do whenever they can. He hasn’t started any new wars and was getting us out of the endless wars around the world.

I can’t believe the military leadership wants us in fucking Syria. My long time plan still stands, give any and all jihadis a ride to the area of Syria of their choice, give them an AK, rpg or bomb vest as they get off the bus. We don’t need Americans dying in the bucket of scorpions. Somehow I think the people who’ve had to actually deal with syrian jihadis feel the same way.

So what’s the fucking point? Are they really expecting to use cops and the military to take our guns? I mean, sure Obama revamped our officer corps, but they’re not the ones out in the field to shoot Americans.

What the hell is going to happen next month? Seriously. People who think 2021 is going to be less bad than 2020, well, they’re going to have a rude awakening. 2021 is going to be fucking interesting.

The worst part? I have to watch what I say and wearing Trump gear is actually an act of bravery in many places. That’s fucked up.

And getting fucked uppeter.

How fucked uppeter? Firefly reimagined by Disney. That’s how far up we are fucked.

My source tells me that Disney is in early development on a Firefly reboot.  The new show would start the story of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew aboard the Serenity over from scratch, with an aim to make this a long-running series on Disney+.  There is a twist here and the twist is that they see the show as ideal family-friendly programming for Disney+.  My source tells me they’re planning to target it more at a PG-adventure, family audience and less at the sort of PG-13 dynamic the original Joss Whedon show went for.

Although I shouldn’t pick on Disney, there isn’t really anybody who could do it and not make it cringe-worthy. Joss Whedon is a lefty tool, he’d make a subplot where Mal goes crazy because all anti-gov’t types are one shot of whiskey away from killing everyone in sight to people like him.

Caballero story, it’s been sitting for a long time. The gas tank is leaking. My Mustang needed work and other stuff has needed money. I’ve taken a while off from throwing money down the caballero’s exhaust. I hope heyzeus is happy now.

Eh, I thought I had more links, but really, what is there to talk about right now?

Well, the debt that’s getting ridicudebtacular. We blew past $30 trillion like nothing. We’ll be $40 trillion in debt by 2023 or 2024. Seriously, how long can we go when we’ll be borrowing money to pay just the interest on our debt?

I didn’t foresee exactly what happened, but about 15 years ago I started wishing for an asteroid strike. I really think it would have been less destructive than what’s about to happen.

So, how’s your week going?

Man, just tubing my tube is all about seeing shit we’ve been talking about for more than a year. That’s why I can’t work up a good OUTRAGE!!!!! I mean, I’ve been fucking OUTRAGED!!!! by this shit for a long dam time so seeing others finally notice it and act all surprised is sorta frustrating.

I can’t even act surprised at this shit.

Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI are Hillary’s Bitches!

The FBI agent who was fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team for sending anti-Donald Trump text messages conducted the interviews with two Hillary Clinton aides accused of giving false statements about what they knew of the former secretary of state’s private email server.

Neither of the Clinton associates, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences for their misleading statements, which they made in interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter Strzok

Well, duh. We watched that Tom Sawyer “Investigation”/whitewashing unfold last year in the months leading up to the election and we’ve been watching the search for something, anything! on Trump since the election.



Let’s Translate!

 ABC News on Saturday suspended investigative reporter Brian Ross for four weeks without pay for his erroneous report on Michael Flynn, which it called a “serious error.”

We all know the reason he’s been suspended is because he got caught fabricating a story, not that he fabricated a story. If any of our minitrue betters were serious about being against fakenews, CNN would be off the air and the NY Times would be fresh out of journolisters. The Wash Post doesn’t even pretend and hasn’t since Chimpy McBusHitler was raining terror across the world.


Get out your squeezy bulbs!

GOP voters device

U.S. House Republicans are drafting a contempt of Congress resolution against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, claiming stonewalling in producing material related to the Russia-Trump probes and other matters.

Yeah, we’ve been getting smacked in the face with fish for a long time now, this bit is particularly stinky.

Contempt proceedings don’t mean shit. They have avenues they could go that would actually accomplish something, this is just to get us arfin’ and honkin’.


This is hilarious.

Volunteers have criticised the Red Cross charity after receiving a communication telling them to remove crucifixes from the walls of their branches as the organisation looks to become more secular.

The Red Cross is getting rid of crosses. Pretty darn funny.

Of course, we’ve all known the International Red Cross is full of lefty assholes who hate Xtians for a long time. Duh. They’re getting away from that icky ‘cross’ thing and focusing on the Red thing.


Jeff Flake hates the people who voted for him, film at….uhhh…. whenever he’s on camera I guess.

That’s the guy running against Roy Moore. You see, Flake’s not against Conyers or Al Franken but this guy? String him up!

I wonder, did John McCain ‘groom’ him in some perverted way or was he just lying when he acted like a conservative in the House? I’ll admit, I arfed for that asshole. Makes me fell like an idiot that does.


Trump’s in favor of protecting America’s borders!

 Thomas Homan, acting chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Monday that immigration enforcement is thriving under President Trump’s leadership unlike any recent commander in chief.

Yeah, see… that was his biggest draw as a candidate. That and


We all know I like to Yell at Headlines!, let’s yell at this one!

Media meltdown and the damage it does to democracy

No, democracy is causing the media meltdown. They get upset when we vote the wrong way.

In other words, our fine media betters damage democracy by their lying and fakenewsing, now that we’re onto their schtick and voted the wrong damn way last year they’re melting down.


This I didn’t know

Is the IG going after Hillary’s Bitches? Now that would be a fucking surprise. I hope that’s not just trying to get me to arf, honk and forget that the whole Dept. of “Justice” needs to be thrown in jail and be replaced by the fine folks at Judicial Watch.

Speaking of which

Judicial Watch today released 29 pages of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documents related to the June 27, 2016, tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. The documents show that FBI officials were more concerned about leaks than the actual meeting itself

That’s the shit the DO”J” should be for, not against. And why they all need to be fired and replaced with Judicial Watch folks.


This sorta surprises me.

President Donald Trump unveiled a plan Monday in Utah to dramatically scale back two national monuments – calling it an important move for ‘states’ rights.’

Trump’s a northeast liberal, they are against western states using their land for people. In the east, they took care of that shit decades/centuries ago so they can afford to be all against that shit.

