Archive for the ‘Op/Sped’ Category

I could have written, “Bored”, but I’ve done that a few times. I like to be original.

Or at least try to wait until you forgot the last time I used the joke.

I have two windows with tabs open. I’ll do the stupid one first and then probably get tired. Let’s see what happens!

Let’s start with why I decided to do this.
I saw a bunch of stories about how we have Full Employment!!!!!!!! so it’s going to be hard to fill new jobs!

Roto-Reuters sez

Job growth has decelerated from the 181,000 monthly average over the past 12 months as the labor market nears full employment. There is growing anecdotal evidence of companies struggling to find qualified workers. (emphasis me V)

Full Employment!!!!!!  but then they write this

But the labor force participation rate, or the share of working-age Americans who are employed or at least looking for a job, fell two-tenths of a percentage point to 62.7 percent. (that’s me again)

Doesn’t that pretty much disprove the previous paragraph?

Unless they’re saying that these non-labor-participators are ‘unqualified’ and thus, that’s the New Normal!. I don’t like that idea. And not where I thought this was going when I started. I had two links of “Full Employment!!!!!!” and one of “low labor participation” to comment on how they’re idiots.

But now I think they’re being evil.

Let’s see if the L.A. Times does the same thing.

Here are the highlights from the report released by the Labor Department on Friday.

The economy added 138,000 net new jobs, well below expectations.
The unemployment rate declined to 4.3%, its lowest level since 2001.
Wage growth slowed a bit, with average hourly earnings up 4 cents.
“There’s very little about the report that you can look to and draw a positive from,”…

But after 80 straight months of job growth, economists said the labor market is limited in how much more it can expand. The U.S. is nearing full employment, meaning just about all the workers who want a job have one…

No, we’re not nearing “full employment”,

The participation rate has been trending down since the late 1990s as baby boomers retired, but fell off sharply during and after the Great Recession (under Obama, but let’s obfuscate that V) discouraged unemployed Americans gave up looking for jobs. It has hovered near a four-decade low since 2013.

So they obviously know the labor participation rate is in the shitter but they’re avoiding discussing it.



The number not in the workforce is 94,983,000, at the tone, the US Pop will be 325,162,910 BONGGGGGG!!!!!

That’s 29% not in the labor force, and apparently deemed by our fine lefty betters as being not “qualified”

So the whole Full Employment!!!!!! is not just stupid, or maybe not even stupid, but apparently some nefarious, leftist, deal that excuses these people from working. Probably something to do with welfare, food stamps and global worming.
Hanlon fails again!

We’ll have to update Hanlon, there’s already a Veeshir’s Law on Politicians, If you like a politician you’ve been successfully conned

Hmmmm….How about a Veeshir’s Revision on Hanlon’s Law that states: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity unless you’re dealing with a lefty, then it’s surely malice and probably stupidity. ?


I don’t feel like doing any more, so let’s do a,”Rand Paul is doing his job!” link and then hit “Publish”.

“You need to make sure that your viewers know that most of [climate scientists’] models has been wrong,” Paul said. “They adjust it every year because they haven’t been good at predicting things.”

Tapper throws in some lies, but I don’t feel like quoting Tapper, going to Watt’s Up With That and finding links to NASA, NOAA, British Met and even East Anglia to show they’re lies. That really bores me.


Two pretty funny and very stupid articles from Conservative Thinkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! extraordinaire.

Let’s start with Peggy Noonan, cuz her writing has become so shallow it doesn’t take long to ridicule.

Reach Across the Aisle, Mr. President

When Democrats win elections, Republicans need to reach across the aisle. When Republicans win elections, Republicans need to reach across the aisle. When Trump wins an election in spite of everything people like Peggy Noonan could do, Republicans need to reach across the aisle.

With this Deep Thought!!!!!!!!!!

The priorities should be jobs, growth, social cohesion and an atmosphere, in Washington, of constructiveness.

Well, he appears to be doing okay on jobs and growth in his first two months.

