Archive for the ‘China’ Category

I wish I lived long enough to be able to read history stories that say, “…and then, and this really happened, they…”over and over.

But alas, it feels more like this every day.

Important, Above The Post Update!!!!!

No, really, and then this happened

Yes, the Taliban put two grim looking goat fuckers with AKs behind this news anchor who totally wasn’t forced to say the Taliban are our friends. The guy on the left looks as if he kills the goats after he fucks them.

Now, back to our ridiculous future history in most of its entirety!

Biden’s retreat from Afghanistan has been the worst series of military decisions since the Charge of the Light Brigade,

It was so bad Marine LtC Stuart Scheller threw away his career, and said he was doing so, to call out his chain of command.

Naturally he faced the consequences he knew were coming, he’d done it out of honor for love of country. As everybody is noticing, another LtC, LtC Bearclaw as Ace calls him, disobeyed orders from his commander in chief and badmouthed same and the only repercussions were well paid positions. He’d done it for love of our fine betters against his oath on and to the Constitution.

Meanwhile, and then this really happened, this soldier has no worries about repercussions for saying

Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed within the United States that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries. It’s pointed at you. If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy.

The remaking of the military is going gangbusters.

Back to the retreat of the heavy brigade,

…and then, this really happened, Biden actually gave the Taliban the names of people we want to get out because we are afraid the Taliban will kill them.

But Biden and his Generals! are responding to the murderous suicide attack!

Defense Department officials said one of the Islamic State drone targets was a “planner,” and one was a “facilitator.” Both, they said, were involved in planning attacks against Americans, although officials at a news conference on Saturday declined to say whether they were involved specifically in the Kabul airport attack.

So just some guys cruising around in a Toyota pickup. That’ll learn ’em!

And then this really happened, Biden’s Partners For Peace are screwing up the order on one of the worst things to screw it up, they’re killing then raping.

“They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?”

The other is, of course, ‘pillage, then burn’.

Obama created ISIS, Trump crushed them and sent them into hiding, and then this really happened,

Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday…

small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military

So they won’t actually go and gather Americans to defend them from savages, they have to sneak their way past gangs of roving murderous savages to make it to the military.

And then this really happened, civilians did the job our military isn’t.

an all-volunteer group of American veterans of the Afghan war launched a final daring mission on Wednesday night dubbed the “Pineapple Express” to shepherd hundreds of at-risk Afghan elite forces and their families to safety,

Goat fucking, 7 century savages have absolutely no fear of America, and apparently rightly so.

And then this really happened, folks in the US and UK called for reparations to…. the Taliban!

Richard Burgon, a member of the British Parliament for the far-Left Labour party and Secretary of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs,(said)…what the West really needs to do now is start forking over money to the Taliban

Now they’re just fucking with us.

And then this really happened, the POTUS is now telling our enemies that we know about their plans

 President Joe Biden on Saturday warned that another attack on the Kabul airport was “highly likely

That was, of course, a staple of the Obama years and somewhat curbed under Trump

If you’re in Afghanistan, the US is on the job!,

The state department has urged all US citizens to leave the area near the airport because of a “specific, credible threat”….

The US is continuing evacuations

And then this really happened, a suicide bomber killed many people, including Marines and a Navy medic, so Biden actually went to see their bodies when they arrived in America but he was late for a nap or pudding

And then this really happened, everybody blamed the guy who wasn’t in charge

and not the guy who is.

Don’t Blame Biden! IT’s Trump’s Fault!

The images coming out of Afghanistan have been disturbing. But let’s be clear: The Trump Administration led us straight into this mess. And President Biden is doing everything he can to get us out of it.

Our fine media betters in a preemptive strike!

Six months after the conclusion of the last impeachment, Republicans have begun calling for President Biden to be removed from office over his handling of the evacuation of Americans and allies from Kabul.

That from the Wash Post, who were all in on impeaching Trump for wanting the investigate corruption by the Biden Crime Family and whatever the other impeachment was about, now they’re against impeaching Biden for non-ridiculous reasons.

Which leads to this

Out of 1,000 likely voters surveyed August 24-25, 2021, just 29% said they “trust what the news media are reporting about the current situation in Afghanistan.”

Yes, that really happened, and yet people still act as if the media is trustworthy. We’ve seen it since they were lying about Bush.

So what else scary is going on? The reaction to Kung Flu of course.

And then this really happened!

So as the “free” world is attacking their citizens for wanting to live free, they know who’s not to blame for the Wuhan Flu that came from Wuhan, the lab in Wuhan to be exact, Wuhan being in China and the lab being a gov’t lab.

And then this really happened,

Notwithstanding, histrionic Chinese officials are threatening to retaliate against any nation that names the Wuhan Institute of Virology bat lab as the point source of the pathogen.

China warned the world not to blame it for the pandemic it unleashed.

And then this really happened, everything seems to cure Covid

Long-used cholesterol drug may help fight severe COVID-19.

except for the vaccine.

Science journalist Alex Berenson has been permanently suspended from Twitter, just one day after a viral series of tweets spotlighting an Israeli preprint study which showed that natural immunity from a prior Covid infection is 13 times more effective than vaccines against the delta variant.

The endiness is just so bad it’s hard to appreciate, but that is about funny.

And then this really happened, someone had to explain why it’s a bad idea to vacation in a murderous commie dictatorship’s gulag.

And then this really happened.

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, which runs a monument to 1700s history in Virginia, has created a “Gender Diversity Committee” to create “programs and reenactments geared toward educating the public on LGBTQ history in the colonies.”

Words fail me. I bet they leave that out of the history books because it would destroy their credibility.

The enemy of my enemy is my entertainment.

a reporter named Maranie Staab was attacked by members of an Antifa-affiliated group. After complaining about a report she’d done in Colombia in conjunction with TK News, they maced her, shot paint at her, and threw her to the ground.

And then this really happened, when one group planned a protest and another group came expressly to get violent and try to stop the protest, the people whose reporter/propagandist was assaulted, blamed both sides.

After a series of violent street clashes between left and right activists in Los Angeles, right-wing protesters planned a “United We Win” rally in Portland, Oregon for this past weekend. Antifa and left-wing groups pledged to “defend Portland from racist fascists.” 

Can’t we all just get along? Stop thinking you have free speech so they don’t have to attack you!

Let’s cancel National Review! A guy at work brought in an old copy of NR so I read through it, it had this advertisement

They’re supporting slavery! Cancel them! The dastards!

and then this happened

So whataday think is coming next month?


I know what I’m rooting for

Man, the last few posts have been much angrier than my usual, laugh in the face of the endiness.

I’m not sure if it’s me or if the endiness is just so horrific that it’s hard to appreciate the humor of whoever’s running things giving the names of people we want to protect from the Taliban to the Taliban or boning our allies and our own people.

I know, don’t encourage them, but seriously, how much worse can it get?

4 days ago

The U.S. assesses that the capital of Afghanistan could fall to the Taliban within the next 90 days,

Also 4 days ago


Taliban can besiege Kabul in 72 hours, US intelligence


The Pentagon has two weeks to rescue tens of thousands of people from war-torn Afghanistan as the Taliban inch toward the capital city of Kabul and demand a ‘peaceful transfer of power.’

Also Today

Kabul fell

Also today

Totally not Saigon

Jebus, I thought the Valerie Jarrett Administration’s retreat from Iraq was the worst thing they could do.

And as they’re working on taking my guns, they just provide the Taliban with $millions of guns

Taliban Humvees

They coulda replaced my Caballero with a Humvee, but no, they hate me more than they hate the Taliban.

I hate it when I’m not cynical and mistrustful enough.

Biden’s bosses are dunking on him

According to U.S. and foreign intelligence sources cited by (a minitrue outlet I’m not linking) Chinese Communist Party leaders are preparing to formalize their relationship with the Islamist insurgents.

And lest we think the GOP has forgotten us…

Get Out Your Squeezy Bulbs!

GOP Voter Device

And More!

“Everything in their power” is to whine on Twitter.

I’m sure the thousands of folks trapped in Kabul’s airport are totally happy that Mitch McConnell and Tom Cotton Are On The Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the light side, our intelligence officials are all over The Investigation Into The Worst Day In American History!!!!!!!!!

Totally not a political hit

It’s been almost seven months since the FBI conducted a pre-dawn raid at the Virginia farm of Thomas and Sharon Caldwell. Dozens of armed agents broke down their front door, ransacked their home, and arrested Tom Caldwell on January 19. A week later, a grand jury indicted Caldwell and two other alleged Oath Keepers for various crimes related to their participation in the Capitol protest on January 6.

Despite the fact Caldwell never entered the building, carried no weapon, and assaulted no one, the Justice Department sought to keep the 66-year-old former Navy lieutenant with service-related disabilities in jail awaiting trial. Caldwell, a decorated military veteran, has no criminal record.

Nonetheless, on February 12, Judge Amit Mehta ordered Caldwell to remain behind bars: “What Mr. Caldwell is accused of is conspiring with others to plot an insurrection against the junta that illegally stole an election.

I may have altered the last line of that quote.

The Obama habit of telling judges to go fuck themselves Is Back!

