Archive for the ‘Caballero’ Category



I started this post a long time ago, ^that long ago. Stacy Abrams as Gigantor.  Or was it Gigantor as Stacy Abrams? 

I really should get photoshop, I can sorta use a really old version on a computer that I can’t get to boot up. 

So let’s start with another paint-shop. 

I got pretty upset the fucking foreskins wimped out. I actually had to call them the Redskins for a while. That was a bad week or two, but I think I came up for a great name for the Washington Football Team (wimps)

Can’t decide where to put the scissors, and just do a gelding or go for the package deal? 


Lest we forget in all this making fun of the Geldings, 

Lottsa old going on but some new since last we met. 

Let’s break out our trusty GOP voter device one last time for Bill Barr

GOP Voter Device

Barr’s leaving but he did his job, he got GOP voters arfing, slapping their fins and honking their squeezy bulbs but did absolutely jack and shit. And shit ran out of gum.

He could have done something like, ohh…….. arrest someone for all the fucking feloniously treasonous actions taken against Trump and now the election but he didn’t and now his job is done.

Ignoring that the machines used to cheat Joe into winning are blatantly set up to fucking cheat. Remember when Diebold was going to steal an election? As with everything the left accuses others of doing, they’re doing it.

Biden and his criminal family belong in jail but instead he has a good chance of becoming POTUS ,at least partially thanks to Barr (and all the other AGs) not doing his job.

Which brings us to PACO’s post It’s all about pissing me off.

2) Judges – even the highest in the land – are as susceptible to threats and intimidation as anyone, and the SCOTUS justices have calculated that there is more to fear from the Left than from the Right (see #1);

3) Judges refusing to do their job, for any reason, are demonstrating cowardice;

4) Any state (which I took to mean not only political sub-units of the U.S., such as Michigan or Pennsylvania, but the nation-state, as well) that cannot ensure a fair election deserves no respect whatsoever.

Exactly on point 4. I’d say there’s some blackmail and maybe fear but I’d bet there’s a lot more money involved in Roberts’ deal.

Our fine betters in the uniparty have no idea what they’re playing with. Everybody knows that the rule of law is dead now, how many law-abiding people are going to act accordingly?

The media and our political betters in the GOP and Dem party think they know what they’re doing, they’re smarter than we are after all, but I don’t think anybody knows what’s going to happen.

How will people resist the more and more random, unnecessary, confusing and yet blatantly controlling edicts coming out of so many pols’ mouth?

Who’s going to enforce their will?

The cops they’re been shitting on for a long fucking time? The ones who are leaving in droves?

Of course, that could be part of the plan, if I thought those idiots weren’t idiots. Get rid of cops who care and keep the young and malleable. I don’t know, that’s an interesting thought. ‘Interesting’ as in “unsettling.”

Are they counting on the military? To ignore the Constitution they take an oath on?

Yeah, about that.

That’s the military cheering Trump. As they do whenever they can. He hasn’t started any new wars and was getting us out of the endless wars around the world.

I can’t believe the military leadership wants us in fucking Syria. My long time plan still stands, give any and all jihadis a ride to the area of Syria of their choice, give them an AK, rpg or bomb vest as they get off the bus. We don’t need Americans dying in the bucket of scorpions. Somehow I think the people who’ve had to actually deal with syrian jihadis feel the same way.

So what’s the fucking point? Are they really expecting to use cops and the military to take our guns? I mean, sure Obama revamped our officer corps, but they’re not the ones out in the field to shoot Americans.

What the hell is going to happen next month? Seriously. People who think 2021 is going to be less bad than 2020, well, they’re going to have a rude awakening. 2021 is going to be fucking interesting.

The worst part? I have to watch what I say and wearing Trump gear is actually an act of bravery in many places. That’s fucked up.

And getting fucked uppeter.

How fucked uppeter? Firefly reimagined by Disney. That’s how far up we are fucked.

My source tells me that Disney is in early development on a Firefly reboot.  The new show would start the story of Captain Mal Reynolds and his crew aboard the Serenity over from scratch, with an aim to make this a long-running series on Disney+.  There is a twist here and the twist is that they see the show as ideal family-friendly programming for Disney+.  My source tells me they’re planning to target it more at a PG-adventure, family audience and less at the sort of PG-13 dynamic the original Joss Whedon show went for.

Although I shouldn’t pick on Disney, there isn’t really anybody who could do it and not make it cringe-worthy. Joss Whedon is a lefty tool, he’d make a subplot where Mal goes crazy because all anti-gov’t types are one shot of whiskey away from killing everyone in sight to people like him.

