Archive for the ‘PEBKAC’ Category

Cats and hubris go together.

The best Cat Vid you’ll see here that’s copied from Ace.

This post was started years ago, but finished this morning. It’s about whether we were really in the Funniest End of Civilization Ever, back when it was funnier and before it ended.

I wrote most of the below when I was reading or just got done reading Herodotus and Xenophon, now I’m reading The Jewish Wars by Josephus. It’s pretty cool. It’s a guy born in 37 AD I think, talking about the years leading up to the Diaspora, he was a leader during the rebellion against Rome that ended with Masada but changed sides.

So much of our problems today stem from hubris. Like global warmmongering, the idea that since we’ve industrialized no more than 5% of the planet and probably far less, we’re going to KILL US ALL!!!!!!

Which has made me wonder if many of us are suffering from it. I mean, maybe we’re not really in the Funniest End of Civilization Ever! but merely one of the funnier ones and perhaps our civilization isn’t the most ridiculous.

That last sentence didn’t hold up, that was before it was a crime against humanity to deny that a man could give birth or that women formerly known as Fred could dominate women’s sports or President Joe Biden and Vice President…. you know, the thing.




I started this post a long time ago, ^that long ago. Stacy Abrams as Gigantor.  Or was it Gigantor as Stacy Abrams? 

I really should get photoshop, I can sorta use a really old version on a computer that I can’t get to boot up. 

So let’s start with another paint-shop. 

I got pretty upset the fucking foreskins wimped out. I actually had to call them the Redskins for a while. That was a bad week or two, but I think I came up for a great name for the Washington Football Team (wimps)

Can’t decide where to put the scissors, and just do a gelding or go for the package deal? 


Lest we forget in all this making fun of the Geldings, 

Lottsa old going on but some new since last we met. 

Let’s break out our trusty GOP voter device one last time for Bill Barr

GOP Voter Device

Barr’s leaving but he did his job, he got GOP voters arfing, slapping their fins and honking their squeezy bulbs but did absolutely jack and shit. And shit ran out of gum.

He could have done something like, ohh…….. arrest someone for all the fucking feloniously treasonous actions taken against Trump and now the election but he didn’t and now his job is done.

Ignoring that the machines used to cheat Joe into winning are blatantly set up to fucking cheat. Remember when Diebold was going to steal an election? As with everything the left accuses others of doing, they’re doing it.

Biden and his criminal family belong in jail but instead he has a good chance of becoming POTUS ,at least partially thanks to Barr (and all the other AGs) not doing his job.

Which brings us to PACO’s post It’s all about pissing me off.

2) Judges – even the highest in the land – are as susceptible to threats and intimidation as anyone, and the SCOTUS justices have calculated that there is more to fear from the Left than from the Right (see #1);

3) Judges refusing to do their job, for any reason, are demonstrating cowardice;

4) Any state (which I took to mean not only political sub-units of the U.S., such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the nation-state, as well) that cannot ensure a fair election deserves no respect whatsoever.

Exactly on point 4. I’d say there’s some blackmail and maybe fear but I’d bet there’s a lot more money involved in Roberts’ deal.

Our fine betters in the uniparty have no idea what they’re playing with. Everybody knows that the rule of law is dead now, how many law-abiding people are going to act accordingly?

The media and our political betters in the GOP and Dem party think they know what they’re doing, they’re smarter than we are after all, but I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen.

How will people resist the more and more random, unnecessary, confusing and yet blatantly controlling edicts coming out of so many pols’ mouth?

Who’s going to enforce their will?

The cops they’re been shitting on for a long fucking time? The ones who are leaving in droves?

Of course, that could be part of the plan, if I thought those idiots weren’t idiots. Get rid of cops who care and keep the young and malleable. I don’t know, that’s an interesting thought. ‘Interesting’ as in “unsettling.”

Are they counting on the military? To ignore the Constitution they take an oath on?

Yeah, about that.

That’s the military cheering Trump. As they do whenever they can. He hasn’t started any new wars and was getting us out of the endless wars around the world.

I can’t believe the military leadership wants us in fucking Syria. My long time plan still stands, give any and all jihadis a ride to the area of Syria of their choice, give them an AK, rpg or bomb vest as they get off the bus. We don’t need Americans dying in the bucket of scorpions. Somehow I think the people who’ve had to actually deal with syrian jihadis feel the same way.

So what’s the fucking point? Are they really expecting to use cops and the military to take our guns? I mean, sure Obama revamped our officer corps, but they’re not the ones out in the field to shoot Americans.

What the hell is going to happen next month? Seriously. People who think 2021 is going to be less bad than 2020, well, they’re going to have a rude awakening. 2021 is going to be fucking interesting.

The worst part? I have to watch what I say and wearing Trump gear is actually an act of bravery in many places. That’s fucked up.

And getting fucked uppeter.

How fucked uppeter? Firefly reimagined by Disney. That’s how far up we are fucked.

My source tells me that Disney is in early development on a Firefly reboot.  The new show would start the story of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew aboard the Serenity over from scratch, with an aim to make this a long-running series on Disney+.  There is a twist here and the twist is that they see the show as ideal family-friendly programming for Disney+.  My source tells me they’re planning to target it more at a PG-adventure, family audience and less at the sort of PG-13 dynamic the original Joss Whedon show went for.

Although I shouldn’t pick on Disney, there isn’t really anybody who could do it and not make it cringe-worthy. Joss Whedon is a lefty tool, he’d make a subplot where Mal goes crazy because all anti-gov’t types are one shot of whiskey away from killing everyone in sight to people like him.

Caballero story, it’s been sitting for a long time. The gas tank is leaking. My Mustang needed work and other stuff has needed money. I’ve taken a while off from throwing money down the caballero’s exhaust. I hope heyzeus is happy now.

Eh, I thought I had more links, but really, what is there to talk about right now?

Well, the debt that’s getting ridicudebtacular. We blew past $30 trillion like nothing. We’ll be $40 trillion in debt by 2023 or 2024. Seriously, how long can we go when we’ll be borrowing money to pay just the interest on our debt?

I didn’t foresee exactly what happened, but about 15 years ago I started wishing for an asteroid strike. I really think it would have been less destructive than what’s about to happen.

So, how’s your week going?

Man, I tube my tube and all I see is stuff we all knew, you could go through the archives for any month in the last 5 or 10 years and see the same stories. That’s not the ‘editorial’ we, the ‘royal’ or even the rhetorical we, it’s the ‘collective’ we. I just link to stories at Weasel Zippers, Doug Ross, the puppy blender and Ace’s mostly. We’ve been  watching this shit and my prediction is there are no repercussions for any of the lawless assholes we watched with out jaws dropped.

Jeff Sessions is going after Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI!!!!!!!!

Yawn. Call me when there’s a perp walk and/or being fired. Without pension and severance package. Oh, and a perp walk for members of the Clinton crime syndicate. Including the Clintons.


In Wisconsin, we see the investigation into the John Doe/Secret Police/Stasi intimidation scheme is over and they’re

State Attorney General Brad Schimel has recommended contempt proceedings for a prosecutor and eight other officials over their handling of material from a secret probe of Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign.

Ooohhhhhhh! Contempt proceedings…no… CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

But wait, There’s Still More!!!!!

Schimel also wants to seek professional sanctions against Shane Falk, who served as an attorney for the now-defunct Government Accountability Board,

Probably Censure!!!!!. Why, they’ll have to labor under the cloud of trials, but probably not convictions, for Contempt!!!!!!!! and Being Censured!!!!!!.  After sending secret policemen into homes to intimidate conservatives with secret warrants.

Contempt. It’s what they feel for us.


Sweden, totally not rape capitol of EUnuchstan, can’t understand why telling women to stay indoors to keep from being raped… being gang-raped is a bad idea.