Social cohesion is not a priority for gov’t. Destroying it has been the method our fine political betters have used to gain political power though.

As for ‘constructiveness’ in DC, how about the fucking Democrats try working with someone else? How about that Peggy?

Nope, conservatives need to bend their principles because we’re all disappointing Peggy.


Next up, Rich Lowry, you can tell he’s super conservative cuz he writes at Politico. How The GOP Crack-Up Happens!!!!!

That relationship is awkward and tenuous. It is an uneasy accommodation between a GOP Congress that would find a more natural partner in a President Rubio, Cruz or Bush, and a President Trump who would, presumably, be happier to work with Speaker Dave Brat — the populist congressman from Virginia — than with Speaker Paul Ryan.

Exactly. He’s forced to work with Establishment Pricks who are refusing to reduce any of their power.

This is a product of how the Republican sweep of 2016 was won on separate tracks. Trump tore up many Republican orthodoxies and went out and found a different way to unlock the electoral map, winning in the industrial Midwest. Congressional Republicans more or less stuck with the usual script, kept Trump at arm’s length, and held their majorities in the House and the Senate.

Yeah. They were elected to reverse what the Dems have been doing, most especially in terms of illegal immigration and Obamacare. But Thoughtful Conservatives Everywhere are telling us whoa, it’s not that simple! You can’t just do what the stupid voters want, that way lies madness!

And there was no off-the-shelf Trump legislation that Congress could begin on immediately.

You know, except reintroducing one of the previous 10 Obamacare repeal bills, building a wall, making Hillary Clinton ambassador to Libya…

The congressional priorities are Obamacare repeal and tax reform, both of which could easily have been the first-year agenda items of the aforementioned hypothetical Presidents Bush, Rubio, or Cruz.

Okay, that’s funny. Sure Republicans have been talking about that, but they’ve been studiously avoiding it.

And what huge issue is good old Rich avoiding? Do a ctrl-F and try to find “illegal” or even “immigration” and you’ll find that Rich did not discuss this issue that was front and center in Trump’s campaign. You might also call it his signature issue.

But that is an issue only for racists, like me, Rich likes him some cheap labor. Hey, his garden ain’t gonna garden itself.


Let’s have a little high-larious interlude: Dynasty Fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meghan McCain on Possible Chelsea Clinton Run: ‘What Fresh Hell Am I Living In?’

You’re in the one where Meghan McCain is considered a pundit and is paid to tell people what she ‘thinks’.


Bureaucrats Gone Wild!!!!!!!!!

The Chicago Police Department is investigating one of its officers after he helped three young girls found living in an abandoned home. The officer set up a GoFundMe page for the girls who were known as the Englewood Angels. The police department said the officer violated its policy by helping the girls…

Artz launched the effort (Gofundme) to raise money and supplies for the kids and the grandmother who agreed to take care of them. Dolores Anderson has a roof over her head and, for now, enough food and clothes to help raise her granddaughters who were found living in squalor just a few months ago…

Artz is accused of violating rule 52 which prohibits officers of seeking or soliciting contributions of any kind from anyone. The complaint against him was lodged by CPD Internal Affairs Commander Robert Klimas.


He had a box to check and check it he did!!!!!!


Saving New York From deBlasio!!

That’s the wrong formulation. You need to save NY from New Yorkers. They’re the ones who reelected the fool who spends all his time SJWing and not Mayoring. The guy who took their Big Gulps with extra salt. NYCers are the ones who voted in term limits and then reelected Bloomberg after he decided that there wouldn’t be term limits on him then elected de Commio.


New Zealand is focused, laser-like, on what’s important!

The local Māori tribe of Whanganui in the North Island has fought for the recognition of their river – the third-largest in New Zealand – as an ancestor for 140 years.

On Wednesday, hundreds of tribal representatives wept with joy when their bid to have their kin awarded legal status as a living entity was passed into law.

“The reason we have taken this approach is because we consider the river an ancestor and always have,” said Gerrard Albert, the lead negotiator for the Whanganui iwi [tribe].

Hey, at least they’re not still eating people.