Of course, as we all know, ‘states rights’ is code for “slavery” and since we all know Trump is a slaver since he stopped bribing Dems and put that (R) after his name so we all should have known that.


This is awesome, but I learned it long ago.

That’s why I don’t buy presents for my family, I got sick of being called names by willfully-ignorant fools.





Not really, but occasionally some people are still doing it!

Obama concealed strength of al Quaeda in runup to 2012 election!!!!

The Obama administration deliberately sought to downplay how robust the al-Qaida network was in the lead up to the 2012 election by selectively releasing documents that enforced a preferred narrative, The Weekly Standard reports, citing experts at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and New York Times Correspondent Rukmini Callimachi.

I was looking for a quote from Ambassador Stevens but he’s dead. Cuz Obama was downplaying al Quaeda in the runup to the 2012 election.

I also remember saying that Obama was dishonestly downplaying it at the time, I don’t feel like looking but I was writing about that, I seem to recall Ace and the puppy blender doing the same.

As always, being right too soon is one of the greatest crimes there is.


Nother thing I remember writing about Trump was that if he only stopped Obama’s policies of stopping economic growth, we’d have a boom toot sweet. Well, this toot is pretty sweet.

Don’t look now, but U.S. growth forecasts are moving higher. That’s helping to support U.S. stocks. Projections for U.S. economic growth from two Federal Reserve banks have risen in recent weeks. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Friday forecast that gross domestic product will rise 3.8% in the fourth quarter, up from a […]

I can’t get by the paywall, and don’t feel like using google to do so, but I’d bet a dollar there is nothing in there about Obama retarding growth and Trump undoing that commie bullshit.

I will say that, Unexpectedly!!!!!!!!!, growth will be higher. Under Bush it was always Unexpectedly!!!!!!! higher than forecasts and under Obama it was always Unexpectedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lower.

Rule of thumb, everybody’s lying anymore, you just have to figure out who they hate to figure out which way they’re lying.


For instance, the other day I heard a news fool on the radio the other day say, “Trump went to China and said he was focusing on trade but made few trade deals.”
I thought, “Few huh? So what are you assholes ignoring?”

China and the United States have signed additional business agreements valued at $250bn during President Donald Trump’s visit to Beijing, though some were less than binding commercial contracts.

The agreements signed at a ceremony attended by Mr Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, included sales of US-made chipsets, jet engines and auto parts.

It’s easy to figure out, you just have to assume they hate Trump and yet want to pretend they’re covering stories they’re covering up.


If we’re very good maybe this will happen.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 41% of Likely Democratic Voters think Biden would make the best candidate against President Trump if he runs for reelection in 2020

2020 is going to be nearly as funny as 2008. What with the GOP trying to unseat a GOP POTUS popular with GOP voters and the Dems busy with their, “No! I”m more stupider!!!!!” primary.

We’ll have the hilarity of the media continue their lying and fakenewsing about what Trump says while  hiding what Dem presidential candidates are saying, Biden and Warren say some epically stupid things after all. And of course all the people who hate Trump will have to pretend Joe Biden can chew gum and breathe at the same time.

Add in that Hillary looking for her ! and getting the cold shoulder will make it even fucking funnier. The best part? There was nobody in 2008 I thought should be POTUS, but Trump is far less bad than I thought he would be so I’m actually looking forward to the hilarity.


Sticking with our second favorite Weasels, I was a little confused about why they were upset about this.


Linda Sarsour Set To Be On Anti-Semitism Panel

My first thought was, “Who else are they gonna get to lead a panel on how to anti-semitis?” But then I read this

A private university in New York City is hosting a panel on combating anti-Semitism

Huh, combating anti-semitism is whole different kettle of Jew Hate.

Definitional problems abound with our fine elitist betters.


While I’d say that it’s a little early to be talking about Hezbollah’s fall and I’m pretty sure ISIS did most of the (chopping off) legwork on that, this is spot on.

The press ignored the acknowledgement that Arabs and Jews are working together to battle Islamic terrorism. (some Islamic terrorism actually V)

Yup. Whodathunk that helping the enemies of the house of Saud get nukes would get them to play nice with Israel?

You know, except people who were paying attention to the fact that the Sunni-Shia war was heating up and Sunnis are more afraid of nuclear-armed Shia than they hate Jews.

As they say, when jihadi-funders know they are to be nuked in a year or two, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.


News from the 2016 election.

Former IRS executive Lois G. Lerner told a federal court last week that members of her family, including “young children,” face death threats and a real risk of physical harm if her explanation of the tea party targeting scandal becomes public.

Listen honey, we got Trump because we’re already pretty enraged. Ignoring that shit is how we get more Trump.

And if this shit keeps going? Well, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near an IRS bureacratic better. You know, unless I had my Fisher-Price tar and feathers kit handy.


I’m fer this.

The college’s advice to police comes during a student-led petition to ban New York police from campus, according to the New York Post.

Stop patrolling the campus altogether! Blue Lives Don’t Matter!!!!!!!!!1

They don’t want cops? See what happens when there are no police to keep away the people who like it when there are no cops in a Gun-Free Zone!!!!!!!, I mostly just want to see the “Cops come back!!!!!!!!!!!” protests.

That’ll be funny. The mass murders will suck, but I don’t go there. Anybody who sends their kids to any Elite College is an idiot. Stupidity should be painful.


We really need to work out an immigration plan to keep Californians out of America.

Those cited for these violations fix the problems and pay the fines, a typical code enforcement story. The kicker comes a few weeks or months later when citizens get a bill in the mail for thousands of dollars from the law firm that prosecuted them. They are forcing citizens to pay for the private lawyers used to take them to court in the first place. So a fine for a couple of hundred dollars suddenly becomes a bill for $3,000 or $20,000 or even more.

In Coachella, a man was fined $900 for expanding his living room without getting a permit. He paid his fine. Then more than a year later he got a bill in the mail from Silver & Wright for $26,000. They told him that he had to pay the cost of prosecuting him, and if he didn’t, they could put a lien on his house and the city could sell it against his will. When he appealed the bill they charged him even more for the cost of defending against the appeal. The bill went from $26,000 to $31,000.

When private industry bribes pols to take over civic duties, they can get away with a lot of shit. See also, the fuckheads in VA selling roads (HOV lanes on 95 and 66) paid for by tax money to private companies so they can charge tolls. We saw a few years ago how they were fining people $thousands for the crime of their EZ Pass thing not working.

