Archive for the ‘You’ll pry ’em from my cold dead hands’ Category

When couples get a divorce, it’s often said that the marriage ended long before they signed the divorce papers. Our national marriage is in that state – our Constitution is not operative, and nobody can even conceive of a realistic plan to bring it back.

I’ve been putting this off for ages, but wanted to spit something out before the election so as to avoid having this appear like a reaction to said election. Besides, my position doesn’t depend on whether there’s a Red Wave or not, or whether Pennsylvanians send a Bernie-bro with the cognitive capacity of a baked potato to the Senate. While I certainly have preferences in next week’s election and will be voting accordingly*, it ultimately doesn’t matter a lot in the long run who wins because the republic doesn’t exist anymore.

The bureaucracies are sovereign. The voters and our representatives are not institutionally capable of reining them in. The IRS leaks tax data for blatantly political purposes without so much as an “oops!” and harasses political undesirables at will with no consequences. The FBA/CIA/NSA run nonstop domestic election interference via both legacy media and new media while ignoring left wing riots (that were probably instigated by the FBI), clinic firebombings, assassination attempts, etc. Endless lawfare harassment against bakers and photographers who dare to hold traditional values, and by “traditional” I mean “widely held as of about five minutes ago”.

They do this right in front of our faces. It’s more effective for them to do it right in front of you so that understand exactly how screwed you are. Your Congress-critters, should they oppose this (-and many don’t), are utterly powerless to stop it. You, the voter, are utterly powerless to stop it.

You think it’s maybe not a great idea to have public school teachers hide your child’s gender transition from you? You think that maybe elections should be secure, and that voting should be a discrete event rather than a month-long scramble to produce passable ballots? You think that laws mean anything? What are you, some kind of terrorist?

I’m not sure if it’s more funny or sad when folks on the right try to espouse federalism/decentralization/ subsidiarity as the solution to our national disunity. It’s not funny/sad because they are bad concepts. Far from it. It’s funny/sad because their hope for restoration of the Constitution is like Kanye West asking Kim to come home. The left has no interest in allowing conclaves of right-leaning folks to do as they please.

Sorry fellas, the Constitution is out having sex with Pete Davidson right now, and I don’t think it wants to come home.

Time to draw up the divorce papers.

*(Yes I will be voting for the snake oil salesman from New Jersey.)

Our media is really bad, our gov’t is ridiculous and we’re stuck having to either pretend it’s not that ridiculous or freaking out over how ridiculous it is.

Amazon wants to buy Whole Foods, possibly to put Walmart out of business, and there’s been pushback.

The FTC is probing a complaint brought by the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, which looked at some 1,000 products on Amazon’s website in June and found that Amazon put reference prices, or list prices, on about 46 percent of them.

An analysis found that in 61 percent of products with reference prices, Amazon’s reference prices were higher than it had sold the same product in the previous 90 days, Consumer Watchdog said in a letter to the FTC dated July 6.

Like many of you I eat food. I often buy that food in places called supermarkets.

Take the other day for instance, at Safeway there was a ‘sale’ where I could “Buy 1 get 3 Free!!’, the one pack of meat was around $18, for a couple pounds of some meat that wasn’t worth $9/lb. I’d bet before the ‘sale’ it was around $3/lb.  They also had some meat On Sale!!!! for only $2.97/lb from $6/lb!!!!! It wasn’t selling for $6/lb the day before I’m sure. Fry’s does the same thing. Giant does the same fucking thing. Hannaford does the same fucking thing. Price Chopper does the same fucking thing (or did, are they still around?). Shop Rite does the same thing (are they still around?).

That’s just supermarkets, how often do you see something ON SALE!!!!!!! for supposedly around 1/2 PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but you saw it the week before and it was maybe 10% more than the SALE PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I see it a lot. I’m a numbers guy and I remember numbers so I notice that stuff an awful lot.

But our fine betters are mad at Amazon so they’re being hassled for what everybody does. And I mean everybody.

