Archive for the ‘True Heroes’ Category

I wish I lived long enough to be able to read history stories that say, “…and then, and this really happened, they…”over and over.

But alas, it feels more like this every day.

Important, Above The Post Update!!!!!

No, really, and then this happened

Yes, the Taliban put two grim looking goat fuckers with AKs behind this news anchor who totally wasn’t forced to say the Taliban are our friends. The guy on the left looks as if he kills the goats after he fucks them.

Now, back to our ridiculous future history in most of its entirety!

Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan has been the worst series of military decisions since the Charge of the Light Brigade,

It was so bad Marine LtC Stuart Scheller threw away his career, and said he was doing so, to call out his chain of command.

Naturally he faced the consequences he knew were coming, he’d done it out of honor for love of country. As everybody is noticing, another LtC, LtC Bearclaw as Ace calls him, disobeyed orders from his commander in chief and badmouthed same and the only repercussions were well paid positions. He’d done it for love of our fine betters against his oath on and to the Constitution.

Meanwhile, and then this really happened, this soldier has no worries about repercussions for saying

Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries. It’s pointed at you. If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy.

The remaking of the military is going gangbusters.

Back to the retreat of the heavy brigade,

…and then, this really happened, Biden actually gave the Taliban the names of people we want to get out because we are afraid the Taliban will kill them.

But Biden and his Generals! are responding to the murderous suicide attack!

Defense Department officials said one of the Islamic State drone targets was a “planner,” and one was a “facilitator.” Both, they said, were involved in planning attacks against Americans, although officials at a news conference on Saturday declined to say whether they were involved specifically in the Kabul airport attack.

So just some guys cruising around in a Toyota pickup. That’ll learn ’em!

And then this really happened, Biden’s Partners For Peace are screwing up the order on one of the worst things to screw it up, they’re killing then raping.

“They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?”

The other is, of course, ‘pillage, then burn’.

Obama created ISIS, Trump crushed them and sent them into hiding, and then this really happened,

Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday…

small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military

So they won’t actually go and gather Americans to defend them from savages, they have to sneak their way past gangs of roving murderous savages to make it to the military.

And then this really happened, civilians did the job our military isn’t.

an all-volunteer group of American veterans of the Afghan war launched a final daring mission on Wednesday night dubbed the “Pineapple Express” to shepherd hundreds of at-risk Afghan elite forces and their families to safety,

Goat fucking, 7 century savages have absolutely no fear of America, and apparently rightly so.

And then this really happened, folks in the US and UK called for reparations to…. the Taliban!

Richard Burgon, a member of the British Parliament for the far-Left Labour party and Secretary of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs,(said)…what the West really needs to do now is start forking over money to the Taliban

Now they’re just fucking with us.

And then this really happened, the POTUS is now telling our enemies that we know about their plans

 President Joe Biden on Saturday warned that another attack on the Kabul airport was “highly likely

That was, of course, a staple of the Obama years and somewhat curbed under Trump

If you’re in Afghanistan, the US is on the job!,

The state department has urged all US citizens to leave the area near the airport because of a “specific, credible threat”….

The US is continuing evacuations

And then this really happened, a suicide bomber killed many people, including Marines and a Navy medic, so Biden actually went to see their bodies when they arrived in America but he was late for a nap or pudding

And then this really happened, everybody blamed the guy who wasn’t in charge

and not the guy who is.

Don’t Blame Biden! IT’s Trump’s Fault!

The images coming out of Afghanistan have been disturbing. But let’s be clear: The Trump Administration led us straight into this mess. And President Biden is doing everything he can to get us out of it.

Our fine media betters in a preemptive strike!

Six months after the conclusion of the last impeachment, Republicans have begun calling for President Biden to be removed from office over his handling of the evacuation of Americans and allies from Kabul.

That from the Wash Post, who were all in on impeaching Trump for wanting the investigate corruption by the Biden Crime Family and whatever the other impeachment was about, now they’re against impeaching Biden for non-ridiculous reasons.

Which leads to this

Out of 1,000 likely voters surveyed August 24-25, 2021, just 29% said they “trust what the news media are reporting about the current situation in Afghanistan.”

Yes, that really happened, and yet people still act as if the media is trustworthy. We’ve seen it since they were lying about Bush.

So what else scary is going on? The reaction to Kung Flu of course.

And then this really happened!