The worst part is that CA voters are going to go to neighboring states and vote for the same assholes who do shit like that. See also, New Hampshire filling up with Massholes.

Now I want a wall built between CA and the US as well. Let ’em go north, those fools in Oregon and Washington like that shit.


All I can is, the names I’ve been called for noting this.

A study of a Lake Erie wetland suggests that scientists have vastly underestimated the number of places methane-producing microbes can survive — and, as a result, today’s global climate models may be misjudging the amount of methane being released into the atmosphere.

As with rain forests, where there’s lots of water, there’s lot of life. Not just plants but critters from microscopic to large, they all breathe. Also, in the rain forests there’s lots of death, decay is very carbon-emitting.

As for the bit about “climate models may be misjudging”, ummmmm, I asked the ice-free North Pole and Santa said, “No shit.” That’s the whole purpose of ‘climate models” If they didn’t lie, tglobal warmmongers have to admit that global worming is a religious scam.


Well, that’s my tube. I’m actually surprised I found that much shit without linking shit about sexual predators.


Fucking Tard Dog.

His 14th birthday is coming up and he’s been acting very old, he doesn’t even try to chase cats or get up to bark at passers by anymore. He pretty much stopped eating for a few days, not even McD’s cheeseburgers by Wed. I took him to the vet and he pretty much told me to put him to sleep (Kago, not the vet), he found a ‘growth’ in his abdomen.

So I spent a few days just waiting for him to die. It wasn’t a happy time.  Then….. he started eating again last night and even crapped and now he’s back to what he was last week. I was ready for him to die, that sucked, and then he didn’t. Fucking Dickhead, he even fucks with me about death. I still think he’s close, he won’t even eat cheeseburgers or chicken nuggets until evening and he won’t finish what I give him, but for now he’s acting okay.


I still tubed but I didn’t feel like posting.

Now that I’ve depressed you too, let’s tube!

If it’s California so you know they’re denying reality!

 In November 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, which downgraded drug possession and many property crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor. As Debra Saunders reminds us, proponents argued that lesser punishment for low-level offenders would enhance public safety.

But wait, reality makes a comeback!

theft from cars is up 47 percent this year over the same period in 2014. Auto theft is up by 17 percent. Robberies are up 23 percent. And aggravated assaults are up 2 percent. (To be fair, burglaries are down 5 percent).

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Burglaries are probably down because it’s much easier to rob someone on the street, less travel.



An Al Qaeda affiliate has seized control of uranium mines in Africa with the intent of supplying the material to Iran, according to a diplomatic letter from a top Somali official appealing to the U.S. for “immediate military assistance.”

al Quaeda is mining uranium.

So I guess now we know where they were On The Run!!!!!!!!!!! to.

Why…. it’s almost as if they weren’t actually on the run at all!?!?!?!?!?!!!!??!!!!


Get Out Your Squeezy Bulbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOP voters device

Conservative lawmakers led by Thom Tillis are crafting a bill they call the conservative Dream Act that would provide a path to permanent residency to people brought here illegally as children

Who says they’re “conservative”? Besides themselves, their staff and Minitrue I mean. Certainly not this spitting in my face.

Little bit of idiotic editorializing

offering President Donald Trump an escape hatch on one of his most vexing immigration challenges.

No, really.

That’s a Life-Raft to Save Trump from Making A Huge Mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that much of the country wants him to make.

Well, much of the non-Elite!!!!!!!!!!! part of the country.

So that’s the legislative agenda that Trump is stopping them from achieving I guess.



The other day I wrote that I was leaning toward 2+2=5, now I see that 5+5+5 does not equal 15.

I’ve seen people blaming that on Common Core but I disagree.

Don’t get me wrong, both the ways they show to teach math are idiotic and don’t work (trust me on that, I’ve tried to teach algebra to kids who do multiplication that way).

The whole point of multiplication is to not need to fucking add after all, why the hell would you want them to count lines when they’re supposed to be multiplying? Why would you spend so much time teaching them to add when you’re trying to teach them multiplication? Getting them to memorize the multiplication table is how you teach that shit, that idiocy is going backward.

But the point is that I figure it’s an unqualified bureaucrat who only has the answer key and it said “3+3+3+3+3” so that’s the only answer.

I bet a dollar I could get this teacher to agree with Abbot and Costello if I could edit “Common Core Multiplication” into the beginning of this vid.


Taking a break from That’s Funny! (and endy), let’s look at That’s Not Funny!

For those who are trying to defend Trump as not being a Tool of Russia, this ain’t gonna help.

The State Department on Thursday announced that “in the spirit of parity” it would force Moscow to close its Consulate General office in San Francisco

Previous admins forced them to stay in that insane asylum and Trump is letting them leave? Now I have to wonder if they really Hacked The Election for him.


After a few months of this number going down but that seems to have stalled.

Tthe (sic, and not my sic!) number of Americans over age 16 who are not in the labor force – for whatever reason – remained stubbornly high in August, at 94,785,000

That sucks.


This one made me laugh.

A Georgia police officer who told a woman during a traffic stop not to worry because police “only kill black people”…

But since he made fun of Black Lives Matter, I’ve seen local news assholes calling it a ‘racist remark’, it’s not racist, it’s fucking hilarious, but…

No matter how funny, he made fun of a Protected Group so…. That’s Not Funny!!!!!!!!!!! and he Must Be Punished!

Cobb County Police Chief Mike Register told a news conference: “I’ve already said that in no context can I tolerate this kind of language. And so I don’t really think that we can sit here and justify any type of language when the verbage is what we heard on that video.”

You can even see a clip of Reverend Al talking about the Racism Inherent In The System if you’re so inclined.


This is funny, I do wish I had seen the incident(s) that required this sign.


Baltimore is wondering what to do to hide it’s slave-owning, Confederate-sympathies past.

(Baltimore Mayor) Pugh has appointed a task force of city workers to decide where the statues should go and what “creative ideas” should replace them.

It’s funny but Bulgaria’s already solved the problem of trying to hide monuments to Democrats’ heroes.


Someone should send this to all the Democrats wondering what to do about troublesome examples of Democrats’ past.

Too bad they’re not worried about commie statues here.





But I’m leaning toward 2+2=5.

