Archive for the ‘What the fuck did they blow up now?’ Category

The last 5 days have been utterly insane. I try not to look at stuff from Afghanistan but it’s so outrageously unbelievable and continuously adding more unbelievable outrageousness.

Much as I hate to do it, let’s start there.

I’m not posting the picture, but a bunch of goat and little boy fucking savages copied the iconic photo of the US Marines on Iwo Jima raising our flag.

Yes, they’re mocking the United fucking States fucking Marine fucking Corps.

In part thanks to the actions of Marine General “Mad Dog” Mattis and in accordance with his wishes.

I hope that motherfucking, oath-breaking, insurrectionist is fucking happy. It’s not my place, but the rest of the Marine Corps should declare the first ex-Marine.

And not just the Marine Corps, but they’re ordering all US military out of their ‘country’ by 9/11.

They probably want us out before whatever horrible terrorist attacks are going to happen on 9/11 so we’d have to decide to go back, get ready to go back and then actually go back. Which wouldn’t happen for the foreseeable future.

And in the Taliban’s defense, they’re entirely too mockable.

The Brit told him to go fuck himself, hopefully in those words. With other words questioning his manhood, parentage, procreational acumen and equipment. If it was a woman, I hope he made gender proper insults.

Without asking the general’s pronouns.

That shit is just embarrassing.

Of course, as Biden said it’s no problem getting to the airport.

He has a plan to evacuate them.

Well, not so much a plan as a hope that our fine media betters don’t report on the thousands of executions we’re about to not see.

Despicable and embarrassing. This sucks and it’s only going to get worse. A whole lot fucking worse.

The Taliban is showing off the weapons we paid for that they have but We The People don’t.

Helpfully illustrated

In the Glorious Now instead of Funny Cuz It’s True we have Not Funny Cuz It’s True.

And lest you think our fine betters in the State Dept are not on the job,

I wonder if they got absentee ballots.
I mean for federal elections, California absentee ballots are a given.

The State Dept was hacked but I’m sure it’s not serious.

Oh crap, they denied it. Hmmm, as I think about that, I’m actually thinking it really won’t affect their mission in Afghanistan, since they do not currently have a mission to evacuate anybody in Afghanistan. Whew, dodged that bullet!

Wherein Veeshir disagrees with Mark Steyn

Afghanistan is about Afghanistan – if you’re Afghan or Pakistani…

Afghanistan is not about Afghanistan, Afghanistan is not a country, it’s a place that no country wants enough to keep it.

Afghanistan to Pakistanis and Afghanis is about their own tribe and which tribes they’re allied with and which tribes they’re fighting.

As for alliances, they are just a convenience, they rarely have anything to do with who each tribe is going to attack.

The People’s Front of Afghanistan will ally with the Afghanistan Front of People against the People of the Front of Afghanistan but when battle starts, the Afghanistan Front of People suddenly join the People’s Front of Afghanistan against the People of the Front of Afghanistan! But wait! Suddenly the Afghanistan Front of People are joined by the People’s Afghanistan of Front against the……..and so on, century after century. They can’t even get together to repel an invader.

It’s like Syria with no central gov’t but with more little boy fucking and better beards.

I was fer going in, not so thrilled with “nation building” where there has never been a nation. I did have a plan for leaving a few years ago, it involved bombing much of the country with fuel air explosives, nuking the Pak border and leaving a few Marines with Ospreys, some of the 10th Mountain and a shitload of A-10s and Apaches.

The nukes were possibly a bit much, but that would have been better than what we have now.

That’s all the Afghanistan I can take, let’s look at something happy!

Whoever’s running the federal gov’t is ignoring the Taliban to focus on the real enemy.


One of the themes of this brave new world is how America might be boned, but the rest of the world is astronimcally more boned.

“These protestors want their freedoms back.”

Watch the whole, short, thing if you ran out of coffee and need an adrenaline fix to get going. I made it about 25 seconds. I had enough coffee this morning.

If you want more of the same, click here. It’s half infuriating, half frustrating and half depressing. Too many halves for me. Australia is going to a scary place.

In more “The People Are Getting What They Voted For Good and Hard” news, Seattle!

Seattle residents fed-up with homeless encampments fined by city for taking back their streets

Seattle residents, tired of their streets being used for homeless encampments and vehicles, blocked off parking spaces with cement blocks only to cited by the city.

