Archive for December, 2014

In attempting to write about the Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice incidents, the apparent futility of conservative blogging has once again caused me overwhelming despair.

As it concerns the death-by-cop incidents, the post-factual nature of our political discourse becomes palpable. “Hands up, don’t shoot!” is an utter fabrication, exposed as a lie by overwhelming physical evidence and the preponderance of eye-witness testimony, such that no charges were brought by a grand jury against the officer.

There’s much more room for concern in the Garner and Rice cases, but the public backlash in these three cases seems inversely proportionate to the evidence of police wrongdoing. (How many of you are going to Google “Tamir Rice” now?) But the incident drawing the most ire, the Michael Brown shooting, is the one with the least genuine merit – nil by my reckoning.

Presented with the futility of attempting to dislodge an erroneous belief from the public consciousness, one recalls the many other instances of valiant but Sisyphean work by conservative and libertarian bloggers. Whether it is the exposure of the IRS criminality, or the Gosnell little abortion shop of horrors, or the Jonathan Gruber recordings, nothing seems to stick or matter. Obama’s even back to funding ACORN as health insurance navigators.

I will from time to time find cause to write, but for now I expect the sparseness of my motivation to continue. In a world where facts don’t matter, there’s little reason to discuss facts.

Worried that somewhere, someone is having unapproved fun.

Case in point.

Early next year, the FDA is expected to finalize a new regulation intended to eradicat…trans fats, from our diets.

… threatens to eliminate the noble “sprinkle,” used to decorate holiday treats and donuts.


So no sprinkles for the kiddies.


When did it become the govt’s job to decide how I can defile my body?

I know, the War on (Some) Drugs.

Drugs without corporate backing (via bribing the asshole bureaucraps at the FDA)  are verboten.

Assholes, if I want sprinkles on my Big Gulp with extra salt it’s not the govt’s business.

So goes more of our freedom.

Deck The Whores

Posted: December 25, 2014 by veeshir in PEBKAC

Wif boughs of horry.

Fa ra ra ra raaa, ra ra ra, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Merry Christmas everybody.

To all Chinese restaurants in America serving people on Christmas Day, if you have a few people sing a couple choruses of “Deck the whores wif boughs of horry” I’d bet you’d get the best tips you’ve ever seen.


See, this is what you get when you leave the Christmas post to me.

Peak Ridiculosity?

Posted: December 24, 2014 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah, PEBKAC

If any of you read this blog, you’d remember the shrine at the site of the Obama’s first date.

Now, I thought that the most ridiculous thing Obama sycophants could do. ‘

I wuz wrong.

The White House legend that is Barack and Michelle Obama’s romance is heading to the screen. Southside With You, a drama in the vein of Before Sunrise, chronicles the summer 1989 afternoon when the future President of the United States of America wooed his future First Lady on an epic first date across Chicago’s South Side. Get On Up’s Tika Sumpter will play Michelle Obama (née Robinson), while the search is on to cast the young Barack.

It’s funny, and endy, how often this particular end of civilization surprises me.

Epic first date. Seroiusly? Epic first date.

Epic first date.

I know I harp on things sometimes, but EPIC FIRST DATE.

FrnakJ’s Harvey personality noticed it.




To wash the taste of that out of your mouth,  a little more Joe Cocker.

Wait, I mean

Important Question Update!!!!!!
Is anybody else creeped out by the commercial with the pregnant women dancing in PJs?
Not sure why but that creeps me out.


RIP Joe Cocker

Posted: December 23, 2014 by socklessjoe in Brevity etc., News, Random Crap, Teh Funneh

Better a late memorial than none at all.

A classic “misheard lyrics” video. Though honestly I think a few of these might actually be correct. Also, I concur with the sentiment about probiotics.


Terrorism or Mostly Peaceful Protester?

Posted: December 20, 2014 by veeshir in Uncategorized

All endy, no funny.

2 NYC police officers killed while sitting in their car on terrorism drill stake-out.

Two uniformed NYPD officers were shot dead — execution style — as they sat in their marked police car on a Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, street corner….

The suspected gunman fled to a nearby subway station … where he was fatally shot….

According to preliminary reports, both officers were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill

Don’t forget, first reports are always wrong so I’d only bet on that they did shoot at least one guy (added, I mean one shooter, I’m not disputing that two cops have been shot).

It was a “drill” but I don’t know enough about Bedford Suyvesant to know if it’s a black or Muslim area, Bed Stuy has been a bad place for a long time, as Billy Joel fans would know.

They’re not saying anything about who they shot, which could mean either “youths” or Mostly-Peaceful-Ferguson-Protesters

I’m betting on Mostly-Peaceful-Protesters egged on by Obama, DeBlasio, Al Sharpton, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, and the rest of the Democratic Political-Entertainment Complex.