The Rule Of Law in America was never perfect but our betters at least pretended to believe in it. Selective enforcement of the law is worse than not enforcing the law at all.

Our gov’t is demanding that we give it no respect, I don’t see why we shouldn’t agree.


Another institution that’s demanding no respect is our fine media.

As Yourish used to say, Israeli Double Standard Day is only on days that end in Y.

Following a day of violence in Israel, the Associated Press headlines: “3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over holy site.” …

After nightfall, a Palestinian sneaked into a home in the Israeli settlement of Halamish in the West Bank and stabbed to death three Israelis…

Earlier Friday, several thousand Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank clashed with Israeli troops, burning tires or throwing stones and firecrackers. Troops fired live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas. Three Palestinians were killed and several dozen hospitalized with live or rubber bullet injuries

So this is the real scorecard:

Palestinian launches murderous attack: three Israelis killed.
Palestinians launch multiple violent attacks: three Palestinians killed.

Fuckheads in minitrue are bigger enemies of Western Civ than ISIS.


Nothing major, just talking about how our media is really minitrue.

Between 2008 and 2016, the media were unapologetic about their adoration of President Barack Obama. Now, they are energized by their thorough loathing of President Donald Trump. In tragic fashion, the hubris of deifying Obama has now come full circle to the nemesis of demonizing Trump. The common denominator of the two extremes is the abandonment of disinterested reporting.

When Obama announced his candidacy for president in 2007, the media relinquished pretenses of objectivity.

They were biased against Republicans and for Democrats for a long time. They’d slant stories, Dem scandals were about how the GOP was attacking them, GOP scandals were about the scandal, but under Obama they lied to make stories go away and under Trump they’re making up lies out of whole cloth to try to get him impeached so Hillary can become president apparently.

If they wish hard enough they feel they can make it true. They really want to undo last year’s election.


I was looking for something and didn’t find it but I found this and it made me laugh.

“This room is full of mirrors,” the Queen was heard to tell the President (Obama V) as she led him into the Oak Room.

And I bet a dollar he was too stupid to understand she just called him a narcissistic tool.

Cuz he’s an idiot.

That made me laugh my ass off. I’m absolutely sure he had absolutely no idea at all that she was making fun of him. None at all.


Now, this is the type of politician we could use here!

MANITOWOC – Manitowoc Common Council Alderman Michael Howe was arrested in the early morning hours of July 4 after being seen with a group of individuals trying to mount “Bernice,” the giant cow statue in front of Cedar Crest Dairy on South 10th Street.

I wonder if alcohol was involved?

…officers believed Howe seemed like he had been drinking…

…asked Howe if he had been drinking and if he had also been driving. Howe admitted to the deputy he had been drinking at the Vic Ferrari concert earlier that night and driving.

Ours are drunk on power and the only cow they like is the Golden Cow

Against the 2nd Amendment and the 2nd Commandment!


Uncle links this Blast From The Past! Gecko 45!

A perp popped up from behind the Orange Julius counter with a full auto Kalashnikov with a 75rd drum...

The Mac-man ran for it, at the sight of the bloody guts pouring out his partner’s stomach.I did a quick tactical reload, grabbed the 870P from the harness on my back, and did some rolls over to the movie theater and back flipped over the concession counter while unloading the 5 rounds of 000 into the skeeball machine. My partner was pinned down, I tossed the empty 870, and realized I couldn’t hit the remaining perp due to my the poor angle of attack. I had to act fast or my partner was done for. I leap over the counter again, and low crawled towards the arcade unseen. I crept behind the Mrs. PacMan game,

That’s always made me laugh. Much of that hilarity is because to this day I am unsure if the guy was trying to be serious or if he meant it as a joke.


Okay, that’s hilarious.

I’m thinking they did it because it made them feel pretty. If they were trying to disguise themselves they might have shaved their facial hair off. Not many women in the area have such neatly trimmed facial hair.

30 seconds later update!!!!!!