Kurt Schlichter asks, Can Larry Elder Save California?

I’ll field that one.

No. California needs for the people to take back their state.

What our fine betters are prepared to do to keep us from ever voting for an unapproved candidate.

First, ensure we only see approved information

According to Vorhies, Google had tweaked its algorithms to ensure that people only saw negative stories from the mainstream media about former president Donald Trump when they used the search engine. He admits that the Big Tech platform altered its news algorithms to harm the president’s reputation, as well as the 2020 presidential election.

Yeah, we saw that, and anybody who wanted to know could have discovered it. Most people don’t want to know and/or are happy it happened.

In ‘Canada, they’re making a political party verboten!

Leaders’ Debates Commissioner David Johnston has confirmed that leaders of five political parties will be invited to participate in the upcoming election debates — but People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier is not among them.

I don’t care enough to find out if they’re commies as their name implies, but I don’t care.

FBI starts to cloud their involvement in January 6th False Flag Operation.

I might have taken a liberty with the end of that quote.

The motive for the FBI to say there is “scant evidence” of any coordinated group activity in the January 6th Capitol Hill events is transparent.  The FBI need to cloud their involvement, their coordination, their agents, their planted informants and the FBI direction in the events.

And bingo was his name-o.

The reason for the title and first picture (which caption I saw on a graphic somewhere a few weeks ago, I forget where and couldn’t find it.

Glenn Greenwald — CNN and Lib Media are controlled by the CIA…

All too plausible and even likely.

A great 21st Century story.

A landmark study on how to curb cheating has been retracted after nearly a decade and the prominent professor whose team produced the paper is himself accused of cheating and relying on faked data. 

That’s too funny. The Global Worming dept must have had cutbacks at that school.

This one I don’t understand.

Bishop caught masturbating on Zoom call replaced by Pope Francis

I’m not sure if that would have been an improvement, I wouldn’t want to see either one beating off.

Let’s end with some graphics.

Sure they didn’t have antibiotics or deodorant, but this makes a good argument.

A coupla current events related ones

actually, this next one is totally not current events related at all. Not at all.

Yup, totally unrelated to anything that happened in November 2020

Speaking of events that didn’t happen, I hope Roberts is happy at what his fecklessness and probable corruption have wrought.

I had a heck of a time getting home the other day.

That’s freaking great.

A little personal business.

I’m pretty darn paranoid (but am I paranoid enough?), the other day I left work at about 12:45 am and got on the highway. I set my cruise for 80 so I don’t get a ticket (I love AZ), and passed a guy as soon as I got on the highway.

He sped up and started following me. I hadn’t come close to piss him off but, eh, I figured he just wanted me to get the ticket.

He got off at my exit, 10 or so miles later. He followed me through 4 lights to the right turn on my street, a major street. I noticed it but thought I was being too paranoid so didn’t worry about it. Much.

He turned into my trailer park. What the fuck? Now I’m really fucking paranoid. I went past my street and just went straight, if he followed me I was going to just pull over and get out to see what his deal was but he turned down my street. WTF? I was glad I didn’t turn that way because that would have freaked me out. I went around a block and saw him go up the next cross street, turn and pull into a driveway.

I figure he saw my car, knew it because he drives by my place a lot and there aren’t a lot of silver Mustang convertibles cruising the greater Phoenix metro area with a devilishly handsome, balding, silver-haired, fat guy driving.

For a second I thought Hayzeus was looking for my new place, good thing it wasn’t. I was gonna put sugar in his tank for a change.

I know, don’t encourage them, but seriously, how much worse can it get?

4 days ago

The U.S. assesses that the capital of Afghanistan could fall to the Taliban within the next 90 days,

Also 4 days ago


Taliban can besiege Kabul in 72 hours, US intelligence


The Pentagon has two weeks to rescue tens of thousands of people from war-torn Afghanistan as the Taliban inch toward the capital city of Kabul and demand a ‘peaceful transfer of power.’

Also Today

Kabul fell

Also today

Totally not Saigon

Jebus, I thought the Valerie Jarrett Administration’s retreat from Iraq was the worst thing they could do.

