Archive for the ‘Ask a Moron’ Category

Cats and hubris go together.

The best Cat Vid you’ll see here that’s copied from Ace.

This post was started years ago, but finished this morning. It’s about whether we were really in the Funniest End of Civilization Ever, back when it was funnier and before it ended.

I wrote most of the below when I was reading or just got done reading Herodotus and Xenophon, now I’m reading The Jewish Wars by Josephus. It’s pretty cool. It’s a guy born in 37 AD I think, talking about the years leading up to the Diaspora, he was a leader during the rebellion against Rome that ended with Masada but changed sides.

So much of our problems today stem from hubris. Like global warmmongering, the idea that since we’ve industrialized no more than 5% of the planet and probably far less, we’re going to KILL US ALL!!!!!!

Which has made me wonder if many of us are suffering from it. I mean, maybe we’re not really in the Funniest End of Civilization Ever! but merely one of the funnier ones and perhaps our civilization isn’t the most ridiculous.

That last sentence didn’t hold up, that was before it was a crime against humanity to deny that a man could give birth or that women formerly known as Fred could dominate women’s sports or President Joe Biden and Vice President…. you know, the thing.


Seriously, the last three days I tubed my tube and found jack and shit to blog about, and jack was caught molesting some chiclets.

So today I tubed and this is what I got.

What’s going on in Zimbabwe?

Nobody seems too sure. But as best I can piece together (from articles such as this and this, for example), here’s the story.

Mugabe’s previous supporters have turned on him, and that’s what turned the tide. Those in charge of the coup don’t want it to be perceived as an actual coup. They prefer to follow parliamentary procedure and impeach him, which looks as though it could happen.

Yeah, it’s Africa, they’re just changing warlords, business as usual. They’re pretending to prefer to follow parliamentary procedure so the International Community!!!! can pretend they’re all legitimate and shit and give them that sweet, sweet aid money. Mugabe will play along so he gets to retire to France instead of being hacked to death with a machete and/or fed to hyenas.


When Erdogan faked his coup in Turkey I actually had high hopes it was an actual coup, I wrote:

Erdogan, budding thugocrat, says Army Is Couping Me!!!!!!

Usually when a thugocrat starts yelling that, he’s going to crack down while I say, “I wish”.

Should have gone with instinct A. Much of the world hasn’t changed much, culturally, in the last 1,000 years, they just have to mouth the proper shit to make leftist fools happy to get money from them (us).


Next up we have this interesting question.

Saudi public being prepared for alliance with Israel?

Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, chief of the general staff of the IDF, gave an unprecedented interview to an online Saudi news site where he said Israel is prepared to share intelligence on Iran with Saudi Arabia if the need arises.

Eisenkot also called Iran the “real and largest threat to the region,” echoing sentiments expressed by Saudi Arabia recently.


As I wrote the other day, sure the Saud’s fund the terrorist in the Palestinian Terrortory, but Iran is working on nukes when we saw the Saudi Terrorist in Chief would not answer the question about working with Israel.

I have to admit, Obama’s Smirt Duhplomacy did what even St. Jimmeh could not do, get the Saudis to be ‘friends’ with Israel.

It’s funny what helping the Saud’s enemies get nukes will do. Why they might even stop funding terrorists who kill Americans!

Sorry, I should give a spew warning when I write ridiculous shit.


Next up we have…uhhhh….. not a fucking thing. Nother person comes forward to accuse a Dem of sexual groping as the media tries to obfuscate the issue, more media ignoring Menendez, more Mitch Fucking McConnell keeping his bribehole shut about more Dem Senators’ problems. And of course, as we all knew, Gloria Allred is a lying sack of publicity-bitch.

Now, if Al Sharpton said Roy Moore was in on the Tawana Brawley rape, that I would blog about!

As I was wondering what to write about we should do next, Bones McCoy, playing a crazed gunman in Apache Uprising, said:

I say we kill em all and clear out while we got a chance.


Hard to argue with that.

Are we actually nearing peak crazy? I mean, is it gonna stay crazy but start getting full endy and a whole lot less funny?

Via Paco, let’s start with the most ridiculous thing I could imagine.

Why didn’t they put out a statement distancing themselves from Rob Schneider movies? I mean, nazis are just not that big a threat to our civilization but we could see another Rob Schneider movie at any time!?!?!?!


Now the endy, it does have some funny with the crazy.

The Dems, the We’re Better And Smarter Than You set and their media arems are freaking out over Charlottesville, twisting it, fomenting violence, which is crazy and endy, but I’m actually not happy they’ve gotten off Russia/Comey/Flynn/Mueller! Now that’s funny. I’m actually pining for the ridiculousness of Hacking..Collusion…Obstruction of Justice!!!!


So the Dems have to Do Something!!!! stupid and violence-fomentious, what to do? What. To. Do?

Democrats move to formally censure Trump over Charlottesville

Why? You ask? You really should have the learned the lesson by now that you need to stop asking questions about Dems’ actions, they’re always answered with infuriatingly stupid answers.

House Democrats are introducing a formal resolution to denounce President Donald Trump for saying that “both sides” are to blame for a violent encounter between white supremacists and neo-Nazis and the activists who showed up to protest them. (emphasis me V)

Because he said the Dems’ Traveling Riot was at least partly to blame for the violence they showed up to start. How do you even respond to that?


All the local news shows keep saying it’s White Supremacists Being Violent, never even mentioning the fascist Anti-Fa fascists.

A smattering of battering (and assaulting) by the Mostly-Peaceful fascists Anti-Fa fascists.

Mostly Peaceful!

And who can forget this greatest hits! (as police watch)

This angry, violent disinformation campaign is out of hand and violently dangerous.

Is this from a playbook or is there some sort of plan going on?