Caballero story, it’s been sitting for a long time. The gas tank is leaking. My Mustang needed work and other stuff has needed money. I’ve taken a while off from throwing money down the caballero’s exhaust. I hope heyzeus is happy now.

Eh, I thought I had more links, but really, what is there to talk about right now?

Well, the debt that’s getting ridicudebtacular. We blew past $30 trillion like nothing. We’ll be $40 trillion in debt by 2023 or 2024. Seriously, how long can we go when we’ll be borrowing money to pay just the interest on our debt?

I didn’t foresee exactly what happened, but about 15 years ago I started wishing for an asteroid strike. I really think it would have been less destructive than what’s about to happen.

So, how’s your week going?

I knew I shouldn’t have pissed off Oprah

That thing hanging down isn’t the headliner or a bee’s nest, it’s a swarm of bees

They flew up and dove right into the car.



In better times, it looks like this

Thanks to hey for locating the picture.

So what have I been doing? After school I went through 3 jobs that sucked. One that was 12 hour shifts running a gigantic mill. It was a sweat shop, no sitting or leaning. 4 12-hour days followed by 4 days off. I couldn’t sleep and didn’t like working on a few hours sleep. Then, I went to a wood router place, 10 hour days. Nother sweat shop deal, just constantly putting parts in and taking them out. There were two tables and each one was done before I got the other one loaded. Pass.

I went to a call center place, people calling Verizon to get their phone turned back on. I almost made it through training and got some virus that had me coughing like made for a week. I never went back.

Now, I’m working at a nice CNC shop. Loading parts, running the machine and also doing inspection to make sure the parts are to spec. I’ll be doing just inspection sometime during the summer. I work 3 to 12:30 and I’m still trying to figure out my schedule. I’m planning on tubing at night when I get home, maybe I’ll do some more posts.

They have a bunch of machines, mostly HAAS, but two sitting next to each other cracked me up.

Wall E!

Eeeeee Va!

A school story. I met a Marine snowflake. Seriously, I didn’t think it was possible. He just kept whining at me and screwing with me and then complaining to the instructors about me.

In the last incident I was using one of 4 depth gauges while using a grinder. The tolerance was .0005 inches (five ten thousandths, or ‘tenths’) so I would make a couple passes and check with the depth gauge. So the guy came over and asked if he could use the depth gauge, I told him I needed it so grab one of the others. He took it anyway. So when I needed it I went to get it back from him and he started giving me shit.
“You’re affecting my ability to do my work!” he said.

“Yeah, and you’re doing that to me. Why don’t you get another gauge and let me use the one I had?”

So he had called me names, dick, insufferable boor, and more, so I finally got sick of it and said, “You whiny little bitch, just give me the fucking gauge.” He started yelling, which got the instructors involved.


I had to fill out a form about the problem. I basically wrote that we had a problem but it was over and we should just leave each other alone. Apparently, his was a little different.

So we had a meeting with the instructors where I said I had no problem and he said I should be kicked out because I was bullying him. Now, I’m in my 50s and gained  a bunch of weight not working for a year, he’s in his late 20s or early 30s, in shape and a fucking retired Marine sergeant. And I was bullying him.

So we both signed something that said it was over.

A week later, I found out it wasn’t over. He had taken it to the next level. I had rewrite my form because I looked guilty because I didn’t have a problem. So another meeting. Again, I thought it was over. Then I found out he had taken it to the dean and was still trying to get me kicked out.  For bullying.

It was still going on when the class ended. The last 2 months were fucking stressful as I was crybullied by a fucking retired Marine sergeant.

I’d tube but really, it’s all the same shit. I did see a press conference by Dems about Obamacare about how the lawsuit against it was going to Take Healthcare Away From Americans!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t realize they were still spewing those blatant, idiotic lies.

About the only new things are that China is sending troops to Venezuela.

I’m still not sure whose side they’ll be on. They want the Panama canal and Vladivostok area, they could try to ally with us to get us to cede them the canal and ignore Vladivostok, or they could demand concessions from Russia for same.

Should be interesting. Like, global war interesting. As the Dems are screeching about whatever idiocy they’re screeching about that day and the GOP is busy Doing The People’s Business!!!!!!!!!!

We be boned.

Have fun!

So why the post? I have a Caballero story that I just had to share with anybody following the Caballero Trials.

The last year went much as previous, requiring $500 to $1,000 every now and then. It would run great for a while, then not so much. Electrical system, suspension and other stuff. The alternator went out last week so I had it replaced but I’ve had problems with the Holley carb. I got it back, drove it to work and back, about 27 miles roundtrip, and smelled gas. The carb is leaking gas on the manifold. So back to the garage. They fixed it fairly quickly so today my buddy went to pick it up. He said as he drove up he saw people spraying it with something white, at first he thought it had caught on fire and they were putting it out.