And as they’re working on taking my guns, they just provide the Taliban with $millions of guns

Taliban Humvees

They coulda replaced my Caballero with a Humvee, but no, they hate me more than they hate the Taliban.

I hate it when I’m not cynical and mistrustful enough.

Biden’s bosses are dunking on him

According to U.S. and foreign intelligence sources cited by (a minitrue outlet I’m not linking) Chinese Communist Party leaders are preparing to formalize their relationship with the Islamist insurgents.

And lest we think the GOP has forgotten us…

Get Out Your Squeezy Bulbs!

GOP Voter Device

And More!

“Everything in their power” is to whine on Twitter.

I’m sure the thousands of folks trapped in Kabul’s airport are totally happy that Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton Are On The Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the light side, our intelligence officials are all over The Investigation Into The Worst Day In American History!!!!!!!!!

Totally not a political hit

It’s been almost seven months since the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid at the Virginia farm of Thomas and Sharon Caldwell. Dozens of armed agents broke down their front door, ransacked their home, and arrested Tom Caldwell on January 19. A week later, a grand jury indicted Caldwell and two other alleged Oath Keepers for various crimes related to their participation in the Capitol protest on January 6.

Despite the fact Caldwell never entered the building, carried no weapon, and assaulted no one, the Justice Department sought to keep the 66-year-old former Navy lieutenant with service-related disabilities in jail awaiting trial. Caldwell, a decorated military veteran, has no criminal record.

Nonetheless, on February 12, Judge Amit Mehta ordered Caldwell to remain behind bars: “What Mr. Caldwell is accused of is conspiring with others to plot an insurrection against the junta that illegally stole an election.

I may have altered the last line of that quote.

The Obama habit of telling judges to go fuck themselves Is Back!

Mehta said it was “troubling” to learn that the full trove of discovery material won’t be accessible to defendants until early 2022. That means defendants like Caldwell will have to wait at least a year before all the evidence related to their case will be available to defense attorneys…

told Judge Trevor McFadden in a hearing July 30, would not be met until early 2022 and that was a “conservative” estimate, she said. McFadden replied, “this does not feel what the Constitution [and] the Speedy Trial Act envisions.”

Rat bastids.

Is the federal government torturing Brian Kolfage?

Probably, but not why I’m linking

Brian Kolfage, an airman who survived losing both legs and an arm in Iraq, started a fundraiser to build a wall on our Southern border. The project took off, a lot of money flowed in, and the federal government promptly went after Kolfage, accusing him of defrauding those who donated money. This post is not about Kolfage’s guilt or innocence on the charges against him.

I however will speculate about his guilt or innocence.

Since they’re such cynically evil bastids, I figure he was arrested not for scamming folks but for actually trying to build the wall our betters don’t want built.

In other light news, I am looking forward to our fine media betters giving a black man the Trump TreatmentTM

Larry Elder, the leading Republican candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election, held his first official press conference of the campaign on Friday morning and promised to “suspend” any statewide mask or vaccination mandates that may be in place if elected.

“I am not going to tell private businesses what to do. I’m talking about what I would do as a governor regarding state employees,

That’s not how gov’t works! Geez, it’s like he doesn’t watch CNN!

In Masque of the Red Death News,

A total of 74 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for Covid- 19 since former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday extravaganza last Saturday, more than any week since April.

In the interest of disclosure, Paco and I both thought of the same thing, he just posted first.

Totally unrelated to everything I posted above

Yup, totally unrelated.

In good doggie news

I can watch that for hours.

My hero!

A repost, Conan had the Riddle of Steel, we have the Riddle of Brass

In closing I’d just like to say my faith in corporate America has been restored.

Last week I needed a part for the a/c in my Mustang, I went online and nobody had it on Sunday, Ford parts dept. was closed on Sunday, so Saturday afternoon I went to O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and they claimed they’d have it delivered to the nearest store by 10:30 AM. I figured no way, but since I’m an optimist, I tried. Lo and behold it was there! On time and on target!!!!!!

Imagine my surprise.

So Friday I ordered a laptop at Best Buy, I was going to pick it up at the store yesterday but they said they’d deliver it Saturday. No show. Today it showed that they had no idea when I’d get it and I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I called up and told the customer service named Sally or something, with a suspiciously Indian sounding accent, told me they didn’t know when it would be delivered and no, I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I told her I would cancel it if I couldn’t pick it up. She said, “Okay” with absolutely no attempt to keep my business. That’s how American corporations are supposed to act.

