Archive for the ‘The Little Screen’ Category

¿Tú quieres Comere?

In any language, I love to Comey!

The funniest part about Comey is all the different storylines.

We have the Russia Stole My Election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rematch/campaign ads from Hillary.

(Don’t tell Stoaty I stole her idea. And her p-shop)

That one is the funniest because I’m also watching the Dems, via their minitrue arm, make it abundantly clear it ain’t gonna happen.

Lots of things can happen between now and then but I just don’t think enough people will back her up anymore so we’re getting to see the crushing of her dreams as she realizes that she got Bill what she’ll never have. The people who might be sympathetic appear to be pushing Chelsea Clinton on us. That’s more of a waste of money than giving to Jeb Bush in 2016, so I applaud the effort.


The other story line is the made for TV movie that we’re watching unfold on TV. That’s the dueling “anonymous sources” storyline where a Dem operative, whether officially working for the Dem party or ostensibly working as a journalist, ‘leaks’ some bullshit story that falls apart almost right away,

That one’s funny too. It’s dangerous cuz they keep SCREAMING OUT more fakenews before correcting it, but it’s funny watching it fall apart. Watching Chris Matthews have to admit that there was no COLLUSION!!!!!!! was pretty darn funny.


Then there’s the made for Comey movie that Comey’s been throwing out. My favorite was “I can only offer you my honesty!”, but when he admitted to leaking a gov’t doc involving POTUS and then threw Lynch under the bus were pretty darn funny too.

The different storylines don’t match, nobody but Hillary is throwing out that she was Colluded Against!!!!! so that one is DOA.

Comey’s movie keeps diverging from what Minitrue spent the last months fakenewsing about but Minitrue is not interested in Comey’s revelations about Dem corruption.

The GOP just looks confused. They keep Being Concerned and Worried About Distractions but the stories all keep falling apart. They tried to latch onto Hillary’s story for a while but when they saw they were alone they tried to pretend Minitrue and Comey were simpatico but that fell apart. Now they’re just flailing and declaring they can’t do shit about healthcare or immigration because of Trump. Which makes it more obvious each day that they never had any intention of doing what they campaigned on and were elected to do for a bunch of years running.

There’s no real Comey news anymore, just corrections. It’s only worth pointing and laughing at anymore as the various factions try to keep it alive.

Speaking of which, after the Dept. of “Justice” blatantly told the FBI director to subvert the rule the law they have the balls to do this

A Department of Justice spokesman denied several claims made by former FBI Director James Comey in a Senate hearing Thursday.

“Given Attorney General Sessions’ participation in President Trump’s campaign, it was for that reason, and that reason alone, the Attorney General made the decision on March 2, 2017 to recuse himself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States,” DOJ spokesman Ian Prior said in a Thursday night statement.

Comey testified during the hearing that there is an undisclosed reason that might’ve been behind the attorney general’s recusal from the investigation into Russian election interference and possible collusion with the Trump campaign.

That’s fucking hilarious. It’s every leaker and subverter of the rule of law for chimself these days.


Speaking of shithead GOP liars, this is so typical. It feels right so I’m going in.

Many senior and long-time staffers of the House Oversight Committee plan a walkout when Congressman Trey Gowdy takes the gavel over from Jason Chaffetz…

However, as Chaffetz plans to leave within the next few weeks, many staff plan to leave with him. Many of the staffers leaving have ties to Chaffetz and are in fact fellow alumni of Brigham Young University. Many on the Hill refer to the large number of BYU alumni serving in federal government as the “Mormon mafia.”

The staffers claim their walkout is not necessarily in solidarity with Chaffetz, but more a pre-emptive move because they strongly suspect Trey Gowdy will make changes, or fire a lot of senior staff. The top staffers of the committee are David Rapallo and Susanne Sachsman, both Democrats, who each are paid $172,000 in salary. Of the entire committee staff of ninety, only two junior members are registered Republican:


How the hell did Chaffetz think he was going to accomplish the shit he was elected to do with a staff of Demo… Oh right. Sometimes I forget.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Trey Gowdy is our knight in shining armor,

Trey Gowdy takes the gavel over from Jason Chaffetz. Gowdy, who led the two-year House Benghazi probe, has secured near-unanimous support among members of the House Republican Steering Committee as well as Speaker Paul Ryan.

I can see why he has their support. I mean, it’s not easy to have a two year probe not accomplish shit but still get GOP voters out to the polls and sending in checks. That takes some serious salesmanship and utter disdain for his voters. They all have the last, not many have the first.

I would hope he would fire an entire staff of fucking Democrats that’s why I’m linking. Hope, not expect so YMMV.


No no no no no.


Gov. Scott Walker says he thinks a resolution in the Wisconsin Legislature demanding a convention of the states to add a balanced budget requirement to the U.S. Constitution “makes sense.”

That’s just stupid. What are they going to do when Congress does not balance the budget? We get judges deciding our budget!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man would that be funny. And very fucking endy.

Critics fear calling a convention could lead to wild constitutional revisions.

Ya think?

The last thing we need is a Constitutional convention with Minitrue agitating for common sense revisions to the second amendment and a hate crime exception for the first amendment and let’s not forget the Holy Grail of lefties, The Ecomonic Bill of Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all — regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
All of these rights spell security

That spells security state. I must have cut that off when cuttin n pasting.