Where if you say you’re against unlimited immigration by third world people antipathetic to the whole concept of western civilization, you’re likely to be arrested. You’re actually more likely to be arrested for that, they don’t even try to arrest most of the people who commit real crimes if they’re of the proper ethnic background.


I’m actually not against this.

YouTube banned Mike Cernovich’s documentary on Sweden’s refugee crisis from being viewed in European countries, then restored the video but placed it in “YouTube Jail,” disabling comments and sharing, while adding a warning message to viewers.

It’s their deal, like Twitter and Facebook, they can do what they want, politically speaking, with their business.

Conservatives should take note though.

Let Twitter and Facebook become leftist utopias. They’ll drop like a rock in value in a minute as people can get the same in-depth, biting comments from watching or reading the NYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCetc.


Richard Fernandez, of Belmont Club fame, writing about how everybody’s still ignoring that Obama enabled Hezbollah’s drug and murder enterprise to get the horrible Iran deal writes

Many of the particulars in the Politico article had been in open-source circulation for months, though largely unnoticed by the press

Man, you could write that about just about every story about Dem perfidy, felony and treason and be spot-on.

More stuff that litters the archives, the Sun just keeps not doing what it’s supposed to do.

As the sun gets successively more blank with each day, due to lack of sunspots, it is also dimming. According to data from NASA’s Spaceweather, so far in 2017, 96 days (27%) of the days observing the sun have been without sunspots. Here is the view today from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite:…

Across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, the sun’s output has dropped nearly 0.1% compared to the Solar Maximum of 2012-2014….

And  the Sun wasn’t very active in 2012-2014.

But the Sun doesn’t have any effect on the Earth’s climate.

Despite the fact that the Earth only has a climate because of the Sun.

The End of Summer? I know I live in a desert. I do look forward to illegal immigrants going south. Well armed immigrants.


So what have I done instead of write? Go to school, read and watch a lot of westerns. I don’t have cable so most of the good movies are westerns on Grit and Movies! channel.

I do have a question, one channel was showing re-runs of How I Met Your Mother. I didn’t watch it because I don’t like it but I’m curious, did he ever actually meet the mother of his child(ren)? I don’t care all that much, and I could probably find out if I did. I’m just sorta curious.


There’s a guy who sells back-belts named Dr. Ho. I say we get a Gofundme page and offer him a couple $thousand dollars to say, “Hi Everybody!” ala Dr. Nick Riviera, in his next commercial.


Now, like everybody I flirt with solipsism. How can you be sure you’re not the only real person? I mean, I think that but I’m not sure if you’re real. I would like to think I’d imagine a less stupid and annoying world, but who knows?

Which makes me think about starting a religion. It’d be sorta Buddhism, but more Jonathan Livingston Seagull where you can go to better world but I don’t want the goal to be nothingness.

You mix this with semi-solipsism. You see, some of us are real, the rest are like extras in movies. They’re just there as background while we real folk are the ones supposed to learn lessons and move ahead.

It’s a perfect 21st century religion, all about how you’re a person, unlike those other people. They’re just reflections of your baser thoughts. Throw in some yoga and words like “enlightenment” and crap like that.

I’ll fill every strip mall with a temple within 20 years. Too bad I just don’t have the faith and self-deception needed to be a good cult preacher.

Seriously, the last three days I tubed my tube and found jack and shit to blog about, and jack was caught molesting some chiclets.

So today I tubed and this is what I got.

What’s going on in Zimbabwe?

Nobody seems too sure. But as best I can piece together (from articles such as this and this, for example), here’s the story.

Mugabe’s previous supporters have turned on him, and that’s what turned the tide. Those in charge of the coup don’t want it to be perceived as an actual coup. They prefer to follow parliamentary procedure and impeach him, which looks as though it could happen.

Yeah, it’s Africa, they’re just changing warlords, business as usual. They’re pretending to prefer to follow parliamentary procedure so the International Community!!!! can pretend they’re all legitimate and shit and give them that sweet, sweet aid money. Mugabe will play along so he gets to retire to France instead of being hacked to death with a machete and/or fed to hyenas.


When Erdogan faked his coup in Turkey I actually had high hopes it was an actual coup, I wrote:

Erdogan, budding thugocrat, says Army Is Couping Me!!!!!!

Usually when a thugocrat starts yelling that, he’s going to crack down while I say, “I wish”.

Should have gone with instinct A. Much of the world hasn’t changed much, culturally, in the last 1,000 years, they just have to mouth the proper shit to make leftist fools happy to get money from them (us).


Next up we have this interesting question.

Saudi public being prepared for alliance with Israel?

Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, chief of the general staff of the IDF, gave an unprecedented interview to an online Saudi news site where he said Israel is prepared to share intelligence on Iran with Saudi Arabia if the need arises.

Eisenkot also called Iran the “real and largest threat to the region,” echoing sentiments expressed by Saudi Arabia recently.


As I wrote the other day, sure the Saud’s fund the terrorist in the Palestinian Terrortory, but Iran is working on nukes when we saw the Saudi Terrorist in Chief would not answer the question about working with Israel.

I have to admit, Obama’s Smirt Duhplomacy did what even St. Jimmeh could not do, get the Saudis to be ‘friends’ with Israel.

It’s funny what helping the Saud’s enemies get nukes will do. Why they might even stop funding terrorists who kill Americans!

Sorry, I should give a spew warning when I write ridiculous shit.


Next up we have…uhhhh….. not a fucking thing. Nother person comes forward to accuse a Dem of sexual groping as the media tries to obfuscate the issue, more media ignoring Menendez, more Mitch Fucking McConnell keeping his bribehole shut about more Dem Senators’ problems. And of course, as we all knew, Gloria Allred is a lying sack of publicity-bitch.

Now, if Al Sharpton said Roy Moore was in on the Tawana Brawley rape, that I would blog about!

As I was wondering what to write about we should do next, Bones McCoy, playing a crazed gunman in Apache Uprising, said:

I say we kill em all and clear out while we got a chance.


Hard to argue with that.


Posted: November 8, 2017 by veeshir in PEBKAC, Random Crap

Thank you all for your kind words, it was a tough time.

So I’ve been yelling at the TV a lot lately so I figure I’ll yell at you people. Not sure if I’m back, but if I’m posting, I’m probably going to keep posting.
If I did this for money I’d feel much more obligated to keep posting all the time. That’s probably why I don’t try to make any money at it. I like blogging, if I had to do it I wouldn’t like it as much. No links today, just ruminations.

The reason I was getting burned out even before the week when Kago and my father died, it was the same shit we’ve been going on about for nearly a decade. That’s not the ‘editorial we’, the ‘rhetorical we’ or even the ‘royal we’, but the actual ‘collective we’. That includes the folks here and at pretty much every righty blog that’s not a member in good standing of the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party (Hey Allah! you used to be so cool!)

At least more people are now noticing that Hillary and Obama are lawless, corrupt, possibly-treasonous scumbags. Minitrue is still denying it, but their stranglehold on information is getting more and more tenuous as their lies get more ridiculous. Like the edited koi fish incident. How childish, churlish and stupid do you have to be to try to manufacture something that stupid? CNN childish, churlish and stupid, that’s how.

A visual representation.

I am a little pissed off at the internet today, why do they always leave the low-hanging fruit for me?

A reworking of the old Sexual Assault rifle from years gone by.

Old and busted

New Hotness

Scary, huh?

The funniest/most annoying part is how they’re freaking out about how the murderously crazy gunman’s illegal acquired gun was an AR-15 without noting that the gun that took him out was also an AR-15. They also refuse to admit that the guy went to one of the few places in Texas that’s Gun-Free! (actual results often seem to vary), there’s a reason murderous assholes with guns go to gun free zones.