So as the “free” world is attacking their citizens for wanting to live free, they know who’s not to blame for the Wuhan Flu that came from Wuhan, the lab in Wuhan to be exact, Wuhan being in China and the lab being a gov’t lab.

And then this really happened,

Notwithstanding, histrionic Chinese officials are threatening to retaliate against any nation that names the Wuhan Institute of Virology bat lab as the point source of the pathogen.

China warned the world not to blame it for the pandemic it unleashed.

And then this really happened, everything seems to cure Covid

Long-used cholesterol drug may help fight severe COVID-19.

except for the vaccine.

Science journalist Alex Berenson has been permanently suspended from Twitter, just one day after a viral series of tweets spotlighting an Israeli preprint study which showed that natural immunity from a prior Covid infection is 13 times more effective than vaccines against the delta variant.

The endiness is just so bad it’s hard to appreciate, but that is about funny.

And then this really happened, someone had to explain why it’s a bad idea to vacation in a murderous commie dictatorship’s gulag.

And then this really happened.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, which runs a monument to 1700s history in Virginia, has created a “Gender Diversity Committee” to create “programs and reenactments geared toward educating the public on LGBTQ history in the colonies.”

Words fail me. I bet they leave that out of the history books because it would destroy their credibility.

The enemy of my enemy is my entertainment.

a reporter named Maranie Staab was attacked by members of an Antifa-affiliated group. After complaining about a report she’d done in Colombia in conjunction with TK News, they maced her, shot paint at her, and threw her to the ground.

And then this really happened, when one group planned a protest and another group came expressly to get violent and try to stop the protest, the people whose reporter/propagandist was assaulted, blamed both sides.

After a series of violent street clashes between left and right activists in Los Angeles, right-wing protesters planned a “United We Win” rally in Portland, Oregon for this past weekend. Antifa and left-wing groups pledged to “defend Portland from racist fascists.” 

Can’t we all just get along? Stop thinking you have free speech so they don’t have to attack you!

Let’s cancel National Review! A guy at work brought in an old copy of NR so I read through it, it had this advertisement

They’re supporting slavery! Cancel them! The dastards!

and then this happened

So whataday think is coming next month?


I know what I’m rooting for

Man, the last few posts have been much angrier than my usual, laugh in the face of the endiness.

I’m not sure if it’s me or if the endiness is just so horrific that it’s hard to appreciate the humor of whoever’s running things giving the names of people we want to protect from the Taliban to the Taliban or boning our allies and our own people.

I know, don’t encourage them, but seriously, how much worse can it get?

4 days ago

The U.S. assesses that the capital of Afghanistan could fall to the Taliban within the next 90 days,

Also 4 days ago


Taliban can besiege Kabul in 72 hours, US intelligence


The Pentagon has two weeks to rescue tens of thousands of people from war-torn Afghanistan as the Taliban inch toward the capital city of Kabul and demand a ‘peaceful transfer of power.’

Also Today

Kabul fell

Also today

Totally not Saigon

Jebus, I thought the Valerie Jarrett Administration’s retreat from Iraq was the worst thing they could do.

And as they’re working on taking my guns, they just provide the Taliban with $millions of guns

Taliban Humvees

They coulda replaced my Caballero with a Humvee, but no, they hate me more than they hate the Taliban.

I hate it when I’m not cynical and mistrustful enough.

Biden’s bosses are dunking on him

According to U.S. and foreign intelligence sources cited by (a minitrue outlet I’m not linking) Chinese Communist Party leaders are preparing to formalize their relationship with the Islamist insurgents.

And lest we think the GOP has forgotten us…

Get Out Your Squeezy Bulbs!

GOP Voter Device

And More!

“Everything in their power” is to whine on Twitter.

I’m sure the thousands of folks trapped in Kabul’s airport are totally happy that Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton Are On The Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the light side, our intelligence officials are all over The Investigation Into The Worst Day In American History!!!!!!!!!

Totally not a political hit

It’s been almost seven months since the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid at the Virginia farm of Thomas and Sharon Caldwell. Dozens of armed agents broke down their front door, ransacked their home, and arrested Tom Caldwell on January 19. A week later, a grand jury indicted Caldwell and two other alleged Oath Keepers for various crimes related to their participation in the Capitol protest on January 6.

Despite the fact Caldwell never entered the building, carried no weapon, and assaulted no one, the Justice Department sought to keep the 66-year-old former Navy lieutenant with service-related disabilities in jail awaiting trial. Caldwell, a decorated military veteran, has no criminal record.