So I ordered a better computer for $50 more at Staples.

An hour later a Best Buy truck showed up with the computer, maybe, might have been the external DVD/CD drive I ordered too, she said she only had one item. I told her I’d cancelled it because of what they told me. She was nice, but I wasn’t interested. If they don’t want my business who am I to argue?

The a/c in my Mustang has been working great. It was cooler last week, less than 100 degrees, but the humidity made me happy I had a/c. It was nearly 50% all week!

So what did we learn today?

O’Reilly’s did what they promised and the Valerie Jarrett Admin is a bunch of anti-American assho….. wait, we knew that last part.

Where are we?

Important, Let’s Let Mike At Cold Fury Set It Up Instead, Update!!!!!!!!!!!! (act surprised when it gets set up again below)

OBLIGATORY MEALYMOUTHED DISCLAIMER: Sorry folks, ain’t gonna be one here. You can go to panty-soakers like Ramesh Ponnuru on Deface The Nation just now for that sort of pathetic, ineffectual groveling to satisfy whatever need for personal debasement and humiliation you may have. I won’t be issuing any harrumph-harrumph about how horrified I am by the uprising in Charlottesville, and the injury and death that resulted from a long-overdue confrontation with our Leftist tormentors.

Sure, I’d much rather nobody get killed or assaulted. But the Left dragged us all out of that illusory Safe Space long ago; that being the case, if anybody has to get beaten about the head and neck with truncheons or crunched underneath a car, I’d much rather it be them than us.

Read the whole thing, there’s a reason he wins blogging awards every year.

Now, back to our post!

I’ll let Wirecutter set it up.

We’re Here

 There was nothing haphazard about the violence that erupted today in this bucolic town in Virginia’s heartland. At about 10 a.m. today, at one of countless such confrontations, an angry mob of white supremacists formed a battle line across from a group of counter-protesters, many of them older and gray-haired, who had gathered near a church parking lot. On command from their leader, the young men charged and pummeled their ideological foes with abandon. One woman was hurled to the pavement, and the blood from her bruised head was instantly visible.

Standing nearby, an assortment of Virginia State Police troopers and Charlottesville police wearing protective gear watched silently from behind an array of metal barricades — and did nothing.

Where the police stand down to let violently thuggish fascists try to shut down speech they don’t agree with. Just as they did in Berkeley and Chicago and other places.

Where else are we? Or rather, what is Here like? Video showing that guy’s car being attacked before he drove into the crowd killing people.

Department of Memes reported that police officers in Charlottesville believed the driver was not acting maliciously, suggesting he was scared by the protesters on every side of his vehicle and he did not know what to do.

New shocking video has emerged that corroborates this theory…

To recap: The protesters were standing in the middle of the street, blocking traffic. The car was attacked with a blunt object resembling a baseball bat by a protester. The vehicle was not speeding until a the protester attacked and the mob of people closed in on the driver.

Oh that’s great. Are we going to have to defend some racist asshole?

Jebus. What with the media taking sides, we’re gonna have to.

That sucks.

Especially since, as there have been few repercussions for the violent fascist in the laughably named “Anti-Fa” black-shirt, masked brigade, they’re out in force today, trying to shut down speech they don’t like.

The rally, organized by the conservative group Patriot Prayer, came one day afterviolent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left three people dead and dozens injured.

Counter-protesters — including antifa, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Veterans for Peace, Indivisible Seattle, Black Lives Matter, and the Freedom Socialist Party — marched “in solidarity against hate,”  specifically against what they called “the bigotry, racism and violence” of the “far-right” organizers. Solidarity Against Hate counter-protesters waved communist flags, yelled “f*ck America,” squirted police with silly-string, and burned the American flag.

There’s a lot of violence, hate and thuggery when certain groups get together against hate.

This is the shit sandwich on top of the cherry.

Seriously. The guy holding his hands up after punching the speaker in the back was a nice touch. Where were the police? Watching the show. Fucking assholes.
I keep forgetting that in Dem fiefs they’re told to stand down when fascists attack people whose speech their Dem masters don’t like.