I have a radical idea, how about we try using what we have? I’ve read it, well, skimmed it, and it’s really darn cool.

Did you know they need a reason to search your shit? No really, it’s true. And they’re supposed to say who they’re looking for, what they’re trying to find and why they’re looking and have a reason to ask for the search!

Seriously, you should read that thing. It’s pretty cool. I wonder why we don’t use it anymore.


I love this one.

Redneck Revolt is just one among a handful of left-wing groups that have pledged to resist emboldened white supremacists and right-wing extremists through “direct action” that sometimes goes beyond nonviolent protest—including picking up arms. Some see themselves as the heirs of ’60s radicals like the Black Panthers, while others look to the antifa movement for inspiration. Here are a few:

Bastards Motorcycle Club: A couple of years ago, South Carolinians Steven “Chavez” Parker and Joseph Guinn organized an anti-racist, LGBT-friendly motorcycle gang…

A visual representation.

Lots of BADASS TATTS and PATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be intimidated. I foresee lots of bikes on their sides and lots of stitches ruining some pretty bad tatts.

I would like what the guy on the left is smoking. That’s one stoned dude.


The feel good story of the day! More fractal cuttin n pastin for dramatic purposes.

Debbie jetted off from Leeds with her ex and their three kids to the Memories Varadero Beach Resort with Thomas Cook on March 31 hoping for all-inclusive family fun at a cost of over £6,000.

But all five family members fell ill from a suspected food poisoning outbreak…

Debbie Wood said her family’s dream trip to Cuba turned into a nightmare when their hotel served them raw chicken and sewage leaked near the “filthy” pool.

Foster carer Debbie compiled an alarming list of hygiene failings, claiming that her family was served raw chicken on at least two occasions. She said the outdoor buffet selection was often left uncovered, inviting birds and bugs to feast on prepared dishes.

I really hate murderous commie dictators and the people who pretend they’re not murderous or dictators.

This makes it better

Good thing for these Brits that they can sue Thomas Cook, the U.K. travel agency rather than Castro, Inc.

I hate people who support murderous commie dictatorships too.

I am starting to support this. While it’s despicable to act as if you’re not on a slave island, it’s hilarious watching dreams dashed and digestive systems ravaged all to the tune of a shitload of money.



Let’s do some Settled Science!


Doomsday cults can be darn funny.

Until they siphon $trillions from the useful section of our economy to give money the parasite section.


Man, could I have used this in 1977.

Bugs n Drugs on Saturday morning would have been fucking awesome.

Well, so long as everybody had one. I ain’t passing my Quisp to nobody!

I meant to put this in my post earlier but I fergitted. Oh well.

Nother Post!

Some channel around here has the Monkees and the Partridge Family on Sunday mornings. I watch them as I’m tubing and coffeeing. I barely remember the shows but I do know every song by heart, sing along and enjoy them.

At least it’s not 80s music.

So yesterday the Partridge Family had a very timely episode.

Keith’s latest girlfriend is a member of a junior women’s lib organization and he volunteers the group to play at one of their rallies without their knowledge. Unfortunately, they soon run afoul of a right wing conservative group that is bent on preventing the rally from taking place. However, Keith soon finds out that taking up a liberal cause is not all that its cracked up to be when his girlfriend threatens to break up with him if the family doesn’t sing from a set list she has prepared rather than their first number-one hit, “I Think I Love You”.

Yes, the song “I think I love you” was…I forget her wording, they didn’t use “Patriarchy” or “heteronormative” and it was tv in 1970 so they weren’t going to say, “rape”.

Basically, saying, “I think I love you” perpetuates stereotypes of male/female interactions putting the woman in the subordinate position, as if her life isn’t complete without a man who loves her.

So she told Keith they had to play only the allowed songs and Keith says

Nobody – *nobody* – censors our material. Censorship is not the path to equal rights.

You tell her! Too bad I’d bet a dollar any of the surviving stars, writers and producers feel somewhat differently today. I could be wrong about that, Elton John did tell the murderous commie dictators in China to suck his dick. In a bad way.

The “Feminists Were Less Violent In The 70s” scene of the episode.


You just can’t walk out here and assert your manhood!

Said to Keith Partridge.

No, really. She said that to Keith Partridge. Didn’t you watch the clip? You probably didn’t see the announcement of the replacement act being a woman talking about her crusade to get more women in the NHL either.

A simpler time, when music and Hollywood made fun of proto-feminists.

Just something that made me laugh.



Erdogan’s Brute Squad beat up some protesters when Obama was Ascendant.

Faux News covered it straight. Good for them.

The Wash Post “covered” it.

But the event was seemingly upstaged by proceedings outside the venue, where protesters appeared to clash with Erdogan supporters,

“Seemingly” and “appeared to”…

It’s all just a “he said, she bled all over the place” sort of thing.

The NY Times ignored it.

CNN hilariously has this story headlined

‘I’m not at war with press,’ says Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan



Turkey’s Foreign Ministry lodged a formal protest Monday with the U.S. ambassador over “aggressive” actions by American security personnel during a clash between Turkish guards and protesters as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Washington this month…


Oh what a difference an ejection makes.



German tanks roll back into Poland

Yeah, I’m gonna have to be more specific, that was June 193…I mean, June 2015.



But this year, far from the headlines, Germany and two of its European allies, the Czech Republic and Romania, quietly took a radical step down a path toward something that looks like an EU army while avoiding the messy politics associated with it: They announced the integration of their armed forces.