After years of defining deviancy down, they’ve managed to bring our civilization a huge step lower on the whole civilization ladder in on swell foop.

I hope the NYPD tries to keep DeBlasio from attending the funeral and if he goes, I hope they let him know what they think of him. And I hope they’re happy with supporting Democrats wholeheartedly. You reap what you sow.

CNN is worrying about the backlash while Foxnews is showing  the 5 nitwits.

Some lazy tubin today, I’m just gonna link to sites you should be reading but that need my particular………..idiom.

first, the Puppy Blender section.

I think we’ve found out what Jamie Gorelick is doing these days.

“The NBC News investigative reporter Matthew Cole has pieced together a remarkable story revealing that a single senior officer, who is still in a position of high authority over counterterrorism at the C.I.A.—a woman who he does not name—appears to have been a source of years’ worth of terrible judgment, with tragic consequences for the United States. Her story runs through the entire report

I just hope that there are not two women in gov’t with that kind of touch. Because one is an aberration, two implies more and that’s just too scary to contemplate.

We have Pakistani pols afraid to hunt down terrorists and thus go against the country’s true power brokers. In America, our establishment prick pols actively go and find power brokers to tell them what to do. Interesting, in Pakistan they’re afraid of being killed, in America they’re afraid of being broke.

I’m not sure which I’d prefer.

Speaking of establishment pricks, Mitch McConnell!

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is giving up his bid to become the next Budget Committee chairman…

Sessions has been the panel’s top Republican for the past four years…

That story has the same veracity and, indeed, the same source as the story that Senator Ted Cruz’s opposition to Obama’s immigration power grab led to the approval of stalled Obama nominees: Mitch McConnell.

Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who often clashed with McConnell’s leadership team — wrote in an article last week in Conservative Review: “If Sessions loses the chair of the budget committee, it is only under the orders and direction of McConnell.”

It’s all too complicated to explain and McConnell’s hands are tied so the guy who might something I’d like has to go.

When I lived in the northeast, I had EZ-Pass, now, I own a Mustang GT convertible, I used to drive a little fast. I was waiting for them to start giving out speeding tickets using the time stamps and vowed I would stop using it when (not if) that happened.

Well, it’s happening.

Several states, including New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania, say they monitor speeds through the fast pass toll lanes and will suspend your E-Z Pass for multiple speeding violations.

Sure, not they’re just suspending your EZ pass, but pretty soon they’ll be ticketing you. Be warned.

Gov’t is spending too much money on stuff they’re not supposed to do so they need new sources of revenue and they’re getting unbelievably scummy about it.

Say Uncle has a little drudgetaposition post.

Obama says trying to censor movies is bad. And he would know since he tried to do it too



Heh I say.

A nother hilarity that would be unexplainable even 20 years ago.

Health and Human Services released long overdue guidelines Friday ordering facilities that house illegal immigrant children to set up sexual abuse prevention programs, and to be prepared to deal with tricky cases such as transgender or intersex children.


Okay, that’s darn funny. I mean, I understand there’s going to be sexual assaults, these people don’t believe in laws, duh, but the transgender/intersex kids is hilarious. Somehow, I doubt that’s a big problem in the poor Latin American or terrorist communities that are the bulk of the recent flood of illegals. I leave out jihadis who wear hijabs to evade security or course.

Which leads to the Obama doctrine. Hi-freaking-larious.

Obama told reporters he joked with Communist dictator Raul Castro this week….

Minutes later in the press conference Barack Obama slammed America’s neighbor Canada.


I mean, it’s not a surprise that Obama prefers murderous dictators to elected leaders, but sooner or later even our ‘elite’ have to start noticing it, right?

In Nork news

kim jong il

Putin invites the poofy-stomached, Kim Jong KG, to Russia.

The worst part about that? If we had competent leadership, only Bugs Bunny could do justice to what they could do, but since we have a man in charge who’s adept at losing wars we’ve already won, that means we could lose the Cold War and the Korean “conflict”. Sigh.

Speaking of the Norks, they do have a sense of humor.

North Korea on Saturday proposed a joint investigation with the U.S. into the hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment,

Okay, that’s pretty darn funny and I’m actually rooting for them to succeed. That’ll be funny and endy, all we’re seeing these days is endy.

I do like the “We’ll Kill You All!!!!” part of their ‘request’.

warning of “serious” consequences if Washington rejects a probe that it believes will prove Pyongyang had nothing to do with the cyberattack.


So what did we learn today?

Not a blessed thing except that even the Norks are noticing the feckless idiocy of our current God-President’s foreign policy.