Mehta said it was “troubling” to learn that the full trove of discovery material won’t be accessible to defendants until early 2022. That means defendants like Caldwell will have to wait at least a year before all the evidence related to their case will be available to defense attorneys…

told Judge Trevor McFadden in a hearing July 30, would not be met until early 2022 and that was a “conservative” estimate, she said. McFadden replied, “this does not feel what the Constitution [and] the Speedy Trial Act envisions.”

Rat bastids.

Is the federal government torturing Brian Kolfage?

Probably, but not why I’m linking

Brian Kolfage, an airman who survived losing both legs and an arm in Iraq, started a fundraiser to build a wall on our Southern border. The project took off, a lot of money flowed in, and the federal government promptly went after Kolfage, accusing him of defrauding those who donated money. This post is not about Kolfage’s guilt or innocence on the charges against him.

I however will speculate about his guilt or innocence.

Since they’re such cynically evil bastids, I figure he was arrested not for scamming folks but for actually trying to build the wall our betters don’t want built.

In other light news, I am looking forward to our fine media betters giving a black man the Trump TreatmentTM

Larry Elder, the leading Republican candidate in the California gubernatorial recall election, held his first official press conference of the campaign on Friday morning and promised to “suspend” any statewide mask or vaccination mandates that may be in place if elected.

“I am not going to tell private businesses what to do. I’m talking about what I would do as a governor regarding state employees,

That’s not how gov’t works! Geez, it’s like he doesn’t watch CNN!

In Masque of the Red Death News,

A total of 74 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for Covid- 19 since former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday extravaganza last Saturday, more than any week since April.

In the interest of disclosure, Paco and I both thought of the same thing, he just posted first.

Totally unrelated to everything I posted above

Yup, totally unrelated.

In good doggie news

I can watch that for hours.

My hero!

A repost, Conan had the Riddle of Steel, we have the Riddle of Brass

In closing I’d just like to say my faith in corporate America has been restored.

Last week I needed a part for the a/c in my Mustang, I went online and nobody had it on Sunday, Ford parts dept. was closed on Sunday, so Saturday afternoon I went to O’Reilly’s Auto Parts and they claimed they’d have it delivered to the nearest store by 10:30 AM. I figured no way, but since I’m an optimist, I tried. Lo and behold it was there! On time and on target!!!!!!

Imagine my surprise.

So Friday I ordered a laptop at Best Buy, I was going to pick it up at the store yesterday but they said they’d deliver it Saturday. No show. Today it showed that they had no idea when I’d get it and I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I called up and told the customer service named Sally or something, with a suspiciously Indian sounding accent, told me they didn’t know when it would be delivered and no, I couldn’t pick it up at the store. I told her I would cancel it if I couldn’t pick it up. She said, “Okay” with absolutely no attempt to keep my business. That’s how American corporations are supposed to act.

So I ordered a better computer for $50 more at Staples.

An hour later a Best Buy truck showed up with the computer, maybe, might have been the external DVD/CD drive I ordered too, she said she only had one item. I told her I’d cancelled it because of what they told me. She was nice, but I wasn’t interested. If they don’t want my business who am I to argue?

The a/c in my Mustang has been working great. It was cooler last week, less than 100 degrees, but the humidity made me happy I had a/c. It was nearly 50% all week!

So what did we learn today?

O’Reilly’s did what they promised and the Valerie Jarrett Admin is a bunch of anti-American assho….. wait, we knew that last part.

Science is a methodology to find or approximate reliable information. It is not something you “believe in” as though it were a religion.

Science can inform decision making. Science cannot make a decision.

Based on the best available data (-which is always subject to new observation), science can suggest that the novel coronavirus is more deadly than most influenza viruses. Science can suggest methods of reducing propagation of the virus among the population. Science can suggest probable outcomes from various policies.

Science cannot decide the relative importance of allowing greater economic activity versus suppressing activity in order to reduce the rate of viral infection. Science cannot balance the number of deaths from infection against the loss of livelihood due to unemployment, depression and suicide due to social isolation, or unintended consequences of delaying “elective” medical procedures. Science cannot assign moral value.

Take the classic “trolley problem” and its variants. In the trolley problem, science will tell you that if you flip the switch, a certain set of individuals will die, and that if you do nothing, a different set of individuals will die. Science does not tell you whether to flip the switch.

When a politician of any party tells you that they are making a policy decision based on science, they are implying a value. That implied value might be reasonable. You may agree with that value. But be aware that they sneaked in the value through the back door.

I knew I shouldn’t have pissed off Oprah

That thing hanging down isn’t the headliner or a bee’s nest, it’s a swarm of bees

They flew up and dove right into the car.



In better times, it looks like this

Thanks to hey for locating the picture.

So what have I been doing? After school I went through 3 jobs that sucked. One that was 12 hour shifts running a gigantic mill. It was a sweat shop, no sitting or leaning. 4 12-hour days followed by 4 days off. I couldn’t sleep and didn’t like working on a few hours sleep. Then, I went to a wood router place, 10 hour days. Nother sweat shop deal, just constantly putting parts in and taking them out. There were two tables and each one was done before I got the other one loaded. Pass.

I went to a call center place, people calling Verizon to get their phone turned back on. I almost made it through training and got some virus that had me coughing like made for a week. I never went back.

Now, I’m working at a nice CNC shop. Loading parts, running the machine and also doing inspection to make sure the parts are to spec. I’ll be doing just inspection sometime during the summer. I work 3 to 12:30 and I’m still trying to figure out my schedule. I’m planning on tubing at night when I get home, maybe I’ll do some more posts.

They have a bunch of machines, mostly HAAS, but two sitting next to each other cracked me up.

Wall E!

Eeeeee Va!

A school story. I met a Marine snowflake. Seriously, I didn’t think it was possible. He just kept whining at me and screwing with me and then complaining to the instructors about me.

In the last incident I was using one of 4 depth gauges while using a grinder. The tolerance was .0005 inches (five ten thousandths, or ‘tenths’) so I would make a couple passes and check with the depth gauge. So the guy came over and asked if he could use the depth gauge, I told him I needed it so grab one of the others. He took it anyway. So when I needed it I went to get it back from him and he started giving me shit.
“You’re affecting my ability to do my work!” he said.

“Yeah, and you’re doing that to me. Why don’t you get another gauge and let me use the one I had?”

So he had called me names, dick, insufferable boor, and more, so I finally got sick of it and said, “You whiny little bitch, just give me the fucking gauge.” He started yelling, which got the instructors involved.


I had to fill out a form about the problem. I basically wrote that we had a problem but it was over and we should just leave each other alone. Apparently, his was a little different.

So we had a meeting with the instructors where I said I had no problem and he said I should be kicked out because I was bullying him. Now, I’m in my 50s and gained  a bunch of weight not working for a year, he’s in his late 20s or early 30s, in shape and a fucking retired Marine sergeant. And I was bullying him.

So we both signed something that said it was over.

A week later, I found out it wasn’t over. He had taken it to the next level. I had rewrite my form because I looked guilty because I didn’t have a problem. So another meeting. Again, I thought it was over. Then I found out he had taken it to the dean and was still trying to get me kicked out.  For bullying.

It was still going on when the class ended. The last 2 months were fucking stressful as I was crybullied by a fucking retired Marine sergeant.

I’d tube but really, it’s all the same shit. I did see a press conference by Dems about Obamacare about how the lawsuit against it was going to Take Healthcare Away From Americans!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t realize they were still spewing those blatant, idiotic lies.

About the only new things are that China is sending troops to Venezuela.

I’m still not sure whose side they’ll be on. They want the Panama canal and Vladivostok area, they could try to ally with us to get us to cede them the canal and ignore Vladivostok, or they could demand concessions from Russia for same.

Should be interesting. Like, global war interesting. As the Dems are screeching about whatever idiocy they’re screeching about that day and the GOP is busy Doing The People’s Business!!!!!!!!!!

We be boned.

Have fun!

So we’ve been watching this shit for years, decades in some instance, and yet, our fine betters are still trying to pretend we’re not seeing what we’re seeing.

I hate to have to admit this, but I have to start with a Mea Wronga.

For a few years now I’ve been saying we should fire everybody at the Dept of “Justice” and replace them with Free Republic commenters, but I wuz wrong.

We should fire them all and replace them with the fine folks at Judicial Watch. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything against Freepers, I’m just saying that JW is busy doing the job “Justice” is trying to stop.

The Dept of “Justice” is trying to hide evidence of high crimes and possible treason as Judicial Watch is trying to expose it.

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice (sic) for all records of communications relating to Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya’s immigration parole. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (sic)(No. 1:17-cv-02357)).

Judicial Watch filed suit after the Justice(sic) Department failed to respond to an August 4, 2017, FOIA request seeking…

The ‘Russian lawyer’ who finagled a meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. evidently wasn’t supposed to be in the country,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We want to know what the Obama Justice (sic) Department knew and when it knew about what Ms. Veselniskava was up to.”

We know what she was up to, helping Obama’s “Justice” Dept try to fix an election by setting up bullshit charges against erstwhile Grannarch Hillary’s opponent.

I’ve come to realize we need to fire everybody in the IRS and replace them with Freepers, after JW gets done putting most of them in jail.