Yeah, 1984 has been on Comet, they’re taking a break from Made For MST 3000 Movies.

Speaking of 1984, Minitrue! LA Times edition

In writing about violent fascistAnti-fa fascists, they have to write this

The clashes came despite widespread calls from activists and elected officials across the Bay Area for peaceful civil disobedience and underscore Berkeley’s growing reputation for violent reaction by the far left. Other protests earlier this year in the city turned ugly, with far-left and far-right forces fighting in the streets.

No, it wasn’t “Far Right”, it was Milo Yiannpoulis (sp?) and some people who went to listen to him, Milo is not Far Right, he’s a provocateur but he’s not Far Right. He’s a gay man who says stuff that people aren’t allowed to say.

But the LA Times has to lie about him and his supporters because the Tea Party stopped doing protests, they didn’t accomplish shit, and that leaves a Lie About People We Disagree With vacuum in their lives.



I didn’t know this.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis gave an unscripted pep talk last week to a group of servicemen on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State.

Mattis was in Iraq on Tuesday for a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi, Task and Purpose reports. But he later stopped off to deliver a pep talk to American troops stationed in Jordan, on the front lines of Operation Inherent Resolve.

Why do we have troops in Jordan? I can understand the Arabian peninsula, but Jordan? There doesn’t seem to be an upside to that. It puts them on a hit list and puts us too close to Palestinian terrorists. Next to ISIS, they’re the mad dogs of the Islamic jihadi world.


I love casual ways to say, “WTF did you expect?”

I saw this article about federal flood ‘insurance’ going broke in a big way and I thought, “Of course. There’s a reason regular, need-to-make-a-profit insurance companies charge so much for flood insurance.” I was wondering if the article was going to be all, “We don’t know why this happened!” and “Needs more money tax money!”.

Well, I was wrong. They do actually, in passing, mention that it was meant to fail. I wasn’t wrong about more tax money. That would just be ridiculous.

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the singular source of flood insurance for most Americans, is already $23 billion in debt after servicing prior natural disasters, including Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina

Katrina. They still owe money from fucking Katrina.

I mean, it’s bad enough they ‘owe’ money from Sandy (2012) but from fucking Katrina (200fucking5)?!?!?!?!?!

As for “owe”, that’s a load of rich, creamery, fromunda-lokbox sweat. That’s just more part of the federal debt* we’re buried under.  The article does mention that, kudos to them.

Most illuminating use of “Some Believe” EVER!

The government has already said it would be impossible for the flood program to repay such a staggering amount of dues, causing some to believe the program needs a major overhaul to prevent structural debt accumulations every time there is a disaster situation.

The “some” do not include such luminaries as McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Flake, Lyndsey Graham  and the rest of the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party.

For the record, I wrote that before I read this passage near the end.

However, the urgency and gravity of the situations in Texas and Louisiana could pressure lawmakers into pushing through a quick reauthorization before the program before its September 30 expiration

But of course.

Now, the casual, “Well, duh.”

“Since the program offers rates that do not fully reflect the risk of flooding, NFIP’s overall rate-setting structure was not designed to be actuarially sound in the aggregate, nor was it intended to generate sufficient funds to fully cover all losses.”

The names people were called for noticing that when they first started that program. “There’s a reason insurance companies charge so much for flood insurance. ” Insurance companies are heartless bloodsuckers! What, do you hate flood victims? You heartless fascist!”

If the media wants to Get Trump!!! (by that I mean piss his followers off), they should focus on that.

But they’re such insular fools that they don’t understand how anybody could be against that. It’s What Jesus Would Do after all. He was all about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. Sort of a hippy Robin Hood.


*I checked the Debt Clock and they’re still at just under $20 trillion. We blew by that long ago, remember 2 years ago when the debt clock stopped for months?

In June, I linked this story that noted that the official US debt hadn’t increased in months.

90 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000

So where’s the debt clock now?

$18,4 trillion

In other words, instead of the around $20 trillion where it should be considering the way it’s moved in the Age of Obama, we’re a $trillion and a half lower.

The rule of law, she is dead. The gov’t lying to us is just normal, operation procedure.



Although historically, the IRS chose tax returns to audit based on internal mathematical mistakes or mismatches with third party reports (such as W-2s), the IRS is now engaging in data mining of public and commercial data pools (including social media) and creating highly detailed profiles of taxpayers upon which to run data analytics. This Article argues that current IRS practices, mostly unknown to the general public are violating fair information practices. This lack of transparency and accountability not only violates federal law regarding the government’s data collection activities and use of predictive algorithms…

The IRS has been telling judges to suck their balls for years now, they’re above the law and they know it.

Understatement of the day!

…but may also result in discrimination.

A whole bunch of Tea Party organizations were unavailable for comment. Because the IRS is busy shutting them up.

The rule of law, she is dead.


Nother way the media could Get Trump!!!! is talk about his reversing the ban on selling military equipment to the police. I’d bet the media thinks that I’d be for that cuz I support Blue Lives Matter (cuz I hate black folks), but what they don’t understand is that the reason we have Trump is because so many people don’t trust the fucking gov’t. It’s not whatever hate-crime they think it is, or any of them really, it’s about telling our betters to go fuck themselves.


Eh, let’s go to They’re All Gonna Die!!!, it’s so much less stressful. Hell, I look fondly back on We’re All Gonna Die!!!, we’re at We’re All Gonna Be Subjects if our fine betters get their way.

India said on Monday it had agreed with China to end a months-long military standoff at a strategically important disputed area in the Himalayas and troops had begun disengaging.

India’s foreign ministry said it had reached an “understanding” after talks with Beijing about the tense confrontation in an area near the Indian border that is claimed by both China and Bhutan.

Oh crap, you know what it means when murderous, expansionist, commie dictators say there’s an ‘understanding’?

Its statement suggested that both sides had agreed to pull back, although the Chinese foreign ministry said only that Indian troops were withdrawing.

Yeah, that.


I never liked Joel Osteen, I’ve never watched him much but I thought he was Jim Bakker with less make-up.

Fractal cuttin n pastin cuz the linked NY Post article put cause after effect.

The multimillionaire televangelist came under enormous criticism for refusing to take in evacuees at his 16,800-seat, tax-exempt house of worship. Instead, he tweeted Monday about how “Jesus promises us peace that passes understanding. That’s peace when it doesn’t make sense.”…

We have never closed our doors,” a Lakewood Church spokesman said in a statement to CNN. “We will continue to be a distribution center to those in need. We are prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm.”