So far as you know.

I would like the answer the most important question about this: Is the river a he or a she?

It’s a river. It’s gender is fluid!





First gay cakes and now this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the fuck?

A new business, run by a cake decorator…(was awarded) a Westland District Council project to build a $7 million sewage plant…

Sonomabatch. Can’t you just let them make cakes?


It’s like the Rose Bowl Parade except pornier.

Huge crowds flocked to the western Japanese city of Nagaoka Sunday to take part in a bizarre annual festival that sees women ride through the city streets on a giant wooden penis.

Dozens of newlywed women, some in traditional Japanese dress, sat atop the giant phallus which, according to tradition, brings marital bliss, fertility and good luck during the Hodare Festival held each year.

With an awesome gif that I can’t download or embed. Oh well.


Let’s end on a Decision.

On the one hand, may the force live long and prosper.

On the other hand, that’s an actual girl. No, really. It is.


When I went to NY last year I picked up my friend in Illinois, the ardent Dem. He told me he and his wife were coming to AZ in Feb or March. He showed up yesterday, out of the blue, and we hung out, that’s why I didn’t post. I had a bunch of links too.

He came down from Flagstaff to spend the afternoon in Mesa. We ate at a place called Blue Adobe in Mesa. It was okay, but not ‘authentic Mexican”. I’d call it California-Mexican. I’d rather eat at Filiberto’s. It tastes better and costs about 1/5 as much.



Charles Patrick Adkins Is An Asshat!

Posted: January 21, 2017 by veeshir in Anklebiting rugrats, Op/Sped

Don’t believe me?

Would you believe Eddiebear?

How about aliceaitch?

How about the boss, the original Doubleplusundead?

How about DPUD again?

Maybe the first boss, Ace?

Maybe Russ from Winterset would convince you?

He’s even managed to piss off Canada?!?!?!?!?!

Perhaps a primer for those who think he’s not an asshat would help you believe?

Or maybe you’d believe a warning from our friend Zilla (of the resistance)

Maybe you’d believe the Other McCain?

Eh, that’s enough, if you need anymore convincing just do a search for “Charles Patrick Adkins asshat”, you can add in “Russ from Winterset” or “McCain” (the other).

I figured he’d crawled into his hole a long time ago, I guess he believes MSNBC that Trump is a racist hater and so got his bitter, little, pecker up, but that just proves that C.P.A. is an asshat of the first order.



Posted: August 22, 2016 by veeshir in Fun With Media, Not So Funny End Of Civilization, Op/Sped, PEBKAC

I saw the clip of this earlier and this is what Clintons do. So she did have some effect at State.

Quote the Free Beacon.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Monday that top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin was “fully vetted” before being cleared to work at the State Department

But that’s not what he said.

He said, paraphrasingly, that he knew how it works, how it worked in his case, and she ‘would have been fully vetted’.  He never actually admitted any knowledge, he just said that’s how it works.

See, he didn’t say she was vetted but everybody heard that she was. That lets Minitrue know how to cover the story. “The GOP is letting their Islamophobia loose!”

Very Clintonian.

The way he said that makes me think she had no security clearance.

If so the normal arc would be someone finding out, like Drudge or Breitbart, Minitrue covering it up, Hillary! telling ever changing lies upon each revelation culminating in…..Trump said we need to deport black lives matter protesters to Liberia!


Speaking of people just noticing stuff that’s been going on for decades, Stephen Hayes was on the Special Report panel talking about the media ‘covering’ Hillary!’s email felonies when he said something like, “They’re making it all about the GOP. It’s not about the GOP, it’s about her emails!”


Yeah, that’s how they work. Jeez, where has he been that he’s just noticing this? That’s how every Dem scandal is covered(up). Unless they’re all about “sex”, which those GOP prudes are way too interested in.


We’re reliving the worst parts of the 90s with the added attraction of having lost the Cold War and in the remake, Newt Gingrich sucks.