One thing, if anybody’s interested in an AR, my buddy knows a pawn shop owner and he’s bemoaning the fact that there’s a glut of ARs in his shop. During Obama’s POTUSy ARs were being sold at record rates, now people are selling them so there’s a shitload of them out there as some people unload them. The guy said if you see an AR on the wall for $700, offer half, you’ll probably get it. Start walking out to see how low they’ll go. I see tons of them on the local page, I wonder how many are selling.

What with all the murderous Dems going on killing sprees, I’m actually planning on carrying, I’ve rarely carried but the odds of a Dem killing me are just too high for me to ignore. I don’t own anything that’s really concealable, Even my Sig subcompact is a double-stack .45 so not very concealable in light, AZ clothing.

I’m starting to look for a Ruger LCP or LC9. My subcompact Sig is doublestack .45ACP and that’s harder to ‘conceal’ when you’re carrying, I like the shape and feel of the Ruger. I haven’t fired one, but I do trust Ruger to make a decent weapon,  even if it is a fucking poodle-shooter. I usually have something in my trunk, usually a 1911, but now I want something on my person. Sigh, it’s so 2017 that the people who want to take my guns are the one causing me to want to fucking carry.

WTF is going on in fucking VA? The Dem candidate called them racists and they still elected him? Was Gillespie that much of a fucking tool?

At least I escaped in a balloon during the Obama presidency.


So personal stuff.


I started my CNC classes last month. The last two weeks have really sucked. I had to take “Computer Essentials”. It was 8 days of ‘learning’ how to use the internet, email, gmail, google, google docs, Word and Excel. Also, how to find and use files on your computer. I did have some problems with Excel, but that was because I hate Excel more than Powerpoint, both are bureaucrats’ tools, but they didn’t make me ‘learn’ PPT.

One guy made the mistake of taking all the tests without doing the work. Sure, he got a 98% or so, but he was done in two days so the teachers gave him extra work. I did all the practice stuff and then took the tests and even going slow I was done with 2 days left. It sucked trying to look busy for two days. The only one I skipped was the “searching” module. I only spent 12 years at the Patent Office searching for prior art for patent applications, I sorta have a grasp on how to do a fucking search. I also used Word every single day of those 12 years.

Another class is Employability Skills For Industry. It teaches people not to pick their nose at job interviews and stuff like that.

The first one was useful for people who didn’t know computers at all,  about 1/3 of the class, that last one is useful for Millenials who don’t have any idea what the real world is like, without safe spaces and with people who expect you to be professional and do your job. I have a pretty good grasp on that stuff. I’m really looking forward to the second to last class that ‘teaches’ you how to interview and make a resume. That’s going to be one long week.

But in between, ahhh, the in between, I’ll be spending a few weeks learning to run a manual lathe, a few weeks on a manual drill press, a couple weeks on a surface grinder, 3 or 4 weeks on a CNC lathe, three or four weeks on a CNC drill press and a couple weeks on CAM systems. Since I have a degree so I know the math and have rudimentary skills on all the machines, the instructors told me they’re going to figure out stuff to challenge me. While they’re teaching basic algebra and trig to the rest of the class, I’ll be doing tutoring some of them but mostly doing other stuff, like more advanced CAM and a bunch of CAD, which I’m very rusty on. I have Autocad 14, from 1997 or so, I’m pretty sure they’ve updated it. They’re also expecting me to be much better on the machine tools as I already know the basics, I just need practice on using them. The CNC machines are all less than 2 years old, they’re still shiny. I get done in late August so in a year I should be working a decent job and looking for my compound in the desert.


I went to a wedding in NOVA last week. I flew in Friday evening, went to the wedding on Saturday in Clinton, VA and flew home on Sunday. It was busy. I was going to go to Landmark Mall and get them something crystal, like a sugar bowl and creamer set or something. My friend works near there and would pick me up on his way home, but I found out that Landmark Mall is closed!

So I went to a different mall with a Macy’s, but you have to order crystal at Macy’s and can pick it up when it comes in. Itshay!

So I strolled around the mall and found a place that looked like a thrift store for rich folks, they had a $3,000 dollar end table and stuff like that. I saw some nice tea sets. I picked out one for $250, it was right next to this gaudy one for $300. When the husband went to get the one I chose the woman told me about the ‘gaudy’ one, it was Versace. Real Versace she said. Since it was a reputable place, I believed her. She even showed me the watermark or whatever. I know selling fakes with the real name is really bad and this didn’t look like that kind of place. It had a tea pot, a sugar bowl, cream pitcher and six cups and saucers. When I realized it was Versace I figured, that’s not Chinese Restaurant gaudy, that’s Versace gaudy! So I got that one. I joked with the lady that I would say it I paid $700, she suggested I go higher. My friend and his wife gushed so much, and my friend berated for spending too much money so I checked to see what the deal was. I figured it probably cost like $500 or $600. The cup and saucer goes for $200, the tea pot for $600 or $700. I’m less sure it’s real but my friend checked and he said it looked real. I told him how much I spent, I didn’t want him thinking I’d spent $3k. He’s probably my best friend, but really, that’s just ridiculous.

The funny part is that if I had realized how much that should have cost I probably wouldn’t have bought it. I didn’t want to buy some show piece, I just wanted to buy a fucking tea set my Korean friend and his wife could use. Now they’re (she’s) looking for china cabinets to display the fucking thing. That’s messed up.


I still miss ‘Tard Dog. He wasn’t a good dog, but he was surely entertaining. A perfect 21st century dog. Mostly useless but fun to have around, so long as you didn’t mind him being a dickhead. It was funny watching people around him. After a while, everybody fucked with the puppy. I mean everybody. From people to dogs to cats. They soon realized that even though he looked like a cross between a bear and a wolf he was just Tard Dog, and then they realized he was a dickhead and messed with him. People would do stuff like give him an empty styrofoam take-out box just to see the disappointment as he stuck his nose in it. Or give a bone to another dog just to see the look on his face. Of course, he remembered that and usually had a response. He stayed in my buddy Warren’s RV a lot, he had his spots. When Warren slept on the couch, Kago had a spot on the floor, when Warren slept on the bed, Kago slept on the couch. One time, my buddy had a friend stay over after a night drinking, he slept on the couch. Warren said Kago kept sighing, he was good at sighing when pissed of. In the morning, the guy swung around and went to put on his shoes, When he put his feet on the floor near his shoes he found that Kago had shit next to the shoes. Squish. It’s hard to get pissed off when you’re laughing. That’s the only reason Kago lived so long. Another time Warren had some friends, a married couple, stay in the RV. Warren slept on the couch and they slept in the bedroom and closed the door. Kago’s spot was in the doorway.  So the second or third morning he slept against the door into the bedroom and refused to move. The guy was yelling and pushing at the door but Kago pretended he was asleep and wouldn’t let him open the door to get out. He didn’t move until Warren moved him.

There’s a reason he was called dickhead.

I didn’t realize until the last year or so, but I’m pretty sure he was a Belgian Shepard. Looking at pictures, you can see that he’s almost a perfect copy. He had a spotted tongue which I thought was because he was part Chow, but Belgians have spotted tongues as well. Reading up on Belgians I saw the quote, “Don’t try to impose your will on this dog!”, which fits Kago to a T. He was always trying to raise his standing and took my commands as suggestions. He listened perfectly…until he didn’t.

His full name was Kagogi the Destroyer. He really earned the last name. I still have the full line from the Kagogi signature collection. From hats to books to luggage. The shoes were generally destroyed, as well as some of the hats. I also had to buy more screened doors and window screens than I care to remember, and who can forget the door trim and door knob?

Not me, that’s who not.

My life is much easier, I don’t have to worry about Kago getting into everything, but much more boring.


I’m just not in the mood, but I have a bunch of tabs open so here we go.

Via Doug at my favorite ‘Stan, with this illustration,

we see this.