Nonetheless, on February 12, Judge Amit Mehta ordered Caldwell to remain behind bars: “What Mr. Caldwell is accused of is conspiring with others to plot an insurrection against the junta that illegally stole an election.

I may have altered the last line of that quote.

The Obama habit of telling judges to go fuck themselves Is Back!

Mehta said it was “troubling” to learn that the full trove of discovery material won’t be accessible to defendants until early 2022. That means defendants like Caldwell will have to wait at least a year before all the evidence related to their case will be available to defense attorneys…

told Judge Trevor McFadden in a hearing July 30, would not be met until early 2022 and that was a “conservative” estimate, she said. McFadden replied, “this does not feel what the Constitution [and] the Speedy Trial Act envisions.”

Rat bastids.

Is the federal government torturing Brian Kolfage?

Probably, but not why I’m linking

Brian Kolfage, an airman who survived losing both legs and an arm in Iraq, started a fundraiser to build a wall on our Southern border. The project took off, a lot of money flowed in, and the federal government promptly went after Kolfage, accusing him of defrauding those who donated money. This post is not about Kolfage’s guilt or innocence on the charges against him.

I however will speculate about his guilt or innocence.

Since they’re such cynically evil bastids, I figure he was arrested not for scamming folks but for actually trying to build the wall our betters don’t want built.

In other light news, I am looking forward to our fine media betters giving a black man the Trump TreatmentTM

Larry Elder, the leading Republican candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election, held his first official press conference of the campaign on Friday morning and promised to “suspend” any statewide mask or vaccination mandates that may be in place if elected.

“I am not going to tell private businesses what to do. I’m talking about what I would do as a governor regarding state employees,

That’s not how gov’t works! Geez, it’s like he doesn’t watch CNN!

In Masque of the Red Death News,

A total of 74 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for Covid- 19 since former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday extravaganza last Saturday, more than any week since April.

In the interest of disclosure, Paco and I both thought of the same thing, he just posted first.

Totally unrelated to everything I posted above

Yup, totally unrelated.

In good doggie news

I can watch that for hours.

My hero!

A repost, Conan had the Riddle of Steel, we have the Riddle of Brass

In closing I’d just like to say my faith in corporate America has been restored.

Last week I needed a part for the a/c in my Mustang, I went online and nobody had it on Sunday, Ford parts dept. was closed on Sunday, so Saturday afternoon I went to O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and they claimed they’d have it delivered to the nearest store by 10:30 AM. I figured no way, but since I’m an optimist, I tried. Lo and behold it was there! On time and on target!!!!!!

Imagine my surprise.

So Friday I ordered a laptop at Best Buy, I was going to pick it up at the store yesterday but they said they’d deliver it Saturday. No show. Today it showed that they had no idea when I’d get it and I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I called up and told the customer service named Sally or something, with a suspiciously Indian sounding accent, told me they didn’t know when it would be delivered and no, I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I told her I would cancel it if I couldn’t pick it up. She said, “Okay” with absolutely no attempt to keep my business. That’s how American corporations are supposed to act.

So I ordered a better computer for $50 more at Staples.

An hour later a Best Buy truck showed up with the computer, maybe, might have been the external DVD/CD drive I ordered too, she said she only had one item. I told her I’d cancelled it because of what they told me. She was nice, but I wasn’t interested. If they don’t want my business who am I to argue?

The a/c in my Mustang has been working great. It was cooler last week, less than 100 degrees, but the humidity made me happy I had a/c. It was nearly 50% all week!

So what did we learn today?

O’Reilly’s did what they promised and the Valerie Jarrett Admin is a bunch of anti-American assho….. wait, we knew that last part.

I’m pretty sad that Castro died. I mean, he should have been gnawed to death by starving raccoons or been burned to death in a pile of donkey shit but no, he died of old age in his bed.

Sonomobatch. I hope it was painful.

Who’s also sad he died?

Our fine media betters.

Vid @JimAvilaABC: #FidelCastro “considered…George Washington of his country among those who remain in Cuba”

Yeah, cuz if they don’t pretend they love him they get murderously dictated at.

Cubans who’ve successfully escaped his island prison are only now happy to compare him to George Washington. They’re both dead. That’s the only comparison.


Chinless, Syrian, murderous dictator showing his ass to Obama.

Syria regime set “red line” around Al-Bab:

If I wasn’t an American, that would be much funnier.

