Archive for January, 2017

Via a not so lonely libertarian, we see this.


What were we doing nearly 8 years ago?

Getting totally sick of Obama pre-empting prime-time TV every other day while not keeping any of his campaign promises at all.

What are we doing now?

Laughing our asses off as Trump works his way through his campaign promises while Minitrue and the We’re Better and Smarter Than You Party freaks the fuck out.

McCain emerges as Trump’s top Republican nemesis in Congress!!!!

Well, McCain and little lord graham

IBD asks if people are going to keep freaking out every time Trump keeps a campaign promise.

Yes, yes they will.

Concerned members of the media claim that President Donald Trump is abusing them psychologically in order to drive them insane, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Pundits say that Trump and his henchman are “gaslighting” them, taking a cue from a Teen Vogue article that CNN’s Don Lemon called “hard hitting.” The term comes from the 1944 movie Gaslight, where a malevolent husband (Charles Boyer) tricks his wife (Ingrid Bergman) into believing she is nuts.

“[Gaslighting is] a form of psychological abuse where the victim is manipulated to doubt their own sanity,” said Lauren Duca, author of the Teen Vogue article.

“Is Donald Trump gaslighting us?” asked CNN correspondent Brian Stelter. “Does he know what gaslighting means?”


Now, the whole, “He’s being mean to us!!!!” is funny enough but Teen Vogue? Seriousfuckingly? Teen Vogue?

Jebus. Teen Vogue. It’s gonna take me a minute to get past that.

Okay, I’m back.

Another hilarious thing is that this surprises all the Elite Of Our Society!!!

Most voters approve of President Trump’s temporary halt to refugees and visitors from several Middle Eastern and African countries until the government can do a better job of keeping out individuals who are terrorist threats.

So what you’re saying is that the people who elected Trump because they hoped he meant what he said are happy he meant what he said and is doing it?



This next bit is one of my favorites of the Trump Era. Since acting morally-superior and condescending didn’t work during the election, let’s double down. That’s sure to work!

They’ve obviously never heard the truism that you don’t reinforce defeat.

Since Social Justice Warmongering worked so well for the NFL this year (even playoff ratings tumbled), Annheuser Busch decides to explain to me that there is more than one reason I don’t want to drink their shitty beers.


The obvious subtext is that if you’re against illegal immigration and importing terrorists, you’re against ‘Murica.

Trump’s 2020 re-election committee is hard at work. The best part? They’re pretty much the same people who financed his 2016 campaign.



Nonna y’all got in on my windmill-powered airplanes and now it’s too late. Sonomobatch. It was such a good idea too. It was the perfect blend of stupid and ignorant. So stupid that ignorant fools would think it sounded smart and when we were done we’d have a couple Mosquito bombers and P-51 Mustangs.

Since it’s too late, I figure I’ll go for a socio-mathematical grant.

Before I get into that, I want to talk about a Kindle book I just read. It’s called “We are legion, we are Bob” by Dennis Taylor.

The blurb at Amazon says something about a guy freezing his head, becoming property, being put on a hard-drive and the becoming the AI for a probe. Some more about it below. No real spoilers, just why I like the book and you will too.

So Bob is a sci-fi geek who sold his Internet company for a metric boatload of money and now he’s very rich. He’s all excited he can get an all access pas for a sci-fi con and he pays to have his head frozen (because they’ll be able to grow you a new body by then!!!), dies, gets frozen and wakes up on a hard-drive, they destroyed his head in doing that.

He’s tested for suitability, and non-going-crazy-ability, to be the guiding intelligence of a von neumann probe, a self-replicating factory deal that you send to somewhere and it builds more stuff, he’s supposed to go out and build colonies. 

He goes out and the first thing he does is build more Bobs, they have to take a different name, since they’re sci-fi geeks, their names are Bender, Homer, Khan and stuff, but they’re all ‘Bobs’. 

The new Bobs help control all factories and ‘roamers’ and stuff, then they all get their own ships and some go out and start over.

By the end of the book there are probably 20 or more Bobs running around the galaxy fighting enemies, building colonies and just doing geeky, sci-fi stuff. It’s a very fun book. I bet a dollar Ringo, Kratman, the Davids Drake and Weber and a few others will want to get into that Universe. It’s just fun. I want to be Bob. So go the the puppy blender, the motheship or someone who makes money off Amazon sales and get it. It’s either 2.99 or 3.99.


So, on to my fascinating new mathematics field and some of you might be able to get in on the ground floor!

In light of the OUTRAGE!!!!! by our fine media betters,

At the moment there are so many outrages, executive orders, protests, and controversies that none of them can get enough oxygen in our brains. I can’t obsess about problem X because the rest of the alphabet is coming at me at the same time.