They’ve been fomenting this for a long time, Obama spent most of his POTUSy trying to get us riled up and violent, now they’re accelerating it.
Is it just because they lost the election and this is how you win elections?

Is it because they’re trying to get more police-state powers
I mean, besides the obvious of undoing the last election they didn’t like, of course.


I’d say it’s not that centralized. I’d say it’s more a consensus using a playbook, but this does show that there might be a plan somewhere.

One thing overlooked in the uproar over Charlottesville is that this was, evidently, merely a dress rehearsal for a much larger-scale effort planned for this Autumn.  Activist groups on the left evidently have something big in store for November 4th. The idea seems to be a revival of the 1971 “Days of Rage” – an effort to shut down the country as a whole to force a change in government.

Thanks to one of many political mailing lists that AT finds itself on, we received an email last Sunday from the “Stop Mass Incarceration Network…

And we need to go from resistance to mobilizing to end the nightmare of the Trump/Pence regime. Right now these fascists, from Trump on down, are moving very quickly to hammer into place their fascist regime and this must be STOPPED. The organization Refuse Fascism has called for people to come into the streets and public squares and cities and towns across the country beginning on November 4 and stay in the streets day after day and night after night until the DEMAND is met: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! For this to happen, everybody needs to be at August 19 regional conferences to organize and mobilize for this.

So they’re going to try to emulate the Philly Black Panthers nationwide.

The media is going to get to claim that Right Wingers Attacked Mostly Peaceful Defenders Of The Sanctity Of The Ballot Box as they show grandma getting her ass kicked by an SEIU thug.



What they are managing to do is get their supporters going  absofuckinglutely infuckingsane. They might be getting them too riled up too soon, they can’t keep up this frenzy of insanity for more than 2 months, something’s gonna break.
Like grave-robbing.

A group of protesters who want the body of an alleged Ku Klux Klan leader removed from their city have broken the soil over the grave.

I mean, I could understand if they were going for that gold watch and Civil War sword he was buried with but doing it for hate is just fucking out of bounds.


I didn’t see Trump’s Panty-Wadding Press Conference, but here are some awesome quotes from it.

6) “I think [race relations have] gotten better or the same—look, they’ve been frayed for a long time, and you can ask President Obama about that, because he’d make speeches about it.”

7) “I think there’s blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it, either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say it.”

8) “You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people—on both sides—you had people in that group—excuse me. Excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue, and the re-naming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

He really needs to pass out woobies when he talks to the press. Especially the Lying Liars who Fakenews at CNN. They get very butthurt.

I’m sure you all know this, but I just have to post it. He also said

“This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I notice that Stonewall Jackson’s [statue is] coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself, when does it stop?”

High-Lariously Fucking Endy.

 A Chicago pastor has asked the Emanuel administration to remove the names of two presidents who owned slaves from parks on the South Side, saying the city should not honor slave owners in black communities.

A bronze statue of George Washington ..

One of the greatest men to have ever lived. A man who was offered a kingship and said, “No thanks.”


How violently fomentious have our fine media betters become?

The Wash Post has gone from using anonymous sources to fake news and spread lies to calling for violence against Americans and our POTUS.

His paper’s latest contribution to wrecking this country is an editorial titled “Charlottesville showed that liberalism can’t defeat white supremacy. Only direct action can.”

It concludes with, “Start throwing rocks.”

“Resistance, be it forceful or clandestine, threatened or explicit, stands as our ‘rock.’ Rocks can look like armed self-defense or nonviolent direct-action campaigns,” N.D. B. Connolly, a history professor at Johns Hopkins who specializes in racism writes.

“In April 1968, amid a flurry of other ‘rocks,’ riots shook American cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It took that rolling unrest, not the promise of further economic growth, to spur President Lyndon Johnson and Congress to action.”

What I can’t understand is what they hope to accomplish?

Are they hoping their footsoldiers get their asses kicked so they can swoop in and get all Stasi on our asses?

Very scary.


Keep your fingers crossed! This might actually be our last hope since SMOD won’t get off his lazy asteroid.

THE Great Pyramid of Giza reveals the exact date the world will end…

Now an amateur stargazer claims to have “decoded” the Great Pyramid – and discovered it is a “date marker” that reveals when the apocalypse is coming.

Staggeringly, it matches a prophecy foretelling the End of Days in the Bible – and it’s next month…

His detailed analysis suggested Nibiru will first appear in the sky on September 23, 2017, and crash into Earth in October.

I’m a little leery about this though, we’re always All Gonna Die!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yet, we’re still alive.


I’m not defending this, I do understand it though.

We trust you’ll abide by those instructions from law enforcement in Germany, where more than 20 tons of chocolate treats have gone missing after thieves stole a refrigerated trailer packed with Nutella, Kinder Surprise eggs and other sweets.

In these troubled times you have to grab all the Nutella you can.

If I was investigating this I’d watch all the roads to Italy. Just a hunch.


I could have written, “Bored”, but I’ve done that a few times. I like to be original.

Or at least try to wait until you forgot the last time I used the joke.

I have two windows with tabs open. I’ll do the stupid one first and then probably get tired. Let’s see what happens!

Let’s start with why I decided to do this.
I saw a bunch of stories about how we have Full Employment!!!!!!!! so it’s going to be hard to fill new jobs!

Roto-Reuters sez

Job growth has decelerated from the 181,000 monthly average over the past 12 months as the labor market nears full employment. There is growing anecdotal evidence of companies struggling to find qualified workers. (emphasis me V)

Full Employment!!!!!!  but then they write this

But the labor force participation rate, or the share of working-age Americans who are employed or at least looking for a job, fell two-tenths of a percentage point to 62.7 percent. (that’s me again)

Doesn’t that pretty much disprove the previous paragraph?