Posted: August 9, 2016 by veeshir in Fun With Media, Op/Sped, PEBKAC, run with media

Trump must be doing pretty well, they’re pulling this out too early in my opinion. People are going to be pretty damn tired of the pace of freaking out they’re doing right now.

So as we’re still talking about Hillary!’s felonious handling of classified material, and noticing that she was talking about an Iranian guy in unsecured emails around when he was executed, the We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party is bringing out 50 GOP SECURITY OFFICIALS!!!!! to say

calling him an unqualified choice who would put the nation at risk.

“None of us will vote for Donald Trump,” the officials wrote. “Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President.”



That’s lets The NYTIMESWASHPOSTCNNABCCBSNBCetc. counter the stuff about Hillary!.

I hadn’t seen this, so I’m gonna assume not many people are covering it, but Trump’s response is actually pretty darn awesome.

The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place,” he wrote.

Which leads me to what made me write this.

Trump said Second Amendment people could stop Hillary! so Minitrue IS ON THE JOB!!!!!!

CNN was where I saw them talking about it so I’m using their agitprop.

Donald Trump set off a fierce new controversy

Translation: We’re trying to push this controversy.

with remarks about the right to bear arms that were interpreted by many as a threat of violence against Hillary Clinton.


We all know he was talking about in the voting booth, but Minitrue is out for blood and going fucking insane. I thought the W Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld drove them nuts, but they are foaming at the mouth.

Case in point

The former head of the CIA, retired Gen. Michael Hayden, …If someone else had said that said outside the hall, he’d be in the back of a police wagon now with the Secret Service questioning him.”

Actually, I believe him, but that has nothing to do with the statement and much more to say about the destruction of the rule of law in America. Unambiguous threats against Bush were A-OK, but this bullshit would get me or you in big trouble.

This sums up one of the worst parts about the 21st century

Hayden added: “You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear.”

Because too many people believe that. You know, only when it’s pushed against enemies of Minitrue.

The Beatles were not responsible for Charles Manson and video games are not responsible for violence but this obvious comment about people voting is beyond the pale, right former head of the CIA, retired Gen. Michael Hayden?

Love this

That was more than a speed bump. That is actually a very arresting comment. It suggests either a very bad taste with reference to political assassination and an attempt at humor or an incredible insensitivity


Ummmmm, no. It was a comment on people voting, however, it does give ideologues like him the opportunity to foam at the mouth and isn’t that what really matters?



Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, who supports increased gun control measures, tweeted: “Don’t treat this as a political misstep. It’s an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis.”

Wait, you mean a man sho’s willing to dance in the blood of children before it’s dried to advance his agenda was ready to give you a nice juicy quote when you called him and told him about this opportunity Xer Journalist?

Color me utterly unsurprised.


They give Pence and the NRA a chance to rebut the first few attacks, then they go right back to anti-Trump and Hillary! supporters for some more quotes.

Fauxcahontas was happy to tweet in


makes death threats because he’s a pathetic coward who can’t handle the fact that he’s losing to a girl,” she said.

Hillary! has a vagina you know. I’d really rather not think about it or whether it’s slo…..I can’t finish that. (Shudder)

Move-on is all about helping Teh GOP

 called on every Republican up and down the ballot to repudiate Trump over his remark.

I would laugh at that more if I didn’t believe that John McCain and Lyndsey Graham would listen.
little lord graham


One more thing about Trump and why I’ve started to root for him.

I don’t know what the hell he’s going to do, but he does describe reality when he speaks, I don’t have to change the channel because I’m furious at the blatant lies the ‘journalist’ lets pols spew.

Case in point,

Trump has repeatedly suggested that Clinton will “abolish” the Second Amendment.
The former secretary of state has never called for the abolition of gun rights, but has called for additional gun regulations and safety checks to reduce the number of deadly gun shootings in the US.


Trump is accurately noticing reality while Minitrue is trying to obfuscate it (one of their jobs).

Hillary! will try to abolish the Second Amendment or at least restrict it as much as possible, like huge ammo taxes and letting law suits against go against gun manufacturers for people committing crimes, shit like that. With the chance of a few Supreme Court justices, we would be boned.