That is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in my lifetime. The police were not stopping this guy from being assaulted, during a fucking press conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, until after he was tackled. They observed multiple assaults and did not a fucking thing.

That’s where the death of the rule of law is most obvious.


Since Dems like Obama and Hillary riled this up, you know Dems are going to be excusing it. No, not just the ones in the media, the elected fuckheads.

“I have a message to all the white supremist [sic] and the Nazis who came into Charlottesville today … You came here today to hurt people and you did hurt people,” McAuliffe told reporters at a press conference Saturday night.

The governor repeatedly emphasized the violence of “nazis” but made no reference to violence by any left-wing group, despite being asked repeatedly about what role such groups may have played in Saturday’s melee. The implication was clear that the violence was an unavoidable result of far-right white identity political groups being allowed to hold a rally.

But a report on police conduct during and after the rally by ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative journalism non-profit, as well as eyewitness accounts by those who participated in the rally itself, have called the simplicity of this characterization into question. Both suggest mismanagement of police resources by political leadership may have exacerbated, rather than controlled, the violence surrounding the rally and the counter-protests, which included mainstream liberals and local faith-based “anti-racism” groups as well as radical leftist “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) and “Anti-Fascist Action” (Antifa) outfits.

The violent Dem front-groups came to get their violence on, if they hadn’t started it it wouldn’t have happened.

Do you realize what this means? There are now people to hate more than Illinois Nazis! Whodaseen that coming?

I learned something new today!

No, not that Markos Moulitsas is a lying sack of hate and anger, but that he was involved in the founding of Vox.

The idiocy of that group makes so much more sense now.


I watched some local news last night and saw the end of a Trump presser where some fuckhead, ‘journalist’ asshole shouted, at his back, “Do you think you condemned the violence enough?”

And I saw today the Wash Post echoing that ‘question’. He didn’t condemn the violence enough. Jebus, don’t you fuckheads have to go count how many scoops of ice cream he’s having or something?


Let’s look back on when Baltimore was being rioted at by some of the same Dem-Approved, violent, fascist, hate-groups.

Reporters kept out of meeting between Obama and his pet-fascist, Lynch. Just reported, no shouted questions about how he needs to condemn shit.

Another link disappeared, but I wrote at the time

Important, Ironically Powerful Update! Here!

Obama, the nation’s first African-American president, has spoken in personal terms about police harassment. So far, he hasn’t spoken about the unrest in Baltimore, but White House officials say they’re considering releasing a statement to address the situation.

Okay, that’s hilarious. He’s thinking about maybe releasing a statement about Baltimore going up in flames and Minitrue apparently sees no problem with that.

As a city blew up, Obama was nowhere to be seen and now we have the fuckheaded, prejudiced, ill-educated, mis-educated, disinformation spreading media fakenewsing through their lying teeth to make sure ‘their’ side Wins!


They’re too fucking stupid to realize that nobody’s gonna win.
Let’s let Kurt Schlichter explain where many on the right are.

Conservatives Must Regulate Google And All of Silicon Valley Into Submission

That means Republicans at both the federal and the state level need to rein in the skinny-jeaned fascist social justice warriors who control Silicon Valley – and, to a growing extent, our society – through the kind of crushing regulation of these private business that we conservatives used to oppose.

They’re going to hate the new rules.


A couple years ago I would have been very against that. A year ago I would have kept my mouth shut.

Now? I still think it’s wrong, but I didn’t make the rules the left has decided upon, they did. I look forward to all the whining, mostly because I’ll be saving up spit. Unless they’re on fire, then I’ll save my spit and just point and laugh.

Of course, with the GOP leadership we have now, they’re much more likely to regulate people like me instead of those stalinist assholes so generally law-abiding, peaceful people are going to see that their gov’t is on the side of the thugs trying to destroy the fabric of our nation.

We’re getting closer and closer to the endgame our fine betters spent much of Obama’s reign of error trying to foment.

Yay! Methinks they’re going to find out what most of the rest of us know, it’s not gonna be pretty.


Arguing with headlines!!!!!!!!

Obamacare lies resurfacing

Ummm, no. Just because all our betters in DC were ignoring them doesn’t mean they went away. It means the rest of America was busy being fucked while they were ignored.