Unless they’re saying that these non-labor-participators are ‘unqualified’ and thus, that’s the New Normal!. I don’t like that idea. And not where I thought this was going when I started. I had two links of “Full Employment!!!!!!” and one of “low labor participation” to comment on how they’re idiots.

But now I think they’re being evil.

Let’s see if the L.A. Times does the same thing.

Here are the highlights from the report released by the Labor Department on Friday.

The economy added 138,000 net new jobs, well below expectations.
The unemployment rate declined to 4.3%, its lowest level since 2001.
Wage growth slowed a bit, with average hourly earnings up 4 cents.
“There’s very little about the report that you can look to and draw a positive from,”…

But after 80 straight months of job growth, economists said the labor market is limited in how much more it can expand. The U.S. is nearing full employment, meaning just about all the workers who want a job have one…

No, we’re not nearing “full employment”,

The participation rate has been trending down since the late 1990s as baby boomers retired, but fell off sharply during and after the Great Recession (under Obama, but let’s obfuscate that V) discouraged unemployed Americans gave up looking for jobs. It has hovered near a four-decade low since 2013.

So they obviously know the labor participation rate is in the shitter but they’re avoiding discussing it.



The number not in the workforce is 94,983,000, at the tone, the US Pop will be 325,162,910 BONGGGGGG!!!!!

That’s 29% not in the labor force, and apparently deemed by our fine lefty betters as being not “qualified”

So the whole Full Employment!!!!!! is not just stupid, or maybe not even stupid, but apparently some nefarious, leftist, deal that excuses these people from working. Probably something to do with welfare, food stamps and global worming.
Hanlon fails again!

We’ll have to update Hanlon, there’s already a Veeshir’s Law on Politicians, If you like a politician you’ve been successfully conned

Hmmmm….How about a Veeshir’s Revision on Hanlon’s Law that states: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity unless you’re dealing with a lefty, then it’s surely malice and probably stupidity. ?


I don’t feel like doing any more, so let’s do a,”Rand Paul is doing his job!” link and then hit “Publish”.

“You need to make sure that your viewers know that most of [climate scientists’] models has been wrong,” Paul said. “They adjust it every year because they haven’t been good at predicting things.”

Tapper throws in some lies, but I don’t feel like quoting Tapper, going to Watt’s Up With That and finding links to NASA, NOAA, British Met and even East Anglia to show they’re lies. That really bores me.


The biggest problem I have with today is exactly how ridiculous our Elites!!!! are and yet, they all pretend they’re not fucking ridiculous while others act as if everything is not absurd.

I’ve often thought the worst part about being a lefty must be keeping track of what you’re supposed to think. I mean, football players are bad, but for some reason the one who tortured, abused and fought dogs was A-OK.

Here we have a leftist audience not getting the memo that Comey should not be fired.

Notice the laugh when he tries to play it off as if there are a bunch of Trump fans in his audience.

Cuz everybody likes to go be entertained by a guy who calls you a fascist constantly!

Also notice at the end they figure out how they’re supposed to think and the hissing and the 2 minutes hate begin.

We’ve always been allied with Eastasia!


Charles Krauthammer, Never Trumper Extraordinaire! sez!

Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer slammed President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, calling it “inexplicable” and saying the stated rationale behind the decision was “implausible.”

Charles, did you not watch Comey dance, shit, spit and piss on the rule of law last year? I know you were one of the ones who thought Hillary was guilty of high crimes and higher crimes.

In an appearance on Fox News’ “Special Report” Thursday night, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said the issues facing Hillary Clinton about her emails is “not over” and has “long legs.” Citing the the impending lawsuit against the State Department by the Associated Press and investigations by the House, Krauthammer says the problems facing the former secretary of state won’t be going away any time soon.

Well, they won’t go away until Comey whitewaters….whitewashes the deal for her.

But then, that was from 2015 when a Trump POTUSy was RIDICULOUS!!! according to the very Elitest and Smartest Among Us!!!

The fact that Comey covered up all the problems Charles had a problem with for his DO”J” masters means nothing to Krauthammer, cuz there’s a Trump to be got so no ridiculosity is a ridiculouserness too far!


In Akbar Britain news,

This morning, just after 4 a.m., the Bedfordshire Police went to Tommy Robinson’s house, banged on his door, woke up his entire family, arrested Tommy, and took him to jail.

So, what dastardly deed did dude do?

I’ll tell you what he did, because I was there with him. Two days ago, Tommy Robinson and I went to the Canterbury Crown Court, to report on the trial of an alleged Muslim rape gang.

That’s it. That’s all we did. That’s why Tommy was arrested.

See, Tommy and I both work full-time for TheRebel.Media. And unlike the mainstream media that prefers to cover up horrific crimes like that, we report them. These four Muslim men are on trial for allegedly gang-raping a 16-year-old girl who wandered into their kebab shop asking for directions.

It is illegal to notice stuff like that. It’s a hate crime, just ask the BBC. Oh wait, you can’t mention that on BBC. See? Ridiculous!…I mean Hatecrime!

Via Kagogi’s favorite thing.


This ain’t ridiculous! Trump is going with the Veeshir Syrian Plantm!

Kurdish elements of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) would be equipped to help drive IS from its stronghold, Raqqa, a spokeswoman said.

Just send AKs, RPGs, they’ll supply the jihadis.

For Peace!


It’s funny how many people think the TI-84 is a useful calculator.

If you took a math class at some point in the US, there is likely a bulky $100 calculator gathering dust somewhere in your closet.

Yup, but I still use my HP-48G.