I meant to link this, Doug M does the “rollover” thing on the ISIS graphic and it’s Fahb-you-luss!

I can’t do rollovers, a man has to know his limitations.  so make my day and click! You’ll feel lucky.


There’s actually news out there! Not good news, but news.

Important, Near The Top Of The Post, Stop Drinking Now, Headlines Are Fun! Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bernie Supporter Shot At Republican Gathering

This Is CNN!

Now back to the rest of our post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We see in Alexandria, VA how the rhetoric of our fine media and Democratic politicians’ has caused this violent incident.

Old leftist, anti-Trump Bernie Sanders supporter. Exactly encouraged by crazy leftist rhetoric.

Will CNN apologize? I’m sure they’re figuring out how to blame it on Tim Tebow or Sarah Palin as we speak. I did see a guy at MSNBC say just because this guy was part of a group that wants to Get Trump and talks about violence, we can’t read anything into that. Added as I was finishing up: CNN is explaining how his calls to attack Republicans is not indicative of his motives, it’s too soon to figure out. At least he didn’t yell Allahu Akbar or we’d never learn anything.

It has to be becoming blatantly to pretty much everybody that our fine media  betters standard standard is a tad…dishonest, vicious and utterly hypocritical.

One more thing, notice the picture.

A good union worker! I guess the Dems decided to branch out from just using SEIU thugs to attack their political opponents.


Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste!!! Clintonista, scumbag, gun-grabber and corrupt assholes sez

At a news conference on the shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Alexandria, Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe (D) called for gun control. McAuliffe called for more background checks and ending “gunshow loopholes.” McAuliffe said 93 million people are a victim of gun violence a day.

You know what that means? In 3 or 4 days America will be depopulated! I’m going to Vegas this weekend, so long as I can avoid being murdered by my guns, I will be the only person there! Hah! No lines, everything comped! I’ll be King of the Strip!

I might even do a show. Via The Real King Of France. (accept no substitute!)


Some other stuff.

I never understood the Bill Cosby deal.

While admitting in a 2005 deposition he gave Constand several blue Benadryl pills that night in January 2004, Cosby has always said the incident was consensual.

He gave women drugs for sex, he didn’t drug them and rape them, he said, “Hey, I have some drugs. Do you want to have sex?” That woman had sex with him multiple times for drugs.

The jury was asking questions that seemed to point out they were wondering the same thing.


I’m a little embarrassed, I wuz wrong about Megyn Kelly. I thought she would be all about OUTRAGE-MONGERING and GETTING TRUMP!!!!! and would have low ratings.

Instead, she’s actually trying to perform journalism and she has low ratings.

NBC News is moving ahead with plans to air Megyn Kelly’s interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones this weekend despite a backlash that has cost the show advertisers and led to Kelly being dropped as host for an event by an organization founded by parents of children killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

After years at Fox, she didn’t realize how different other places are. They’re about misinformation, disinformation and affirmation, not giving information.

I still think she’s a nitwit, she’s just not a good interviewer. “So and so says this, what do you have to say about that?” is about her speed so it’s funny she’s being hounded for attempting journalism.

Sorta like when Chuck Hagel was fired for being competent. Just something too ridiculous to predict.


Yay! Tolerance!

A local mosque was paying a physician to perform female genital mutilation on young girls, an attorney serving as a guardian for the doctor’s children alleged in court Tuesday.

He denies it, but it feels right. It’s what we see all over the world.


I didn’t want to Comey or Mueller, but here we are.

A high-ranking Justice Department official believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller has granted a complete get-out-of-jail-free-card deal for disgraced FBI Director James Comey: A coveted immunity deal in exchange for cooperating as a key witness.

“The immunity is a done deal,” a Justice Department source said. “Mueller can do whatever he wants. We (Justice) have no say but after many years working criminal cases I know Comey has been given immunity. You can tell by the way he is acting now and the fact that Mueller has kept us in the dark about his investigation.”