Speaking of ignoring important shit, How did the DNC IT guys get into the country? ‘

File that under “Questions nobody in our fine media is asking.  Questions our media will call you a hater for asking!”

I saw a bit on the local news about how only haters were against importing Indians via H1-B visas and those people who were upset about having to train their replacements? Obviously just whitely-privileged, men who were upset about losing their primacy!


Not much funny today, except the inherent funny in the way the Reality Based Community Who Prides Itself On Their Elitism are showing themselves to be lying, violent fuckheads who have no sense of history, no sense of what makes America an anomaly in the blood-soaked slavery that is human history and no sense of humor that does not involve sodomizing the children of people they don’t like.

Yeah, I’m worked up today. Watching the final nail in the coffin of the rule of law does that to me.

Quoth Ed Driscoll at the Puppy Blender’s:

Brussels is what happens when liberals don’t push immigrants to assimilate


Yeah. No.

Brussels is what happens when racist Europeans import wogs to be the workers for their aging population and put them into ghettos while refusing to allow them to assimilate.

Many of them are 2nd and 3rd generation and yet, they’re not fully citizens of their countries.

France has the banlieus (home of the Car-B-Q) where they keep their wogs, the rest of EUnuchstan has the same.


Also….they’re not “liberals”, they’re socialists. They only talk the “liberal” line to get others to do what they want (like us), they are less…… tolerant in their own bailiwicks.

Oh, and Good News!!!</prof farnsworth>

Reprinting Hitler’s autobiography “Mein Kampf” (My Struggle) was long prohibited in Germany — a country that considered the book too dangerous to be read.

Now, it’s a German best-seller.

An annotated version currently ranks second in nonfiction on the German weekly Der Spiegel’s bestseller list, which is considered an authority in German literature circles.

We’re gonna have to update that Chinese curse

May you live in hilariously, horrifically, interesting times.

In November 2011, I wrote, “Wait, that stuff is still going on?

So what was still going on three and a half years ago? Post in bold, links show it’s all still going on.

Syria is still killing people. Actually, that one is more nuanced than the rest, it’s pretty much a dog’s breakfast of everybody killing everybody there. Syrian Military, Isis, Hezbollah,  other

The Gaza death cult is still shooting rockets at Israel. Yup.

Fukushima is still going on. Yup.

Mexican cartels are still killing Intertubers. Yup, though most of those alive are “self-censoring”

Somali pirates are still pirating. The funny part being that after ships avoided the area, it seemed as if piracy went down, when ships went back, it went up. Surprising only fools and the willfully ignorant.

Armenia is still occupying and acting all aggressive on Kazakh Azerbaijani lands, totally without Russia’s help and encouragement (wink wink, nudge, nudge). This is a case of people who’ve hated each other for a long time hatin’ on each other and Russia is still involved.

Terrorists are still operating in the Sinai. Now it’s ISIS of course. Giving Hamas Jihad Envy.

North Korea is still working on nukes and threatening with said nukes. Yup.

Iran is still threatening all and sundry with nukes. Now with more aid from Obama! This poll makes me proud to be an American. Subhed

A new Zogby poll suggests that more and more Americans trust Israel more than Obama to get rid of the Iranian nuclear threat.


A large plurality of Americans prefer that the Obama administration take a more dovish approach to end the Iranian nuclear threat but at the same time back Israel’s bombing the Islamic Republic


EUnuchstan is still boned and still won’t even contemplate actually fixing anything. They keep talking “austerity”, which used to mean, “Living within your means” and now means, “Increasing taxes to pay for what you want.” Good luck with that.

On the lighter side, we might be looking at revolution in China. Yup.


Something not new, but the vid of the day

Crazy Russian guy lights himself on fire and jumps from 9 story building.

It lives up to its billing.

This liveleak vid is from the guy’s head-cam.  I cannot figure out how to embed it. I’m computerly challenged.


Added 30 seconds later because I forgot it:

Same H/T, my generally sour attitude today.

This summer is really going to suck. Jeb Bush is going to get the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party’s nomination, the world is blowing up but in the meantime, we’re going to get to watch the race riots all over the country. (as the gov’t investigates the tea party)

In today’s exciting episode, all the news shows are showing a short, couple minutes of a much longer clip. That short part shows police, totally unprovoked, going all Judge Dredd on some innocent, choir-singing teens while the truth might be a little more nuanced.