Republican congressional leaders perched on the couches in the Oval Office froze in mid-smile on Wednesday afternoon when they realized President Trump was bypassing them to cut a short-term spending and debt ceiling deal with Democrats, and not them.

It’s funny that the Dems are so powerful that from their minority status they can do this deal the GOP is against while the GOP cannot do anything the Dems are against.

Why…. it almost seems as if they’re playing us!?!?!??!?!?!??!!??!?


The Debt Ceiling!!!!!!! Debate!!!!! is utterly stupid and ‘inside politics’. The only time they pretend to care about debt is when they have to raise the ceiling.

During the Obama years they huffed and puffed and blew the ceiling down each and every time. I saw an NRO article the other day where they said something stupid about how the GOP beat Obama over this and now Trump’s screwing the whole thing up. Of course, during the Obama years the GOP spent more than a $trillion more than they took in each and every year and yet somehow they Won!!!!! all while never passing a budget.

Don Surber sez that the Dems worked with Hitler because of the failure of the fascist Anti-fa fascist, I think this is more likely.

 The reason is the Democrats need this win. August was horrible for them. They revealed what ugly, hateful, mean, spiteful, and nasty people they are through their Antifa henchmen.

Most Americans think little of the Confederate statues. Risking a civil war to tear them down seems unusually dumb even for Democrats.

Their followers are going fucking insane and the rest of America is noticing that and that the Dems don’t do anything, all they do is stop Congress from doing anything. Ironically, they’re not really stopping anything. The GOP doesn’t want to do what they were elected to do but their failure theater requires that we think the Dems are stopping them. That’s pretty funny.

The Dems needed something the media could claim was a victory for them, but it wasn’t. It was just Trump doing what he’s supposed to do, fuck with the Establishment.

I also disagree with this.

It’s over.

The election is finally over.

Democrats finally have accepted the results.

The funny  part is that the GOP has still not accepted them. They’re still pissed off at us for not jubileeing for Jeb!.

As for the Dems, as FrnakJ explained long ago, there are two classes of Dems. The smelly footsoldiers, who are getting more and more violently mostly-peaceful and the Alphas who come up with shit to rile them up.

I’ve come to believe that the leadership does not believe the stuff they spew at all. I used to think they did, but now I’m pretty sure they do not so what matters is what they  can get Minitrue to spew and Minitrue is the tail trying to wag the dog. Should be interesting.


And lest we forget all the GOP ‘Victories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ in the Obama years when they FOUGHT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over the budget.

Ryan, McConnell Offer Obama-Era Spending Bill With No Border Wall Funding – Updated

Updated with Trump saying he’s fer it. Yeah, he’s still a northeast liberal, you take the bad with the fucking with our betters.


Eh, you’ve probably seen this elsewhere but it does make me laugh.

NBC News has published an article incorrectly claiming that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez — who is on trial for corruption — is a Republican.

And people think I’m paranoid when I call them Minitrue.


The rest of Minitrue were more subtle, they couldn’t find time to cover the corruption trial of a sitting United States Senator.

All three major network newscasts ignored the first day of Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez’s (N.J.) corruption trial during their Wednesday night airings.



An Idea Whose Time Has Come!

What America needs is a “New Party,” that would be dedicated to “returning America to the rule of law under the Constitution,” says Angelo Codevilla, professor emeritus of international relations at Boston University.

We can let the GOP have their Inclusive party without the people who’ve been voting for them and giving them money.

The other day I saw a similar idea over at Ace’s, but he figured there’d be 4 parties.

I figure it’ll be three, the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party filled with the Elitest!!!! of the Elite!!!!!!!!!! who Elite!!!!!!, another party fulll of disaffected GOP and Dem Americans who like the America of the end of the 20th and early 21st centuries and would like to get it back, and the last one with crazed leftists of all stripes. At least, they’ll try to start their Reality Based Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they’re short on planning skills and seem overheated. These people may want to check out the review guide for some ACs to get their temperature down! Seriously though they do not have any sense of discipline and only know how to do what they’re told to do (see, FrnakJ above) so I’d expect that one to fizzle out pretty quickly and violently.


More substance to Trump’s Unsubstantiated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! comment about illegal voting padding Hillary’s totals.

More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump

More than 6,500 people registered to vote in New Hampshire on Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle…


News We All Knew But Minitrue and Never-Trumpers (Hey NY Post!) Would Like To Have Us Ignore!

So how surprising is this Totally New Information!!!!!?

“We’ve known for months that more voters cast ballots without any proof of actually living in New Hampshire than the differentials for either federal contest there in 2016,” he said.

That new and surprising.


Wow. This is both pathetic and scary. So endy and uhhhh…. lamey.

College Activists March on the Cafeteria: What Do We Want? Hydroponic Cilantro!
Students across the U.S. are making some very precise demands of school chefs and dining halls, including a churrascaria, a gelateria and a sushi bar


Students returning to the University of Texas at Austin this fall will have twice as much help wrestling with some of the big questions that college presents.

For instance, does water contain gluten? And, is all food genetically modified?

When I went to college in 1981 people were  upset when they ran out of PB&J, how times have changed.


In Elgin Marble News, this pisses me off.

600 iconic movie props memorabilia on sale in London including Indiana Jones’ whip and Star Wars Y-wing

WTF are they doing selling them in fucking London? Those are American treasures! Bring them back!

Although maybe it was a package deal.

Also up for grabs is the original costume worn by Will Ferrell in the classic Christmas film Elf.

Not sure if 600 other movie props are worth getting rid of that, there’s a  dumpster right over there (points right).


From the Barrel of a Gun we see this.

A different, simpler time.


I really like Sig, my SigPro 2340 is a sweet piece. I also like Sig because they really make some cool shit, they used to make a rifle barrel that could be made into a silencer with just a sleeve (or some other simple part) that freaked out the ATF and now this.

I don’t own a Glock (I’m prejudiced against them for some reason) or a High Point but I’ve always liked the idea of a ‘pistol into a carbine’ kit, I might have to get one of those now.


What’s bigger than yer anus?



There are some awesome shots of Jupiter there, mostly much closer than that.

Look at the band across the upper part with what looks, to me, like evenly spaced hurricanes, you can see them in a bunch of different shots. Weird. It looks like a belt I saw on a guy in a western once.


Let’s end on street art.

Unless, is that a Maine license plate?

What I can’t figure out is how people can worship Hillary Clinton with a religious fervor.

My opinion of her disciples.

Their opinion of  the matter.

Hillary Clinton’s pastoral adviser urged her to keep her head up following her unexpected Election Day loss in November and compared the election to Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.

“It is Friday, but Sunday is coming … This is not the devotional you wish to receive this day. While Good Friday may be the starkest representation of a Friday that we have, life is filled with a lot of Fridays,” wrote United Methodist City Society Executive Director the Rev. Bill Shillady in an email to Clinton obtained by CNN. “Friday is the day that it all falls apart and all hope is lost. We all have Fridays. But, as the saying goes, ‘Sunday’s coming!'”

I could understand following her because your face is in the trough, but that religious fervor is flabberastical.


Let’s flashback to News We Didn’t Need To Know Under Obama But That Is Now Noticing Years After It Would Have Been Useful!!!!!

Tuesday’s bombshell Washington Post story that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has determined North Korea is capable of constructing miniaturized nuclear weapons that could be used as warheads for missiles – possibly ICBMs – left out a crucial fact: DIA actually concluded this in 2013.  The Post also failed to mention that the Obama administration tried to downplay and discredit this report at the time.

That’s my problem with Foxnews, they had to know about this back then, why didn’t Bill O’Reilly or their news folks report this? One O’Reilly opening rant on this could have accomplished something, but they all ignored it. You can’t say, “The Obama admin tried to blah blah  fucking blah blah.”