So not much different.

8 years of Obama has shown we cannot be trusted to protect them so they’re doing what they have to do. At least they’re noticing reality.


Now, I’m not gonna suggest you click the obvious link-bait, I didn’t,

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Woman Claims She Knows Exactly What Men Like… Since She’s Slept With 10,000 Of Them.

but unless she wrote, “Many men will sleep with just about decent looking woman who is willing.”, she did not learn a thing.


See, now this is funny.  Commemorative coins of the 45th President of these United States!

I kinda want one. They’re $10 for one and $15 for two. Hilarity for that low price is hard to find.

I wonder if it’s a Trump hater or a Trump supporter or just a comedian.


I am so sick of all the Concerned and Alarmed idiocies about how firing Comey is the End of the Republic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s see if I can ignore Comey for this post.

There’s something about this vid that I really like.

I’m not sure what it is, but I just like watching that.


Victor Davis Hanson wonders if Trump can successfully remodel the GOP.  Trump has some help in that, but as we’ve seen, the voters have very limited power to change the gov’t in our particular form of republic. We can change the names of our ‘leaders’, but we apparently have little more power to change the policies than residents of a People’s Republic or even a Democratic People’s Republic.

And this is why

Republicans concentrate on what they like in the Trump agenda — military spending increases, energy expansion, deterrence abroad, tax and regulatory reform, and the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act — and they ignore the inherent contradictions between Trumpism and their own political creed…

In this mainstream Republican view, the role of a superpower is to endure trade deficits to help its less powerful allies and keep the global order prosperous and stable. But Trump’s idea of “fair” trade trumps “free” trade.
Trump is not willing to accept a permanent Midwest Rust Belt as the price of globalization.

Yup. They think that people who want to revitalize American manufacturing are parochial and just not that bright. If we have to pay for their vision of how the world works, well, that’s what welfare is for!

At first he seemed to be defending our fine political betters, but then he noticed reality in a way that’s very intelligent (i.e. agrees with what I think)


Unlike doctrinaire Republicans, Trump believes that illegal immigration is a big — and bad — deal.
The Republican establishment’s employer argument is that illegal immigration ensures that the sort of work “Americans won’t do” is actually done. Or, some establishment Republicans believe that undocumented migrants who cross the southern border will one day become conservative, “family values” voters.
Not so Trumpism. It seeks to help the working class by stopping the importation of cheap labor. It believes that secure borders will restore the sanctity of law, and that the end of illegal immigration will lead to greater integration and assimilation of Latino minority groups.

Exactly. The way we integrated immigrants for 200 years is just so simplisme! The Melting Pot is racist and cannot be taught anymore! Diversity is our strength!

While having diverse opinions can be strengthening, we are balkanizing. Immigrants from previous generations are only different in the food they eat and the booze they drink in general. That includes many (most?) Mexicans, although that numbers was a higher percentage of the whole a few decades ago.

Trumpism has no illusions that there will ever be a world of liberal democracies. It seeks instead only to make sure enemies understand that any future aggression will not be worth the anticipated benefits.

Nuke The Moon! baby. We don’t need our enemies to like us, they won’t, we just need them to respect and fear us. Or just fear us. But respect makes it easier to intimidate.

As for dictators such as those in the Philippines or Egypt, Trumpism argues that it makes little sense to snub autocratic friends while cutting deals with autocratic enemies like those in Iran or Cuba.

That’s a great point, why should we be nice to the murderous dictators in China and Iran and mean to non- or less-murderous assholes elsewhere? The asshole in the Philippines isn’t killing his opposition (yet?) and the assholes in Egypt are killing their natural enemies (Christians and insufficiently similar Muslims) but leaving the rest of the world alone. Even Israel mostly.

Obama and Hillary got rid of Mubarak without a plan, Trump shouldn’t do the same. Especially as a sane plan would include us getting involved there after deposing the current dictators. We are done Nation-Building for the foreseeable future. We just don’t have the balls to do it the way we did with Japan and Germany, “Here’s your constitution and gov’t. Meet your new military governor. He’ll be leaving when we can trust you not to be murderous assholes and can trust your neighbors not to invade you and make you differently murderous assholes.”

Now we run away.

On matters of identity politics, Republicans have often sought to play down but not actively oppose racial, ethnic, and gender pressure groups. The strategy has been to not antagonize the ethnic and race industries in hopes of receiving a greater share of the minority vote.
Trump is politically incorrect.

And it’s been hilarious.

Trump just keeps making end runs around Minitrue’s Narrative and the entire We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party is just freaking out. Their weapons are useless!

So we see articles like this from Concerned Republicans Who Only Want What Is Best For The Nation!


For the love of God, delete his account

That would be Trump’s Twitter account. The one that gives our fine social, moral, political and intellectual betters such agita.

President Trump’s impulsive social media habit does little to advance his agenda, it pulls both his fans and critics into endless fights and it has created several major headaches for top White House staffers, including Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway.

That’s funny. Our fine betters in Minitrue, their entertainment arm, the rest of the Democratic party and most of the GOP are forced to change their actions because of Trump’s tweets. He got more action out of the country using social media than anyone since Sarah Palin put out her “Death Panel” deal.