No such luck. They said a cloud of bees, AZ only has killer bees anymore, flew up and went right into the car. No, really. Fucking killer bees infested my fucking car.

Artist’s rendition

Now I need to find an exorcist I guess. Maybe I should have done that first. Eh, you live and you learn.

Since we’re here, let’s tube!

Staying with Wrath of God stuff, I do have to wonder if Bill Kristol, erstwhile creator of Kristollnacht, visited the Oracle at Delphi and got the same oracle as Croesus. If you go to war with Trump, a mighty empire shall fall! And sure enough, an empire fell.

When last we tubed it was all the same stuff just a different day. So what do we have today? All the same stuff becoming painfully obvious even to the most obtuse but our fine betters in the media and the We’re Better and Smarter Than You party pretending it’s not actually true.

The puppy blenders’ cobs usually just self promote or are really Elite and so, inside the bubble so they believe all the stuff the Elite believe. This post about Mueller cracks me up.

“The most overlooked aspect is how the 2016 DOJ/FBI investigative unit that existed to investigate Trump before the election, is the same group of people who transferred into Mueller’s probe in 2017 to continue investigating Trump after the election.  It always seems odd to me that people don’t realize this very basic point.

Wait’ll they find out they’re the same people who ‘investigated’ Hillary. Boy will they be surprised!

It’s essential reading and will make for a fascinating comparison when the Mueller Report becomes public.

Essential reading for those who still think the Wash Post is “center left” and CNN is a news organization I guess.

Which leads to this

A majority of Americans now believe that the special counsel’s investigation into whether President Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election was “politically motivated,”

Normal people who tried to pay attention are realizing all the Conspiracy Theorists Who Must Be Ignored and Dismissed were actually pretty darn accurate. What happens when normal Americans figure out what was going on and watch as there are no repercussions for blatant feloniizing and possible treason in an attempted coup?


Sancho My Horse! My Armor!

Judicial Watch Sues for Details of an Intelligence Office Meeting with FBI Regarding Security Threats Caused by Hillary Clinton’s Illicit Email System

Windmills a billion, Judicial Watch, eh,a  couple close ones but still no jail time for felonious treason. I do stand by my idea of firing everybody in the Dept of “Justice” GS-12 up ( maybe GS-9?) and replacing them with the fine folks at Judicial Watch.

This ain’t helpful either.

‘We’ve never seen anything like this’: As Trump threatens to close border, migrants overwhelm Texas cities

Jebus, as our fine betters declare There Is No Emergency!!!!!!!! and try to stop him.

People who are mad at Trump for not building a wall yet have to understand he’s alone. The GOP is against it as much as the Dems.

I do wonder what happens After Trump. AT we’re on our own again except our fine betters will be working overtime to make sure we don’t get that sense of independence and uppitiness that gave us Trump and there aren’t many people who would be on our side who have the money, notoriety and balls Trump has. Rush for POTUS? Kurt Schlichter? Veeshir? Having the NY Times uncover much of my 20s would be kinda interesting.

What with all the noticing of reality by normal folks it could get interesting.

Like Yellow Vest interesting.

Yellow vest activists protested across France on Saturday to support an activist injured last week in a confrontation with police and to show that they remain mobilized against the government’s economic policies.

The demonstrators were undeterred by police protest bans or repeated injuries in 20 weeks of demonstrations.


I don’t watch the news much, but I have not seen anything at all about that even though EUnuchs have been protesting a gov’t for 20 weeks, that’s nearly 5 months. And people are getting attacked by the gov’t. Normal people, not “youths” having a car-b-que.

I didn’t see this when it happened and it’s fucking hilarious.

France recalled its ambassador to Italy on Thursday in protest after Italy’s deputy prime minister met near Paris this week with prominent members of the antigovernment yellow-vest movement

That’s funny. The Italians aren’t really happy with EUnuchs.

Our media isn’t covering it much so we don’t get any ideas.

They really need to understand that,  as someone said, normal Americans have two modes, go along to get along and kill them all!. Just ask Nazis and Imperial Japan.

The whole, Jussie Smollet deal is not helping keep us unriled. This op-ed by the Friend of Jussie who “colloquially recused” herself (read: Not Recused herself) is pretty darn infuriatingly hilarious.

So, why isn’t Smollett in prison or at least on trial? There are two different answers to this, both equally important….