That would be the Texas Instruments 84—or the TI 84-Plus, or the TI-89, or any of the other even more expensive variants—a shoe-sized graphing calculator…

Public- and private-school students alike are usually required to buy the calculator themselves

I still remember one math teacher who tried to make me get one of those things and stop using my HP, I didn’t point and laugh but it was implied.

Journalist displays ignorance! Film at….whenever you feel like watching I guess.

By maintaining a monopoly on the graphing calculator market,

The point is that someone else is selling a similar, toy-like calculator, to compete with the Fisher-Pri…TI-84.


Get an HP, they’re calculators for adults. Reverse Polish is the only way.


Man, some people just get to make the coolest denials.

Jim McElwain Says That’s Not Him Nude And Humping A Shark

I always have to make uncool admissions.


Since HeyZeus asked so nicely, let’s Caballero and other stuff below the fold.


What it’s causing:

Baby it’s hot outside. I’m rereading the Lost Fleet series but it’s not fun when it’s 104 even if I am shaded.

 that’s the screen in front of my porch. It lets some light through so I’m not in the shade so much as less light.

At night, with the moths, that screen looks like one of those WWII “enemy identification” charts that coast watchers and AA gunners would use so they’d know who to report on or shoot, respectively.

 I think that’s a German Henschel 123 dive bomber.

Let’s ‘tube!

The other reason I’m here is I was looking for something grammar-related when I read this

Traditional grammar defines the object in a sentence as the entity that is acted upon by the subject.[1] There is thus a primary distinction between subjects and objects that is understood in terms of the action expressed by the verb, e.g. Tom studies grammar – Tom is the subject and grammar is the object. Traditional theories of sentence structure divide the simple sentence into a subject and a predicate,[2] whereby the object is taken to be part of the predicate.[3] Many modern theories of grammar (e.g. dependency grammars), in contrast, take the object to be a verb argument like the subject, the difference between them being mainly just their prominence; the subject is ranked higher than the object and is thus more prominent.[4] (emphasis me V)

and it made me want to write a post about child abuse, it was also a good reason to get into the a/c.

Before I get into why I have a problem (and I’d bet many of you as well, especially if you have children), the point of the whole thing is that our fine intellectual betters make a game of saying the most anti-reasonable things and then the rest act as if it’s PROFOUND!!! and GROUND-BREAKING!!!! when really it’s just unlearning lessons we’ve spent millennia learning.

Let’s have FrnakJ explain it.

The Alpha liberals are the smaller faction of liberals who create the new and idiotic ideas for other liberals to follow. To put that in more practical terms, they pick the cliff that other lemmings jump off of.(1) The Alpha liberal or pinhead, to use the more common term come in the guise of politicians, activist judges, and the college professor. Often, these liberals are at the higher end of the intelligence bell curve. Why, you ask, would smart people come up with the moronic ideas that liberals are so fond of. Well, I’ll explain.

And he does.

That’s been a long-term trend. People have to say ridiculous things so others can nod and say, “How wise! How profound!” when it’s really just going against what we spent millennia learning.


I tried teaching math to a lot of different grades, from 6th to 12th, and they could not multiply even 6×4 without their calculators. A few decades ago it became the fashion that learning math is supposed to be fun and memorizing the multiplication wasn’t fun so… adios basics.

I’ve had something on my mind for a long time that greatly bothers me: the multiplication table. This is because I think that education should be fun — full stop. Memorizing the multiplication table is not fun. But more than that, I believe they are the source of most people’s hatred of math. At the same time, I’ve long thought that one should probably know them. And that created a conflict in me because I thought that it was really only possible to know them by memorizing them. But the other day it occurred to be what hogwash that is.


Kids are taught the short-cuts you learn after you learn the basics in stead of the basics.

He mentions a bad way to teach the times table as the reason it’s bad

And he used to do this thing where he would go desk by desk asking each student one question, “Seven times eight?” He went sequentially through the table and the desks, so I always calculated which question I would get so I could figure it out and say it the moment he asked me. In that case, there was clearly some mathematics education going on for me, but it had nothing to do with the multiplication table.

Yeah, see. As you noted he wasn’t teaching the times table so much as teaching to pay attention to shortcut learning. If he had randomized it, you would have learned more. But you did learn a bunch as using the multiplication table gets you to remember it.

Strawman alert!

The rationale for knowing your multiplication table is that if you know them, then you can do things like multiply and divide arbitrarily large numbers. But if that’s true, why were we taught the table from 1 through 12?

Yeah, that’s a nitwitish way to put it and a nitwitish question.

It’s so kids can learn the basics so they can more easily learn the advanced. Like multiplying large numbers, or doing calculus. We could not use a calculator in any of my college calculus classes. It led to leaving the answer in terms of the square root of 2 or pi fairly often, but I was learning calculus, not how to use a calculator.

I have never memorized what 6×7 is. Instead, I know that 6×6 is 36, and so I know 6×7 must be 6 more than that, which is 36+6, which is 42.

So he memorized 6×6 then? No! He ‘knows’ it! Totally different.

The point is that they have to know that 6×6=36 before they can get to “36+6”. I do x9 by multiplying by 10 and subtracting the number, but I was trying to teach math to 11th graders who had to sit and think about the answer to 7×10.

Oh, and they also didn’t memorize the addition tables. So they need their phone to add 6 to 36. Cuz people like the guy above had a theory about making math “fun”.

You cannot make everything in life fun. That’s why discipline and respect are so important.

I think math is fun because I like it. YMMV. I liked looking at the relationships on the multiplication table, but I learned that table before I could use relationships like subtracting 8 from 8×10 to figure out 8×9.


My grammar, and punctuation, suck; I. know that. In my defense, I bought a lot of commas, a few years ago, and they have an expiration date.