Accurately recognizing problems is the first step in solving them. We need to reduce regulations and the reach of bureaucrats because we’re being strangled at every step.

He was in business and hopefully realizes that most people can’t buy politicians to get stuff done.


Hazzard Flag

Posted: June 22, 2015 by socklessjoe in Op/Sped, The Little Screen
Tags: , ,

Growing up as poor white Yankee trash, my first exposure to the Confederate battle flag was the Dukes of Hazzard.

Of course, as a youngster, I had no idea the significance of the flag, or the appellation “General Lee”. I just saw some dudes -who were clearly the good guys- sticking it to the Powers That Be…


…and driving an impossibly awesome car (-with a horn that played “Dixie” no less).

(Alas, I was also too young to appreciate the tremendous… talent that Catherine Bach brought to the show.)

And it is in this gallantly rebellious spirit that I know many view the Southern Cross. As Ace put it, it often means “fuck you”.


We still need a “fuck you” sign. It’s a shame that the rebel flag carries so much baggage.

I guess there’s Gadsden…

Even when stipulated that less revenues will come in, he wants higher taxes for purposes of “fairness”.

In attempting to write about the Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice incidents, the apparent futility of conservative blogging has once again caused me overwhelming despair.

As it concerns the death-by-cop incidents, the post-factual nature of our political discourse becomes palpable. “Hands up, don’t shoot!” is an utter fabrication, exposed as a lie by overwhelming physical evidence and the preponderance of eye-witness testimony, such that no charges were brought by a grand jury against the officer.

There’s much more room for concern in the Garner and Rice cases, but the public backlash in these three cases seems inversely proportionate to the evidence of police wrongdoing. (How many of you are going to Google “Tamir Rice” now?) But the incident drawing the most ire, the Michael Brown shooting, is the one with the least genuine merit – nil by my reckoning.

Presented with the futility of attempting to dislodge an erroneous belief from the public consciousness, one recalls the many other instances of valiant but Sisyphean work by conservative and libertarian bloggers. Whether it is the exposure of the IRS criminality, or the Gosnell little abortion shop of horrors, or the Jonathan Gruber recordings, nothing seems to stick or matter. Obama’s even back to funding ACORN as health insurance navigators.

I will from time to time find cause to write, but for now I expect the sparseness of my motivation to continue. In a world where facts don’t matter, there’s little reason to discuss facts.


Posted: August 5, 2014 by veeshir in Conservatism, I'm Afraid I Can't Blog That, Op/Sped, PEBKAC

Ace links to a Federalist post about atheists (and agnostics) being able to be conservatives.

Let me say that I am agnostic. I think an atheist says, “There is no God, god or gods.” while I say, “I don’t know.”

Maybe there is a God or god or gods, who knows? I will say that, in my opinion, maybe.

But then we get to which God, god or gods? As Heinlein said, all of them have to go in the hat. Sorry if that pisses you off, but that’s the way I see it.

Maybe Zeus is pissed off we’re not sacrificing white bulls to him or Huitzilipochti is pissed off we’re not sacrificing people, Baal has to be partly happy with our abortion rate (especially partial-birth abortion), but we’re not exactly sacrificing babies to him so his happiness is qualified.

Personally, I’m rooting for a Jonathan Livingston Seagull sort of deal of going up, sideways or down the ladder.

A quote from the Federalist link

My point is not just that it is possible to offer a secular defense of free markets and liberty and the moral values that support them. My point that is these arguments have a power to persuade that cannot be matched just by quoting chapter and verse from the Bible.


I’ve been Troll for a Day a number of times because I try to explain that I can be in favor of civilization without believing in God.

Take something simple like traffic.

A lane ends on the highway, so what happens? If you’re in any metropolitan region, most people line up but a bunch of assholes have to be first so they screw the whole thing up.

If everybody worked together we’d all go through more quickly, the people being assholes screw it up for not just the polite people but for all the assholes behind them as they force traffic down to a crawl.