Emails uncovered by Judicial Watch show David L. Fish, IRS acting director of Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements, informing Holly Paz that another IRS employee, Joe Urban, had begun a “secret research project” with the donor lists that were improperly obtained by the IRS.

Chicago-Machine Politics writ large needs to be prosecuted and stopped, our fine betters at the Dept of “Justice” are uninterested in the rule of law, they want rule by corrupt assholes.

Of course, JW would need to hire some Freepers to do the legwork on a whole bunch of crimes done by all facets of Obama’s gov’t assholes, from Fast and Furious to…I don’t even want to remember all the lawless shit they were doing.

We need a rule of law, not Rule By Corrupt Lawyers and Bureaucrats.


So what are the members of our corrupt ruling class doing to get to the bottom of this shit? 

DNC Unveils Clinton Institute For Campaign Ethics Reform In Response To Corruption Allegations

That’s The Onion you say?  The Onion obviously has a time machine, their headlines are usually anywhere from a few days to a few years early, so we have that to look forward to.

Although…I could see them calling it the Obama Institute for Campaign Ethics Reform.


Let’s look at the Iranian/Saudi war that’s been raging across the Middle East for the last….. what? 8-12 centuries? Sure, it gets “Hot” and “Cold”, but the last few years, with Obama choosing the Iranians’ side, it got very “Hot” in Syria. But that war is about over, not sure who won, it appears to be Iran as ISIS is aligned with the Saudis.

So it’s moved to the Arabian peninsula. File this under, “Yeah, we already figured that out but it’s nice to have official confirmation.”

 Iran manufactured the ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Shiite rebels toward the Saudi capital and remnants of it bore “Iranian markings,” the top U.S. Air Force official in the Mideast said Friday, backing the kingdom’s earlier allegations.

Leading to some hilarity. Apparently, the Little Satan isn’t thrilled with Iran winning so they’re putting their thumbs on the scale.

The foreign minister of Saudi Arabia has refused to quell rumors that his country is working with Israel to tackle the Iranian-backed group Hezbollah.

Abel Al-Jubeir said Thursday that Hezbollah, a political and militant Shia-Islamist group, has hijacked the system in Lebanon and is spreading a malign influence throughout the Middle East.


Sure, Saudi Arabia helps fund Palestinian jihadis, but with Iran cementing their hold on Syria and Lebanaon, Israel would like them to fight their real enemies, the people who believe in almost the same religion; the Saudis.

With Obama helping the Iranians get nukes, this is utterly unsurprising.

He said many countries want to push back against Hezbollah but would not be drawn either way on whether Saudi Arabia was now working with Israel.

That’s huge, but not really unexpected. Israel ain’t gonna nuke the Arabian peninsula because they help the Palestinian Terrortories, Iran would probably nuke the Saudis before they tried to nuke Israel because that’s what Allah wants.


Of course, so far as we’re concerned, we want Iran and the Saudis to focus on each other. Why?

That’s why.


One thing I never get, why do people take anything China does at face value?

A day before Donald Trump arrived in Beijing for crucial talks, China arrested three prominent African-American athletes.  It would be awful if this became a racial issue today back home.  A new element could be introduced into the deal-making at the heart of the presidential mission to East Asia, and these youths have a following.  They all have headshots from UCLA:

At least they don’t have head-shots from the People’s Army.


China does not want to be friends with America, they want to use our economy to bolster their Potemkin Economy so they can afford shit like a navy, so they can threaten more places than where they can walk.


Fucking Africa, the people on that continent are fucked, their rulers don’t want them educated, they want them superstitious and fearful. People are easier to dominate that way.

That gives us shit like this.


RELATIVES dancing with the corpses of their loved ones are helping to spread the plague, officials have warned.

Madagascans have been told to stop the traditional practice of Famadihana, which sees locals dig up deceased relatives and dance with them before they are reburied, The Sun reports.


In the Congo they eat pygmies for some fucking reason, in some places they screw virgins to cure AIDS, they’re just fucked.


Let’s go to America, it’s not really funny, but it’s less murderous.

Yesterday and today mark the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Kristallnacht also known as Night of Broken Glass was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany on November 9th-10th 1938.

“That’s not America!!!!!” you say, well, Tuesday we had a little Kristolnacht.

The small but vocal contingent of “NeverTrump” Republicans — those who swore never to vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, even if that meant handing the country to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats — were exuberant Tuesday night, as Republican gubernatorial candidates went down to defeat in New Jersey and Virginia…

The Weekly Standard section of the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party/Never Trumpers are happy. Even though, apparently, Gillespie was a member in good standing of that party.

Yeah. The end of the beginning of putting us in our place.

Of course, it’s not even the end of the beginning, it’s just another step in the more than a decade-long process they’ve been trying since Bush was POTUS.


This is something I’m not surprised our fine media betters and our betters in the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party have ignored, but why has the dextrosphere mostly ignored it as well?

Brazile, according to Newsweek, in a piece titled “DNC’S Donna Brazile Dedicated Her Book To ‘Patriot’ Seth Rich, Whose Death Made Her Fear For Own Life”,  dedicated her book in part to Rich…

, as the Post reported earlier in the weekend. She wrote that Rich’s murder haunted her and that she’d installed surveillance cameras at her home and would keep the blinds in her office window closed so she could not be seen by snipers,

When I saw that I figured I’d see a bunch of shit about it, but no, just this and some articles the day she said it. Why should she be worried about “bungling muggers” having sniper rifles? Maybe she doesn’t think his murder was a “bungled” mugging!?!?!?!?!

Weird. When I say that it’s suspicious, it’s a Conspiracy Theory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, when Donna Brazile, former head of the DNC and Hillary’s enabler, says it, it’s Not News!!!!!!!


Speaking of the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party, they’re still butthurt about Roy Moore winning the primary, so there’s no pushback on this.

When the story broke an hour ago that Roy Moore was being accused by multiple women of inappropriate sexual behavior when they were underage teens, I thought, “uh oh.” Then, I saw the source: Washington Post. A short wave of relief came over me before the real dread of our current situation took hold.

I don’t trust the Washington Post. They are among the worst journalistic predators in the country in that they claim to be the beacon of truth while constantly spinning facts to match their liberally approved narratives

He’s been in the public eye for a long time, what with some fairly ‘controversial’ rulings as judge, so why is this coming out now? You don’t need the Harvey Weinstein shit to legitimize tenuously evidenced sexual misconduct claims against a conservative, that’s just standard operating procedure.

Add in that the Wash Post has been at the forefront of Fake News about Trump and, well, this smells like week-old Obama lies.

Hell, it smells like year-old Clinton lies. And those really smell.


The Environmental Protection Agency (actual results usually vary) has okayed:

The environmental agency announced in a press release on Tuesday that the company has been approved to let “ZAP male” mosquitoes into the ecosystem to mate with the standard Asian Tiger female mosquito that terrorizes humans in the summer.

Male mosquitoes don’t bite, so when these specially grown ZAP insects, infected with the bacteria Wolbachia pipientis, mate with wild female mosquitoes, the resulting eggs won’t hatch. This will reduce the amount of biting, disease-carrying lady mosquitoes.

I can’t see any problems stemming from this!

Did I say that with a straight face? I’m out of practice so I’ve been practicing again is why I ask.


I didn’t pay much attention to this, but the story of the two women and dogs who survived after 6 months adrift in the Pacific smelled as much as a Wash Post ‘scoop’ to me. This guy has the knowledge and boredness to actually look into their claims.


If I had seen this bit about sharks I would have called bullshit immediately, I find it hard to believe that even today’s journalists are stupid enough to buy it.

“I’m telling you I’ve never seen any Stanley Cup winner come even close to the precision these five sharks had. Three would get on one side and two would get on the other side, and they would make waves and try to knock down the boat.”

“I told [the dogs] not to bark because the sharks could hear us breathing. They could smell us”

Although… I shouldn’t be surprised. Our fine media betters learned all their history from movies, and since SyFy movies made their leftward lurch that must have become their Science/Discovery Channel, what they watch instead of Shark Week. Still, the lack of fully filled bikinis should have clued them it was Fake News.

They’re apparently even more stupid than even I expected. And that’s saying something.

He does some speculating, that seem pretty rock-solid to me.

They’re expecting publicity (mission accomplished) and maybe a book deal. Maybe a TV special. Maybe an episode of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive.” Hell, maybe a movie. They’re attention whores.



I have to admit, I’m torn on this one.

Hackers from the UK-based security firm Pen Test Partners have found that it’s trivially easy to hack into a Svakom Siime Eye, a $249 Internet of Things dildo that has a small camera on its tip, allowing users to stream a video to anyone of their choosing over the internet. However, if you’re in Wi-Fi range of the dildo and can guess the password, which by default is “88888888,” you can watch the video stream. With a bit more hacking, you can take control of the firmware and then connect to it remotely as well.

As noted at the link, these things don’t always go into the vagina, just saying. So if they end up looking up someone’s ass, isn’t actually accomplishing that goal punishment enough?


200 Quatloos on Riki Tikki Tavi!

A  Scottish pro golfer captured video of a cobra battling a mongoose for its life on a South African course during the European Tour’s Nedbank Golf Challenge.