I had nuns making sure I knew English so I was good but if you don’t use something you lose it. I worked in places where good grammar was considered snooty and rude so I lost it. Which: leads us to-

Dependency Grammar!

a class of modern syntactic theories that are all based on the dependency relation (as opposed to the constituency relation) and that can be traced back primarily to the work of Lucien Tesnière. Dependency is the notion that linguistic units, e.g. words, are connected to each other by directed links.

That’s okay so far, I mean, if you’re going to get philosophical, I’ll give you that. To get to the point, they use that idiocy to teach grammar to kids.

Check that.

They use that idiocy to not teach grammar to kids. Just the way they use their idiocies to not teach math to kids.

Different methods of teaching grammar to kids!

One of the older forms of teaching grammar, diagramming sentences, first appeared in the 19th century. This method involves visually mapping the structures of and relationships between different aspects of a sentence. Especially helpful for visual learners, this method disappeared from modern teaching at least 30 years ago

Yeah, the way that we found that works, let’s stop using that!

Students are encouraged to explore language through creative writing and reading, picking up correct grammar usage along the way.

And right there is the difference between riding a tricycle, a bicycle with training wheels, a bicycle, a Honda 125, a Honda 500 and then a Honda Goldwing and “Here’s the key to the Harley, pick up how to ride it along the way”.

The Teaching is hard! Learning is easy! method:

The inductive method of teaching grammar involves presenting several examples that illustrate a specific concept and expecting students to notice how the concept works from these examples.

This guy is doing it right, these people are doing it wrong. Ready? Now do it!

I was actually with this one until the second sentence

The deductive method of teaching grammar is an approach that focuses on instruction before practice. A teacher gives students an in-depth explanation of a grammatical concept before they encounter the same grammatical concept in their own writing.

But then I realized they weren’t teaching anything, merely saying, “Here’s some stuff. Now look at that and tell me what’s wrong. Figure it out yourself. Geez, what do I look like, a teacher?” The tell is the word “concept”, that’s not an example, that’s a description.

And then I read further

This type of teaching, though common, has many people—including teachers—rethinking such methods, as more post-secondary level students are revealing sub-par literacy skills in adulthood. (emphasis me V, cuz it’s anger-inducingly, anger-inducive)

Well that’s surprising! Both that our children isn’t learning and that it’s still common. Educrats have a theory and if you’re kids have to pay, well, that’s the price they’re willing to make us all pay.

Another method of teaching grammar is to incorporate interactivity into lessons. Using games to teach grammar not only engages students but also helps them to remember what they’ve learned.

Once again, it starts pretty well, I’m all into interactivity, but then veers off into idiocy.

If you are not teaching the basics they cannot learn the advanced material.

How can you know to have agreement between object and predicate if you don’t know what an object is? Or a predicate. Or what I mean by “agreement”.


A repost

She knows her son is a lesbian trapped in a boy’s body, because that would be Awesome! Baroness Munchausen by proxy!

Shit like that is rewarded instead of having her lose her kids, all visitation rights and any contact with children.


This is even more horrific than the above. It’s one of the most horrible things I could imagine.

Janet Reimer was granted her dearest wish: she gave birth to twins…(perfect control group! V)

Then things went horrible.

were sent to the local hospital for a routine circumcision. Unfortunately the doctor in charge of the procedure was using electrical equipment, which malfunctioned several times. On the last trial, Bruce’s entire penis was burnt off. Brian was not operated on. The family were distraught. In the Sixties plastic surgery was not an option: even today it is not recommended that new-borns undergo penis reconstruction operations…

Then, they went more horrible as a horrible person preyed on their tragedy.

saw a television programme that gave them some hope. Dr John Money, a highly renowned sexologist, featured in a debate about sex change operations on transsexuals. He had brought a transsexual with him who was convincingly feminine looking…

Then other lefties prayed on their tragedy.

Nurture not nature determines whether we feel feminine or masculine. Widely cited in many text books, the case was a landmark study – hailed as proof of the overwhelming force of nurture..

Of course, the “Dr” was still preying

He insisted that to fully understand that she was a girl (the poor kid who had his johnson cut off V)…

A reprieve

Finally when she (he you assholes V) was 13, the family told her (him you assholes V) and Brian the truth. Brenda was intensely relieved as she (he you assholes V) had felt she (he you assholes V) was going insane. Almost immediately she (he you assholes V) turned herself (himself, you assholes V) back into a boy and called herself (himself, you assholes V)  David. David received compensation money for the circumcision…(huh V) (no, I should have said, “duh” V)

Before the end of the tragedy

before driving to a supermarket car park on 4 May 2004 and shooting himself in the head. He was 38 years old.

Did our hero learn anything from his experiment?

Dr Money argues that he cannot be held to blame because David did not accept a female gender identity.

And then blames the parents… but not for trusting him, for not trusting him!

He says that the family delayed making a decision until their son was almost two, just before the gender gate was about to shut.

Way to twist the knife dude.

What that BBC article leaves out is pretty horrific.

This allowed Money to experiment on Bruce while using Brian as a control.

I noticed that above, but the BBC did not see fit to mention it.

It’s also hard to find this because most “journalists” do not think it’s relevant apparently.

However, aged 38 he committed suicide, 2 years after his twin also killed himself.

So sad.

It is believed that they both committed suicide because of the methodology used by Money and his impact on their life

Ya think?

So what happened to this savage, barbaric, modern-day Dr. Mengele?

Money was a professor of pediatrics and medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University from 1951 until his death.

This is that extra twist we expect.

He also established the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic

The twist they use when they’re pulling their bayonet out of your guts. Don’t hold it against him that his theories are idiotic rubbish, he cared! Just because a family (one that we know of V) was destroyed over this, it’s not his fault! If only they had trusted him more!