I’ve been trying to avoid anonymous sources, but as we’ve seen, giving immunity to the guilty is how our fine betters roll.

It does leave us with a question. Did Mueller teach Comey that technique or did Mueller learn it from Comey’s handling of the Hillary whitewashing?

These are the question future historians will be asking as they’re digging through the rubble of western civilization.


I keep seeing this story and it has me…. I’m not sure what. Somewhat confused but mostly fully-believing disbelief.

 We now see happening what those of us who worried about what would happen if the Tories would lose the elections feared: Brexit is coming under pressure. Yes, the government still seems to go ahead with Britain’s break from the European Union, but it’s negotiation position has been weakened tremendously. Labour may say they’re in favor of Brexit now, but it’s crystal clear that the socialists are in their hearts Europhiles.

Just because Teh Peepul voted for Brexit, their betters get to decide.

As for the bolded part, I’ve been expecting negotiations going on for a very long time. Decades if they don’t just tell their serfs to shut up, pay their taxes and go to mosque.


There is some news that I have not seen on TV at all. I checked last night when I saw Drudge had something about and nothing. Now today,  they’re talking about the lefty union-member hunting Republicans while avoiding telling us he was a lefty union-member who was hunting Republicans.

Six people have been confirmed killed in a huge fire that ripped through a west London tower block, but police expect the death toll to rise…

Some were reported to have attempted to use bin bags as makeshift parachutes.

Pictures showed flames engulfing the block and a plume of smoke visible across the capital, while others showed desperate residents looking out of windows in the block.

They had a bunch of video, I’m surprised CNN didn’t go to it. Foxnews sucks at Breaking News during their prime-time hours, but CNN usually goes to it.


Okay, this is so twisted I wonder how often it’s happened before.  The universe has a very sick sense of humor.

The truth is that the soldiers are struggling to survive, too, resorting to stealing from anyone they apprehend who happens to carry a valuable. Lower-ranking soldiers, Venezuelans told me, earn the minimum wage, $43 a month, while forced to use their authority to silence political dissidents. Thefts have become so common that, this week, the country’s defense minister Vladimir Padrino López warned armed forces against excessive force, saying he did not want to see “one more national guardsman committing an atrocity on the street.”

The oppressing troops are little better off than the people they’re oppressing so they have to steal to eat.

Who shorts pay to their thugs?

Idiots, that’s who. That way lays chaos when the oppressors try to change sides but the oppressees are less than thrilled about forgiving and forgetting about their children being head shot.


Putin knows you pay the thugs. He also knows how to use them far better than the secret policeman in Venezuela.

Of course there is no war in Moscow. It was the special measures taken for nationwide anti-corruption demonstrations organised by the opposition leader Alexey Navalny more than a month ago.

Only on Sunday evening, on his blog, did Navalny change the location of the protest, mobilising people to meet at the central Tverskaya Street at 2pm, instead of the peripheral Sakharova Avenue.

It was 1 pm when I was heading to the meeting point, but already the unofficial presidential candidate Navalny had been detained outside his house for having ‘organised unlawful protests’.

He stops those protests before they start.



American college student Otto Warmbier has landed back in the United States after more than 17 months in detention in North Korea.
Warmbier has been in a coma for over a year

How did we not know about this?

North Korea told a US official that Warmbier contracted botulism and slipped into the coma after taking a sleeping pill, a senior State Department official told CNN.

If you believe that… I really can’t think of something to counter that, it’s just too idiotic. I wonder what happened and I wonder if we’ll ever find out.

I’d expect some head trauma from being beaten by other prisoners and guards.


Speaking of not believing murderous dictators, Terrorstan!

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told senators on Tuesday that the Palestinian leadership had changed its policy and intends to stop paying the families of terrorists jailed for attacking or killing Israelis.

“They have changed that policy and their intent is to cease the payments to the families of those who have committed murder or violence against others,” Tillerson said. “We have been very clear with them that this [practice of paying terrorists] is simply not acceptable to us.”