During an April 11, 2013, House Armed Services Committee hearing, Congressman Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., inadvertently revealed several unclassified sentences from a DIA report that said DIA had determined with “moderate confidence” that North Korea has the capability to make a nuclear weapon small enough to be launched with a ballistic missile.

Our fine media betters knew it. Our fine Congressional betters knew. None of them did shit about it. Of course, Obama did use federal agencies to enforce his will as to what he wanted to be reported, but still…


I’m sorta flabbergasted but mostly just laughing my ass off.  A Stephen Green at the Puppy Blender’s post in its entirety.

NOT GETTING IT DEP’TMattis claims North Korea diplomacy is working, but Trump intensifies threats.

Has CNN never heard of good cop/bad cop?

So James, Mad-Dog, Have-A-Plan-To-Kill-Everybody-You-Meet, Mattis is playing the good cop.

C’mon, that’s fucking hilarious. Our poofy-haired maniac is fucking with the Norks.

I know I’m often am the only one who laughs at my jokes but you have to admit that’s fucking funny. I cannot express how absolutely hilarious I find it.

Of course, I haven’t clicked the CNN article, but I would bet a whole lot the article doesn’t match the headline, CNN lies a lot you know. But that’s another Stephen Green post entirely.


The can has been kicked about as far as it can go before the fucking Norks rhetoric backs them into a corner and they start lobbing missiles at Guam, Japan or Hawaii. Or even open ocean. They’re going to have to up the provocation. As we all know, the sequel has to be more ‘splodey than the original. We’re at the part in the movie franchise where they get preachy and try to save the whales or get really, really ‘splody and nuke the whales. I’m betting on the nuke thing.


Of course, the WSJ also knows which poofy-haired maniac is the cause of all the problems.

China sees a war of words between the U.S. and North Korea as frustrating its efforts to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula, leaving it with few palatable options.

Notice the tone of that makes the murderous commie dictators in China the reasonable ones. Trump and the insanely-murderous Nork, commie dictator are the unruly ones.

What they refuse to see is that the murderous commie dictators in China like it when the world backs down from the maniac running the North Korean gulag so of course they’re going to act that way.

Here’s my favorite part.

A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea on Thursday, the Reuters news agency reported, in the latest American challenge to Chinese territorial claims

The islands the murderous, expansionist, commie dictators in China built in order to lay claim to international waters. The WSJ here is taking the side of murderous , expansionist, commie dictators in China against the rest of the world.

Second favorite part

Mr. Zhao, the nuclear policy specialist, said a consensus among Chinese officials and experts is that more pressure should be exerted on the U.S. to persuade it to talk directly with North Korea. Beijing remains hopeful that Washington will relax its conditions for negotiations with Pyongyang, as it has appeared to do in recent months, he said.

Because negotiations with the Norks have worked so well in the past. Just ask the totally reasonable, murderous, expansionist, commie dictators in China!!!!!


Speaking of jackasses:

Not getting reality! Why The GOP Didn’t Repeal And Replace!!! It could have been 11 words, “Because they like the power it gives them over our lives.” but it’s long and full of idiocy.

This flirts with sanity, but it’s sort of a throw away paragraph, notice it starts with blaming Trump

Trump’s inexperience is a factor here. But the outsider president’s expectations were set in large part by seven years of Republican promises to repeal and replace the health care law. And throughout that time, Republicans were never really serious about developing a replacement plan that could pass.

Notice he writes “replacement plan.” Isn’t Reason a libertarian site? Shouldn’t he be writing, “were really serious about getting rid of it.”?

Back in 2013, when Obamacare’s exchanges went online, and immediately crashed, it was clear that many Republicans were simply not interested in productive health policy improvements. Instead, they viewed the struggles of the health care law strictly as a political cudgel to wield against political opponents.

Now, while I agree with that last statement, WTF is a fucking writer from Reason doing writing “Republicans were not interested in productive health policy improvements”? No, really. WTFF? Why is a Reason writer upset the GOP didn’t help the gov’t take over healthcare or have their own plan for  the gov’t to take over healthcare? WTFF?

These efforts take significant time and energy. Democrats and their allies on the left spent nearly two decades working through ideas and building broad consensus after the failure of President Bill Clinton’s health care plan in the early 1990s

WTFF? Is this guy really that stupid? Has Reason really sunk that low?

Broad fucking consensus? They purged their party of Blue Dogs, bribed and threatened most of the rest and rammed it through using a Congressional trick with only Dems voting for it. How the fuck is that a “Broad Consensus”? I mean, how the fuck can a writer at a supposedly libertarian site even think that much less write it?

This is where Trump’s experience comes into play. Trump, an outsider with no history with the Republican politics, was not in on the plot. He did not know that it was, essentially, a ruse.

Oh, I’d say he knew that, but he was trying to get them to do what they didn’t want to do but that he wanted done. I’d say he’s not as stupid as this writer. I mean, if I could figure it out from my crappy apt in AJ, I’m pretty sure Trump could figure it out from his much better view of our Ruling Elite!!!!.

But Trump, a neophyte who has demonstrated no in-depth understanding of health care policy or the political dynamics that surround, and who did not bother to educate himself on those issues, could not and did not play this role.

Another idiot who thinks he knows better than Trump how to negotiate and get shit done. He’s not a neophyte, he’s been bribing politicians for decades, I’m pretty sure he knows how to get shit done in DC far better than this lefty writer at Reason.

It didn’t help that Trump’s victory caught congressional Republicans by surprise

Hardee har har har. It did catch a lot of people by surprise, I won’t deny that, but what’s important is that here’s where a Reason writer defends pols who were totally sure they could not keep the promises they so solemnly made to get elected for at least 6 years.

I would expect a Reason writer to gleefully point that out, but in a “See! I told you they were lying assholes!!!!” way, not as a fucking defense. WTFF?

The failure, then, was party wide. Republicans in Congress weren’t prepared to repeal and replace Obamacare, and may never have intended to.

May never have? In the last week or two we have seen two previous, GOP House majority leaders admit they never meant to do it. May never have? WTFF?

And now Trump is merely continuing the cycle of dysfunction, using the failure of the GOP health care effort to stoke tensions within his own party that are politically convenient for him, but unlikely to advance any policy goals.

Trump is continuing the cycle of dysfunction? Trump is smashing the cycle of dysfunction. Trump Smash! That’s his job now that the GOP won’t do what they’re supposed to do.

And he is accomplishing something else I didn’t realize I’d see, masks are off, battle lines are drawn. All manner of things are becoming clear to even the most obtuse and non-paying-attention. I mean, not Shepard Smith, but you know, intelligent people.

In conclusion, WTF happened to Reason? That has all the in-depth, impartial analysis you’d expect from an Atlantic, Newsweek or Media Matters article, not Reason.


Coup Coup

Kristolnacht keeps getting delayed.

Kristol followed up the NYT article with a gem of an idea that conservatives should rebrand themselves as liberals: “Seriously. We’re for liberal democracy, liberal world order, liberal economy, liberal education.”

Okay, that’s funny. That’s what lefties do, keep rebranding things to try to make them more palatable instead of actually working to fix what makes them unpalatable in the first place.

I do applaud the effort, he can call his new party the “We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party”, that’s its raison d’etre.

But in perhaps Kristol’s shadiest move, he is trying to pin the NYT article on Pence although it is highly likely the story idea came from Kristol himself. The two reporters, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, wrote a very similar piece in March 2016 about efforts to derail Trump; Kristol was cited then as having “circulated a memo to a small number of conservative allies detailing the process by which an independent candidate could get on general-election ballots across the country.” The week before the article was published, Burns sub-tweeted Kristol and said “Today is the Super Bowl of Bill Kristol Twitter.” Kristol also helped promote Burns’ book last year about a dysfunctional Trump campaign.