What. Ever.

There are televangelists I have respected, but not him.


This leads to us to one question.

 after a dispute with her roommate.

Troopers say at around 12:02 p.m. Saturday, Melissa Lena Odomin, 34, drove an ATV into the residence, broke the windows of a truck then drove that truck into the home.

Two vehicles, and no, the question doesn’t relate to alcohol.

Troopers also say alcohol played a role in the incident.


The question I wondered was if the roommate was her boyfriend, because I think I dated that girl. She was great except she didn’t take vodka well and wouldn’t accept that before she started drinking it.


Speaking of which.

ISIS suicide bomber actually hoping for 72 experienced sluts 

A recent honor graduate of the Islamic State Suicide Bomber School of Excellence has publicly voiced concerns over the sexual experience of the 72 women awaiting him in the afterlife, sources confirmed today…

According to sources, Hussein asked his instructors if perhaps the virginity of his eternal harem was negotiable.

There does seem to be a flaw in that belief.


Watched Dick Cavett who spent an hour with Kirk Douglas, it was pretty good.

He told a story about getting on an elevator at a hotel where he was appearing.

There was something else going on at the hotel and all the people had name tags with their home towns on their chests. One guy says, “Hey, you’re Kirk Douglas!” and he responds, “Hey Joe!” Joe asks how he knows his name, Kirk goes, “Joe Tyne, right? From Tulsa?”, now Joe’s freaking out. “How do you know that?” As the elevator doors opened Kirk says, “I can’t believe you don’t remember!” and walks away.

That’s hilarious.

It was cool even though Cavett sucks at interviewing, all he does is ask questions like. “What made you decide to become an actor?” and other questions that basically ask for anecdotes, the same questions every interviewer asks every actor. but he had such cool people that their anecdotes are cool. Like that one with Kirk Douglas or when Groucho was messing with Truman Capote. Cavett loses control of the show fairly often.


Took the Caballero to get the a/c fixed. When I got it back the antenna was gone. Since it was some half-assed aftermarket job like much of what the previous owner did, the mount is gone. Uckfay. How the hell did HeyZeus find this guy in freaking Gilbert? Sonomabatch.

We’ve really pissed off reality what with all the ignoring and denying we’ve been doing.

Let’s see what it has to say about the matter!


As we’ve discussed here, journalists in Mexico are being killed for the crime of doing actual journalism.

The 57-year-old, who was enrolled in a government program to protect journalists after years chronicling corruption in one of the deadliest countries for reporters, was one of three people killed in Tuesday’s shooting in Veracruz state…

Rios was at least the ninth journalist killed in Mexico so far this year. The spate of killings, which have targeted some of the country’s most prominent and respected reporters,

Since our fine media betters can’t be assed to notice that or else it might give ammo to Racist Haters Who Hate Them Some Brown Folk, what sort of result do we have in Mexico?

The despair and frustration he’s facing are familiar to dozens of vacationers who have been victimized at upscale, all-inclusive Mexican resorts.

Following blackouts, robberies, assaults, even the death of a loved one, they have experienced indifferent — if not hostile — treatment from resort staffers, local police, and doctors, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation has found…

And that the U.S. Department of State does little or nothing to help them.

“The laws in Mexico make it very, very difficult to hold anyone accountable,” said Nancy Winkler, a Philadelphia attorney who represented a family whose 22-year-old son drowned in a Mexican resort pool in 2007. “It’s a nightmare.”…

As much as 36% of the alcohol consumed in the country is sold or produced illegally, and potentially dangerous, according to a 2017 industry and government report

Nice. So what happens when a Mexican police officer decides to do his job?

…said the police chief overseeing her case seemed genuinely concerned and determined to help her.

Mario Gomez Frias was his name. He was chief of police for tourists. The chief tried to get the Iberostar Paraiso Maya resort to cooperate with the investigation and to provide photos of security staff.

Frias was shot dead in his squad car months later.

The worst part, for our fine betters, is that the State Dept has been forced to notice reality.

For information on security conditions in specific regions of Mexico, see our state-by-state assessments below. U.S. government personnel and their families are prohibited from personal travel to all areas to which the Department recommends “defer non-essential travel” in this Travel Warning. As a result of security precautions that U.S. government personnel must take while traveling to parts of Mexico, our response time to emergencies involving U.S. citizens may be hampered or delayed.

They try to pretend that the Mexican gov’t is Doing Something!!!, but I really don’t like fish tacos and, as we all know, the gov’t of Mexico is a criminal enterprise and they cede control to murderous drug cartels in return for getting money and being allowed to keep living.


Trump’s fucking with murderous dictators, both Commie and Tsarist!

The U.S. sanctions list on North Korea just grew a little longer, as the Treasury Department turns up the heat on Pyongyang’s enablers in China and Russia.

I would quibble with this

The new sanctions on Chinese firms are sure to irk Beijing, since China has so far enforced this month’s new UN sanctions more strictly than usual.

That should read, “China has attempted to appear to enforce UN “sanctions” more strictly than usual.”


I’ve been worried about China needing to get frisky because of the huge imbalance in genders there, I see I didn’t take into account the Internet.

A rising number of young Chinese people are failing fitness tests required to join the army because they are too fat and masturbate too much,

We need to send more Ho-Hos, energy drinks and Hot Pockets, Stat!


Let’s take a break from reality and look in on Reality!!!!!, specifically, some book about Hillary.
I’m not gonna quote any, but their point is that Hillary “Put up with Bill’s sexual predation.

It’s funny, the names I’ve been called for noticing that from back in the early-mid 90s until just last year but now it’s Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!

Next you’ll tell me the media are a bunch of lying fakenewsers!

Something ugly is happening in America. Something dangerous, divisive, and destructive. And every day, the leftwing media help fan the flames of division, hatred and strife…

What’s the essence of the media’s false narrative? It says that Donald Trump got elected by running an overtly racist campaign. One that appealed to the basest elements of our society, now summed up as the alt-right. These are the people who voted for him, and these are the people who stand by him today.

They hate all Hispanics (and Mexicans in particular). They want all Muslims banished from our country (if not killed). And of course, they loathe blacks, wanting to subjugate them once again.