Fuck Nagaina.


But I’m leaning toward 2+2=5.

Yeah, 1984 has been on Comet, they’re taking a break from Made For MST 3000 Movies.

Speaking of 1984, Minitrue! LA Times edition

In writing about violent fascistAnti-fa fascists, they have to write this

The clashes came despite widespread calls from activists and elected officials across the Bay Area for peaceful civil disobedience and underscore Berkeley’s growing reputation for violent reaction by the far left. Other protests earlier this year in the city turned ugly, with far-left and far-right forces fighting in the streets.

No, it wasn’t “Far Right”, it was Milo Yiannpoulis (sp?) and some people who went to listen to him, Milo is not Far Right, he’s a provocateur but he’s not Far Right. He’s a gay man who says stuff that people aren’t allowed to say.

But the LA Times has to lie about him and his supporters because the Tea Party stopped doing protests, they didn’t accomplish shit, and that leaves a Lie About People We Disagree With vacuum in their lives.



I didn’t know this.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis gave an unscripted pep talk last week to a group of servicemen on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State.

Mattis was in Iraq on Tuesday for a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi, Task and Purpose reports. But he later stopped off to deliver a pep talk to American troops stationed in Jordan, on the front lines of Operation Inherent Resolve.

Why do we have troops in Jordan? I can understand the Arabian peninsula, but Jordan? There doesn’t seem to be an upside to that. It puts them on a hit list and puts us too close to Palestinian terrorists. Next to ISIS, they’re the mad dogs of the Islamic jihadi world.


I love casual ways to say, “WTF did you expect?”

I saw this article about federal flood ‘insurance’ going broke in a big way and I thought, “Of course. There’s a reason regular, need-to-make-a-profit insurance companies charge so much for flood insurance.” I was wondering if the article was going to be all, “We don’t know why this happened!” and “Needs more money tax money!”.

Well, I was wrong. They do actually, in passing, mention that it was meant to fail. I wasn’t wrong about more tax money. That would just be ridiculous.

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the singular source of flood insurance for most Americans, is already $23 billion in debt after servicing prior natural disasters, including Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina

Katrina. They still owe money from fucking Katrina.

I mean, it’s bad enough they ‘owe’ money from Sandy (2012) but from fucking Katrina (200fucking5)?!?!?!?!?!

As for “owe”, that’s a load of rich, creamery, fromunda-lokbox sweat. That’s just more part of the federal debt* we’re buried under.  The article does mention that, kudos to them.

Most illuminating use of “Some Believe” EVER!

The government has already said it would be impossible for the flood program to repay such a staggering amount of dues, causing some to believe the program needs a major overhaul to prevent structural debt accumulations every time there is a disaster situation.

The “some” do not include such luminaries as McCain, McConnell, Ryan, Flake, Lyndsey Graham  and the rest of the We’re Better And Smarter Than You party.

For the record, I wrote that before I read this passage near the end.

However, the urgency and gravity of the situations in Texas and Louisiana could pressure lawmakers into pushing through a quick reauthorization before the program before its September 30 expiration

But of course.

Now, the casual, “Well, duh.”

“Since the program offers rates that do not fully reflect the risk of flooding, NFIP’s overall rate-setting structure was not designed to be actuarially sound in the aggregate, nor was it intended to generate sufficient funds to fully cover all losses.”

The names people were called for noticing that when they first started that program. “There’s a reason insurance companies charge so much for flood insurance. ” Insurance companies are heartless bloodsuckers! What, do you hate flood victims? You heartless fascist!”

If the media wants to Get Trump!!! (by that I mean piss his followers off), they should focus on that.

But they’re such insular fools that they don’t understand how anybody could be against that. It’s What Jesus Would Do after all. He was all about taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. Sort of a hippy Robin Hood.


*I checked the Debt Clock and they’re still at just under $20 trillion. We blew by that long ago, remember 2 years ago when the debt clock stopped for months?

In June, I linked this story that noted that the official US debt hadn’t increased in months.

90 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000

So where’s the debt clock now?

$18,4 trillion

In other words, instead of the around $20 trillion where it should be considering the way it’s moved in the Age of Obama, we’re a $trillion and a half lower.

The rule of law, she is dead. The gov’t lying to us is just normal, operation procedure.



Although historically, the IRS chose tax returns to audit based on internal mathematical mistakes or mismatches with third party reports (such as W-2s), the IRS is now engaging in data mining of public and commercial data pools (including social media) and creating highly detailed profiles of taxpayers upon which to run data analytics. This Article argues that current IRS practices, mostly unknown to the general public are violating fair information practices. This lack of transparency and accountability not only violates federal law regarding the government’s data collection activities and use of predictive algorithms…

The IRS has been telling judges to suck their balls for years now, they’re above the law and they know it.

Understatement of the day!

…but may also result in discrimination.

A whole bunch of Tea Party organizations were unavailable for comment. Because the IRS is busy shutting them up.

The rule of law, she is dead.


Nother way the media could Get Trump!!!! is talk about his reversing the ban on selling military equipment to the police. I’d bet the media thinks that I’d be for that cuz I support Blue Lives Matter (cuz I hate black folks), but what they don’t understand is that the reason we have Trump is because so many people don’t trust the fucking gov’t. It’s not whatever hate-crime they think it is, or any of them really, it’s about telling our betters to go fuck themselves.


Eh, let’s go to They’re All Gonna Die!!!, it’s so much less stressful. Hell, I look fondly back on We’re All Gonna Die!!!, we’re at We’re All Gonna Be Subjects if our fine betters get their way.

India said on Monday it had agreed with China to end a months-long military standoff at a strategically important disputed area in the Himalayas and troops had begun disengaging.

India’s foreign ministry said it had reached an “understanding” after talks with Beijing about the tense confrontation in an area near the Indian border that is claimed by both China and Bhutan.

Oh crap, you know what it means when murderous, expansionist, commie dictators say there’s an ‘understanding’?

Its statement suggested that both sides had agreed to pull back, although the Chinese foreign ministry said only that Indian troops were withdrawing.

Yeah, that.


I never liked Joel Osteen, I’ve never watched him much but I thought he was Jim Bakker with less make-up.

Fractal cuttin n pastin cuz the linked NY Post article put cause after effect.

The multimillionaire televangelist came under enormous criticism for refusing to take in evacuees at his 16,800-seat, tax-exempt house of worship. Instead, he tweeted Monday about how “Jesus promises us peace that passes understanding. That’s peace when it doesn’t make sense.”…

We have never closed our doors,” a Lakewood Church spokesman said in a statement to CNN. “We will continue to be a distribution center to those in need. We are prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm.”

What. Ever.

There are televangelists I have respected, but not him.


This leads to us to one question.

 after a dispute with her roommate.

Troopers say at around 12:02 p.m. Saturday, Melissa Lena Odomin, 34, drove an ATV into the residence, broke the windows of a truck then drove that truck into the home.

Two vehicles, and no, the question doesn’t relate to alcohol.

Troopers also say alcohol played a role in the incident.


The question I wondered was if the roommate was her boyfriend, because I think I dated that girl. She was great except she didn’t take vodka well and wouldn’t accept that before she started drinking it.


Speaking of which.

ISIS suicide bomber actually hoping for 72 experienced sluts 

A recent honor graduate of the Islamic State Suicide Bomber School of Excellence has publicly voiced concerns over the sexual experience of the 72 women awaiting him in the afterlife, sources confirmed today…

According to sources, Hussein asked his instructors if perhaps the virginity of his eternal harem was negotiable.

There does seem to be a flaw in that belief.


Watched Dick Cavett who spent an hour with Kirk Douglas, it was pretty good.

He told a story about getting on an elevator at a hotel where he was appearing.

There was something else going on at the hotel and all the people had name tags with their home towns on their chests. One guy says, “Hey, you’re Kirk Douglas!” and he responds, “Hey Joe!” Joe asks how he knows his name, Kirk goes, “Joe Tyne, right? From Tulsa?”, now Joe’s freaking out. “How do you know that?” As the elevator doors opened Kirk says, “I can’t believe you don’t remember!” and walks away.

That’s hilarious.

It was cool even though Cavett sucks at interviewing, all he does is ask questions like. “What made you decide to become an actor?” and other questions that basically ask for anecdotes, the same questions every interviewer asks every actor. but he had such cool people that their anecdotes are cool. Like that one with Kirk Douglas or when Groucho was messing with Truman Capote. Cavett loses control of the show fairly often.


Took the Caballero to get the a/c fixed. When I got it back the antenna was gone. Since it was some half-assed aftermarket job like much of what the previous owner did, the mount is gone. Uckfay. How the hell did HeyZeus find this guy in freaking Gilbert? Sonomabatch.

I watched much of Trump’s Afghanistan speech and I liked it, lots of Never Trumpers didn’t and, of course, Ralph Peters. Ralph is a military genius, just ask him.

We can justify a limited presence in Afghanistan, perhaps 3,000 to 4,000 troops total, for the purpose of killing international terrorists. And we need not stop providing arms to Kabul. But it’s time to stop giving blood.