I call bullshit. They’ll just hide it for a while. I do applaud at least getting them to pretend, of course, we haven’t heard what he said in Arabic right after us that. English for “dialogue”, Arabic for “Death to The Great Satan!”

It should have been reported though. You know why it wasn’t?

Tillerson’s comments were made during a public hearing on Capitol Hill with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

No use of Anonymous Sources! That’s just shoddy journalism. You need an unconfirmed ‘leak’ from an anonymous source if you want to be a journolist!

Well…that or that it made Trump look good. Our fine media betters can’t have that happening!


Now we just need to airdrop in some weapons and ammo and we can leave Afghanistan… Mission Accomplished!

Isis have taken control of a mountain redoubt in Afghanistan that used to be the fortress of Osama Bin Laden, former leader of al-Qaeda.

Officials and villagers fleeing the area told the New York Times that Isis militants captured the cave complex, in the Nangarhar Province, on Wednesday (14 June) after week-long fighting in the region.

Let’s shake that bucket of scorpions! I wonder, can we get the Russians back in there?


Got a few chucklers today but before that we’ll look at one of the coldest punishments a judge could give.

A Kansas man who robbed a bank last September and told police that he was hoping to get caught so he would get prison time to escape his wife, was sentenced Tuesday to six months of home confinement after pleading guilty…

That ain’t right.

Via Dave Barry. who is perhaps too afraid of squirrels (they make dogs and guns for that), but has never comeyed so far as I know.


Let’s ELITE!

I wonder how they explain the different roles performed by the different genders of animals and insects.


This one is my favorite kind of Global warmmongering. Hilariously clueless global warmmongering.

The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”…

Unfortunately, the ship was forced to abandon its mission after the Canadian Coast Guard requested that the icebreaker be used to help fishing vessels and cargo ships from the “unprecedented ice.”

There’s too much ice in June to study Global Worming. Why does Gaia hate global warrmongers? I figure it’s like Jesus whipping the money-changers in the Temple, Gaia is upset at people making money off her religion.

I will make fun of this guy a little

That’s it. That’s all the research they need. There is “unprecedented ice” in the summer. Everyone can go home.

Dude, if they were going to allow reality to intrude on their crusade they wouldn’t be global warmmongers.

I’m mostly in dis belief.

Now, as we’re in our second violent year of violent lefties (BLM and the recent riots for instance) responding to the violent rhetoric that’s been emanating from the left for years, our fine lefty betters know who’s at fault and who are the real violent ones.

The rise in poisonous political rhetoric is threatening to roll back human rights and creating a more dangerous world, Amnesty International has warned.

Singling out President Trump and the leaders of Hungary, Turkey and the Philippines, it said fear mongering is leading to levels of hate and fear not seen since the 1930s, when Adolf Hitler rose to power.

You know, fuck you. Lumping Hitler, Sultan Erdogan and the Philippines in with the others is ridiculous.

Hungary is trying to keep Muslims ‘refugees’ out, they’re enforcing their laws and protecting their border. That’s one of the reasons for a country you know.

Speaking in Paris, Salil Shetty, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, said: “It was a year when a poisonous political rhetoric of ‘us versus them’ surged across the world.

No, it’s the year when people who are replying to the ‘us versus them’ rhetoric of lefties and Islamists are gaining power that the forces of love, tolerance and mostly peace decided we would never get.


Dat belief ignores all the problems like dis belief.

Daniel Nunnally Jr. told WRIC-TV that he was in his weight-training class Monday at Dinwiddie (Virginia) High School when the “assistant principal came in and pulled me out of class and told me that I had to go outside to take both flags off my truck so there is no controversy or anything.”
The flags in question? The Gadsden (“Don’t Tread on Me”) flag — and the American flag.


It has a sorta happy ending but nobody was fired, I still have dis belief that people are happy Americans get to fly American flags. That’s not right. They should be celebrating that ass principle being fired. Dis belief is my only belief.


I’m not sure what to make of dis belief.