Civilization is a compilation of like situations, if we all work together, in a Christian manner, then life is better for all of us.

You do not need to believe in God to realize that or to believe that Jesus was probably the very best, most wise western philosopher ever (Bush should not have taken shit over that, he was right in my opinion), certainly the one whose philosophy has led to the best outcome for the most people.

Besides, many of the worst, non-commie, things we’ve done to each other is in service to a religion. There are few, non-commie, things more scary than a despot who thinks he’s doing God’s will. I will also say that communism/socialism/nannarchism is a religion without a god. Today’s leftism is a religion with a god, Gaia, and we’ve pissed her off by being imprius so…global worming.


My point, if we stop fucking with each other, life is better for everybody. It’s that simple.

You do not need a religion to believe that, as Ace says, you merely need to look at empirical evidence, logic and results.

It should be noted, of course, that religious people do not rely exclusively on religious precepts to make their cases. They, too, point to observable evidence and make secular (math-based, policy outcome based) arguments.


Preach it brother.

I’ll tell you what sup.

Life imitates Camus!

A Chinese city has been sealed off and 151 people have been placed in quarantine since last week after a man died of bubonic plague


Ugh.  These are people who have less regard for life than French colonizers, that’s not going to end well.


So not only is Tsar Putin I’s state media (they’re like MSNBC  and CNN but they have to be forced to lie for their Dear Leader) lying ridiculously about his Cossacks shooting down a civilian plane, but now he’s sick and tired of Teh Peepul acting all upset and stuff.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed several laws on July 22, increasing liability for separatism and violation of regulations for holding rallies.


I just hope Obama does not get any ideas on that.

You have to like the bit about cracking down on “calls for separatism” as he’s fomenting separatism in other countries. That’s a nice touch.

Speaking of evil empires,

Identifying Backdoors, Attack Points, and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS Devices… In his talk Zdziarski demonstrates “a number of undocumented high-value forensic services running on every iOS device” and “suspicious design omissions in iOS that make collection easier.”

So what do you think, murderous, commie, Chinese dictators having their slaves put it in or just Apple being Apple?

They’ve both been watching Google pretty closely after all so that’s a tough call.


A rare disagreement between Veeshir and Israel.

Israeli envy says country deserves Nobel Prize for “restraint”

Really? You people want to be grouped with the Arafish, Kofi, What-Genocide?, Annan and Obama? I respect Israel far too much to want that to happen.

You’ve seen that commercial about the “Framily Plan” where Gordahn shows up uninvited? Well, in real life his name is J. Effin Kerry.

Michael Oren, who until recently served as Israel’s ambassador in Washington, said Monday that US envoy John Kerry was coming to the region despite Sunday’s hot-mic incident making it clear that he had not been invited.

Okay, that’s funny and shows that, despite the faux pas on the Nobel, Israel still has its head on straight.

I wonder if that had something to do with the Obama admin canceling flights to Israel? He’s petty enough for that so…


This one is pretty darn funny too.

A conservative of color had the unmitigated gall to show up to a Democratic Front Group’s gathering (NAACP edition) and was rightly attacked in a vicious manner, but that’s just expected and not funny.

This quote from the article is what’s funny.

*Note: FreedomWorks is not funded by the Koch brothers.

Heh. disassociating themselves from an evil empire is kinda funny.


Geez, I just want to send the “children”, their parents and gang-banger friends back to their own countries, but Pelosi apparently wants us to crucify them.  She wants us to treat them like Jesus.

Hard core but probably a little overreactive.


I don’t get the problem with this.

Stoners in Colorado are using their EBT cards (not food stamps, just regular welfare) at pot dispensaries.

If it’s the Most Evil Thing In The World to drug test welfare recipients and pot is legal, why should anybody have any problem with this?


I haven’t seen this link any where for a long time so I’ll post it.

If you’re so inclined, these guys deliver pizzas to IDF soldiers on the frontline. Pizza for the IDF you can attach a message if you’re so inclined. .

So dat’s what sup.