Here’s the punchline

I wonder why he doesn’t run for office? Sure, he’d start slow but at the end, after the voting, I figure he could make a serious putsch!


Troops Sent To American Border!!!!!!!!!!! Trump is sending killer myrmidons to kill undocu….ummmmmmm what?

SAINT-BERNARD-DE-LACOLLE, QUEBEC The Latest on the increasing flow of migrants over the U.S.-Canadian border at a remote spot in northern New York and southern Quebec (all times local):

1:40 p.m.

Canada has sent about 100 soldiers to a remote spot on the Quebec-New York border where asylum seekers are crossing illegally.

It’s the utter hypocrisy of our fine media betters that pisses me off the most.

If 23 Canadians got together in Ottawa to protest Trump, CNN would be there, but we read about this in the Miami Herald.


The Wash Post, purveyors of fake news via anonymous sources, innuendo, selective reportage and outright lies, let’s some reality in.

But lately, as Democratic leadership has increasingly embraced the far-left impulses of its base, I’ve become convinced that the left needs to think harder about the unintended consequences of such benevolent-seeming proposals.

In isolation, each of these policies has the potential to make workers more costly to hire. Cumulatively, they almost certainly do…

Take the proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, a policy endorsed in the Democratic Party’s new “Better Deal” platform.

An increase in the federal minimum wage, stuck at $7.25 for eight years, is long overdue. But more than doubling it would likely result in massive job losses and cuts in work hours….

It burnssssssss!

You can hear the grinding teeth in the background of this part

As strange as it feels to say something nice about policies being pursued by the Trump administration, this might be a better approach.

So what happens when reality invades the Wash Post? Comments!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right out of the blocks we have what could be a winner in the utterly non-introspective comment category or could be someone noticing reality

3rd comment

She gets paid to write. Her paycheck is based on the value she creates, in writing columns that people read and appreciate, contributing to subscription and advertising revenues. Her pay is market based, which is the only legitimate way to determine wages.

On many websites I’d think it was someone noticing reality, but I’ve seen too much absolute idiocy in the comments at the Wash Post to be more than 25% sure it’s an intelligent comment. I would bet that comment is meant to defend how much she’s paid while not realizing it could mean minimum wage earners. Which, as we all know, the real minimum wage is 0, which a lot of them are about to make.

There were 1200 comments when I clicked, I only read the first 30 or so, not much hate just a lot of Erudite People discussing this Dispassionately, like the guy with Phd in his name who claimed that there was no economic data to prove that $15/hour minimum wage hurt the economy, I’m sure they get much angrier by about 50 and downright scary long before 500.


via Babalu, we see that, apparently, they aren’t doing communism right in Venezuela.

Airlines are continuing to pull out of Venezuela, and this time it’s not just about trapped cash but a whole series of grievances including staff held up at gunpoint, luggage theft, poor runway maintenance and low quality jet fuel.

I blame Trump. And the alt-right!

I just wish all these right wingers would stop sabotaging every commie paradise!


More substance added to Trump’s Usubstantiated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claims about illegal voting.

A James Madison University student was sentenced to prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to registering dead voters for the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.

You have to admit that having a student at James Madison gives it that extra kick we expect.

Right in the balls.


Eddie Murphy did it first.
He didn’t do it funnier though.

It’s weird out there, usually I can spot a theme each day but today I can’t, not sure if it’s me or if it’s just that things are so all over the place.

Let’s start with You Will Be Made To Care!

Here we have NJ xesplaining to teens.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed legislation Friday requiring the state to give guidance to public schools about policies for transgender students, including blocking the schools from forcing the students from using bathrooms that conflict with their gender identities.

I’m sure HS students are mature enough to treat this with the respect and decorum it deserves.

I look forward to Dress Thursday where the football players all wear dresses to use the girl’s bathroom and locker room every Thursday and it will be a hate-crime if anybody tries to stop them.

I’m surprised that’s in NJ, sure they’re solidly Democrat but I figured that was more a corruption thing than a lefty thing. It’s funny that the GOP governor signed that into law. He’s a perfect northeast Republican in the mold of Susan Collins (R-Maine) and John McCain (R-DC).

Which reinforces Harvey’s point that we’re the RINOs, not them.

I think I’m actually the RINO.

I say that because I’m finding more and more that the Republicans aren’t the conservatives. Being a conservative and aligning yourself with a Republican doesn’t make Republicans conservative. It just means you’re aligning with the least liberal, least horrible of the viable options.

I don’t really want to take up the label “RINO” because of what it has represented. But, the reality is, the Republican Party isn’t a bunch of conservatives. But, a bunch of conservatives vote for the Republicans.



I’m not surprised about Minnesota though.

A recently approved Minnesota Department of Education “toolkit” instructs schools to isolate students who are concerned about sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with transgender students.

Room 101 For You!

I will say I’d bet that makes a lot of students see exactly how morally and intellectually bankrupt lefties are when they’re forced to believe what their betters demand.


I used to tutor HS kids in math because AZ students had to pass the AIMS test. It was HS math, heavy on algebra and geometry.

They canceled it because so many kids could not graduate HS because they couldn’t pass it. It was depressing trying to teach kids how to do math when they used their fingers to add 5 to 17 and a calculator to multiply 10*7.

In today’s exciting episode, CA has gone AZ one better.

The chancellor of the California community college system has stated that institutions’ algebra requirements are “the biggest barrier” for “underemployed or unemployed Americans,” and as such is … a civil rights issue.

So you can have a college degree without algebra. Sigh. I’m sure that’ll make people happy to hire CA graduates.

It’s not a civil rights issue, it’s a community issue. Too many communities in our nation do not prize education. It’s absolutely not a “discrimination” deal or else Jewish people would have the same problems.

This is the shit that will get Trump’s supporters pissed off.

First, we have the State Dept derping.

Officials in the Trump administration’s State Department are standing by a recent report criticized by Congress that blamed Israel for terror attacks and claimed Palestinians rarely incite violence, telling the Washington Free Beacon that it remains unclear why terrorists engage in violent acts.

Trump and Tillerson should have slapped that shit down publicly, loudly and rudely. But they didn’t.

There’s a petition at the White House calling for an end to the gov’t stealing property from people not convicted of a crime.


If the media really wanted to Get Trump they’d hit him for shit like that, but they don’t understand how anybody could be upset about being evenhanded between murderous terrorists and a liberal democracy  or against the gov’t Taking Money From Criminals (who haven’t been convicted of a crime) so they’re busy lying about him.


Here we see believing lefty fantasies has immediate consequences.

The meltdown in Venezuela’s currency is deepening as a crippling dollar shortage and a threat of oil sanctions take their toll on the economy. The black-market rate for the bolivar traded weaker than 8,700 per dollar for the first time, according to on Friday, compared with the official rate of around 10 and a more widely used alternative rate of 2,757.

What does that mean for investors?

That’s creating an illusion for foreigners observing the country’s stock market, which appears to be valued at $2.57 trillion — bigger than Germany’s, France’s, India’s or Canada’s — but is worth only $3 billion based on the black-market rate.

Like China, if you believe the official numbers you will be boned.


That’s about perfect.


Arguing With Headlines!!!!

EU Indecision Worsens Italy’s Migrant Crisis

There’s a difference between “indecision” and “slowrolling because you want the current system to stay in place.”


But we’ve been told that Muslim women would choose the Islamic body sack for women!!!! For Freedom!!!!!

Women burn burqas and men shave beards to celebrate liberation from Isis in Syria

It’s funny how often that’s the first thing women do when freed from subjugation. Although forcing the women to shave their beards is a little far.


I was into Spicer at first but the questions go so ridiculous that the press conferences got very boring so I won’t miss him much. I will miss Sean Spicier.

He notices reality in the funniest way.