I hope I’m wrong. I, too, want our casualties to have meaning. But no matter how we reinterpret our mission, there’ll be more American blood. And the only Americans who’ll benefit will be contractors, who love impossible missions that never end.

We cannot save a country that won’t save itself.

So what did Trump say about nation building?

I share the American people’s frustration.  I also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money, and most importantly lives, trying to rebuild countries in our own image, instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations.

That’s a funny way to say we’re going to ‘rebuild’ Afghanistan.

How about ‘making sure our casualties have meaning!!!!!’?

A core pillar of our new strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions.  I’ve said it many times how counterproductive it is for the United States to announce in advance the dates we intend to begin, or end, military options.  We will not talk about numbers of troops or our plans for further military activities.

Conditions on the ground — not arbitrary timetables — will guide our strategy from now on.  America’s enemies must never know our plans or believe they can wait us out.  I will not say when we are going to attack, but attack we will.

Allowing the military to figure out how to perform their missions and not shout it out to the world? I imagine there are a few people in the military who like that.

First, our nation must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made, especially the sacrifices of lives.  The men and women who serve our nation in combat deserve a plan for victory.  They deserve the tools they need, and the trust they have earned, to fight and to win.

The worst thing that happened in Afghanistan was that the Obama admin had absolutely no plan for actually trying to win or any clue what actual victory would be.

Finally, my administration will ensure that you, the brave defenders of the American people, will have the necessary tools and rules of engagement to make this strategy work, and work effectively and work quickly.

I have already lifted restrictions the previous administration placed on our warfighters that prevented the Secretary of Defense and our commanders in the field from fully and swiftly waging battle against the enemy.  Micromanagement from Washington, D.C. does not win battles.  They are won in the field drawing upon the judgment and expertise of wartime commanders and frontline soldiers acting in real time, with real authority, and with a clear mission to defeat the enemy.

The second worst thing was the Rules of Engagement, the ROE were based on politicians, bureaucrats and lawyers. Getting rid of those will mean our military can do something useful.

Third and finally, I concluded that the security threats we face in Afghanistan and the broader region are immense.  Today, 20 U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations are active in Afghanistan and Pakistan — the highest concentration in any region anywhere in the world.

Pretending countries like Pakistan and the oil ticks on the Arabian peninsula are our allies is very counterproductive. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have tried to make them true allies, but they all say one thing in English and another in their language. It’s time to start letting them know we aren’t playing their games. We simplisme Americans expect our allies to not actively fight against us. We’re weird that way.

So yeah, I’m all in on this.

Tell the military what victory means and then let them achieve it. I don’t know what he means by victory, but I hope it means killing a bunch of terrorists, scaring the living shit out of the rest and leaving a bunch of troops, like Marines and maybe some 10th Mountain, some Apaches, A-10s and some serious artillery to make sure they remember who they’re most afraid of.

We have our own poofy-haired maniac, let’s use him!


We do have one thing going for us, the rest of the world is getting rambunctious.

Three decades later, Chinese and Indian soldiers find themselves in a similar situation in Doklam today, locked eyeball-to-eyeball in a potentially combustible situation. The crucial difference this time is that India is reacting in a third country’s territory – Doklam is disputed between China and Bhutan – which only makes India’s intervention even more provocative to Beijing…

This violated mutually agreed standard operating procedures, which require patrols encountering each other in disputed territory to maintain a physical distance and unfurl cloth banners (that every patrol carries) emblazoned with a dual-language message: “This is our territory; kindly return to your side”. After doing so, patrols are required to disengage and return to their camps…

But as tensions have escalated unchecked, this useful procedure with banners that has ensured peace since the Wangdung incident has degenerated into jostling and pushing and now stone-pelting. Both patrols were armed but, fortunately, neither opened fire. Such restraint cannot be counted upon to continue forever. Sooner or later some soldier, perhaps injured by a stone or a body tackle, will fire his weapon, killing or wounding an adversary and unleashing an escalatory spiral, fuelled by a storm of nationalism in both countries.

China’s in a serious expansion phase right now and have been for decades so I’m sure they’re working hard to get some serious provocations. I mean, if they’re gonna mess with us why would India give them pause?

Except for supplying arms to India, I would be against getting involved in a land war between India and China. I would be all for blowing up China’s navy if they try to get frisky anywhere but sending Americans into a cauldron of war between countries with more than a billion people would just be stupid.

If the world does blow up, I’m not sure what will happen in EUnuchstan but I say we convince Trump to Executively Order that whoever conquers France has to keep it.


My claim to fame was my Letter To The Editor about Elian Gonzalez made the NY Times. It was something like, “I’d say his mother chose where she wanted him to live.” I’m surprised they printed that, their editorial stance was much closer to this, that Babalublog calls “Horrific”

Get ready: CNN is airing a two-hour documentary on the “rescue” of Elian Gonzalez.

Rescue. Condemning that poor bastard to life in a commie shithole gulag is a ‘rescue’ so far as CNN is concerned.

Although…. maybe we could rescue the NYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCetc. and send them to Cuba! It would be easy, we could have a party on an island for the Elite Who Fakenews and send a 747 to pick them up and take them, we could make it for global worming. Then, we hijack to plane to Cuba! Brilliant!


Hillary is still making excuses for her loss, obviously eyeing 2020.

“This is not OK, I thought,” she wrote. “It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage, and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable.

I’m sure she would have been able to stare down Putin! Actually, since what she said is a lie I wouldn’t say she was too weak to be POTUS for that reason, I mean, she’s married to the Groper in Chief, what made her uncomfortable was that Trump refused to accept his role of Good Loser the way a candidate who didn’t fight back would have. Like….ohhhh….. say… the last two Electable Candidates!!!.

Which makes me think of what a bullet we dodged. The fascist Anti-fa fascists would have been very useful for her as we tried to protest her gun-grabbing and money-grabbing actions as Congress Held Hearings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’d be in a very dark and dangerous place right now. The place where the fascists in the armed wings of the Dems are pretending we are.

Which reminds me of something I read last week. Someone noted how ironic it was that the new armed wing of the Democratic party (BLM, Anti-Fa, Charlotte Police et al.) were hating on the old armed wing of the Democratic Party (The KKK). That’s funny and endy!


Let’s take a break from that crap to take a look at the what the Worst President In the History Of Ever is doing now.

 Lost amid all the political name-calling last week, President Trump’s infrastructure reforms would actually go far toward kick-starting many badly needed projects. And they’ll do so without spending massive amounts of money.

The media made a big deal of Trump on Thursday disbanding his infrastructure advisory board. Given the poisonous politics of the day, it’s not surprising.

But, once again, the media largely missed the far more important story of infrastructure reforms that Trump signed by executive order on Tuesday. While not perfect, they are an enormous improvement on the current wasteful and inefficient federal system.

The good stuff he does isn’t “lost” so much as “hidden”, “Buried” and “denied!!!!!!!!!!”

I watched some of his speech last night, whenever I came in to get a drink of water I listened. At one point he called out the media as the liars they are. I’m sure all Right-Thinking people thought that was gauche and uncouth but it’s fucking necessary.

If he doesn’t nobody else will. All the Right People are against what Trump’s doing far more than against him as a person. I mean, he’s been their friends for decades. The best kind of friend to those venal assholes, he gave them large bribes. Now he’s threatening their corrupt, venal positions so He Must Be Destroyed.


I’m sure this will be “lost” too.

Lithuania purchased a large shipment of natural gas Monday from the U.S. to stick a finger in the collective eye of Russia, which has effectively monopolized energy production in former Soviet countries.

The move was likely a political tactic, one meant to show Lithuania and other former Soviet countries are willing to strike out against Russia. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 put the Baltic states on the defensive.

Russia backfired so anything Trump does to mess with Russia must be hidden, denied and lied about. It’s just good journalism.


I don’t like clicking PJ media clickbait because they’re usually idiotic and/or trite, but this one is news at least.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said Republicans are “fully committed” to passing “pro-growth” and “pro-jobs” tax reform “this year.”

How can I call that news? Aren’t newspapers called fishwrap and isn’t that story wrapped around the fish the GOP is flinging at us?

GOP voters device

Get Ready To Honk For Tax Reform Fish!!!!!!!!! Sure, it’s stinky, but it’s Tax Reform!!!!!!!

Tax reform polls well. Almost as well as repealing Obamacare but they’ve about played out that genre of Failure Theater.


I saw some people acting upset about this, but I don’t really see a problem.

Riders who are found doing any of the following are subject to a fine of $75 per offense and could be escorted off the train or bus:

Eating, drinking, smoking, vaping;
Playing loud music;
Disturbing others;
Disorderly, lewd conduct;
Placing chewing gum on seats;
Fare evasion;
Occupying more than one seat or blocking a door; or
Riding a bicycle or skateboard in a station.

I’ve never ridden LA’s metro, but I’d bet they’re doing this for two reasons. There’s an epidemic of rude assholes on their metro who agree with me that the rule of law is dead, they’re just reveling in it instead of upset about it and the Los Angeles gov’t is working a new revenue stream.

This is so California.

It’s not the first time Metro has tried to teach better social etiquette to its riders: in 2003, the agency had “Metro Manners” trading cards designed for presentations to schools in LA County.