No! I’ve been assured that I hate me some black, brown and wymynz folk cuz I voted Trump, surely CNN wouldn’t lie to me?!?!?!?!?!


It seems others are noticing reality, even at CNN.

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota got steamrolled by a panel of 6 people brought on to discuss Trump’s reaction to the Charlottesville tragedy.  You could tell the panel segment wasn’t going to play out the way Camerota envisioned it from the very start when she asked who was “troubled” by the President’s response to the violence in Charlottesville and precisely no one raised their hand. Meanwhile one panelist gave this response regarding Trump’s controversial “blame on both sides” comment:

 “I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I mean he addressed the problem. Let’s face reality, there are problems on both sides.”

“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin which is what I consider both groups are.”

“The Antifa group to me is totally a very Stalin-ish kind of group.  If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground, that doesn’t seem like a very peaceful group to me.”

Now that’s news! I will say it’s hilarious that Alisyn Camerota went full leftist after trying to pretend to be ‘fair and balanced’ for years. I wonder if she’s sincere or just realized the way to CNN stardom is dishonest fakenewsing.


Speaking of Tolerance, Love and Mostly-Peace, the violence at Gays for Trump events!

When called KKK I responded that I was not the KKK , but a Gay man with a Black Husband and the President of  Gays for Trump. They claimed that Milo was a Nazi,” Boykin said.

“Then someone got angry.  I was threatened by someone from Black Lives Matter. Twice I was assaulted.  I reported this to the police,” Boykin said.

With video of the assault.

Authorities are uninterested, you know, cuz the clintonista at the state level and the lefties at the local level have decided to use gov’t to put us in our place.

Gov’t over the people, on the people and fuck the people!


Italians might not be very warlike, but they can go all bloodbath just like any other good Europeans.

that mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro…

peaking at a conference in Rimini, north east Italy, he further revealed the extraordinary order he has given to armed police at one of the most popular tourist attractions in Europe…

“If anyone runs into St Mark’s Square shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’, we will take him down,” he continued.

“A year ago I said within four paces, now within three. I will say it in Venetian: ‘Ghe Sparemo’ (We will shoot him).”

They’ve been throwing bodies in those canals for centuries, what’s a few more? I would guess it’s been a few hundred years since it was Muslims, but still.

This guy could be Mitch McConnell for his blatant disregard of his voters

Video has subsequently emerged of the left-wing mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, rushing up to Brugnaro after the speech shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and laughing.

The media called Beppe Grillo a fascist for the sin of being elected and refusing to work with anybody (the opposite of fascism), they called Berlusconi a fascist for the sin of disliking socialism, now they’re looking at real hating, nationalist types but they’ve already turned it up to 11, there’s nowhere to go.

Nobody likes the EU anymore except the oligarchs. The Brits tried voting the get out but that isn’t working very well for them, I figure the rest of Europe will figure out a different way.


I saw the hilarity of ESPN pulling a guy from a broadcast because he had some of the same name as Robert E. Lee, but I didn’t see this bit.

No really, Roto-Reuters called him a “doppleganger.” I didn’t think anything could be funnier than ESPN’s reason for firing the poor guy.

I really should remember that now matter how foolish our fine betters can be they can be counted on to build a better fool.


The Fruits of Gender Fluidity!

The Boy Scouts are allegedly trying to get girls to sign up with them instead of their female counterpart.

The Girls Scouts of America accused the Boy Scouts of a “covert campaign to recruit girls

You think that’s ridiculous?

Now that’s ridiculous!

I will say that I’m confused, what’s the difference between “queer” and “gay”?

Are you queer if you lisp and flounce?

What’s the difference between “bisexual” and “polyamorous”?

Are you bisexual if you’ll sleep with men or women but polyamorous because you’ll bang any of the made-up genders out there?

I know I shouldn’t try to figure that stuff out, but I get curious.

I watched much of Trump’s Afghanistan speech and I liked it, lots of Never Trumpers didn’t and, of course, Ralph Peters. Ralph is a military genius, just ask him.

We can justify a limited presence in Afghanistan, perhaps 3,000 to 4,000 troops total, for the purpose of killing international terrorists. And we need not stop providing arms to Kabul. But it’s time to stop giving blood.

I hope I’m wrong. I, too, want our casualties to have meaning. But no matter how we reinterpret our mission, there’ll be more American blood. And the only Americans who’ll benefit will be contractors, who love impossible missions that never end.

We cannot save a country that won’t save itself.

So what did Trump say about nation building?

I share the American people’s frustration.  I also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money, and most importantly lives, trying to rebuild countries in our own image, instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations.

That’s a funny way to say we’re going to ‘rebuild’ Afghanistan.

How about ‘making sure our casualties have meaning!!!!!’?

A core pillar of our new strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions.  I’ve said it many times how counterproductive it is for the United States to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin, or end, military options.  We will not talk about numbers of troops or our plans for further military activities.

Conditions on the ground — not arbitrary timetables — will guide our strategy from now on.  America’s enemies must never know our plans or believe they can wait us out.  I will not say when we are going to attack, but attack we will.

Allowing the military to figure out how to perform their missions and not shout it out to the world? I imagine there are a few people in the military who like that.

First, our nation must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made, especially the sacrifices of lives.  The men and women who serve our nation in combat deserve a plan for victory.  They deserve the tools they need, and the trust they have earned, to fight and to win.

The worst thing that happened in Afghanistan was that the Obama admin had absolutely no plan for actually trying to win or any clue what actual victory would be.

Finally, my administration will ensure that you, the brave defenders of the American people, will have the necessary tools and rules of engagement to make this strategy work, and work effectively and work quickly.

I have already lifted restrictions the previous administration placed on our warfighters that prevented the Secretary of Defense and our commanders in the field from fully and swiftly waging battle against the enemy.  Micromanagement from Washington, D.C. does not win battles.  They are won in the field drawing upon the judgment and expertise of wartime commanders and frontline soldiers acting in real time, with real authority, and with a clear mission to defeat the enemy.

The second worst thing was the Rules of Engagement, the ROE were based on politicians, bureaucrats and lawyers. Getting rid of those will mean our military can do something useful.

Third and finally, I concluded that the security threats we face in Afghanistan and the broader region are immense.  Today, 20 U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations are active in Afghanistan and Pakistan — the highest concentration in any region anywhere in the world.