Faceblock can’t be assed to stop people calling for death to Trump and Republicans or ISIS but attack a preferred group and you’re gone.

You just can’t make this stuff up, Muslim banned from Islamophobia in a flagging campaign by radical Muslims who think he is the wrong kind of Muslim.




I’d say this says more about the voters

She isn’t “in charge” of that district, that’t the local govt’s job. Who the same people keep electing.

In other words, they vote for people who leave their district looking like that and they also vote for Sheila Jackson Lee. That’s on them.

While I dislike these assholes I don’t blame NY pols for being blatantly corrupt and useless, I don’t blame John McCain for being McCain, I didn’t blame Reid for being so despicable, I blame the people who vote for them.



I didn’t realize Hitler was a color.


Up twinkles?

Once again I get mad at lefties for ruining a perfectly good joke. If I had done that it would have been funn…wait, it’s funnier that it’s serious!



See? It was all over place and it just sorta stopped instead of ending.

Not sure if it’s me or the world.

I blame…..uhhhh…… me!

I know, that’s so 19th century.

Or rather, not.

I can’t figure out what’s going on here.

Venezuela’s opposition has announced it will be installing a parallel government outside the influence of current President and dictator Nicolás Maduro.

What good will that do? It’ll be interesting, but somehow I don’t think I’d like to be actually involved.


This pisses me off.

U.S. aircraft maker Lockheed Martin and the Indian defense firm Tata Advanced Systems Limited signed an agreement this week affirming the companies’ intent to set up a joint production facility for F-16 Block 70 fighter jets in India.

We need that shit here.


In Lahore,  a Christian man was

arrested on June 15 over allegations of blasphemy after he became involved in a dispute regarding payment for services rendered to a customer, police said Thursday.

He argued over how much bike repair would cost and as the argument got heated, they fell back on the old, He Disrespected The Religion of Peace.

Related: In America, a Christian man was

The Charleston RiverDogs said they didn’t mean any harm when they played the “Hallelujah Chorus” every time Tim Tebow came up to bat Friday night.

And they didn’t mean to offend the former college and NFL quarterback when Charlie, the RiverDogs mascot, started “Tebowing” – a term coined during Tebow’s days at Florida when he would kneel in prayer after touchdowns.

Neither Islam nor leftism like the kuffir.


Also related.
I saw that documentary once, it was less disturbing in the original.


Actual headline

Justin Trudeau Hugs a Puppet Unicorn in a Beautiful Universe Much Like Our Own

No, really. I would just like to point out that I cannot photoshop very well so it would be obvious if I did this.



A festival in Ohio is trying to make it okay for women to go topless.

an injunction against law enforcement agencies from punishing women for going topless at the popular event.

According to organizers, state liquor agents with the Ohio Investigative Unit have allegedly threatened to file charges against ComFest or shut down alcohol sales at the festival if topless women are allowed to attend and remain at the festival.

Being a titty man, You would think I’d be fer it but I’m agin it. Most of the women who take their tops off in public should keep them on.


I tried watching news today, CNN was going on and on about Trump denying he had tapes showing Comey to be the lying sack of shit he is. They were very indignant, all I heard was, “He Trolled Us!!!” I just flipped over and they’re still going on about. Pretty darn funny.


There’s just not much going on that’s new or unexpected, it’s all the same crap. It’s funny, I never thought I ‘d miss the annual, “Sharks are eating people!!!!!!!!!!!” media frenzy when people go back to the beach.


A comment at Stoaty’s yesterday reminded me of this guy. Michael Moschen. I’ve always figured he was a math nerd who took lots of acid and became a juggler.

This is long, but it’s mesmerizing. The first coupla minutes are a little slow, but once he drops the first ball it gets very impressive.


It might have an “adult content” warning, it’s cuz he’s wearing some weird looking, hippy loincloth.


If you want to take less time, here he is ‘juggling’ in a triangle.


That is freaky. There are times where it’s nearly impossible to see him catch the balls, they’re suddenly in his hand. Sometimes you can barely see him throw the ball, they’re just suddenly careening around the triangle. Weird.

This shows a few of the things he does. If you see the part with the torches, he is holding onto them firmly not spinning them in his palm.


He does stuff that will have you yelling at the screen, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! Seriously.

He sometimes plays music by juggling. I hadn’t seen this bit before, it’s a different triangle


I used to have Moschen In Motion on VHS, but I can’t find it. I’d like to get it on DVD. It was very cool.


That appears to be most of it, but it’s more than 30 minutes. It’s very entertaining if you’re into that sort of thing.

I’ve tried not to use the word “mesmerizing”, but that’s the one that describes him. I kept finding a grin on my face as I watched him.

First, Something Old.

December, 2011

GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell famously said a year ago that his main task in the 112th Congress was to make sure that President Obama would not be re-elected. Given how he and House Speaker John Boehner have handled the payroll tax debate, we wonder if they might end up re-electing the President before the 2012 campaign even begins in earnest.


The article was about some tax deal where the GOP lost…won!. eddiebear handled it with his usual eloquence and restrained commentary.

Fuck you, Mitch McConnell. Brainfuck you with the stupid stick until you get smart. Fuck you for (once again) letting the Obamabots do to you what Bugs Bunny did to Yosemite Sam. Fuck you for giving the O-Bots the high ground on taxes. Fuck you for giving the O-Bots momentum and rising fortunes going into 2012. Fuck you for fucking us over worse than a whore who owes her pimp more than what she pulled in that night. And fuck you simply because I am sick and tired of seeing you stumblefuck from one fuckup to the next.

I miss his posts. H/T whoever came here on a search that found that post.


Something New

You have to wonder how liberals think this works. So, a manifestly conflicted special counsel leading a pack of maxed-out Democrat donors decides Donald Trump has to be kicked out of office for “obstructing justice” regarding a cynical lie about him cavorting with the Kremlin and…then what? President Pence, until they do the same thing to him? Or do we just skip right to President Felonia von Pantsuit, shrug our shoulders, and give up on our foolish dream of having a say in our own governance?

Wait, that’s not new!

Because normal Americans are woke to the scam. No, the affidavits of a zillion DC/NY establishment types attesting to Robert Mueller’s impeccable integrity – ever notice how the guy trying to hose us always has the establishment’s “impeccable integrity” merit badge – are not going to make us unsee the fact that he’s carrying water for an establishment that thinks we need to just shut up and obey.

Oh. If true, that’s new.

Now, pulling off the soft coup is going to be harder than they think. The establishment has not thought this out. They sort of assume that if they squelch Trump then everything somehow just goes back to them being in unchallenged control. Wrong.

Bing, bing, bing!!! We have a winner!

They ain’t gonna like what happens next. Kurt Schlichter writes pretty intelligent stuff. You know, stuff that I agree with.


Something Borrowed.

Meanwhile, in Mexico City:

A Student Strike Becomes an Occupation, for 17 Years.

Savour that mental image.

It remains unclear exactly who occupies the building and how many members compose the occupying force. Insular and mercurial, they refused repeated requests for interviews. “We’re against the mass media,” explained one occupier, who declined to give his name, saying it was a policy of the occupation not to grant interviews without consent of “the general assembly.” He was standing in what was once the lobby of the auditorium, its walls now covered with insurrectionist stickers, graffiti, posters and murals. “I don’t want to be assimilated into the mass media,” he said.

Oh, there’s more:

And more there is. Click through, it’s hilarious. Various lefty groups keep having coups and counter-coups. I like the part where the anarchists get organized and drive off the rest. That’s funny.


Something Blue

Sure it’s cool but it’s fake! notice there are no soldiers in view! Who were they close-air-supporting? Obviously a staged photo-op after the battle was over.

I hate fakes.


Everything else is old stuff getting older or new stuff getting pretty dam old.

Something old that’s getting pretty darn old.