First, the law. There were specific aspects of the evidence and testimony presented to the office that would have made securing a conviction against Smollett uncertain… (A blatant lie V)

” These felonies are routinely resolved, particularly in cases involving suspects with no prior criminal record, long before a case ever nears a courtroom and often without either jail time or monetary penalties (but always with the defendant admitting guilt, not proclaiming his innocence and blasting police V)

I am also afraid when I see CPD resources used to initially cover up the shooting death of Laquan McDonald. (SQUIRREL!!!! V)

Since it seems politically expedient right now to question my motives and actions,  (possibly, but also blatantly rational V)


Okay, that’s both infuriatingly smug and yet, strangely hilarious that she thinks it’s an excuse.


She’s also not a pizza.


In Get Out Your Squeezy Bulb!!!!!! news

House Republicans Demand Action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The letter is especially stunning coming from all GOP members of the committee, including moderate Republicans such as Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

Their voices join House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) in calling for Schiff’s resignation as chairman

Stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I still ain’t arfing.


Keeping with DougM , he wonders if the Venezuelan secret policeman’s HQ catching on fire is a Reichstag Fire deal.

Late stage socialist is hard to figure out.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence but is it Maduro going after ‘dissidents’? Is it a Reichstag Fire? Is it Revolución?
I’m not sure if Hamas is in Venezuela, but isn’t Hezbollah? That would be kinda funny.

With the Russians there, you have to wonder about them.

Tsar Putin I is, of course, a murderous, medievil tyrant, so you have to include him in the mix. Recall his tsarlings routinely poison their opponents in true, Let’s Get Rasputin!, fashion. So I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like that to try to get an SSR, or whatever tsars call them, in South America. Either Maduro or his successor becomes Putin’s tsarling. He’s possibly madder at Reagan than the NY Times over stopping Russia in central and South America. The fact that Venezuela is looking all middle ages only reinforces this.

If that’s happening, I wonder what Putin’s thinking about our poofy-haired maniac?

I figure he’s thinking war is not Trump’s forte, no matter how many mobsters he’s had to bribe and hang out with to get stuff done in NYC and NJ, and his Sec Def, Patrick Shanahan, is a Boeing exec whose job is to build up the military. That’s not exactly a pairing that would strike fear into the heart of the first KBG Tsar. I could see Trump finding a Pinochet to help turn a lot of commies into good commies. Now that would be funny.

Okay, who here thinks it would be funny if WWIII began in a place where WWs I and II were barely fought? Yeah, it is sorta ironic and oh so 20teens.

China, busily trying to take over the Panama Canal by importing millions of Chinese, might get involved to just keep things rolling. I’m not sure which side they’d be on. They do want Vladivostok area pretty badly but Japan would be on our side and they don’t like the Japanese.

That’s the kind of thing that keeps it all interesting.


A silly question

To the mattresses. Jebus, where have you been for the last 10 years?

Now some things that piss me off.

First, the No Knock Raid is a scourge on our nation.

A guy called SWAT on another guy over Call of Duty (the wrong guy as it turns out), and the swattee was killed and the first guy got ten years in jail. Now, I’m not defending the swatter, I’m as against that as I can be, but what about the SWAT guys who went all gung-ho on an anonymous phone call and

“We were told that someone had an argument with their mother, and dad was accidentally shot and that now that person was holding brother, sister, and mother hostage,” a police official told reporters at a spontaneous press conference after the shooting. He said that a 28-year-old man—later identified by family as Andrew Finch—”came to the front door” and “one of our officers discharged his weapon,” killing Finch.


Yeah, the gun must have just ‘gone off, no, the fucking guy shot an unarmed dude in his doorway over an anonymous phone call

No reason for the shooting was given.

Yeah, we know the reason, because fuck you is why.

and there were no repercussions for the cop. That pisses me off. Sure they were used, but they went all Tacticool over an anonymous phone call. Why not call the house and ask for Joe? See what happens? Nah, let’s get dressed up in our tacticool battle gear and get all adrenalined up and go knock down some doors! Eh, I guess we’re lucky they didn’t bring in the MRAPs.

Man does that piss me off nearly as much as asset forfeiture.

And lastly (shut up), this really pisses me off.

A Bernie Bro-ette accuses Biden of stuff we all knew about and it’s News!!!!!! but it’s not news that it’s a Bernie Bro-ette.

Which, with this other data point

Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute president and author of bestselling book “Clinton Cash” — a book that played a pivotal role in the 2016 election — has a new investigative book on government corruption that involves a series of accusations involving billions of dollars against some major political players, including former Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State John Kerry, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


shows the knives are out for Biden and possibly J Effen Kerry.

I really wanted to see Biden in the No! I’m More Stupider!!!! Dem primary with Elder Statesman Kerry maybe throwing his chapeau in the ring. Oh well.

So what did we learn today?

Arizona’s carolina locusts are lazy gets who outsource their Wrath of God to killer bees.