Peter Neumann, an Austrian counter-terrorism official charged with working to combat violent extremism under the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) attracted criticism this week after stating that both the  (Muslim) Brotherhood and (Iranian Republican Guard  Corps) are not terrorist groups and should not be formally designated as such.

Dat belief just doesn’t make any sense. I’m of dis belief that anybody can say it.


Who has dis belief that China is so brazen in the South China Sea?

China, in an early test of US President Donald Trump, is nearly finished building almost two dozen structures on artificial islands in the South China Sea that appear designed to house long-range surface-to-air missiles, two US officials said.

Yup. They built those islands and are pretending dis belief that people are upset so they have to defend them!

I have dat belief that they are looking to get into a war somewhere.

Apparently, so does our Navy.

The United States deployed the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson to the disputed waters of the South China Sea on Saturday as part of maritime “routine operations.”

China better not have dis belief that Mattis will flinch or they will have dis belief when all their new islands tip over from all the Marines on them.


Sometimes even I have dis belief at exactly how midaevil Tsar Putin I is.

Honcharenko said he was informed by Ukrainian law enforcers that a certain separatist group intended to kidnap him,..”This was a special operation. This morning, my abduction was staged….

The group planned to inflict grievous bodily harm on me,” Honcharenko said. …The MP explained that those were the SBU operatives who “abducted” him earlier this morning, only to send out a message to the “customers” claiming that they could proceed with the next stage of their plan, that is a violent stage.

He added that the perpetrators took the bait and came to an agreed location, bringing acid and various devices for torture. The men were detained at the scene, while searches at various premises are underway.


Seriously? Now, they don’t mention that tsarist forces were involved, but Putin has been upset about his tsarling being deposed since the Maidan Protests (here I  have dis belief that Obama sided with the forces of Putin’s tsarling, what can I say, I was young and naive) so you know who was behind it.


Mexico has dat belief that Trump’s America gives un merde what they think. I have dis belief they even had the balls to say this.

A defiant Mexican official on Wednesday said the country “will not accept” a new immigration plan from the White House and will even take the issue to the UN, according to a report.

What’s with dis belief that Mexico can angrily tell America what our immigration laws will be?

I have dis belief that Mexico’s gov’t and citizens are working on Trump’s 2020 reelection team. That’s funny.


I wonder how many people have dis belief that Project Veritas released 119 hours of audio from CNN just to embarrass them for being lefties.

In order to expose media malfeasance within CNN, we need your help transcribing, investigating and connecting the dots on these 200+ hours of audio. Leave comments, upload transcriptions or contact us with your tips below.

I have dat belief that they did it not just to embarrass the fakenewsers for being lefties but also by forcing them to either report on what people find or pretend Breaking News!!! never happened.

I do have dat belief that Foxnews will start having FOXNEWS!!!!! ALERTS!!!!!! every couple minutes.


I have dat belief that this is awesome.

Remember when Obama and co. wouldn’t let South Korea return Garands and M1 Carbines to the US and I was pissed off?

A House measure introduced last week would override the Obama-era State Department’s embargo on thousands of M1 Carbines and Garands long blocked from import.

A House measure introduced last week would override the Obama-era State Department’s embargo on thousands of M1 Carbines and Garands long blocked from import.

The legislation comes as the latest installment in an effort by Republican lawmakers to change the 2009 decision to block the importation of no less than 87,000 rifles donated to South Korea and now surplus to that country’s needs.

I’m of dat belief that it’s not failure theater. If it is, I’ll be in dis belief and realize GOP pols are just too cynically assholish to not be Democrats.

That last link, appropriately enough, came From The Barrel Of A Gun.

So how do you celebrate Labor Day when you’re not working?

By working!

The things I do for you person.


Obama egging on BLM again. 

[H]e’s following his constitutional right to make a statement,” Obama said…

The biggest strawman argument about Kapernik was “First Amendment!!!!!”

Yeah, we know. And the First Amendment means we can call him an ignorant, divisive asshole.