Last, via the first Lumbersexual, file this under, “Things Veeshir Would Give Almost Anything To Do.”


Above the post observational update!!!!!!

First, why is everybody talking about the Sony deal as a cyberterrorists when they threatened to kill Americans who went to theaters showing this?

I mean, it was bad when they went after Sony folks cyberterroristically, but then they changed to Hezbollah/IRA terrorism of just killing people. That’s not cyber, that’s terrorism.

Second, did I just see Charles Krauthammer say we needed to give the gov’t vast, sweeping powers and trust them and then, even crazier, Mara Liasson disputed that? Yes, yes I did. And so did you if you were watching the 6:30 panel (4:30 MT time).

I thought the Judge was going to blow his stack but he was far more calm than Charles’ statement deserved.


Okay, that’s funny.

…caught her husband and twin cheating on her and followed them to a shopping centre using a mobile phone tracker.

She went to find husband Cheng, 30, who was completely naked in a car along with her sister.

Wait for it…..wait for it…..

they both jumped out of the car with not a thread of clothing.

But Ting saw her opportunity, jumped into the car and drove off


Via the only ‘stan that’s not actively trying to kill us, SondraKi.

Now, some funny endineness from Liberal Logic 101

This one is infuriatingly endy but kinda funny, in a horrific way.


That’s all about teh fucked up. Cuz it’s true.

Next, we have the next one.

content 2

Bingo, bango, bongo.

Although to be fair, lunatics don’t even have to get near a tea party event to be connected to the Tea Party (like that crazy loon who killed the conservative judge and shot the lefty gun-grabber in AZ).

Last, but not least in its endy funniness, is something that people as little as 30 years ago would think you were a loon for saying it would happen.

content 3


All three utterly unfunny because they’re true.


Below the fold, via one of the greatest web pages in the universe, Giphy, a wonderful gif.


At Face Value

Posted: December 17, 2014 by veeshir in Uncategorized

What is, what you should never accept any of Obama’s actions?

Case in point.  Obama is going to normalize relations with Cuba.

Important, Above The Fold Update!

Congress imposed the sanctions, Obama cannot legally ease them. (as if that matters anymore)

I’m watching Foxnews and apparently, Obama misjudged the reaction, Americans of Cuban descent are not pleased.

Now, back to our irregularly scheduled post!


Why does Obama do anything? To divide the country, to make himself stronger and to further the aims of a far-left, Chicaco-political-machine.

In this case I see him as, first, helping his commie friends and second, as giving Minitrue a chance to trumpet push-poll after questoinably-demographicced poll showing how Cubans are not going to vote Dem.

Drew writes

A lot of people on the right and in the Cuban-American expat community are going to go ballistic about this but let’s be honest, it’s time. Yes, the Castro regime is a brutal dictatorship but we do business with a lot of thuggish regimes. Some are even our friends (Hello Saudi Arabia).

I disagree wholeheartedly.

First, we don’t do business with Iran or the Norks and we’ve been messing with Tsar Putin I over his murderous invasions.

China and Saudi Arabia are rich. We have to deal with them and even if we didn’t, they’re bribing every diplomat and gov’t official in sight.

We don’t have to deal with Cuba and our embargo doesn’t really affect Cuba that much, they can trade with every other country in the world.

All this will accomplish will be to allow Mintrue to attack the GOP for hating them some Cubans so they can further divide us and also ignore all the lawlessness of the Obama admin.

In a Veeshir administration, we would go the other way and work with fewer murderous regimes.

For instance, there would be massive tariffs on Chinese-slave-made goods and fuck Saudi Arabia.

We wouldn’t need terror-oil if we drilled our own (as we’re seeing) and we could make the goods Chinese make, they’d be more expensive but less likely to kill you, your children and your pets and would certainly last longer. Chinese slave goods are shitty, as if everything done by slaves and commies (BIRM).

Preach It Brother!

Posted: December 15, 2014 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah, GOP Win!

Senator Mike Lee on the latest continuing spending $trillions bill.

Since this bill was taken up in the House of Representatives, supporters of the CRomnibus have couched their support in the language of compromise. “This isn’t a perfect bill,” they say.

However, I believe it is perfect. As a representation of everything wrong with Washington, D.C, and as an example of exactly the kind of unfair, unrepresentative legislating that triggered successive electoral waves of bipartisan condemnation in 2006, 2008, 2010, and again in 2014 – the CRomnibus is perfect.



What bothers me about this is when a politician says something so good they’re almost always just saying what they think I want to hear.

In other words, they don’t mean it. I would hope he does, but it doesn’t really matter. What can “out” congresscritters do against their own party ‘leaders’?

Speaking of which,  I found this site, approved by the GOP leadership.

I like this one.

GOP Voter Device