It’s no small thing for a sitting president to appear to threaten a former FBI director. (shit, I thought I’d make it without Comeying V)

After 8 years of Obama threatening everybody from day 1, including police doing their jobs, private citizens, more private citizens,  more private citizens, more private citizens, more pr…(moving on) journalists (both real and suckophantic), our military, businesses… I know I’m leaving some people out, but Trump going after Hillary’s Head Bitch is not even in the same ballpark. Trump telling Comey not to lie about him is not just not wrong, but shows Trump has been paying attention to Comey.

It’s even worse when that same director formerly headed an investigation into the role hostile foreign agents played in the election that swept said president into power.

Still fucking that Russia Hacked The Election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chicken I see. Once you see that you can safely assume that the idiot who wrote it is not processing reality. And even if it was 100% Russian Hacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what did they do? The Job Americans Won’t Do, i.e. report accurately on Democrat perfidy and felonyizing. Above we saw that the GOP is all about foreigners doing the Jobs Americans Won’t Do but now they’re against it. Why…. it’s almost as if they use situational ethics where who is on the receiving end decides the morality and ethics of a position!?!?!?!?!?!?!


A non-exhaustive recap of the past week’s crop of Comey Fake News!!!!! that was breathlessly and shriekingly reported and (occasionally) quietly corrected.

If you care. I skimmed it, I don’t really need a reminder of the lies, distortions, contortions and “anonymous” liars they have and are trotting out. The only use for it is that I think Americans are actually watching with dropped jaw as our betters freak out over something they had all, each and every fucking one, called for as little as a week ago.

Speaking of assholes from the We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party, John, I hate Veeshir, McCain!

Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, offered high praise for Sen. John McCain on Friday, saying the Arizona Republican’s vocal criticism of President Trump marks his “finest hour.”

“I think frankly this is John McCain’s finest hour,” Schiff said on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

The senior Arizona senator has also been critical of Trump’s “America first” approach to foreign policy,

Exactly. We gave the GOP victories in the last few elections because we didn’t like what the Dems were doing to our nation so what do the big shit sheep…grand poo bahs of the GOP do? Stuff that gets praise from Democrats. Asshole Democrats like Schiff.


Speaking of the entertainment arm of the Democratic media/entertainment political complex, The Last (conservative) Man Standing isn’t.

The cancellation by ABC of Tim Allen’s hit comedy “Last Man Standing”…

Allen’s biting and genuinely funny witticisms poking fun at all things liberal. Its humor is balanced, with the show featuring a Canadian liberal son-in-law who gets his points across…

the blue-collar sitcom was ABC’s second most watched comedy this season with 8.1 million viewers in Live +7, only behind flagship Modern Family (8,7 million). It was the third most watched ABC scripted series overall behind Grey’s Anatomy and Modern Family….(emphasis me V)


So they canceled one of the shows that people actually want to watch for their religion. Someone should tell them that tithing only requires 10%, not bankruptcy. Via Commonsense and Wonder.


The NY Post plays Name That Party! about a DA stepping back as he’s being criminally investigated.

allegations he took part in a police coverup involving former Suffolk Police Chief James Burke, who pleaded guilty in February 2016 to federal charges that he beat a man who stole a stash of porn and a sex toy from Burke’s official vehicle.

I don’t get the problem, misuse of gov’t property is a right and Dems covering up their accomplices in graft is how NY works! He looks sorta old, maybe the ass’t DA wasn’t interested in waiting for him to retire.


Nothing story about a Republican running for election has “irregularities” in his past, I’d say his mistake is he wasn’t high enough up in the hierarchy of the We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party to have the necessary degree of impunity.

Former South Carolina state senator Ralph Norman, who is running as the conservative candidate in the state’s fifth congressional district, sat on the board of a bank that accepted millions of dollars from the Obama administration’s 2008 bailout.

But I’m linking for the part I bolded. In 2008 Obama was not POTUS, that was Bush’ 2008 bailout.

Norman served on South Carolina Bank and Trust Financial Corporation’s board of directors in January 2009 when the bank sold $64.8 million in preferred stock and a 10-year warrant to the Treasury Department under its Capital Purchase Program, which was created as part of the federal government’s $700 billion bailout.

January, 2009 was when Obama ascended, that was Bush’s bailout.  The one he rammed down the financial world’s throat.

The chief executives of the country’s nine largest banks had no choice but to accept capital infusions from the Treasury Department in October, government documents released Wednesday have confirmed.

Obtained and released by Judicial Watch, a nonpartisan educational foundation, the documents reveal “talking points” used by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson during the Oct. 13 meeting between federal officials and the executives that stressed the investments would be required “in any circumstance,” whether the banks found them appealing or not.

Notice that in 2009 to that member in good standing of our fine media betters Judicial watch was “non-partisan”. (I know I missed a couple commas in there but I’m not sure where so here are a few you can insert  ,,,)

But why is the Free Beacon obfuscating the issue of who started stimuluzing and bailouting while attacking this man as a Friend Of Obama? Is the “journalist” just an idiot or is there some sort of agenda in play?

Ralph Norman, who is running as the conservative candidate in the state’s fifth congressional district,

Are they joining the We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party or is it just that opinionator or are they angry that he’s not a conservative or some other, undisclosed, reason?

Because I’ll tell you what, taking money you’re forced to take by the POTUS from your party is not necessarily a sign that you’re not conservative.

Just something that confused me.