I figured that Trump could use something  to quantify exactly how to get the most minitrue-freaking-frothiness out of each action he plans on taking without going too far.

So he can maximize the number of ‘ha’s for each of our ‘bwa’s.

The equation I’ve developed is F=MA


F=Frothiness, M=Mania, A=Aggresiveness

M=P/I, P=Passion, I=Intelligence,

A=Aggressiveness for or against the object, Trump’s actions in this case. I can’t figure out the components for A, but it will involve education-level and partisanship. Judging from the last 16 years, I don’t think I’ll need the actual merits of any action to determine how much for or against it most partisans will be, I’ll just have to figure out how to quantify their partisanship.

High levels of education (PhD or JD for instance) will actually be the same multiplier as very little education. Too much education is just as bad as too little, that’s how we got Krugman.


As you can see, M is much easier to figure out. The lower the intellect the higher the M in general so I’ll focus on just F=M=P/I. As I get a baseline, I can start to figure out the A. It might even be a constant as the components equal out, mulitiplicatively speaking.

For instance,  I would guess Hannity and the Wash Post have the same absolute value for the multiplier, as I’d guess Hannity is averagely educated for a journalist and he’s about as intelligent, they’d be positive and negative values of course, i.e., mirrored around a center much like the number line.

Nancy Pelosi has just about the highest recorded M. Her intellect is exceedingly low, combined with her high level of public-consumption-intended Passion index and you get an M that approaches infinity and thus, her F (frothiness) will also approach infinity.

Nancy Pelosi on today’s vote: “What we’re trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”

That’s almost infinitely stupid.

I think I’m on to something!

In the age of Trump, the former Speaker of the House sounded positively nostalgic about working with President George W. Bush, who she once called a “total failure” in 2008. “What else did we work with him on?” Pelosi asked out loud before listing the TARP Wall Street bailouts

That’s her bragging. No really, she claimed she’s proud of working with W and bailing out Wall Street. She’s basically just frothing at the mouth until words come out. A million monkeys taking a million hits of acid would probably say similar stuff.


So how is it useful?

Take the first integral, or F1. That’s the ‘velocity’ or speed at which the froth flows.

F1= (F2/2) +C

Where C=Time elapsed in Trump’s presidency. Now, I’ve decided to use millifroths so I can use days for C. Notice the longer Trump is in office, the higher the minimum ‘velocity’ of froth. By the end of his second term all you’ll have to do is write the letter “T” and any CNN anchor will be all



Notice in the second integral, the ‘acceleration’ or how quickly the frother becomes frothy, the elapsed time is now multiplied by the frothiness.

I’m trying to get it to work so the “+ C” in the second integral is 1/(days left until Trump leaves office).

That way, the longer Trump is in office the higher the baseline acceleration for frothiness. That would show that near the end of his second term, by the time you get halfway through writing the “T”, the Wash Post will already be working up a full scale FAKE NEWS BLITZ-KRY and wetting themselves.


Trump could use this to precisely calculate the effect of things he wants to do as his POTUSy passes.

I figure that’s worth a couple $million grant.

Who’s in?



Posted: January 30, 2017 by Moron Pundit in Uncategorized

I’m told by people I quite respect that the Left and the Right are equally responsible for the degradation of political discourse in this country.


Show me, honestly, a counter example to this from the Right:

Show me a mob of masked thugs walk right into a public place and nearly murder a man in broad daylight without so much as an arrest.

I understand the desire for neutrality when both sides don’t represent your specific politics.  But to say that both sides are equally vile in the public space is to be willfully blind.

Men hidden in black masks are assaulting people in broad daylight on a regular basis.  There is nothing similar happening from the other side, primarily because the media only gives cover to one side.

It MUST stop.  Period.  And pretending a strongly worded letter at AoSHQ is equivalent is absurd.

They’ve Chosen Their Hill

Posted: January 30, 2017 by Moron Pundit in Uncategorized

So, the Left has decided that this very temporary, very targeted delay of immigration and refugee resettlement is where they are going to die.  This far and no further.

Doesn’t matter that Obama picked the countries or that he put a full ban on refugees from Iraq for 6 months in 2011.  Or that he sucked all the time and often had a penis in his face*.

Every time the Left shouts that something is ‘unprecedented,’  you should immediately investigate because I guarantee it happened in the past decade.  You just couldn’t invent a group of people with a less-complete grasp on even recent history.  The fact that the media is even less informed is the kind of thing that breaks one’s spirit when defending one’s republic.