So no matter the horror, death and despair he left behind him, he was a professor of pediatrics and medical psychology at Johns Hopkins University until he died in 2006. In other words, when the twins whose lives he ruined killed themselves he was a respected professor at John Fucking Hopkins instead of what he deserved.


Now we’ve had a couple generations of kids taught by people with theories who used them as lab rats, some places are far worse than others.

Many had parents who cared enough to do something something and some were those who avoided the obstacles to learning and learned by themselves so they did learn, but many did and are not.

The conclusion, let’s let FrnakJ explain again

Now let’s talk about present day.(11) Inevitably, as time as past, the number of finite good ideas out there have been discovered, and thus there is less and less chance that any liberal will have anything worth saying. Ergo, the ideas they do propose now are increasingly idiotic. And, now only using the weapons of derision to stop them, they strive by sealing themselves off from outside input, huddling together in small enclaves protected form the light of reason. They’re like cockroaches, hiding in the walls, and occasionally emerging from the shadows to wreak havoc.

Or they become judges.

Anyway, liberals are out there, and their ideas are more and more chaotic. And, though everyone calls them idiots, instead of taking the logical conclusion and realizing they are idiots, they think only they are right and all others are wrong and must be crushed.

They cannot admit, even..especially to themselves that they are wrong, so that’s why a discredited method of teaching grammar is still “common”, that’s why people are still arguing against memorizing addition and multiplication tables.

Unfortunately, he wrote this before Obama became God-President, before the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party was in full swing and before FrnakJ had kids.

Oh, the horrors they would subject us to if only they had the power.

Lucky for us, though, their main weapon is the whine.

It was so much better when their only power was the whine.

Oh well. At least now they’re sending their smelly foot-soldiers to attack us so we can kick their asses under the perfectly legal right of self-defense.

So don’t forget, let them take the first swing!

And you don’t know where to go to
Why don’t you go where fashion sits

Putin on the titz


This post is about Reality!!!!!!!!!!!!, alternatively speaking, but I just love the things that Tsar Putin I does.

He’s left Bond-villain status behind and now he’s like a cross between a tsar and an Austin Powers villain.


Via Doug at my favorite ‘Stan (who has the best response I wish I could steal), we see that no troll is too far.

Two conservative journalists have sparked outcry on social media by making what some have interpreted as a white supremacist hand symbol at a recent visit to the White House.


Yeah about that.

/pol/ convinces News media – Okay Hand Sign Stands for White Power 👌 (
submitted 1 day ago by Simi510/pol/ack

I look forward to seeing this become TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!! and OK will be an unword as soon as the 78th edition of the Newspeak dictionary comes out.

I do wonder if I could get a deal started where using both hands and putting the open parts together is Nazi-symbology.



You really cannot be too ridiculous anymore, somewhere there is someone who will believe it no matter how stupid and nonsensical. It’s how our ELITE!!!! universities are training people, but we’ll have to wait until, or if, Merkel starts going after’refugees’.


I also like the “REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” of a Symbolic Hunger Strike going on over at Harvard. The food court for the Symbolic Hunger Strike is probably run by the Dumbledore Army and I bet it has vegan ‘ribs’, unlike those GOP meanies who are having a BBQ right next to where they’re Symbolically Hunger Striking (in between meals)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let’s have a quiz. It’ll be multiple guess.

Who’s more smug?

1) Whole Foods customers

“People say Whole Foods is for pretentious people, and I can see why. It’s too expensive…

It’s like that Jim Gaffigan joke – Whole Foods on Sunday is just a refugee camp for people with too much money.”

B) Samantha Bee and the rest of the Democratic, political/media/entertainment complex.


The puppy blender has this graphic (although I agree with that. Rich, white, lefties are ruining America)

III) Or Phteven The Starbucks Barista

 I bet he practices that look in the mirror.

It’s quartus) All of the above.

But in order I’d say B-III-1, although I could see it being III-B-1.


This just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of a bureaucracy.

An Internal Revenue Service program designed to prevent fraud costs taxpayers roughly $18.2 million per year, but doesn’t work, according to the taxpayer watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste.

No, it worked just fine. It created a new level of bureaucracy funded to the tune of $18.2 million and next year, what with the sequester and all, that will be raised to only $36.4 million. Without the sequester is was going to be raised to $54.6 million but the sequester is starving the gov’t.


An Open letter to President Trump:

Dear President Trump,

Get. Out. Of. Syria.



The US has reportedly sent troops to the border between Turkey and the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Syria, in an apparent response to a spate of Turkish assaults on Kurdish targets.

P.S. Just send jihadis, AKs and RPGs.


If we’re going to get into a war with Russia, I’d rather do it in eastern Europe than the Middle East.


I’m not sure what reality this guy infests, but I do wonder what color oranges are there.



Yeah, no. We’ve been telling the International Tribunals so go screw since the 50s. The last time we got involved was to hang some Nazis.

They call him the “dictator hunter”. Reed Brody has been following the bloody trail of infamous political leaders for over 30 years, his latest trophy is Chad’s former president, Hissène Habré. And his next? George W Bush and Henry Kissinger are on his list.


Good luck with that.

Athough the way Bush has joined the We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party, he might be open to a little international justice.

For Trump’s racism and fascism though.

This is the tell.

“More than putting the criminal in prison, what interests me is to support the victims who fight for justice, to help them regain their dignity,” the American lawyer told Euronews in Geneva, where he participated in a debate entitled “The International Criminal Court under fire”.

They’re running out of money. “Under fire” always, always, always means that their funding is threatened.

This is the funniest part of the bit. They’re talking about The Dictator Hunter remember.

Brody worked with the non-governmental organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) between 1998 and 2016.