It was aimed at Turkey, putting Russia in a bind. Do they bomb Turkey for their murderous dictatorial ally, Syria, or do they tell their murderous ally to chill out and not mess with their EU-dividing,  dictatorial ally?


This isn’t new, but we need lots of articles and news coverage of it to help us try to reverse the trend.

The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress

Exactly. They are already planning a revolt for Trump and they have the same contempt for Congress I do. The difference is that I can’t make laws, they do.


Some more good news that’ll help us properly celebrate the death of a murderous, commie dictator and drown our sorrows over rule by bureaucrat. .

Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee have discovered a chemical reaction to turn CO2 into ethanol

They talk about ‘averting climate change’ (idjits) and they also talk about it being fuel, but another word for “ethanol” is “booze”.

Science might have figured out how to make booze out of air!

While the 21st century has mostly disappointed me, that’s all about teh awesome.

Although, I do hope they also make it into the ethanol they use for fuel, that would reduce the number of pooe people killed for the great global warmmongering as the price of corn would go down as they stop using it to screw up my gasoline.


Posted: April 10, 2016 by veeshir in Notes on the Revolution, True Heroes

She has them.



Sad the say, the first thing I thought was, “I hope she has an exit plan from her country, no bag over her body and saying stuff like that? Dead woman walking.”

I hope I’m wrong.

Via KisP, translation via MEMRI.

Brave Journalist

Posted: July 10, 2015 by veeshir in Random Crap, run with media, True Heroes

Not “Journalist” but an actual, living, breathing Journalist.

Cartel Land is about Mexican cartels and the hell the Mexican gov’t allows them to create in part over fear and in part over the massive bribes and, I’d guess, in part because they like to screw America and so long as they keep making the border lawless and easily traversed by the people the Mexican gov’t wants to get rid of.

Journalists, documentary filmmakers and other story tellers fight and scratch for access. For his border-hopping film about Mexican drug cartels and the vigilantes on both sides of the Southern border who fight them…

This bit of editorializing by the “journalist” writing about it is emblematic of today’s “journalists”

…director Matthew Heineman might have gotten more than he bargained for.

No, he was not targeted for death (yet at least, I don’t trust Mexican cartel thugs).

You see, the “journalist” notices that the actual journalist who did an actual documentary (not crockumentary ala’ Michael Moore) discovered that the cartels are not angels and that the average people trying to fight back against them are not The Devil.

Should be interesting to see if any other “journalists”, who know far too much to ever learn anything, can actually learn something from this.

Nahh, they’re too busy demonizing anybody against illegal immigration to notice the truth, they have The Truth! to disseminate.

The trailer

Nuff said.

Everybody – Outdoor installation – Summersalt Festival from Snuff Puppets on Vimeo.

Words fail me.

Via David Thompson


If you want to see more, and who does?, click here.

You wuz warned.

It doesn’t get much funnier or endier than this.                                                                                                       Headline

Obama will even defend anti-Semitism to spin his Iran deal


That’s from Lebanon, the country that embraced Hezbollah because they hate Jews.

This is a two-fer, an illustration as to why Green Science is neither and global warmmongers lie.



Yeah, about that, first, they use windmills, that they don’t make. They also brag about how much money they make from selling electricity to the mainland, but they fail to mention this.

As a result of these decisions, three things happened: Vestas, Bonus and Danish wind turbine–makers came to lead their industry globally; a high fossil-fuel tax created generous government subsidies for renewable development; and Samso became sustainable—producing more energy than it consumed for the first time in 2005 and every year since. “[The] fossil-fuel consumer is actually paying for the green development,” Hermansen notes….

…thanks to a bonus payment for renewable energy supplies and to 10-year contracts utilities are required by law to sign with wind power producers.

It’s self-sufficient if they get huge subsidies. Antidictionaryestablishmentarianism in other words. Like this part, it’s the bit where greenies are just like middle ages monks scourging themselves in the public square

If he is consuming more than he is producing, he runs around unplugging things while his poor wife is sitting in the dark,”

Blow out a candle and praise the dark!


I do wish environmentalists weren’t just commie tools or maybe they’d do something about this

Chinampas are floating farms started by the Mexica (Aztecs) 600 years or more ago and now they’re disappearing because of various things but mostly pollution.

Low-income housing developments blot lands that used to be chinampas, or floating gardens. Cars and trucks rumble down pollution-choked streets that used to be canals.