At any rate, there is nothing even remotely unconstitutional or discriminatory (by historical standards) about the order and it turns out, contrary to the batshit insane response by professional agitators,  a plurality of American voters support it.

Suck on that, Lefties.  Suck it long.  And suck it hard.

And for the love of G-d, read a fucking book once in a while.

* – According to the visual historical record.

Surprising nobody, Chuck Todd admits the obvious

NBC’s Chuck Todd confessed that he and others in the mainstream news media played down just how despised Hillary Clinton was in the heartland…

Then denies it.

…due to the fear of appearing “sexist.”

No, you played it down because you were trying to get the Golden Cow elected and lying about her was your best chance. Although an alternate explanation would be, “Due to fear of our fine, tolerant lefty friends ripping us limb from limb if we told the truth about the Golden Cow.


I am sorry I missed this one last week.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told the Washington Post in August that he chews and swallows a massive amount of Orbit’s cinnamon flavored gum.

A Google news search of “cinnamon gum” leads to numerous stories written this week about the press secretary’s habit, which Spicer has said has been cleared by his personal doctor. Trevor Noah even took time out of his failing broadcast to “mercilessly skewer” Spicer for chewing so much gum.

Some outlets such as Washingtonian, which put six reporters  on the task…

Seriously? Gum-gate? They’re just flailing around, trying to make something, ANYTHING!!!!, stick.


I guess it depends on what you mean by that.

Media’s Trump hysteria is doing more harm than good

So what’s he mean?

Though these “scoops” sound jaw-dropping, they often fall apart the moment an ounce of scrutiny is applied. This is obviously bad for consumers who just want the news. It’s also bad for an industry whose credibility is already greatly diminished.
But rather than learning from experience, and applying a greater measure of caution to sensational-sounding news reports, many in the press are still rushing to share stories that keep turning out to be overblown.

I’d say it’s working to make journalists look like the partisan lying sacks of ignorant shit they are, so it’s doing much more good than harm. Identifying a problem is the first step in putting all those assholes on unemployment.


The funniest part, for me, is watching them screech about Trump Destroying Press Freedom after 9 years of Obama’s assault on a fully compliant media. It was ridiculous for him to attack them, but he’s a Chicago-machine fuckhead, that’s what they do.

But if we’re to take these apostles of press freedom seriously, they should first explain why the Trump Administration is worse than the Obama Administration.

After all, the Obama Administration literally tried imprisoning an uncooperative journalist, monitored journalists’ every digital move, and “hammered” at least one challenging reporter with IRS audits.

Shove your hate and lies up your ass Minitrue.

He had probably one tough interview in 9 years, and how did it go?

Shortly after I did my April 2012 interview with President Obama, my wife, friends and some viewers suggested that I might need to watch out for the IRS.
I don’t accept “conspiracy theories”, but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.
At the time, I dismissed the “co-incidence”, but now, I have concerns … after revelations about the IRS targeting various groups and their members.
Originally, the IRS apologized for red-flagging conservative groups and their members if they had “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their name.
Today, there are allegations that the IRS focused on various groups and/or individuals questioning or criticizing government spending, taxes, debt or how the government is run … any involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the constitution and bill of rights, or social economic reform/movement.

But Trump is The Worst Thing Ever because he treats the media like the lying sacks of partisan shit they are.


Let’s look at our fine media betters’ standard standard.

It’s been funny watching them have to admit that the Billion Wymyn’s March was a leftist/partisan progfest, but they’re still trying to hide the hate and evil coming from it.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a victim of female, genital mutilation. In other words, some 7th century savage already savaged her vagina with a piece of broken glass.

The worst evil our media does is hide the evil of people who would happily behead them for their views.

This article wonders why our fine media betters treat billionaire preppers differently from non-super-rich preppers.

I’ll explain. They suck the dick of lefties and hate people who don’t believe in their religion.


Something else our fine media betters are uninterested in, Democrat-Voter-Fraud.

Illegal alien voters combined with dead and “multiple state” voters could easily explain Clinton’s “popular vote” margin over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, especially considering that her “victory” came from Democratic-controlled counties known for illegal immigration and loose voter ID laws such as in New York and California.

“A report by the Pew Center on the States finds that more than 1.8 million dead people are currently registered to vote, and 24 million registrations are either invalid or inaccurate,” NPR reported in 2012, which is ironic given how NPR is heavily controlled by Democrats.

And many of the dead, registered voters somehow keep voting Democrat from beyond the grave, most recently in Philadelphia, Penn. and Colorado.

The dead and illegals vote Democrat, except in Mississippi, where GOP types like Haley Barbour, act like Dems (as we can recall from the run-off where they bused in Dem voters to beat the Republican),


Law & Order: Special EUnuchs Unit!