Of course, our fine media betters don’t go in for nuance, they go in for race war so nobody’s talking about any exculpatory evidence on TV.

fergusummer 1

There’s a lot more at the post, including another video that shows how earlier the youths were mostly peacefully discussing the arrangement of their choir and who gets to work first at the soup kitchen and who gets to help orphans with their homework and laundry.

What the news shows are showing is a very inflammatory part of a much longer video and even if the rest is shown and we see the thugs deserved what they got, it’s too late. It’s already become Truth!, which is to truth as Science! is to science.

Of course, we know CNN and MSNBC will be pushing the Racist Cops meme so any facts will get in the way.

I’m not saying the cop was a saint, but I am saying it’s not what the media is pushing.

I condemn my fascist racism so you don’t have to.

I also hope Benet Embry has the ability to move, change his name and maybe get a sex-change operation to avoid the totally justified Lynching he’s about to deal with.

Important Update!!!!!

Mostly peaceful concert-goers are attacked by police!!!!!!

I will say that I’m happy to see the cops in actual riot gear instead of camo and carrying M-4s, as they did in Ferguson.

Hard time, I hope.

But probably not, the DOJ is going to add fuel to the fire….investigate Cleveland police while not investigating Baltimore rioters.

Update Below With More Operation Names!!!!!!!!

People are making a big deal about the current non-kinetic actions against ISIS not having a name.

I’ll nominate a name, Operation Look As If I’m Doing Something.

They’ve bombed one artillery piece so far

Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Hornet strike fighters operating from the carrier USS George HW Bush (CVN-77) have struck an artillery piece operated by Iraq and Syria Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) terrorists near Irbil in northern Iraq.

Wow! An artillery piece!!!!!!! That’ll show the murderous terrorists busily committing more genocidal actions than the murderous genocidists in Sudan!!!!!!!

Israel, so far as I know, hasn’t named their war, but then, they’re actually doing something.

Just look at the pictures of Gaza, they’re blowing the shit out of all terrorist positions and making it as painful as possible for all in Terrorstan.

They did the same thing in southern Lebanon a few years ago and look how that worked out. Hezbollah has not really bothered Israel too much lately.

What makes me laugh is Hamas demanding that Israel stop the ‘blockade’ as a condition. You know, so they can get more missiles and more concrete to build more terror tunnels.



I don’t know what Putin’s named his poking Obama with a stick operation, I’d bet it’s Operation Sudetenland. He’s just testing to see what we’ll do and what the EUnuchs will do.

One thing, a week or so ago I noticed that the Kyiv Post had a story about how Russia was pondering blocking air routes over Russia, I didn’t post it because I figured it was just them trying to get the west worked up. Now, I see that Russia is making such a plan public.

Which makes this story kind of scary.

Ukraine’s security chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko said that Kremlin-backed separatists on July 17 intended to shoot down a Russian passenger plane to give Moscow a pretext for conventionally invading Ukraine.


I figure he’s named that Operation I Want A War II

Back when Tsar Putin I wanted to Look Strong, in the late 90s,  a bunch of Moscow apartment buildings were blown up and blamed on Chechnya. This was before they went full Jihadi, they denied they were doing it.

So a resident noticed that someone was doing something suspicious in his building and called the cops. They caught some KGB.. FSB Guys planting a bomb (Ryazan incident), and they said, “It was a test and you passed!!!”, methinks a failing grade would have been a blown up apartment building.

So when someone says Tsar Putin I is considering killing Russians to foment a war, well, I’d take that seriously.

I don’t speak Mandarin, but China fucking with Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea is probably named, “We Want That Oil-Filled Place“.

I’d hope the Japanese are naming their operation in response, ” Operation Go Fuck Yourselves

Japanese fighter jets shadowed Chinese aircraft patrolling over disputed waters, China’s Ministry of Defense said on Thursday,


Although Operation Nanking would be funnier and endier and therefore, apropos.  It might also remind China they don’t want to get the Japanese worked up again.

The world is realizing that America is not going to do shit anywhere except against Americans so they’re all on their own.

I do figure that Obama has a name for the operation of “losing’ all the emails showing their perfidy, It’s “Operation What Are You Gonna Do? Impeach Me?