Many of the development projects were built as a bid to win votes when Xochimilco, like  most of Mexico, was controlled by the notoriously corrupt Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.

I look forward to stories about “bad luck” in Mexico City.

Semi-related, it just makes me laugh. And cringe of course, but you takes teh funny where you can get it.



In Gov’t Healthcare News, the Brits NHS is going to improve the lives of people!!!! How?

Under the proposed Sustainable Development Goals, UN member states will be given targets to cut the number of deaths from diseases like cancer, stroke, diabetes and dementia by one third by 2030.
However because many are age-related illnesses people who succumb to those diseases from the age of 70 are not deemed to have died prematurely and so are not included in the target.

They starve them to death and call it “natural causes” and now this. It sucks to be old in (used to be) Great Britain. So we have that to look forward to.


So as American cities are being sacked by Democratic voters, the “Justice” Dept knows who to go after.

The Department of Justice is concentrating on “far-right” groups in a new study of social media usage aimed at combatting violent extremism.

They say Islamic terrorism too, but why no targeting of the domestic groups actually blowing up our cities? I know, it’s a Chicag0-machine-“Justice” Dept so why would they go after their foot-soldiers, but still, they can at least lie to me the way they’re lying and saying that since Congress didn’t authorize it they’re stopping their collection of data .

Here we have the part where Veeshir disagrees with Clarence Thomas.

No monuments are ever built to cynics.

Yeah, about that……



Last, and least important, the most important bit of the day.

Lyndsey Graham is really running, which leaves me in a conundrum.

Which pic is a better illustration? graham  or little lord graham

These are the things that keep me up at night.

Maybe I’m Wrong

Posted: February 16, 2014 by veeshir in Exploding things, PEBKAC, True Heroes

I know they had GI Joes for all branches, but wasn’t the basic GI Joe in the Army?

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

I had lots of GI Joes when I was a kid in the late 60s and early 70s and they mostly had Army uniforms and stuff.

Which makes this pretty darn funny. (Update: That’s Old NFO’s blog, I didn’t even know he had one, check it out)

The face of GI Joe, the quintessential Soldier, was based on a Marine.

One bad mofo of a Marine, he and his buddies killed so many Japanese soldiers they couldn’t even count them.

Read the whole thing. You’ll enjoy it.

You know what this means?

Maybe it’s true, when the Army and Navy look on Heaven’s scenes they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines.

From The Barrel Of a Gun (with a bullet!)

Important probably not safe for work update below the fold. Via the Daily News, The X-Ray. Ugh.



Shocked doctors had to perform emergency surgery on a man in the Australian capital Canberra after he lodged a 10 centimetre (four-inch) steel fork inside his penis for sexual pleasure.

No, seriously?

The bizarre incident was considered so unusual that it was written up as a case report in a recent issue of the International Journal of Surgery.

I’ll bet.
According to the paper “An Unusual Urethral Foreign Body,”
Now there’s a conference that screams out for Dr. Sheldon Cooper PhD.
Every now and then we need a category for the opposite of hotassery.


Now that I have your attention, let’s go to the boobs!

So a few years ago Tsar Putin I had a guy named Litvinenko killed in London using some sort of radioactive stuff in a needle. So the Brits decided to get tough and investigate it!

The results will stay secret. (Grauniad link, I had my choice of BBC, NY Times of the Grauniad, sorry).

Shit, those wimpy boobs in the Brit gov’t ar….damn that’s one fanfastic fucking gif up there.

Lest we think Britain is totally useless, check this out.

A GRANDAD whose house was pelted with stones by a schoolboy was NICKED and FINED after frogmarching him to his parents for a telling-off.

See? They’re not totally useless, they’re totally fucking useless!

In non-boob news, Columbia teaches us how to negotiate with terrorists.

Colombian government forces have killed a FARC brigade commander close to the Marxist group’s chief peace negotiator

Now that’s how you do it. FARC ceased their cease fire so the Columbians started killing them again. Nice.


The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking

No you idiots, all it does is illustrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that those Germans who claimed “I didn’t know!!!” were lying sacks of shit. Just like anybody with a brain already knew.

I have a hard time watching some war movies and not wishing we had perfected the bomb 2 years earlier. Especially in the Band of Brothers when they find the camp and Germans pretend they had no idea what was happening in that horrible place.

Damn, everybody wants to be where the revolution starts.