The compassionate head tilt makes it funnier.


This ain’t new, Gun Control Works!!!!!!!!!!

Investigators have found a cache of weapons at the home of the 31-year-old man who rammed his car into a police van on the Champs Elysees avenue on Monday, a judicial source close to the investigation said…

The revelation of the discovery came after prime minister Edouard Philippe expressed dismay that Dzaziri was able to have a gun permit despite being on a jihadist watchlist.

You think that’s the funniest part? Where have you been? The FEOCE is not new!

Asked to explain why the attacker’s permit wasn’t rescinded, Mr Philippe said that “if you take away a permit from someone who is the subject of surveillance or being monitored, he will quickly understand why it has been taken away. … It’s a difficult decision.”

That makes it for me.  In America our betters are trying to take guns away from people on secret lists, in France they refuse to. Their pols are more in favor of gun rights than ours. As we saw during the Obama years, they kept having “conversations” on “common sense” gun control and only close supervision and letting them know it ain’t gonna happen kept them from screwing us.


Speaking of getting pretty fucking old, Common Sense Curbs On The First Amendment!

On April 4, 2017, the US Senate passed Senate Resolution 118, “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States”. The resolution was drafted by a Muslim organization, EmgageUSA…

The resolution refers to hate crimes against Muslims, Jews, African-Americans, Hindus, and Sikhs and was sponsored by Senator Kamala Harris and co-sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and Senator Susan Collins.

On April 6, almost the exact same text was introduced as House Resolution H.Res. 257, “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States”. A House Resolution can be reintroduced as legislation.

They’re just resolutions, but both the House and the Senate passed one.

They both say this

Whereas, in 2015, hate crimes targeting Muslims in the United States increased by 67 percent,


According to these two FBI links, 2015

51.3 percent were anti-Jewish.
22.2 percent were anti-Islamic (Muslim).
4.4 percent were anti-Catholic….

52.7 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
18.2 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
9.4 percent were classified as anti-Hispanic or Latino bias.

3.3 percent resulted from anti-Asian bias.


and 2014

58.2 percent were anti-Jewish.
16.3 percent were anti-Islamic (Muslim).
6.1 percent were anti-Catholic…

63.5 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
22.8 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
5.5 percent resulted from anti-Asian bias.

Notice the EXPLOSION of anti-Asian hate! 2/3 increase and I haven’t seen shit about it. Why isn’t anybody talking about that? Does our media hate them?

Also notice the HUGE INCREASE of anti-Catholic hate-crimes! It increased more than both Muslim and Jewish hate crimes and yet, there’s no mention of protecting Catholics in the House and Senate resolutions.

Huh. Why…it’s almost as if they’re posturing assholes who hate their voters and are trying to get new ones!?!?!?!?!


This might be new. If it makes it here.

Venezuela is the endgame for the game of Destroy The Rule Of Law our fine betters are playing

It is not just the country’s economy and political system that are sick, but society itself, experts say. An epidemic of lynchings is one of the most gruesome symptoms.

– ‘Justice’ –

AFP journalists filmed a lynching close-up in a busy street in the capital Caracas.

A witness says he stopped the man who had tried to rob a woman at gunpoint in a bakery. Then the mob took over.

“You’re lucky we didn’t burn you,” a voice yells, as police lug the man, limp but still breathing, into the back of their car.

The crowd yells in satisfaction — but not at the man’s arrest. They think they are the ones who have done justice here.

“Their aim is to kill the person before the police arrive,” says Marco Ponce, coordinator of the Venezuelan Social Conflict Observatory (OVCS)…

“In lynchings, citizens let out their anger in the face of a state that is not defending their right to justice,” says Ponce.

But they don’t seem to care. Or possibly they’re really too stupid to realize it.

Actually, I’m gonna go with Hanlon’s Law on this one. They really are that stupid.


Speaking of roving bands of vigilantes,  Evergreen College violent fascists will never get old.

A telling exchange, one of many:

“It essentially sounded like you were being held hostage. If you wanted to go to the bathroom, you had to go with two escorts – is that true?”

“Erm, that’s what the students felt was true. I was going to go to the bathroom regardless and they wanted to escort me.”


“Why what?”

“Why did they want to escort you to the bathroom?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did you ask them?”

“No, of course not.”

From Michael Moynihan’s short film on events at Evergreen State College, where ‘progressive’ utopia is under construction.


In the thread below, several commenters note that the dramas at Evergreen – this Theatre of the Bedlamites™ – is merely an extension and enactment of the values being inculcated by the staff. After years of wearing away the customary moral and behavioural restraints, and after years of rewarding pathological vanities and delusions of persecution, the leftist bureaucrats and educators were caught off-guard by the speed and vehemence with which their own protégés turned on them, using mob force and well-practised spite, and merrily wielding baseball bats. Which reveals just how blinded by ideology, and how ludicrous, and unfit, those educators are.



Speaking of the old story of commies coddling their crazy brethren, China and the Norks!

Can China restrain the Norks? My opinion is, of course, that of course they can but they don’t want to. The Plausible Deniability Province of the Chinese empire.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis will meet with their Chinese counterparts…

The top U.S. priority at the dialogue is finding common ground with China on curbing North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missile development…

I wonder what we’ll have to give China. I just hope Tillerson knows the real deal. I figure he does, Exxon can’t ignore reality. Mattis probably knows for sure.

As part of upholding a UN Security Council resolution, China announced in late February that it would no longer receive coal imports from North Korea…

While China has upheld its commitment to the coal ban, it has purchased greater quantities of iron ore, low-end manufactured goods, and seafood – goods not strictly banned by the UN –  resulting in an overall increase in trade revenue for North Korea


Beijing may also be dissuading Chinese businesses from contracting North Korean labor, a practice the UN identifies as exploitative, and it estimates 50,000 workers worldwide may generate as much as $1.5 billion for the state. As many as 19,000 of these workers are in China. According to the Nikkei Asian Review, beginning in March of last year, Chinese officials began informally telling firms in the provinces bordering North Korea not to contract North Korean workers. While this measure is useful to Beijing for registering “its displeasure with Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear testing,” as an informal policy, it could be easily reversed and does not demonstrate a strong commitment to the sustained pressure needed to demonstrate cooperation to the U.S. and to bring North Korea back to negotiations.

All that means  is, “Let’s give the media something to talk about.” and our fine social, moral, political and intellectual betters either fall for it or pretend it’s real. It doesn’t really matter either way I guess. I just like to figure stuff out.


Speaking of Old, EUnuchs are energy-dependent on Russia so their foreign policy reflects that!

Nord Stream 2 was concluded after the annexation of Crimea by Putin’s Russia, the war against Ukraine, and the shooting down over Ukraine of the MH17 passenger plane. European consumers will pay for the gas, and the money will go to the Putin regime, strengthening it. There is a high probability that, as usual, the Kremlin will spend the proceeds on propaganda, repression, new wars, and annexations – and Europe will be paying for it.

A Nord Stream representative brushed off these concerns, saying it was all “political speculation … we have already been working with Gazprom for 19 years and are going to continue mutually beneficial cooperation”.

That’s so old and obvious our fine social, moral, political and intellectual betters have never even thought of it!


I’ve seen a bunch of people making fun of the new Ken dolls. I mostly don’t get it, I mean, it’s for little girls. Is a doll with a man bun really going to be a problem? I’d be more upset about boy bands and Disney sluttifying every girl they get their perverted hands on.

Now, if I were going to do some OUTRAGE MONGERING!!!!! about the new Ken doll, I’d discuss the racism inherent in this picture.

What’s up with putting Fat Ass Barbie with Black Ken? Isn’t that racial profiling?

I’m going to boycott Barbie!!!! I’ll never guy another one! Never another penny!


This is going to revolutionize the criminal justice system!