“I don’t doubt his sincerity. I think he cares about some real, legitimate issues that have to be talked about.

I should say, not just Obama, Kapernik is an ignorant divisive asshole too.

Hillary! shaking down kids for their lunchcollege money.

A child under 16 can ask a single question of Hillary for no less than $2,700.

I can’t believe I’ve found a worse thing done to a child than be used as an expensive prop for electing a corrupt, dishonest Grannarch.


4-year old to undergo sex change operation in Australia.

Sorry, that’s about the most horrible thing I’ve read in years. Every adult involved in that needs to be castrated with a hedge trimmer (or lose tits if it’s a woman), drawn, quartered, fed to starving dingoes, then kill the dingoes and shove them into a cesspool.

Then nuke the cesspool.


Nough politics and horror, on to important stuff!

It turns out that there’s a rare fungus mushroom only found in Hawaiian lava flows that can cause women to spontaneously orgasm.


Just don’t bring back any volcanic sand.

Which leads us to another unnatural way to get it on.

Humans could become addicted to robot sex!!!!!!!

But now comes the warning – according to a expert in the field, we’ll need to be careful we don’t get addicted to artificial intelligence love making.

Of course, since it’s Minitrue, they ignore that this has already been covered in a documentary about New New York.


I’ll admit it, I’ve been boned by people, but never like this.

4 people and a divemaster went diving and the boat left them.

How does a tour boat leave without the divemaster?


Who sounded like an idiot, he told them to swim away from land until the riptides sucked them miles out to sea.

Important tip, if you’re in the water and your boat leaves you and some idiot tells you to swim away from land, don’t.  Swim toward land.


Nough current, future, horrible and idiotic events, how about some history?

I don’t recall seeing this at Coyote Blog, but then, I lost the link a few computers ago.

After seeing a piece of my son’s history curriculum at school, I realized for about the hundredth time just how poor an understanding most people have about the great industrialists of the 19th century, so unfairly painted as “robber barons”.  While it is said that “history is written by the victors”, I would observe that despite the fact that socialism and communism have been given a pretty good drubbing over the last 20 years, these statists still seem to be writing history.

Exactly, they did more to make America great than any 10 politicians and for that, our fine marxist betters will never forgive them.

How about a little plus ça change?

The first is Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt, the person to whom the term robber baron was originally applied (by the New York Times, interestingly enough – some things never change).

Back to the lesson, no, the other lesson.

However, most of the great industrialists of the 19th century made money by providing customers with a better, cheaper product.  In the rest of this post, I will look at two examples.

RTWT, or better yet, forward the whole thing to a youngster to counter the hate and bile from our fine, ignorant, capitalist-hating,”elitist” betters.


Awesome story from a Knuckledragging sort of guy.

Champion’s name, and that of his partner, Nick Ray, topped a death list that the small army carried when they invaded Johnson County the day before. Ostensibly, they were on a mission to eliminate rustlers; the list, however, included small ranchers, everyday citizens, and the county sheriff—essentially, anyone whom they considered “undesirable.” (Gulp, V)…

It was, perhaps, the most unique siege in the annals of the West, mainly because Nate Champion—while thousands of rounds turned the inside of the cabin to splinters, and his friend and partner lay dying just a few feet away—had the presence of mind to keep a journal of the event.



I only hope I can do the same when the NOAA, EPA and NASA SWAT teams show up at my house with my name topping their list.



It’s funny how, as Americans buy record numbers of guns, our fine political betters are have a ‘conversation’ about how they’re going to take our guns.

In Tenn. everybody was all excited about the “I can sue you if you take my gun for your gun-free zone” law.

But that’s not what it does. It exempts from being sued people who don’t post the signs. Ummm wut?

Once again, Tennesseans have been deceived and cheated by Establishment Republicans in public office… starting with Brian Kelsey and aided by Sen. Dolores Gresham who apparently accepted the amendment and let it be carried in her name.