Brophy points to a section of the bill that defines a high-capacity magazine as one capable of accepting or — that can be readily converted — to accept more than 15 rounds or eight shotgun shells.

That’s just about every pump-action shotgun, you can put a mag extender on them so they’re illegal even without doing so.

So that’s why Biden was pushing double-barrels.

I know, I’m banging my chubby fists on the high-chair again, but….

Jonah Goldberg is upset they’re not inviting Christie to CPAC,

Oh, and he parroted the gun-control line and flip-flopped on accepting a federal bribe to accept Obamacare funding to expand Medicaid.

He thinks they need a big tent, stop being so strict about who they let in.

Yeah, that’s worked so well for the Church of England and the Catholic Church in America.

When your stock in trade is a belief system, it helps to actually FUCKING BELIEVE IN SOMETHING!

Sorry. I just get worked up. Added, I deleted “you assholes”, that was unnecessary. I was all worked up.

Heinlein always said that If “everybody knows” such-and-such, then it ain’t so, by at least ten thousand to one

Case in point. There aren’t more black men in prison than college.

I have to admit, I’ve always accepted that. It always embarrasses me when I forget that truism.

This one is funny on so many levels. 20 years after it could do any good, the state of Michigan is declaring Detroit a disaster area and taking over.

The quotes are what make it.

Mayor Dave Bing said Friday he does not favor an emergency manager to solve Detroit’s problems,

Wait, you mean a grifter is upset that he’s going to lose his source of graft? Color me pointing and laughing.

But wait, he demands his graft!

“There needs to be additional conversation with Lansing regarding their plan to move the city forward,” Bing said. “We have always said that we need help from Lansing to implement our initiatives such as public safety, transportation, lighting and others.

I’ll translate: Gimme, gimme, gimme.

I have to admit, I totally agree with this resident.

“I don’t think it’s right at all,”Angela Woodmere, 37, said Friday outside the Maccabees Building on Woodward. “We elected Detroit politicians and Snyder shouldn’t be dictating how they run the city.”

People get the gov’t they want, they voted for Henry Gondorff, they should keep him.

Speaking of scumbags. Via the Jawas we see Obama’s peace partners giving toys to children!!!! yay!!!!!

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government has decided to educate children about the dangers of toy-like bombs after militants allegedly targeted them recently with bombs disguised as candy, toys and even a string of ball-shaped explosives tied to a cricket bat.

Fucking savages. As for the Obama bit, it might not be the Taliban, but you know Obama would side with this set of boy-fucking savages just like he does with the Taliban.

Via Samizdata, we see this story about art. No, about Art!

So a hundred years ago some guy named Duchamp was at an art exhibit and he grabbed a urinal, signed it and put it on display. Some people are still doing it today. (Recall the janitor who “tidied up” a pile of garbage not realizing it was a million dollar pile of garbage). So the reviewer has this to say:

But it’s not going to come from repeating the same old tricks of 100 years ago. The urinal lovers now are the art establishment.

Hilariously true, but I laugh because I think of the haughty smugnitude you would get back from any Arteeeeest you said that to.

Couple Castle Arghhhhh! links.

First, the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day. (and that’s fucking saying something)

Cadets on the Brigade Energy and Environmental staff will introduce a new insignia to the Corps when they don their cadet uniforms this week. These cadet energy and environmental officers and noncommissioned officers, or E2Os, are tasked with leading the charge on initiatives related to recycling, energy and water conservation at the academy.

Silver Gore Award!

What does 4 up, 3 squiggly mean to you soldier? You’re pathetic sergeant!

The Silver Gore can’t be far behind. I swear, they’re just fucking with us now.

At first glance this looks awesome, but look closer.


Where the hell is the mine sweeper guy! Geez, they’re gonna be boned without him. Everybody knows the dinosaurs plant mines.

A sad post and one where the NY Post blew the headline again.

A massive spill at a Chivas plant has sent the smell of spirits flowing through a Scottish sewer

It should read Hundreds of people found in the sewers of Dumbarton, Scotland.

True Heroes! I so rarely get to use that category. There are only 4 of Doolittle’s Raider’s left alive.

There’s only one thing about that that doesn’t totally suck.

Years ago the President of Hennessy Company presented a bottle of 1896 vintage “Very Special Hennessy” cognac to General Jimmy Doolittle, in honor of his birth year and it was decided that the last two survivors would toast the fallen with it. Due to their advanced age it was decided that they would make the toast this year, before there were none left.