Yeah, so how’d that work out for you? Well enough that now it’s at epidemic status!


Via Dave Barry we find this bit of….ummmmm…. We’re Not Afraid Enough Of The Japanese.

Sexy Japanese actress strokes turtle head in tourism promotion video drawing complaints

That doesn’t do the vid justice. The idea that they’re upset only about stroking a turtle head just adds to the idea that we’re not afraid enough of the Japanese. It doesn’t even look like a…ummmm…. what is often called a “turtle head”.


How do you say WTF? in Japanese?


Speaking of hilarious videos, I didn’t go to the riots yesterday, I got lazy. I’m glad I didn’t as I would have gone early afternoon and nothing happened until after dark. The local broadcast was very funny. “We don’t know who started the problems (masked anti-fa assholes running in the background) but protestors were yelling at each other (leftist with bullhorn screeching at Trump people walking into the arena, the only reaction was one guy who put his hands up as he walked. Made me laugh it did), violence at Trump Rally just like last year (when lefties attacked Trump supporters)”


They interviewed this one guy who claimed to be hit by a projectile and, to their credit, when he said that he threw the tear gas into traffic they asked him WTF dude? hat guy was all, “We were walking away when the cops got violent!!!!.” The reporter tried to play it up but even they realized his story had more holes than a Clinton lie so they just dropped it.

It’s not the same guy in this link with the top 5 remixes of him getting hit in his non-gender-specific-genitalia.

Pretty darn funny.


What I can’t figure out is how people can worship Hillary Clinton with a religious fervor.

My opinion of her disciples.

Their opinion of  the matter.

Hillary Clinton’s pastoral adviser urged her to keep her head up following her unexpected Election Day loss in November and compared the election to Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.

“It is Friday, but Sunday is coming … This is not the devotional you wish to receive this day. While Good Friday may be the starkest representation of a Friday that we have, life is filled with a lot of Fridays,” wrote United Methodist City Society Executive Director the Rev. Bill Shillady in an email to Clinton obtained by CNN. “Friday is the day that it all falls apart and all hope is lost. We all have Fridays. But, as the saying goes, ‘Sunday’s coming!'”

I could understand following her because your face is in the trough, but that religious fervor is flabberastical.


Let’s flashback to News We Didn’t Need To Know Under Obama But That Is Now Noticing Years After It Would Have Been Useful!!!!!

Tuesday’s bombshell Washington Post story that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has determined North Korea is capable of constructing miniaturized nuclear weapons that could be used as warheads for missiles – possibly ICBMs – left out a crucial fact: DIA actually concluded this in 2013.  The Post also failed to mention that the Obama administration tried to downplay and discredit this report at the time.

That’s my problem with Foxnews, they had to know about this back then, why didn’t Bill O’Reilly or their news folks report this? One O’Reilly opening rant on this could have accomplished something, but they all ignored it. You can’t say, “The Obama admin tried to blah blah  fucking blah blah.”


During an April 11, 2013, House Armed Services Committee hearing, Congressman Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., inadvertently revealed several unclassified sentences from a DIA report that said DIA had determined with “moderate confidence” that North Korea has the capability to make a nuclear weapon small enough to be launched with a ballistic missile.

Our fine media betters knew it. Our fine Congressional betters knew. None of them did shit about it. Of course, Obama did use federal agencies to enforce his will as to what he wanted to be reported, but still…


I’m sorta flabbergasted but mostly just laughing my ass off.  A Stephen Green at the Puppy Blender’s post in its entirety.

NOT GETTING IT DEP’TMattis claims North Korea diplomacy is working, but Trump intensifies threats.

Has CNN never heard of good cop/bad cop?

So James, Mad-Dog, Have-A-Plan-To-Kill-Everybody-You-Meet, Mattis is playing the good cop.

C’mon, that’s fucking hilarious. Our poofy-haired maniac is fucking with the Norks.

I know I’m often am the only one who laughs at my jokes but you have to admit that’s fucking funny. I cannot express how absolutely hilarious I find it.

Of course, I haven’t clicked the CNN article, but I would bet a whole lot the article doesn’t match the headline, CNN lies a lot you know. But that’s another Stephen Green post entirely.


The can has been kicked about as far as it can go before the fucking Norks rhetoric backs them into a corner and they start lobbing missiles at Guam, Japan or Hawaii. Or even open ocean. They’re going to have to up the provocation. As we all know, the sequel has to be more ‘splodey than the original. We’re at the part in the movie franchise where they get preachy and try to save the whales or get really, really ‘splody and nuke the whales. I’m betting on the nuke thing.


Of course, the WSJ also knows which poofy-haired maniac is the cause of all the problems.

China sees a war of words between the U.S. and North Korea as frustrating its efforts to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula, leaving it with few palatable options.

Notice the tone of that makes the murderous commie dictators in China the reasonable ones. Trump and the insanely-murderous Nork, commie dictator are the unruly ones.

What they refuse to see is that the murderous commie dictators in China like it when the world backs down from the maniac running the North Korean gulag so of course they’re going to act that way.

Here’s my favorite part.

A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea on Thursday, the Reuters news agency reported, in the latest American challenge to Chinese territorial claims

The islands the murderous, expansionist, commie dictators in China built in order to lay claim to international waters. The WSJ here is taking the side of murderous , expansionist, commie dictators in China against the rest of the world.

Second favorite part

Mr. Zhao, the nuclear policy specialist, said a consensus among Chinese officials and experts is that more pressure should be exerted on the U.S. to persuade it to talk directly with North Korea. Beijing remains hopeful that Washington will relax its conditions for negotiations with Pyongyang, as it has appeared to do in recent months, he said.

Because negotiations with the Norks have worked so well in the past. Just ask the totally reasonable, murderous, expansionist, commie dictators in China!!!!!


Speaking of jackasses:

Not getting reality! Why The GOP Didn’t Repeal And Replace!!! It could have been 11 words, “Because they like the power it gives them over our lives.” but it’s long and full of idiocy.

This flirts with sanity, but it’s sort of a throw away paragraph, notice it starts with blaming Trump

Trump’s inexperience is a factor here. But the outsider president’s expectations were set in large part by seven years of Republican promises to repeal and replace the health care law. And throughout that time, Republicans were never really serious about developing a replacement plan that could pass.

Notice he writes “replacement plan.” Isn’t Reason a libertarian site? Shouldn’t he be writing, “were really serious about getting rid of it.”?

Back in 2013, when Obamacare’s exchanges went online, and immediately crashed, it was clear that many Republicans were simply not interested in productive health policy improvements. Instead, they viewed the struggles of the health care law strictly as a political cudgel to wield against political opponents.

Now, while I agree with that last statement, WTF is a fucking writer from Reason doing writing “Republicans were not interested in productive health policy improvements”? No, really. WTFF? Why is a Reason writer upset the GOP didn’t help the gov’t take over healthcare or have their own plan for  the gov’t to take over healthcare? WTFF?

These efforts take significant time and energy. Democrats and their allies on the left spent nearly two decades working through ideas and building broad consensus after the failure of President Bill Clinton’s health care plan in the early 1990s

WTFF? Is this guy really that stupid? Has Reason really sunk that low?

Broad fucking consensus? They purged their party of Blue Dogs, bribed and threatened most of the rest and rammed it through using a Congressional trick with only Dems voting for it. How the fuck is that a “Broad Consensus”? I mean, how the fuck can a writer at a supposedly libertarian site even think that much less write it?

This is where Trump’s experience comes into play. Trump, an outsider with no history with the Republican politics, was not in on the plot. He did not know that it was, essentially, a ruse.

Oh, I’d say he knew that, but he was trying to get them to do what they didn’t want to do but that he wanted done. I’d say he’s not as stupid as this writer. I mean, if I could figure it out from my crappy apt in AJ, I’m pretty sure Trump could figure it out from his much better view of our Ruling Elite!!!!.

But Trump, a neophyte who has demonstrated no in-depth understanding of health care policy or the political dynamics that surround, and who did not bother to educate himself on those issues, could not and did not play this role.

Another idiot who thinks he knows better than Trump how to negotiate and get shit done. He’s not a neophyte, he’s been bribing politicians for decades, I’m pretty sure he knows how to get shit done in DC far better than this lefty writer at Reason.

It didn’t help that Trump’s victory caught congressional Republicans by surprise

Hardee har har har. It did catch a lot of people by surprise, I won’t deny that, but what’s important is that here’s where a Reason writer defends pols who were totally sure they could not keep the promises they so solemnly made to get elected for at least 6 years.

I would expect a Reason writer to gleefully point that out, but in a “See! I told you they were lying assholes!!!!” way, not as a fucking defense. WTFF?

The failure, then, was party wide. Republicans in Congress weren’t prepared to repeal and replace Obamacare, and may never have intended to.

May never have? In the last week or two we have seen two previous, GOP House majority leaders admit they never meant to do it. May never have? WTFF?

And now Trump is merely continuing the cycle of dysfunction, using the failure of the GOP health care effort to stoke tensions within his own party that are politically convenient for him, but unlikely to advance any policy goals.

Trump is continuing the cycle of dysfunction? Trump is smashing the cycle of dysfunction. Trump Smash! That’s his job now that the GOP won’t do what they’re supposed to do.

