Posts Tagged ‘Win!’


Posted: October 20, 2011 by Moron Pundit in Uncategorized


So fucking awesome.

Second Salvo

Posted: July 8, 2011 by doubleplusundead in Random Crap
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It’s on now,

Now, for today’s gloriously 80s selection!

Seriously? Rahtard, you play less than 100 miles away from Shanksville and you spout fucking Truther bullshit? Grow the fuck up, you ignorant little bitch. And yes stupid, we we did hear bin Laden speak, everyone but window-licking fucktards like you fucking heard.  Guess what, numbnuts?  We motherfucking answered back by having Navy SEALs shoot bin Laden in his stupid fucking face.

And for the record I couldn’t give a flying fuck what God thinks about me celebrating bin Laden’s death, if God didn’t want me celebrating bin Laden getting shot in his stupid fucking face, he had all the opportunities in the world to do something with bin Laden to stop 9/11 from happening…kinda like Clinton (turnabout on your political hackery over the past two days is fair play, libtards…fucking deal with it).

Maybe I’m being unfair, after all, this is shit Rahtard posted on Twitter, his messages may have been mistranslated from the original crayon and paper…

…or not, do America a favor Rahtard, find a straw and a pig carcass, and start sucking till there’s no shit left, then choke yourself.

It just gets better and better,