A popular crime drama on German state TV featured a storyline where a group of ethnic Germans molested a Muslim woman in the streets.

The show, named “Tatort,” aired earlier this month on the taxpayer funded ARD network.

“Notice that this whole episode focuses on evil right-wingers and a bunch of happyfaced refugees,” the YouTube uploader wrote in the description to the video.

“In fact they show this woman getting beaten up after having tried to apply at the German Police. Just wat.”

Because they always have to have the same “twist” where the real terrorists are westerners.

Taxpayer funding for a show that hates on taxpayers is a nice touch.

By “Nice” I mean, “That’s why we have Trump.”


Thank Heaven for Maria the Dildo-Dipper! Minitrue is going to need a lot of woobies from all the losing they’re going to be doing.


For the rest of us, The universe giveth!

There are Giant Clouds of Alcohol Floating in Space…

the cloud is 1000 times larger than the diameter of our solar system. It contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400 trillion trillion pints of beer. To down that much alcohol, every person on earth would have to drink 300,000 pints each day—for one billion years.

And the Universe taketh away!

Sadly, for those of you planning an interstellar pub crawl, the cloud is 58 quadrillion miles away (10,000 light-years V, loose shit fixed). It’s also a cocktail of 32 compounds, some of them as nasty as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia.




An object at laugh


Will stay at laugh.


An object at Froth



Tends to stay at Froth.


Picture Post!

Perception is everything.


Contrary to what you were told



Reality, she is a bitch.



So…classy or do you think Abbi has some…history?



He who laughs last thinks slowest.



Socialism For The Win!



Just cuz it ain’t as endy doesn’t mean it’s not even fucking funnier.

No, really. That happened.


How the press sees Trump


How Trump sees the press



How I see the left



We’re waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp of an agenda being born!


What A Difference An Election Makes

Posted: January 27, 2017 by veeshir in Uncategorized

6 months ago I was pretty sure by now I’d be living in the mountains eating the dog but here I am, with a simple, chronic boner that just won’t go away. It’s a funny old world.

I keep putting a different story first, this is the latest one I think should go first.

If native English speakers are having trouble processing Trump-speak, think of the challenges facing foreign translators and interpreters, who must grapple with the president’s verbal idiosyncrasies and make them understandable in another language.

America First baby!

That does leave a conundrum. Is Trump going to be stupid and evil (Trump-Speak is teh stupid), or is he going to just stay evil?


Steyn says, “A New Dawn, A New Don!”

As for who would succeed the 44th President, it was perfectly obvious to me three years ago that Americans wanted something more than just another round of Bush vs Clinton:…
Well, for one thing, all the donors keep throwing bazillions of dollars at them. As The Washington Postreported:

Fluent in Spanish, Bush has credibility within the Hispanic community that could help broaden his coalition. He also has the gravitas many Republicans say is required to compete with former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democrats’ leading potential contender…

“He’s the most desired candidate out there,” said another bundler, Brian Ballard, who sat on the national finance committees for Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. “Everybody that I know is excited about it.”

Not me:

The guys who picked last season’s loser are already excited about next season’s loser. How exciting is that?

My favorite part has been all the people telling Trump what he had to do to win the election, he didn’t listen, and now they’re telling him what he has to do to succeed. He’s ignoring them and it’s really pissing off the Karl, We Know How To Win Elections Dammit!!!!!, Rove crew.


Sioux say, White Man Go Home!

After a unanimous vote Friday, leaders of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe issued a statement asking all Dakota Access Pipeline protestors to vacate their camps by Jan. 30 and to cancel plans for a winter camp. The tribal council is prepared to ask federal law enforcement to help aid in the evacuation, their Facebook statement adds.

Don’t they know they need white people to keep them authentically Native American? Haven’t they watched Avatar or Dances with Wolves?


Yesterday I was pretty sure the Border Patrol asshole who left,that most of Minitrue was acting as if it was a slap in Trump’s face, was told to Git!, I wuz right.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan has been asked to step down as the agency moves toward tougher enforcement of immigration laws under the Trump administration, a Department of Homeland Security official told Reuters on Thursday.

Every news article about what Trump’s done, is gonna do or is doing is going to be full of lies, distortions and wishful ‘thinking’, so do not accept any of them.

Nother example.

The Trump administration had nothing to do with the memo to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), reports ScienceInsider. ARS officials released a short memo in advance of a USDA-wide memo with the same provision “included in a January 2009 memo from Tom Vilsack after he was confirmed as agriculture secretary under President Barack Obama.”