This is very messed up. In a story about a Gorsuch dissent (he was against the arrest), we see this.

The New Mexico incident began in 2011 when the student, known only as F.M. in court papers, kept interrupting his physical education class with fake burps. The teacher sent him into the hallway, where he continued burping and laughing as he leaned into the classroom entrance. (emphasis me V)

The teacher called for assistance on her school radio, and soon Arthur Acosta, a police officer assigned to the school, arrived in the hallway, according to court documents.

Acosta took the boy to the school’s office, then placed him under arrest for violating a New Mexico law that prohibits anyone from disrupting the education process. Acosta handcuffed the student and took him to the juvenile detention center, where the boy stayed about an hour until he was picked up…

I think it’s ridiculous that the kid was arrested, expel him if he’s that disrespectfully disruptive, but notice a few things.

There were cops patrolling the school, that’s not often done in schools where it’s not necessary. Maybe the cop knew the kid from previous interactions. Judging from what happened, I’m gonna assume this choir boy/orphanage-volunteer had previously had such disrespectful and disruptive episodes.

Also think about what he was doing.

Acosta’s lawyer says the criminal act was the boy’s “interference with the educational process, not the act of burping.”

Sure, it was burping and laughing, but he was showing a complete lack of respect for the teacher, the other students and the whole concept of school. Further, his actions showed that he was utterly unafraid of any repercussions. From my experience, I’m gonna assume calling the parents would not be a useful exercise.

There are a lot of kids like that, I’m not just saying that just from my teaching experience but from relatives’ kids and their friends.

School cannot work unless there’s respect flowing both ways. Respect for others is sorely lacking in today’s culture.


Let’s Tolerance!

First up, we have this.

A Detroit-area high school is holding an all-girls prom

That’s not a prom. Jebus. How can you have a prom without prom-dates? Here’s the Tolerance part.

to create a comfortable and safe environment for girls who cannot attend the traditional co-ed prom for cultural reasons.

So in other words, the girls’ owners (male relatives) would beat them, honor-kill them, cut off their noses or just throw acid in their faces if they act like American girls.

I hate people sometimes. You really should not cater to that shit.

Now, for a little palate-washer, let’s look at the State of American Heavy Metal! They’re bad ass, they won’t cave to intolerant religious assholes who are intolerant!

Megadeth agreed to cut songs that were potentially “offensive” to Muslims after the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) Youth group voiced its objection to them touring the country.


I wish to offend no one here. We cut songs for China.”

Really? Megadeth was out manlied by Elton John?

Chinese authorities have hardened their line on foreign musicians, after Elton John infuriated them by dedicating a performance to outspoken artist and activist Ai Weiwei, according to industry sources. Police arrived to interview the singer shortly after he announced that the performance, which took place in Beijing last November, was dedicated “to the spirit and talent of Ai Weiwei”

So sad.

When people try to censor your art, you tell them to fuck off or you just do your deal.

However, he (Jeff Dunham V) was informed by the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture that Achmed should not be mentioned or brought on to the show..

Dunham cleverly side-stepped the issue by introducing a new character; “Who knew that Achmed had a French cousin — Jacques, the dead French terrorist?” he says. “It was Achmed with a beret and mustache, and the audience loved it, thankfully. But I was a bit frightened there, too. I thought, ‘Will they drag me off the stage and make an example of me?’ I honestly thought that was a possibility, as you never know how strict and real these laws are.”

So in other words, a flamingly flamboyent homosexual musician, second only to Liberace in his flamboyence, flaming and homosexuality, and a guy who plays with dolls have more balls than Megadeth!

Still say 80s music has heart and soul?

This made me laugh when I saw it. I’d like to see the entire show, but even his specials only show bits and pieces.

That’s how you do it.


Relatedly, Trump appoints a Frenchman, Vladimierre Poutin, as head of the FBI!

Sometimes reality is less funny than fantasy.


And then there are times like this.

A judge set bail Friday for an Elkhorn man accused of hiring prostitutes to bare their breasts and strip on his neighbor’s porch

My neighbors just call the cops on me.

Not sure why the cops got involved this time though, it seems to me a ‘Thank You’ was in order.


I thought hockey players were exempt from this shit.

Islanders goalie Thomas Greiss has apologized after he reportedly caused an outrage in Germany when it was discovered that he “liked” an Instagram post comparing Hillary Clinton to Adolf Hitler.

Although the way they’ve been trying to Stop Hockey’s Ultra-Violent Ways!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have figured SJW’s were paying attention.

One thing, I wonder if Hillary shaves anything like a Hitler mustache.


Sorry, but if I had warned you you wouldn’t have read that and cringed.

The funniest thing I’ve heard hockey announcers say was when Montreal made Pierre Turgeon captain cuz he’s French-Canadian and a NY Islanders announcer said, “That’s ridiculous. If that were the case, the Islanders would have to have a Jew as captain!

The next day I waited to see but nobody freaked out. I figured they were still exempt, but apparently the forces of Tolerance And Love have decided that every aspect of our lives needs to be Toleranced, Loved and Mostly-Peaced.



I found an inside look at one of the top journalists at the Wash Post!


They’re obviously very busy, that must be why their lies and Fake News are so pathetic.

I had a bunch of stuff to post but really, why bother? It’s all the same old shit.