The revelation that Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator Marilynn Tavenner did not retain her e-mails means that more than 20 witness in the Obama administration to lose or delete e-mails without notifying Congress, according to the top House investigator.


It seems obvious to me.


Important, Nother Operation Name Update!!!!!!

As I said above, others are noticing they’re on their own.

like Israel and Egypt and KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia V), against revisionist actors, like Iran and its assets. It’s in this context that we should read the current situation. Traditional American allies are effectively teaming up against the Obama administration.


I know it’s not on purpose, but he managed to bring the backers of al Quaeda together with Israel.

Against us.

That’s funny and endy.

To The Max!!!!

What’s going to blow up first? Seriously, things are accelerating out there. I know I’m a doomsayer, but that’s just my learned behavior.

Not much endy today, just a few chucklers as I’m trying not to pay too much attention, I want to be surprised.

So as the EUnuchs are frowning at the Russians over murdering some of them, this

Ukrainian nationalist leader Dmytro Yarosh has been placed on Interpol’s wanted list at the request of Russian authorities. According to the notice, he faces two charges “by the judicial authorities of Russia” for “public incitement to terrorist activities involving the use of mass media” and “public incitement to extremist activities involving the use of mass media.”


That guy was in charge of people who kept the previous Ukrainian tsarling from murdering the protestors who were against returning to SSR status so you can pretty much assume the “extremist activities” are “resisting Russian aggression.”

Way to make Putin shake in his jackboots there EUnuchs



I gotta wonder if the Lebanese will turn against the Party of God over this.

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that his party will provide the resistance in Gaza, which is facing a devastating Israeli offensive, with any support it might need.

Recall a few years ago when Israel blew up southern Lebanon over shit like this. Methinks the Lebanese are watching Israel blowing up Gaza and they might be remembering what life is like on the blown up end of an artillery range and the Israelis are obviously in no mood to take any shit from those barbarians.


Obama is feckless and useless which is giving all the bad guys a free pass, why shouldn’t the good guys ignore him too?

Speaking of which, Aussies!

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will send troops to eastern Ukraine to protect Australian federal police officers working at the MH17 crash site.

Good for them.

Chinese river turns to blood, I wonder if they skipped the rain of frogs or if the Chinese just ate them?


A drudgetaposition.

GOP 2016 quandary, why no women candidates?

TMZ freaks out on Sarah Palin: ‘Bitch,’ ‘Horrible Mom,’ ‘Dumb’


Bigger, faster rides may be hitting their peak!!!!!

Yeah, we’ve know about that for a long time here at DPUD

Once Action Park closed it’s been downhill since.


Today’s LOL from the Outrider, Karmic irony is pretty darn funny


I very rarely LOL but there’s not much else to do.

Remember, schaden is the only freude we’re getting anymore.

30 SECONDS LATER UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I forgot this, I’ve been meaning to post it for a long time.

From our favorite Weasel, S, the greatest, non-Upton, gif in the history of gifs!!!!!



A drudgetaposition

Malaysian Airline goes down near Ukrainian/Russian border.

Russia tells UN they did not shoot down Ukrainian jet. (update to make it clear They’re talking about a Ukrainian Sukov not the Malaysian air jet in that link)


Hmmmmmm, methinks things just got interesting. If, as I believe, the Tsarists shot down a flight from Amsterdam then the EUnuchs have to either do something about it or blame the Jews.

Not sure which way they’ll go.

Above the Update, Bababooey Update!!!!!

You have to love the follow-up question.

Now, back to our other, not all that funny, update.


Apparently there were Americans on board, so I guess it wasn’t the Jews, Obama will soon blame Bush.

Via the Jawas, we get this tweeter with this tweet.


Which links to a youtube audio in Russian (I assume), the Jawas have a translation that says,

Igor Bezler: We have just shot down a plane. Group Minera. It fell down beyond Yenakievo.

Vasili Geranin: Pilots. Where are the pilots?

IB: Gone to search for and photograph the plane. Its smoking.

VG: How many minutes ago?

IB: About 30 minutes ago.

and then it goes on with them finding out it was a civilian plane

It does have the tweet of the day (I can’t figure out how to embed a tweet, I tried above it and it didn’t work)

You go to with the drunk lunatic Russian militias you have, not the drunk lunatic Russian militias you want.