Human Rights Watch. The ones who spend much of their time taking the side of Palestinian terrorists and occasionally issue a pro forma, “China, Cuba and the Norks can be bad” report.

Now that I think about it, they should be up there in the smug quiz. So it’s ‘all of the above and one of the below’ if you’re keeping score at home.



If this was my class I’d be so proud.

I bet the bureaucrats in the school did not see the humor or inventiveness though. They were probably charged with a felony for blocking a fire exit.


Now I can’t wait until I buy a place to live and put a carpet down so I can put this on the floor under the carpet for the next owners to find.

That’s hilarious. (2nd item)

For every action there’s an equal and stupid reaction.

Peggy Noonan is still upset we didn’t vote for Jeb!.  (and even more upset that exclamation point is sarcastic)

Here she is whining about Trump saying nice things to Teh Peepul and mean things to our betters.

He presented himself not as a Republican or a conservative but as a populist independent. The essential message: Remember those things I said in the campaign? I meant them. I meant it all.

She’s not used to that. All right-thinking pols know you say anything to get elected and then can safely ignore teh peepul until the next election.

Normally a new president has someone backing him up, someone publicly behind him. Mr. Obama had the mainstream media—the big broadcast networks, big newspapers, activists and intellectuals, pundits and columnists of the left—the whole shebang. He had a unified, passionate party. (You forgot the Look At The Great Creases! folks like you V)

Mr. Trump in comparison has almost nothing. The mainstream legacy media oppose him, even hate him, and will not let up. The columnists, thinkers and magazines of the right were mostly NeverTrump; some came reluctantly to support him.

His party is split or splitting. The new president has gradations of sympathy, respect or support from exactly one cable news channel, and some websites.

He really has no one but those who voted for him.

And the more you assholes talk the more people realize that all we have on our side is Trump.


Nother minitrue-mistake! that somehow made Spicer look bad. They dowdified a quote (cut it short to change the meaning).

I’m sure they’re sorry about it. Not sorry enough to stop lying, just sorry about getting caught.


Fakenewsers just don’t get it.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s job running the State Department just got considerably more difficult. The entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era.

No, his job just got easier, it was going to be very hard to fire all those anti-American assholes. The more quit the fewer he has to fire or ‘promote’ to his super-important think-tank! that thinks and can’t do.


I’m gonna get on a watch list I’m buying so much saltpeter for my simple, chronic boner.


Environmental Protection Agency employees have not accepted Donald Trump’s victory and are still “coming to work in tears” more than two months after the election.

“At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark,” ProPublica reported Wednesday. “A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were ‘coming to work in tears’ each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on.”


I knew it would be good, but I didn’t realize how good.


Of course, the bureaucracy is going to be in a war with Trump for so long as he is POTUS.

Government employees from more than a dozen federal agencies in the United States have opened rogue Twitter accounts, concerned by what they see as President Trump’s attempts to stifle government scientific research and scale back the country’s Obama-era commitments to combating climate change.

I look forward to many, many, many, “You’re Fired!”s.


I’m not sure why the DNC is auditioning for Trump Re-Election folks, but there it is.


Keep America Great!


Someone tell Hollywood you only need to tithe, throwing $hundreds of millions away is not really a smart way to honor your religious beliefs.

Universal has won a heated bidding war to pick up the rights to Little America, a futuristic adventure movie that has Michael Bay and his Platinum Dunes on board to produce….

Described by sources as a “sci-fun” story rather than “sci-fi,” the tale is set in a dystopian future where a Donald Trump-like president has bankrupted America and China has called in its debts.

Geez, they picked the stupidest religion. I do find it hilarious that they claim Trump is going to bankrupt America. Obama and the fine GOP-led Congress already have that covered.

Now if they had us start blowing up Chinese armies when they call in their debts, that movie might actually make money. Too bad they won’t do that. China is paying for it after all.


Remember the vid of the kid proud of starting a fire at the We Hate Amerikkka riots the other day?  That was Drew Carey’s kid.

Jebus, didn’t he used to be a fucking libertarian?  What the fuck is wrong with the drugs in Hollywood?


In, There’s No Proof Of Voter Fraud (right Shep?) News.

This link has links to others talking about how illegal aliens vote all the time.

This one shows that the Green Party’s scam/recount effort uncovered plenty of voter fraud (just regular Dem voter fraud, probably not illegals)

In Michigan, where Trump has been certified the winner in spite of Stein’s efforts, Wayne County (Detroit), where Clinton overwhelmingly won, has come under fire explicitly due to the recount. Turns out in 37 percent of the Detroit precincts more votes were cast than the number of people who showed up to the polls to vote. No one would have noticed if not for the personal enrichment recall scheme of the former Green Party presidential candidate.

Oh man can I not wait until people like Shep, who declared that Foxnews Knows Of No Evidence Of Voter Fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday, have to talk about all the Democrat-Party-Bought-And-Paid-For Voter Fraud!.

That’s gonna be funny.


So….they raised the minimum wage and restaurants are closing!?!?!?!!?!?!? Shouldn’t that have increased jobs?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.

Kudos for mentioning Obamacare and other Dem stupidities, but notice the elephant not in the room.

They have some stuff about how stupid people talk about minimum wage increases being responsible, but they let you know that’s crazy-talk.

Being a lefty means never admitting that you’re wrong. Especially to yourself.


At Paco’s the other day, commenter MikeW, mentioned that there’s a grain of truth in most Duffelblog posts.

Case in point.

A new plan touted by President Donald Trump to end the nearly six-year-long Syrian Civil War has reportedly stalled after the president and his staff realized they did not have enough different colors and (Risk V) pieces to represent all the different factions in the country, sources confirmed today…

Trump had planned to use a single colored army to represent “all the Syrians,” sources say, but he was apparently foiled once he realized there was no brown army. Instead, he began using blue for American forces, red for Russian, black for ISIS, gray for rebels, green for Turkey, and yellow for Kurds.