Pretending countries like Pakistan and the oil ticks on the Arabian peninsula are our allies is very counterproductive. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have tried to make them true allies, but they all say one thing in English and another in their language. It’s time to start letting them know we aren’t playing their games. We simplisme Americans expect our allies to not actively fight against us. We’re weird that way.

So yeah, I’m all in on this.

Tell the military what victory means and then let them achieve it. I don’t know what he means by victory, but I hope it means killing a bunch of terrorists, scaring the living shit out of the rest and leaving a bunch of troops, like Marines and maybe some 10th Mountain, some Apaches, A-10s and some serious artillery to make sure they remember who they’re most afraid of.

We have our own poofy-haired maniac, let’s use him!


We do have one thing going for us, the rest of the world is getting rambunctious.

Three decades later, Chinese and Indian soldiers find themselves in a similar situation in Doklam today, locked eyeball-to-eyeball in a potentially combustible situation. The crucial difference this time is that India is reacting in a third country’s territory – Doklam is disputed between China and Bhutan – which only makes India’s intervention even more provocative to Beijing…

This violated mutually agreed standard operating procedures, which require patrols encountering each other in disputed territory to maintain a physical distance and unfurl cloth banners (that every patrol carries) emblazoned with a dual-language message: “This is our territory; kindly return to your side”. After doing so, patrols are required to disengage and return to their camps…

But as tensions have escalated unchecked, this useful procedure with banners that has ensured peace since the Wangdung incident has degenerated into jostling and pushing and now stone-pelting. Both patrols were armed but, fortunately, neither opened fire. Such restraint cannot be counted upon to continue forever. Sooner or later some soldier, perhaps injured by a stone or a body tackle, will fire his weapon, killing or wounding an adversary and unleashing an escalatory spiral, fuelled by a storm of nationalism in both countries.

China’s in a serious expansion phase right now and have been for decades so I’m sure they’re working hard to get some serious provocations. I mean, if they’re gonna mess with us why would India give them pause?

Except for supplying arms to India, I would be against getting involved in a land war between India and China. I would be all for blowing up China’s navy if they try to get frisky anywhere but sending Americans into a cauldron of war between countries with more than a billion people would just be stupid.

If the world does blow up, I’m not sure what will happen in EUnuchstan but I say we convince Trump to Executively Order that whoever conquers France has to keep it.


My claim to fame was my Letter To The Editor about Elian Gonzalez made the NY Times. It was something like, “I’d say his mother chose where she wanted him to live.” I’m surprised they printed that, their editorial stance was much closer to this, that Babalublog calls “Horrific”

Get ready: CNN is airing a two-hour documentary on the “rescue” of Elian Gonzalez.

Rescue. Condemning that poor bastard to life in a commie shithole gulag is a ‘rescue’ so far as CNN is concerned.

Although…. maybe we could rescue the NYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCetc. and send them to Cuba! It would be easy, we could have a party on an island for the Elite Who Fakenews and send a 747 to pick them up and take them, we could make it for global worming. Then, we hijack to plane to Cuba! Brilliant!


Hillary is still making excuses for her loss, obviously eyeing 2020.

“This is not OK, I thought,” she wrote. “It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage, and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable.

I’m sure she would have been able to stare down Putin! Actually, since what she said is a lie I wouldn’t say she was too weak to be POTUS for that reason, I mean, she’s married to the Groper in Chief, what made her uncomfortable was that Trump refused to accept his role of Good Loser the way a candidate who didn’t fight back would have. Like….ohhhh….. say… the last two Electable Candidates!!!.

Which makes me think of what a bullet we dodged. The fascist Anti-fa fascists would have been very useful for her as we tried to protest her gun-grabbing and money-grabbing actions as Congress Held Hearings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’d be in a very dark and dangerous place right now. The place where the fascists in the armed wings of the Dems are pretending we are.

Which reminds me of something I read last week. Someone noted how ironic it was that the new armed wing of the Democratic party (BLM, Anti-Fa, Charlotte Police et al.) were hating on the old armed wing of the Democratic Party (The KKK). That’s funny and endy!


Let’s take a break from that crap to take a look at the what the Worst President In the History Of Ever is doing now.

 Lost amid all the political name-calling last week, President Trump’s infrastructure reforms would actually go far toward kick-starting many badly needed projects. And they’ll do so without spending massive amounts of money.

The media made a big deal of Trump on Thursday disbanding his infrastructure advisory board. Given the poisonous politics of the day, it’s not surprising.

But, once again, the media largely missed the far more important story of infrastructure reforms that Trump signed by executive order on Tuesday. While not perfect, they are an enormous improvement on the current wasteful and inefficient federal system.

The good stuff he does isn’t “lost” so much as “hidden”, “Buried” and “denied!!!!!!!!!!”

I watched some of his speech last night, whenever I came in to get a drink of water I listened. At one point he called out the media as the liars they are. I’m sure all Right-Thinking people thought that was gauche and uncouth but it’s fucking necessary.

If he doesn’t nobody else will. All the Right People are against what Trump’s doing far more than against him as a person. I mean, he’s been their friends for decades. The best kind of friend to those venal assholes, he gave them large bribes. Now he’s threatening their corrupt, venal positions so He Must Be Destroyed.


I’m sure this will be “lost” too.

Lithuania purchased a large shipment of natural gas Monday from the U.S. to stick a finger in the collective eye of Russia, which has effectively monopolized energy production in former Soviet countries.

The move was likely a political tactic, one meant to show Lithuania and other former Soviet countries are willing to strike out against Russia. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 put the Baltic states on the defensive.

Russia backfired so anything Trump does to mess with Russia must be hidden, denied and lied about. It’s just good journalism.


I don’t like clicking PJ media clickbait because they’re usually idiotic and/or trite, but this one is news at least.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said Republicans are “fully committed” to passing “pro-growth” and “pro-jobs” tax reform “this year.”

How can I call that news? Aren’t newspapers called fishwrap and isn’t that story wrapped around the fish the GOP is flinging at us?

GOP voters device

Get Ready To Honk For Tax Reform Fish!!!!!!!!! Sure, it’s stinky, but it’s Tax Reform!!!!!!!

Tax reform polls well. Almost as well as repealing Obamacare but they’ve about played out that genre of Failure Theater.