Although there’s something new that’s getting old. people telling Congress they won’t be testifying. That’s fucked up. Not that the current one deserves it, but nobody in the fucking world respect Congress. They should be ashamed of themselves, announce they’re going to take vows of silence and move to a commune in Oregon.

Since everything seems as if it’s all the same old stuff, I’m going with that motif.

Nothing new, but in case you want a recap of Hillary’s Bitches and their actions, click. The prosecution of Dinesh D’Souza was particularly despicable. It makes me even angrier at the fuckheads fighting Trump from within the gov’t. C’mon asteroid!

CNN’s Has Another Big Scoop! No… They Have 4 Big Scoops!

The Dastard!

Speaking of which, a Trump’s Eye View!



I wish I had done this the other day. Pretend I did.

The chicken nugget joke was okay that one makes me laugh harder. With thanks to Paco for making me think of it.


I wonder if it’s GM, I’d sell the Caballero for that.

I don’t think you’d see too many of those tooling around the desert.

Life Imitates South Park!


Some people stock up on food, some stock up on water, some stock up on medicine.

Remember, gold might get you good soldiers, but good soldiers can always get gold.


I did not realize that hipsters started in either the late 19th or early 20th century Germany.

They’re my step-mother’s grandparents.

I know a guy who looks almost exactly like that guy (On the right, this was back when people looked in their pants to figure out gender),  the modern day hipster’s “wave” isn’t nearly as impressive though. He probably uses Fop instead of Dapper Dan.


Important Above the Post Twitter Video That’s Awesome!
In Portland, Oregon they’re protesting the police by shutting down traffic. I love the way they get the crowd on their side.

Is that beautiful or what? As the cops start tackling them the crowd cheers and people start blowing their horns. I like the guy who’s pointing the cops at the asshole prostestors.
Now, back to our post, the next part is sorta about a textual example of the above vid.
Via Twitchy.

I’m not sure how many of you read Ace, but this is fucking beautiful.

It’s pretty long but well worth the read.

It’s this (Obama attacking some poor pizzeria owners in Indiana at a correspondent’s dinner V) that sent me to a place from which I’ll never return. I literally don’t care what Donald Trump does because nothing he can do is worse than what they’ve already done.

Donald Trump isn’t the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. They’re the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy.

There aren’t any rules anymore because the left only applies them one way. And in doing so, they’ve left what once was a civil compact between the two parties in smoldering ruins.

I have no personal investment in Donald Trump. He is a tool to punish the left and roll back their ill-gotten gains, no more and no less. If he succeeds even partially in those two things, then I’ll consider his election a win.

Preach it. That bit about Trump only insulting and abusing people in power is one of Trump’s best attributes.

He punches up. If you punch down, like fucking Obama attacking a particular, Boston cop, you’re nothing but a punk-ass bully.

RTWT if you haven’t already.

Once again, CNS buries the lede.

The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

Geez, that must me some huge slum-tenement with 24,000 residents! How can Atlanta allow that to be?!?!?!?!?! I mean, we know there’s no illegal alien fraud for Trump to find! They respect our laws!
I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzr TV, I love it. I’ve always liked Match Game and I’ve been getting into the old Family Feud as well as watching some of the other ones. Young Alex Trebec is hilarious in his polyester suits with white shoes and belt. I used to love Beat the Clock. I even had the home game! It was awesome.

You can surely tell it’s the 70s. I don’t miss those days, but the casual racism and sexism is crazy to watch.

Richard Dawson and Gene Rayburn pretty much molest every hot contestant they can get their hands on. They scare the hot chick sitting next to Richard on Match Game too. One episode I thought they were going to take off Elaine Joyce’s very not, halter top. She thought so too. She tried to keep a smile on her face, but she was pretty scared. They just kept going.

A girl, 18 and married with a kid, was on Family Feud in the last couple of days, when Richard asked, “Do you work?” she responded, “Ladies don’t work” in an adorable Tennessee accent. The contestants say stuff all the time you would never, ever hear anybody today say.

They had Cowboys against Cowboy Cheerleaders on Family Feud and Richard made a joke about a black man not needing to go to the beach, I thought Tony Dorsett was going to smack him. His look was priceless. The cheerleaders didn’t make it to the final part so he didn’t get to do anything but kiss them and sorta fondle their shoulders. Poor Richard.

When Match Game has a black guy in the upper left spot, they say shit that just cracks me up. The questions have shit that’s pretty much just racist and the guy has to smile and laugh. Questions about watermelon or fried chicken. I mean, it’s not funny cuz they are really racist, but it is cuz they’re such caring lefties and let you know all the time with all their “causes” and praising St. Jimmeh and bashing and hissing over Ford and Nixon.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Important, Above The Fold, Depressing Update.

Steven Den Beste died.

For those who don’t know him, his USS Clueless was the most informative read on the tubes in the early days of the tubes. He had long, long posts that explained the science, engineering and history of how we got where we are.

They were long and meticulously researched. People who hated him wouldn’t be able to dispute what he wrote so they would say stupid shit like, “King Henry VIII didn’t have a long beard, it was short!!!!!!!”, you know, typical intertubes bs from losers who are angry you’ve burst their bubble.

His green energy posts were required reading for anybody wishing to debunk all the stupidity around windmills and solar panels and other idiocies we’ve been subsidizing forever. That link says his archives are gone, one of the commenters claims to have them so maybe we’ll see them online again.

He got burned out and turned to anime as Chizumatic, but he still did the occasional post on stuff he used to do.