And he is accomplishing something else I didn’t realize I’d see, masks are off, battle lines are drawn. All manner of things are becoming clear to even the most obtuse and non-paying-attention. I mean, not Shepard Smith, but you know, intelligent people.

In conclusion, WTF happened to Reason? That has all the in-depth, impartial analysis you’d expect from an Atlantic, Newsweek or Media Matters article, not Reason.


Coup Coup

Kristolnacht keeps getting delayed.

Kristol followed up the NYT article with a gem of an idea that conservatives should rebrand themselves as liberals: “Seriously. We’re for liberal democracy, liberal world order, liberal economy, liberal education.”

Okay, that’s funny. That’s what lefties do, keep rebranding things to try to make them more palatable instead of actually working to fix what makes them unpalatable in the first place.

I do applaud the effort, he can call his new party the “We’re Better And Smarter Than You Party”, that’s its raison d’etre.

But in perhaps Kristol’s shadiest move, he is trying to pin the NYT article on Pence although it is highly likely the story idea came from Kristol himself. The two reporters, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, wrote a very similar piece in March 2016 about efforts to derail Trump; Kristol was cited then as having “circulated a memo to a small number of conservative allies detailing the process by which an independent candidate could get on general-election ballots across the country.” The week before the article was published, Burns sub-tweeted Kristol and said “Today is the Super Bowl of Bill Kristol Twitter.” Kristol also helped promote Burns’ book last year about a dysfunctional Trump campaign.

Here’s the punchline

I wonder why he doesn’t run for office? Sure, he’d start slow but at the end, after the voting, I figure he could make a serious putsch!


Troops Sent To American Border!!!!!!!!!!! Trump is sending killer myrmidons to kill undocu….ummmmmmm what?

SAINT-BERNARD-DE-LACOLLE, QUEBEC The Latest on the increasing flow of migrants over the U.S.-Canadian border at a remote spot in northern New York and southern Quebec (all times local):

1:40 p.m.

Canada has sent about 100 soldiers to a remote spot on the Quebec-New York border where asylum seekers are crossing illegally.

It’s the utter hypocrisy of our fine media betters that pisses me off the most.

If 23 Canadians got together in Ottawa to protest Trump, CNN would be there, but we read about this in the Miami Herald.


The Wash Post, purveyors of fake news via anonymous sources, innuendo, selective reportage and outright lies, let’s some reality in.

But lately, as Democratic leadership has increasingly embraced the far-left impulses of its base, I’ve become convinced that the left needs to think harder about the unintended consequences of such benevolent-seeming proposals.

In isolation, each of these policies has the potential to make workers more costly to hire. Cumulatively, they almost certainly do…

Take the proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, a policy endorsed in the Democratic Party’s new “Better Deal” platform.

An increase in the federal minimum wage, stuck at $7.25 for eight years, is long overdue. But more than doubling it would likely result in massive job losses and cuts in work hours….

It burnssssssss!

You can hear the grinding teeth in the background of this part

As strange as it feels to say something nice about policies being pursued by the Trump administration, this might be a better approach.

So what happens when reality invades the Wash Post? Comments!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right out of the blocks we have what could be a winner in the utterly non-introspective comment category or could be someone noticing reality

3rd comment

She gets paid to write. Her paycheck is based on the value she creates, in writing columns that people read and appreciate, contributing to subscription and advertising revenues. Her pay is market based, which is the only legitimate way to determine wages.

On many websites I’d think it was someone noticing reality, but I’ve seen too much absolute idiocy in the comments at the Wash Post to be more than 25% sure it’s an intelligent comment. I would bet that comment is meant to defend how much she’s paid while not realizing it could mean minimum wage earners. Which, as we all know, the real minimum wage is 0, which a lot of them are about to make.

There were 1200 comments when I clicked, I only read the first 30 or so, not much hate just a lot of Erudite People discussing this Dispassionately, like the guy with Phd in his name who claimed that there was no economic data to prove that $15/hour minimum wage hurt the economy, I’m sure they get much angrier by about 50 and downright scary long before 500.


via Babalu, we see that, apparently, they aren’t doing communism right in Venezuela.

Airlines are continuing to pull out of Venezuela, and this time it’s not just about trapped cash but a whole series of grievances including staff held up at gunpoint, luggage theft, poor runway maintenance and low quality jet fuel.

I blame Trump. And the alt-right!

I just wish all these right wingers would stop sabotaging every commie paradise!


More substance added to Trump’s Usubstantiated!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claims about illegal voting.

A James Madison University student was sentenced to prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to registering dead voters for the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.

You have to admit that having a student at James Madison gives it that extra kick we expect.

Right in the balls.


Eddie Murphy did it first.
He didn’t do it funnier though.

Seriously, it’s just too ridiculous to take seriously.

But we have to take it seriously, cuz we’re stuck in the ridiculousness.

First, let’s update a former ridiculous deal.

As everybody who tries to start any ‘conversation’ that our betters are always talking about finds out, they don’t want a conversation, they want you to accept their harangue.

At least one person was paying attention even as he attempted to get that conversation started.

Damore said that he was exploring all possible legal remedies and that before being fired he had submitted a charge to the US National Labor Relations Board accusing Google upper management of trying to shame him into silence.

“It’s illegal to retaliate against an NLRB charge,” he wrote in the email.

Knowledge is power.


FBI raids a prominent political person’s home! We hear about the deal via anonymous, Wash Post, sources, so take it for what it’s worth.

The search warrant seems to indicate that investigators may have had reason to believe Manafort could not be trusted to turn over all of the records requested in response to a grand jury subpoena, the Post reported, citing people familiar with the special counsel investigation.

He might refuse to turn over important docs?

Who does the think he is? Hillary Clinton?!?!?!?!?!

I will say that I think that anonymous source, if it exists, is lying. If it doesn’t exist, it’s just a ‘journalist’ saying what his Never Trump allies have told him to say.

This sounds a lot more likely.

Manafort has been voluntarily producing documents to congressional committees investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. The search warrant indicates investigators may have argued to a federal judge they had reason to believe Manafort could not be trusted to turn over all records in response to a grand jury subpoena.

It could also have been intended to send a message to President Trump’s former campaign chairman that he should not expect gentle treatment or legal courtesies from Mueller’s team.

Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI and the lawless assholes in the “Justice” Dept are nothing if not vindictive and lawless.

The special counsel is subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Justice, and we don’t engage in fishing expeditions,” Rosenstein said when asked about the probe in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

Liar, The fishing hole was fishless so now they’re trying to manufacture some fish.


A Quiz!!!!!!

Who said this

Orange-faced oaf Donald Trump threatens DPRK with “fire and fury,” yet delivers only wind and flatulence.

A. Wash Post/CNN

B. Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer

C. Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell

D.John McCain/Lyndsey Graham/Susan Collins

E. Fred Barnes/Bill Kristol/Rest of the NRO/Weekly Standard coup-crew?

F.The Norks.

Hah! Trick question. It’s G. All of the above!

But in this case it’s just the Norks channeling their inner Never-Trumper.


How much you wanna bet some significant percentage of those ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’ work either for the US federal gov’t (elected, appointed and GS) or our fine media?

Speaking of which, I really didn’t like Trump’s warning. Don’t warn like that, you say, “There will be consequences.”, if you say what you’ll do you have to do it. I don’t want to get involved militarily in North Korea unless it’s absolutely necessary to avert a nuclear war in South Korea.

I really don’t want a war in North Korea. There is no good outcome.

The most likely is war with China, don’t forget they went to war over the Norks with the only POTUS to use nuclear bombs in anger.

And if we win, what does that mean? We have to try to keep 10 million brainwashed slaves alive while we try to educate them about reality. It would make integrating Germany look easy and cheap.

It’ll cost $billions getting them food, $billions starting farms, $billions making power generation plants, $billions distributing that energy and $billions getting them the bare necessities of life like heat and clean water. South Korea can’t do it, the EUnuchs will screech at us as lefties put barriers in place to any modernization, “Haven’t they suffered enough? Now you’re destroying their environment just so they can have TVs?”

It would suck. I blame Truman.



Blood Batteries.

It heralds a future of clean energy, free from pollution but – though there can be no doubting the good intentions behind Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s announcement last month…

“You had good intentions. Let’s find you a nice job paving roads.”

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

Our clean air? Idiot. The electricity we have to make and transport for vehicles is not made with unicorn farts.

Adult miners dig up to 600ft below the surface using basic tools, without protective clothing or modern machinery. Sometimes the children are sent down into the narrow makeshift chambers where there is constant danger of collapse.

Cobalt is such a health hazard that it has a respiratory disease named after it – cobalt lung, a form of pneumonia which causes coughing and leads to permanent incapacity and even death.

Even simply eating vegetables grown in local soil can cause vomiting and diarrhoea, thyroid damage and fatal lung diseases, while birds and fish cannot survive in the area.

I hate it when religious devotions means children have to die, it’s despicably unlikely but they’ve managed to make Africa an even worse shithole.


What the hell?

An earlier report into the crash under Poland’s previous government said the wing smashed into a birch tree close to the runway at the Smolensk military airport, causing the plane to crash.