(Quoth Uncle V) The new law makes absolutely no sense to me; let the business owner, etc. off the hook because they didn’t post??

Exactly. On both points.

What’s up with Tenn? I’m embarrassed that AZ has Jeff Flake and John Fucking McCain, but Tenn’s GOP appears even worse.

In CA, they don’t have a GOP that feels it has to throw fish at GOP voters, so they’re just going for the throat.

Their new laws are mostly stupid

that will require people to turn in high-capacity (sic, they mean standard capacity V) magazines


Voluntarily turn in magazines. Yeah, I can see that happening. And then, many Californians are felons because of a hunk of metal, or polymer, with a spring that holds other objects.

This is just fucked up.

Gun makers developed bullet buttons to get around California’s assault weapons ban, which prohibited new rifles with magazines that can be detached without the aid of tools. A bullet buttons allows a shooter to quickly dislodge the magazine using the tip of a bullet or other small tool.


Eh, if they want to be where our civil war (revolution?) starts, fine with me. It has to start somewhere.

Although I would have bet VA the way the lefties voted in by the NOVA gov’t workers are trying to screw up the state.


Or: How to push your stupidity on others while dancing in the blood of 100 people.

Dems filibuster for gun control

Meanwhile, in America, Americans, who love freedom and AR-15s, owned by at least 5 millions Americans, and rising quickly the more our fine social, moral, political, intellectual and social betters try to take them, the more we buy them.


  • Gun sales have soared since the tragedy as enthusiast fear the weapons may be banned or restricted in the wake of the massacre
  • Georgia gun shop sold 15 guns an hour yesterday while a Pennsylvania dealer has sold 15,000 semi-automatic weapons since Sunday
  • Smith & Wesson, the Massachusetts-based manufacturer of handguns, shares increased as much as eight per cent the day after the massacre
  • Shares of Connecticut-based Sturm, Ruger & Company saw a more than nine per cent jump in shares on the same day


As our fine betters seem hell-bent on finding out, these people are not buying them to turn them in.

It’s gonna get very endy without any real funny except the inherent funny of people with feelings sending other people with guns to take the guns from other people who just want to be left alone so they can use their guns to put holes in paper.

Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil. R. A. Heinlein.

Alternatively, the road to revolution is paved with power-mad politicians supported by panty-waist fools.

I just hope everybody waits until the end of the month when I get back to AZ so I can point and laugh at NYers, and other Dem fiefs, finding out they’ve acted stupidly.


I have to admit, after the terror attack in Tampa I have become in favor of gun control.

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor…

… held two firearms licenses and a security officer license,

Let’s keep guns out of the hands of government.

For The Children.


Whenever some asshole says, ‘This shows we need gun control’, remind that fascist asshole that this murderous coward would have had a gun no matter how they make sure I can’t get one.

Jebus, just when I think I hate people enough, someone comes along to make me lose all faith and respect for someone I thought I liked.

Retired Gen. David Petraeus announced Friday he’s partnering with former astronaut Mark Kelly (Mr. Gabby Giffords V) to create a gun control group for veterans.


Mudder pocker. And no, by ‘gun control’ he does not mean ‘on target’ but the usual, “For Your Own Good” bullshit.

Why is he doing that?

The idea behind the group is to curb rampant veteran suicide rates.


You know, cuz, as everybody knows, suicidal people will not commit suicide if they have no access to evil guns.

And of course, there are no other problems that are causing the deaths of veterans that Petraeus might want to look into.


I recently received an odd, frantic email from some wannabe politico in search of a conservative blogger who would write a column about Obamacare and jobs to save Tom Corbett’s re-election campaign from itself. As if such a Column to End All Columns could be written.

I don’t want to be too hard on this fellow, as I too sometimes suffer from wannabe-ism. Far less so than in the past, as I become more jaded and more likely to just give up and flee the state. I have little hope for an electorate that thought “binders full of women” was a substantive and revealing gotcha against Romney. I’m still not even exactly sure what that binders thing was all about.