I saw some people acting upset about this, but I don’t really see a problem.

Riders who are found doing any of the following are subject to a fine of $75 per offense and could be escorted off the train or bus:

Eating, drinking, smoking, vaping;
Playing loud music;
Disturbing others;
Disorderly, lewd conduct;
Placing chewing gum on seats;
Fare evasion;
Occupying more than one seat or blocking a door; or
Riding a bicycle or skateboard in a station.

I’ve never ridden LA’s metro, but I’d bet they’re doing this for two reasons. There’s an epidemic of rude assholes on their metro who agree with me that the rule of law is dead, they’re just reveling in it instead of upset about it and the Los Angeles gov’t is working a new revenue stream.

This is so California.

It’s not the first time Metro has tried to teach better social etiquette to its riders: in 2003, the agency had “Metro Manners” trading cards designed for presentations to schools in LA County.

Yeah, so how’d that work out for you? Well enough that now it’s at epidemic status!


Via Dave Barry we find this bit of….ummmmm…. We’re Not Afraid Enough Of The Japanese.

Sexy Japanese actress strokes turtle head in tourism promotion video drawing complaints

That doesn’t do the vid justice. The idea that they’re upset only about stroking a turtle head just adds to the idea that we’re not afraid enough of the Japanese. It doesn’t even look like a…ummmm…. what is often called a “turtle head”.


How do you say WTF? in Japanese?


Speaking of hilarious videos, I didn’t go to the riots yesterday, I got lazy. I’m glad I didn’t as I would have gone early afternoon and nothing happened until after dark. The local broadcast was very funny. “We don’t know who started the problems (masked anti-fa assholes running in the background) but protestors were yelling at each other (leftist with bullhorn screeching at Trump people walking into the arena, the only reaction was one guy who put his hands up as he walked. Made me laugh it did), violence at Trump Rally just like last year (when lefties attacked Trump supporters)”


They interviewed this one guy who claimed to be hit by a projectile and, to their credit, when he said that he threw the tear gas into traffic they asked him WTF dude? hat guy was all, “We were walking away when the cops got violent!!!!.” The reporter tried to play it up but even they realized his story had more holes than a Clinton lie so they just dropped it.

It’s not the same guy in this link with the top 5 remixes of him getting hit in his non-gender-specific-genitalia.

Pretty darn funny.


We have this

Boston is, of course, home to the Freedom Trail.

Welcome to the Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile, red-lined route that leads you to 16 historically significant sites — each one an authentic treasure. Explore museums and meetinghouses, churches, and burying grounds. Learn about the brave people who shaped our nation. Discover the rich history of the American Revolution, as it began in Boston, where every step tells a story.

That’s the wrong Revolution!!!!!

I wonder if the Freedom Trail is gonna go the way of Buddhist statues in Afghanistan,  Joan of Arc and Abe Lincoln.

All that ‘freedom’ stuff is so bourgeois.


15 pictures and vids our fine media betters are busily hiding lest it screw up the Narrative!!!

That’s disturbing enough, but they also have the bit with the fascist asshole on Meet the Press. I caught a few minutes of that. He defended being violent and the asshole ‘interviewing’ him didn’t bat an eye. Not a fucking reaction to a guy who said he was justified in beating on people to keep them from talking.

Our speech is violence, their violence is speech. That ain’t right.

Trump’s gonna be in Phoenix tomorrow, I’m planning on going for a few hours during the day. People will be on line and I’m sure our fine, tolerant, Mostly-Peaceful, fascist anti-fa fascists will be there to be all tolerant and mostly-peaceful.


A civil war at Foxnews we’ve been watching for more than a year.
Never Trumpers V Trumpers and journalists like Harris Faulkner and a couple others.

If the Never Trumpers win Foxnews will soon go the way of CNN with MSNBC being the Most Watched Name In News. CNN’s already shown what middle of the road lying fakenewswers get, MSNBC has gone full-on, loud and proud hate and they’ve outperformed CNN consistently.


In Establishment Dove news

Coup Coup

The coup against President Trump has been developing for months and can be seen on the nightly news. Yet few talk about what it really means for the country and what can be done to avert this fate.

The problem is that the Important People all see it and they’re not trying to avert it, they’re the ones working it because they see what Trump means for the country, a lessening of their power, so they’re fighting against it.


Not important, just sorta funny. I was looking for something about Trump’s visit tomorrow and found this.

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump’s family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Now a POTUS who spends money on travel is suddenly a problem after 8 years of First Family separate vacations.

So, it is all Trump?

A special investigative panel formed after a particularly egregious 2014 White House breach also found that that agents and uniform officers worked “an unsustainable number of hours,” which also contributed to troubling attrition rates.

Of course! They could see that in the future Trump would be a doody head!

Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee who was the first lawmaker to sound the alarm after last year’s disclosure that hundreds of agents had maxed out on pay,

Hmmmm, now who was POTUS last year?


Why haven’t I posted much lately and why is this so sparse? Because right now the rest of the world can suck it, Mattis and Tillerson, with the occasional boost from our poofy-haired maniac, seem to be doing pretty well scaring our enemies and all that’s going on this country right now is the violent attacks on our freedoms.

I did get some pictures of the eclipse for those who didn’t see it.

Awesome huh?

This is the view on the side of my trailer after looking at the eclipse

I think I got fake glasses.


I get some channels on antenna I didn’t get on cable, like Decades.

They show Dick Cavett. I never liked him back in the day, I felt people felt smart and cool when they found him funny and that’s why they liked him. I rebelled against that stuff, yeah, I was anti-elitist at a young age.

I saw an ad for his show and thought that maybe I hadn’t given him a chance when I was 10, but after watching a bunch of shows I see I was right. His show, to me, is one long I’m Smart And Cool and a lots of virtue signalling, but I still like the show because he has the best guests. A Who’s Who of Important People of the day.

The other day I saw elderly Groucho Marx mess with Truman Capote. High-larious. Capote was not used to people who didn’t suck his dick. Cavett was caught in the middle, he didn’t want to piss off Groucho but that’s Truman Capote!!!!. It was low-key and casual enough the Cavett tried to ignore it was happening, but Groucho just kept doing it. He didn’t quite say, “Get off my lawn and take your ‘art’ with you!”, but it was implied.