However, he realized there were not enough colors after the CIA presented a list of 12 former and current Al Qaeda affiliates that were also fighting inside the country, along with at least 30 other non-governmental tribes, armies, militias and terror groups.

Too many scorpions in that bucket.

This one gets to me.

Advisers from the Department of Defense have been trying in vain to persuade Trump to take a more nuanced and academically rigorous view of the conflict. So far they have only been successful in convincing him that “taking Australia on turn one and sitting on the Indonesian bottleneck until we can build up our forces” would be a terrible idea.


I always fall for that.



That’s The Spirit!

Posted: October 23, 2016 by veeshir in Ask a Moron, Notes on the Revolution

Never Remember! Never Learn!

If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November, what attitude should Democrats and Republicans alike take toward Trump voters? It will be tempting to excoriate or patronize them, or to woo them to your cause. But all of these approaches would be mistaken.


Yeah, we’re just too dim and deserve what our fine betters give us.

A much better strategy — for both parties — is to engage in selective memory, and to treat Trump voters as though the whole sorry episode of his candidacy never occurred.

Listen, ignoring why much of America is pissed off is why we have Trump.

Let’s interrupt this idiocy with a little elucidating the obvious!

Even assuming a convincing Clinton win, many, many Americans are going to vote for Trump on Nov. 8.

But they’re in flyover country, they don’t matter.

I love this bit

That doesn’t necessarily mean all Trump voters will have thought Trump should be president;

Nope, but I’d suggest that it does mean that many (most? nearly all?) think Hillary! would make an even worse POTUS.

if the polls are sufficiently lopsided on Election Day, it will be logically possible to vote for him as a protest.

Oooooohhhh, so close. He is a protest vote, but it’s a protest against even more than Hillary!, it’s a protest against all of the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party and their Minitrue allies all of whom treat us with all the contempt that this tool is showing.

Democrats might be tempted to say that anyone who voted for Trump has bad morals and belongs in the much-discussed “basket of deplorables.” The Republican version of moral outrage against Trump voters would be to say that the candidate’s words (and maybe conduct) around sexual morality made him undeserving of election, and that anyone who voted for him must share his morals.


Our betters have been putting us down for a long time now, why stop now? Especially when we’ve been so stupid as to go against what they’ve decided is best for us (Jeb V Hillary!)

As for the bit about morals, Trump’s said some bad things, a bunch of women are going after him in a convenient time (I hope he does sue the shit out of them), Hillary! is an aider, abetter and liar abouter for a man who’s done far worse, all as she viciously attacked the women who, credibly, accused him of doing worse things than Trump talked about.

I’ve cut out a bunch of stuff that mischaracterizes what Trump has called for as ‘moral outrages. I assume, like building a wall, because there’s only one, acceptable, position on that. If you want our nation to enforce the laws our betters have decided not enforce, you’re a moral pygmy. If you don’t want to enforce the laws our betters have decided we need to enforce, like gay marriage, you’re a moral pygmy.

We used to just feel that enforcing laws was what America was all about, (A nation of laws, not men), but we’re in the glorious Now! where that’s just a hold-over from when dead, white slave-owners had their patriarchical heel on the throat of Amerikkka.

But moral outrage would be a moral mistake.

Moral outrage is all that our fine betters have.

Patronizing Trump voters would also be a mistake

Why stop now? I do find it hilarious in an article that’s basically one long patronizing of Trump voters, this fool says that to do so would be a mistake.

Introspection is so passe.

That leads to the final temptation, namely to try to win over Trump voters either by crafting policies aimed at saving the white lower-middle class… The former is at least an admirable goal — but only provided it can be accomplished realistically, without doing much more harm than good,

Yeah, helping Americans is less of a priority than helping non-Americans.

The alternative is to treat Trump voters as though they were ordinary, rational voters choosing among policy options available to them. That will require pretending retrospectively that this election wasn’t somehow special or distinctive, and that Trump wasn’t a uniquely dangerous candidate.


That ignores that Hillary! is an even more ‘uniquely’ dangerous candidate.

If she wins, we’ll be seeing that in short order. Well, at least until they can’t hide her illness and we get the even crazier Kaine.


I say we audiblize. Let’s ask Eli what he thinks (at about the 6 second mark)


Sure they suck this year, but that’s darn funny.


If you search for tenderness
It isn’t hard to find

You can have the love you need to live

hands up i'll shoot

But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind

i patch
It always seems to be so hard to give

The media is downplaying the “protests” as isolated. It seems they aren’t broadcasting footage of the debris being thrown across Harrison by Sanders/Hillary supporters at Trump fans.

They also aren’t mentioning the hordes running through the UIC parking structure breaking the windows of cars with Trump 2016 stickers.

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

The Daily Mail suggested Mrs Trump may have worked as a part-time escort in New York, and met husband Donald Trump, who is now running for the White House, earlier than previously reported.

The claims were “outright lying”, lawyer Charles Harder said.



I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don’t want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe


Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

For the last two days CNN has been lying about Donald Trump in order to put itself in its favorite gear:

I can find a lover
I can find a friend

mila do dirty things

I can have security
Until the bitter end


Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know


When I’m deep inside of me
Don’t be too concerned
I won’t ask for nothin’ while I’m gone

But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Because you’re the only one that I depend on

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

In this new series, I propose to explore the sequence of errors, large and small, through which the climatological establishment has – until now – gotten away with greatly exaggerating climate sensitivity.



Next in the series, Eli’s coming, (link fixed)





Hide your Cowboys.