“Damage to the left wing of the TU 154M was not started by colliding with the birch tree … The wing’s destruction started before the birch tree… [and] much damage to the left wing of the TU 154M plane carry traces of an explosion,” the commission said in a statement on Wednesday.

Who murdered them? It happened in Russia so this looks like a Tsar Putin I operation.

It added that Russian air traffic controllers deliberately misled Polish pilots about their location as they approached the runway of the Smolensk military airport in western Russia on 10 April 2010.

That’s so Putin. But with the US POTUS being all flexible with the Tsar, others were afraid to notice it. Now that the world is afraid of our poofy-haired maniac, maybe things will change.


Let’s end on contests. Since it’s so fucking ridiculous out there, you know what we’re gonna get.

First up, lying hack who fakenews wins Industry Award with hilarious reason!

 The National Association of Hispanic Journalists is giving its 2017 Presidential Award to CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who has emerged this year as a media star for his frequent clashes with the Trump administration.

Sorta funny so far, here’s where it gets ridiculous.

“For the past years, I’ve seen Jim Acosta in action. He’s covered President Obama and President Donald Trump, always pushing both sides to answer the tough questions,”

Sure, he “pushed” both sides. He pushed Obama’s dick into his mouth with a suckophantic fervor not seen since Debbie did Dallas, he pushes lying fakenews at Trump with a lying fervor not seen since Dan Rather left 60 Minutes.


True story, I went to Catholic school from 1st grade to my first year of college. In 7th or 8th grade, in 1976 or so, they had a priest teach us sex-ed. A nun taught the girls. I thought that was hilarious. This one is nearly as funny.

Next Miss Italia will be judged by a priest

I wonder, will Father Guido Sarducci come out of retirement? I hope so, he still owes someone the prize for Finding The Pope In The Pizza contest.  I found a bunch but couldn’t find the Avignon popes. Not sure if they weren’t there or just well hidden.


A New Olympics?

Dumoulin won an international competition on Microsoft Excel proficiency, earning $10,000 in prize money along the way.

Bureaucrat Olympics. Next year they’ll do a Powerpoint competition and synchronized stamping.

There are some funny things going on as people keep clinging to willful ignorances even as reality attempts to reassert itself.

Never Trumpers at the Wash Examiner are perplexed by what should be obvious to one and all.

What in the world is Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinking?

What is she thinking? She’s thinking that the Dept of “Justice” will continue providing cover for the felonious behavior of Democrats as they’ve been doing for a long time now.

They discuss all the things minitrue and the Dems are trying to ignore about how bad a security breach Dem operatives presided over.

The hypocrisy of Democrats is stunning.

Their unwillingness to help law enforcement is even more so.

Ahhh, but the unwillingness of ‘law enforcement’ to ignore Dem felonyizing is anything but stunning, it’s so commonplace as to be banal.

The former DNC chairwoman’s behavior is not only disturbing, it is unbecoming of a member of Congress who was entrusted with great responsibilities. By knowingly permitting the IT provider to remain employed and place our national security at risk, Wasserman Schultz’s actions border on criminally negligent.

For that, the punishment against her must be swift.

So what’s their preferred “punishment”?

Fortunately, Congress has the process of censure at their disposal. Censure is a formal and public reprimand of a member “whose actions run counter to the group’s acceptable standards for individual behavior.” Wasserman Schultz’s actions certainly fit that description.

So…. throwing fish at us to get us to slap our fins together, arf and honk our squeezy bulbs.

Recall Charlie Rangel was “censured” for his felonies, how’d that work out?

Censure is a lot more relaxing than you’d think.


Willful Ignorance!

A story in Newsweek says the bulk of Chinese trade with North Korea involves just ten Chinese companies. The working assumption is that those ten companies are so “connected” and powerful that even the Chinese government can’t influence them, or might not want to try.

Fair enough. That makes the government of China common observers in this drama. Embarrassing for them.

It’s a commie country, that means that “connected” companies are tools of the State. The murderous commie dictators of China are not “embarrassed”, they’re laughing their asses off at stupid westerners who seem to think that this is anything but what the murderous commie dictators want to do.

Can we go to war with 10 companies? Idiocy. Pure and simple. That’s like being confused that even though the PLO talks peace they keep sending their children at Israelis strapped with remote-detonated ‘suicide’ belts.


Watch Trey Gowdy. Explode At The GOP For Refusing To Repeal Obamacare After 7 Years Of Promises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

GOP voters device

Arf Arf Arf!

A reminder

He goes further: “To give the impression that if Republicans were in control of the House and Senate, that we could do that when Obama was still in office . . . .” His voice trails off and he shakes his head. “I never believed it.”

He says he wasn’t the only one aware of the charade: “We sort of all got what was going on, that there was this disconnect in terms of communication, because no one wanted to take the time out in the general public to even think about ‘Wait a minute—that can’t happen.’ ” But, he adds, “if you’ve got that anger working for you, you’re gonna let it be.”

Trey Gowdy is the cheerleader for… you guessed it!

Fuck em. I ain’t arfing until I see some prominent Dems in jail. Not fucking ‘censured’.


An Idea Whose Time Has Come!

This is how President Trump makes “The House of Cards” collapse. This is how President Trump ends Obamacare once and for all.

Executive Order #1: President Trump should issue an immediate Executive Order forcing every member of Congress to use the same healthcare plan as the rest of us. Let Senator McCain come off his high horse and live under the rules of Obamacare. Make every member of Congress live by same rules as the rest of us…

Except I’d include a provision that McCain has to go to the VA in Phoenix for his healthcare.

President Trump should issue an immediate Executive Order demanding disclosure of all financial interests and ownership in healthcare related companies or stock by every member of Congress- including all family members and offshore accounts. Failure to disclose will result in a long prison term.

Bwahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhaa. Beautiful, naive as the Dept. of “Justice” would be uninterested, but that’s Failure Theater I could get behind. It would further pull back the curtain.

The effect would be awesome. We’d see the politically connected suddenly be treated like the lumpen proletariat so they’d have to do something real instead of just symbolic. We’d see all our betters freak out and explain why Trump is a doody-head for making them live as they force us to and it would cement Trump’s popularity with the people who should matter, voters, but who don’t.

We’d also see the hilarity of minitrue freaking as they explain to Teh Peepul why Obamacare is so good for us and so bad for Important People!.

I do disagree with this.

P.S. Throw in a third plank. Term Limits. Limit each member of Congress to two terms. One term in office and one term in prison.

That should be in the Constitution. I blame James Madison for that.


Mike Huckabee, Mike fucking Huckabee, is the voice of reason!


One of the biggest reasons they gave for the 17th amendment was that many states were not appointing senators in a timely basis.

Be still my beating heart! How awesome would it be if say…Arizona had a problem with sending that fuckhead McCain and Mini-McCain, Jeff Flake, to the Senate.


While I agree with the headline, the body is a textbook example of attempting to insert willful ignorance into the mainstream.


El Paso Times Blames U.S. Government For Illegal Alien Deaths

Status: True! If we had some border and lack of governmental sanction of illegal immigration shit like that would happen far less often.

Body of the article.

Tens of thousands of migrants head to the United States in search of work each year, with many employers willing to hire them at a time of 4 percent unemployment in this country. But lack of political will has prevented the United States from creating any viable legal path to connect migrants and employers, increasing the power of the human smugglers in Mexico and Central America.

Status: False! You lying sacks of willful ignorance!

We have laws, we’re not enforcing them. As for the “4 percent unemployment”, as we’ve seen for a long time, that includes nearly 100 million people who have given up on getting a job.

But sure, let’s import a bunch of wogs to work cheap! Right minitrue? Them lawns ain’t gonna landscape themselves!


For those who haven’t been to the US side of Niagara Falls, there’s a reason people go to the Canadian side for vacation.

Niagara Falls State Park was packed with visitors around 4 p.m. Saturday when the foul-smelling, black discharge came billowing out into the Niagara River within sight of the base of the American Falls, alarming city businesses and tourists as it engulfed the shoreline from the Rainbow Bridge to the Maid of the Mist boat dock…

It turns out the discharge came from the Niagara Falls Waste Water Treatment Plant. The plant had the proper sewer discharge paperwork to release the volume of sewage and sediment that spewed into the river Saturday, according to the Niagara Falls Water Board.

Love Canal is in the town of Niagara Falls, all around the area are fenced off with warning signs

When I was 19 I hung out at Niagara University a lot, I grabbed a bunch of signs that said, “Warning! Area Of Chemical Contamination! Authorized Personnel Only!” I ran through some ‘wetlands’ to get them. Afterward, my Pumas were so white they were blue-tinged and my feet and socks were scoured clean.

NYS is uber corrupt and uber slimy, so as we see they okayed dumping sewage into the river. Because the power generation people are ‘Politically Powerful!’, or have deep pockets able to bribe slimy NY pols. Whichever formula you prefer, NYers are fucked.


This is cool, Roman Roads of Britain.

Suitable for framing. Guy’s selling posters if you’re interested.


It looks almost like DC’s Metro Map. I bet those roads blew up nearly as much as the DC Metro stations do so the comparison is apt. Apt! I say!