How important was he to the early blogosphere?


Notice the puppy blender is “Free Traffic”, but USS Clueless was Broadway, the most valuable piece of real estate in the blogosphere.


Now back to our post, pretend the first thing really is first. I know I wish it still was. Steven will be missed.


First thing, a gang of ‘youths’in flash gangs attacked college students in Philly in multiple incidents, including young Mongo punching a horse. Really, dude punched a police horse.

Let’s look at 5 articles on the incidents.

Two incidents, “not related”, no identifying of the perpetrators.

4 Arrested, 150 in flash gangs, no identifying of the perpetrators.

4 Arrested, no identifying of the perps.

This one is funny, the headline says, “dozens arrested” but the body says, “handful arrested”. So which is it? No description of the perpetrators.

Flash gangs, description of injuries, 15 and 17 year olds arrested, kids are black.

a 15-year-old male was arrested after he allegedly assaulted a Temple Police officer along the 1900 block of N. Broad Street.

According to police, the officer, who police did not identify on Monday, approached the juvenile when she spotted him throwing rocks at cars along the 1600 block of N. Broad Street.

With this video.


Now, normally Shep Smith loves him any story with video, but not this one.

If it had been a gang of white kids attacking Howard University, everything we’d see today on TV would be about how Trump’s rhetoric caused these racist white folks to attack Howard.

But since it’s a gang of more than 100 black kids attacking white people in response to Obama’s and Hillary!’s rhetoric and minitrue’s egging on, not a blessed thing.

Our fine media betters, making us “safer” and “safer”.


Other thing, Walking Dead stuff below the fold. No direct spoilers, but lots of peripheral ones.


I’m not sure what happened with this post, I thought I had posted it a week or more ago.

So, while it’s old, it’s still relevant.

Why? Cuz I fucking said so.


How many people die because of the lies and distortions promulgated by our fine media betters?


The most visible lately are the cops shot by people egged on by the lie of “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and other BLM bullshits, but they aren’t the only ones.

Like this woman who was going to hitch-hike across the Middle East to prove to unhelpful types like me that Islam is Peace (instead of the real translation which is Submission), and that all the folks in the Middle East are just friends she hasn’t met yet.

Needless to say, it didn’t end well.

The naked body of Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo, 33, known as Pippa Bacca, was found in bushes near the northern city of Gebze on Friday.

The worst part? That’s as “well duh” a moment as there could be but I’m a racist hater for noticing it and in EUnuchstan, I’d be arrested for saying that.


Via Paco (I didn’t use his link because they wouldn’t let me cut n paste any text from their article. Way to go!!!! You idjits stopped me from quoting you!!!!!!! You won!!!!!! I won’t link you!!!!!! That’s a better way to cut circulation than anything I do here.)

Two unrelated, awesome, things.

Bride walks down aisle with man who has her father’s heart. (No, he didn’t rip it out and show it to her while it was still beating and no, not her father’s gay lover, her father was an organ donor who was murdered. Sheesh)

That’s surprising and heart warming. (*smack*)

Sorry, but it is awesome.

Actually, now I’m not sure if this is awesome. I thought so at first but then I started thinking it was evil.


Needs more Hypnotoad.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!


The reason I’m leaning toward “evil” is because it’s just fanfiction so there’s no movie, just a com-tease.

Of course, if Hollywood made it they’d screw it up so I should be happy. They’d probably make Bender a fembot and the movie would be about fighting Nixon’s head and Trump’s head who are all racist against illegal mutant immigration.

But is that Key or Peele playing Hermes at the end? It surely looks like it.

If so, maybe they will make it! And maybe they will not screw it up! And maybe the RNC won’t cum in my mouth!


Important Update!!!!!!

An even worse tease of  a fake movie!!!







Hazzard Flag

Posted: June 22, 2015 by socklessjoe in Op/Sped, The Little Screen
Tags: , ,

Growing up as poor white Yankee trash, my first exposure to the Confederate battle flag was the Dukes of Hazzard.

Of course, as a youngster, I had no idea the significance of the flag, or the appellation “General Lee”. I just saw some dudes -who were clearly the good guys- sticking it to the Powers That Be…


…and driving an impossibly awesome car (-with a horn that played “Dixie” no less).

(Alas, I was also too young to appreciate the tremendous… talent that Catherine Bach brought to the show.)

And it is in this gallantly rebellious spirit that I know many view the Southern Cross. As Ace put it, it often means “fuck you”.


We still need a “fuck you” sign. It’s a shame that the rebel flag carries so much baggage.

I guess there’s Gadsden…

Rand Paul is shown here tilting at the right windmills, it’s a “The Hill” link (Minitrue franchisee) but it has Rand Paul saying something like (I don’t feel like doing the quote exactly)

Obama is saying I have no intention to drone-kill Americans when he should be saying he has no right to do so.


Bingo. I did go to Foxnews to look for the video but they wanted me to watch :26 seconds of an ad to see a minute of video, they surely have the right to do that, just like I have the right to not waste my time watching what they want me to.

It’s too bad, I saw the interview yesterday and I was wondering if they left in the part where he was talking about Obama talking about sequestration. He said that Obama was a liar 4 different ways, it looked as if he was trying to soften it like the vid the other day, but this time he went on and said it was “dishonest, disingenuous…” I can’t remember the rest of the words he used, but his Roget’s thesaurus must be dog-eared at “liar”.



Speaking of Obama’s Cox Skybomber armada, they’re admitting they’re bringing it to America!

Remember folks, birdshot doesn’t bring them down unless you hit just the right spot but you might not have a tight enough pattern if you use buckshot, so I’d get a few different loads and see what works best.

I read in Valdez is Coming, a western that was made into a Burt Lancaster movie, that the guy melted beef tallow into his shotgun shells and it kept their pattern very tight for a distance. If anybody knows about that, let me know, that might be a good drone-load.


It’s funny, as Obama is deploying his drones to watch (kill?) me, the military is grounding the planes used to kill furriners.

They found a cracked engine blade in an F-35 so they’re all grounded. Yay! My only problem is that it’s only 51 of them, c’mon guys, it’s not funny unless it’s over 200 and maybe a whole carrier wing is grounded or something. Listen, we’re not ALL GONNA DIE!!!!  if you morons keep pussy-footing around.


Now, I hate to laugh at a brave man killed performing a thankless duty, so I won’t, I will laugh at the idjit “journalist”

First, check out the headline

Little impact in violent Mexican border city after police chief disappears, brothers slain


So…. what sort of impact were you expecting? Less violence? Free puppies for all children? The thugs running the city killed the guy who was trying to make an impact you moh-rons.

Now, a conundrum.

In one of Mexico’s most violent border cities, no one is saying what happened to Police Chief Roberto Balmori Garza.


Hmmm, I wonder if there are any clues?

It’s been a week since he went missing from Nuevo Laredo and the local news media have reported nothing, even after two of his brothers showed up murdered in a neighboring state on Feb. 17. One of them was an agent for the federal Attorney General’s Office.

Eh, probably just went to Hawaii for a little vacay. I wonder how scared people are in this violent town.
City spokesman Juan Jose Zarate said the local government has no confirmation that Balmori Garza disappeared, only that he has not come to work.
Well, nobody’s seen him in a long time, but that doesn’t mean he’s disappeared!
I would bet a dollar that Juan Jose Zarate knows exactly where the sheriff is. The first time I saw this movie, with Audie Murphy playing the part of the sheriff who replaces the not-missing sheriff, the good guys won. Somehow, with Obama selling guns to the bad guys, I’m not so sanguine.
I’ve given up on hoping for the best in Syria, rather, I’ve decided the best outcome in Syria is for me not to pay attention.
Sigh, once in a while I can’t do that. It’s just too good a lesson on History. Only one (maybe two) revolutions have not been taken over by just a different set of thugs (America and the Dutch, although they threw off a foreign yoke not their own rulers) and we’re seeing the normal course of affairs playing out in real time.
So in this case we see the gov’t has lost control over their country, they’re actually fighting for their second biggest airport, and since it’s an airport in a vicious dictatorship

The rebels have cut off the highway the army has been using to transport troops and supplies to a military base within the airport complex. The airport east of the city is part of a complex that includes a smaller military airfield and the base.

That means the jihadis getting a military base too.  Yay! Jihadis in MiGs and Mirages! And they won’t be aiming for Israel! That’s unexpected. The FEOCE! doesn’t always run in predictable patterns, that’s what makes it so fun.
As a math teacher, I have to say I’m glad I read this story.
One question stated the number of slaves who died while taking over a ship. It asked how many slaves were still alive. The other said a slave was whipped five times a day and asked students to calculate how many times a month he was whipped.
I’m in Arizona, so I’ll use word-problems like, “There are 20 soldiers and 10 women in the fort, if only 5 soldiers remembered to save two bullets at the end instead of just one,  how many white women were killed and raped by Injuns?”
Topical is the way to go.
Okay, this one is absolutely chillingly hilarious. When I was learning my mistrust of people there were three classes of people who I trusted implicitly: Kindergarten teachers, 1st grade teachers and school nurses.

A Franklin County kindergarten teacher has been charged with trying to have her ex-husband killed and a school nurse is accused of helping her.

Jeebus, now I have to wonder what the hell the 1st grade teacher in that school is doing.
Let’s end this on Good News From Texas.
First, the very first blog post ever, Travis’ letter to everybody saying, “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!” (my hero), has been returned to the Alamo.
Makes me hope that this blog, containing all my “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!” posts, is returned to the home for the criminally insane when I die.
Texas man ventilates bad guy! He was heard to say, “What are your insides doing on the outside you dumb bastard?”
Or not, but I hope so.
Two of the three were arrested later on, the third was heard to say, “”
Cuz he’s dead.

Danny Husk, District Attorney

Posted: November 16, 2012 by doubleplusundead in Random Crap, The Little Screen

A DA in NY has admitted that he was a porn star in the early 70s.  Not quite a full pornstache, but you know he could rock one if he wanted to.  Seriously, who the fuck cares if this guy did a few pornos in the 70s?  Unless there’s some clear conflict of in interest in some trial he oversaw, who the fuck cares?  Actually, I could see a problem, now that everyone knows that he’s a former porn star everything he says is gonna be taken as innuendo, and jurors and judge are just gonna hear “blahblahblah…BOWCHICKAWOWCHICKAWOWWOW…blahblahblah….CHICKAWOWCHICKAWOW…THEN HE THREW HER DOWN ON THE BED…ZIIIIIIP…”

For those who don’t get the title.