ARS chief of staff Sharon Drumm, however, used the “wrong phrase” to describe “standard operating practice at USDA,” said ARS communications chief Christopher Bentley.

So in other words, the only difference is that Trump means it.

There are few things that piss off bureaucrats and politicians more than when someone means what they say.


How about some totally not biased news from middle of the road ‘journalists’?

As President Donald Trump took office Friday, police in the nation’s capital walloped protesters, reporters and legal observers with batons and doused them with skin-burning pepper spray as projectiles sporadically flew in the other direction.

The pic that goes with the story seems to point out that they were less ‘non-violent’ than ‘violent’ and those projectiles that “sporadically flew”? Must have been just from some Trump supporters.

But other journalists — including Vocativ producer Evan Engel, RT journalist Alex Rubinstein and reporter Aaron Cantu, who has written for VICE, The Intercept, Al Jazeera America and other outlets — were taken to jail and charged with felony rioting, which carries a maximum 10 years in prison and a large fine.

Just middle of the road, totally non-violent, lefty rioters!


Yesterday our fine media betters, like Shep, were freaking out over Trump investigating Dem voter fraud, Shep even went so far as to declare that Foxnews Knows Of No Instances Of Illegal Alien Voter Fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Foxnews

President Trump has announced that his administration will be launching a major investigation of voter fraud, including those who are registered in more than one state, “those who are illegal” and those voters who are dead but still registered. This followed a media firestorm in which the New York Times and others (Shep at Foxnews V) called Trump’s assertion a “lie.”

What we do know, despite assertions to the contrary, is that voter fraud is a problem, and both sides of the political aisle should welcome a real investigation into it — especially since the Obama administration tried so hard for eight years to obfuscate the issue and prevent a real assessment.

So what you’re saying is that Shep is a lying sack of willfully ignorant ‘journalist’?

Who else thinks he’s a lying sack of moe-ron?

Hillary Clinton garnered more than 800,000 votes from noncitizens on Nov. 8, an approximation far short of President Trump’s estimate of up to 5 million illegal voters but supportive of his charges of fraud.

They lie, and they lie and then they call others liars. If you read that article, it’s a ‘guesstimate’ base on polling. Of illegal aliens who, I’m totally sure, will totally honestly answer any questions about their illegality.

Who else thinks Shep is an ignorant fool of a Geraldo-apprentice?

The second video in Project Veritas’ “Rigging the Election” series was released Tuesday, and, in the words of Project Veritas Action President James O’Keefe, it’s “so damning, we’ll have corporate media forced to cover this. Even if they’re dragged kicking and screaming.”

In this video, a Democratic operative explains how they commit mass voter fraud.

Anybody who isn’t a sucker of lefty-talking points, that’s who.


Let’s do some furriner news!

Germany can’t figure out something about multi-culturalism.

Germany is on the frontline of controversial debate that has put European governments in a quandary – whether to recognise child marriage….

Germany, which only allows marriage at 18 unless a family court intervenes,…

How about follow your laws no matter what the 7th-century savages you’ve been importing have to say?


The biggest impediment to a regime of peace, love and tolerance the world over is only being stopped by one thing, and German and French EUnuchs know what and who it is!

Chancellor Merkel of Germany and President Hollande of France have met in Berlin, preoccupied with a need for European unity in the face of threats at home and abroad, not least with President Trump now in the White House.

Angela Merkel spoke of new challenges in defending a “free society” and “free trade”, referring to a global context where “the world changes radically and quickly”.

Brexit was also on their minds as European leaders prepare for a summit next


Teh Peepul, yearning to get EUnuch heels off their throats.


I don’t know if this is real, I hope so.

Good News

We have started filming The Gosnell Movie

Thank You

They  crowd-sourced it because Hollywood was totally uninterested in making money on a movie that goes against their religion.

I try to be fairly well-informed but I found out stuff about that Gosnell that I had never heard. He kept baby’s feet in jars and sick shit like that.

This movie is going to get all sorts of free advertising as minitrue tries to destroy it. Unless they’ve learned and they ignore it.

I’m unsure minitrue can learn so I expect the extreme Frothing!!!! stuff.


Mugshots can be funny but one does not match the others.


That guy in the lower left is smiling. The rest don’t look too happy.


When Will I Fucking Learn?

Posted: January 26, 2017 by veeshir in Fun With Media, Liberal FAIL, minitrue madness

Seriously, no matter how often I show Minitrue to be a bunch of lying sacks of shit, I still trust them!?!?!?!

Important Update! Original post moved below the fold!!!

I misread the twitter thing.


Assuming the Hill is accurate, it’s not “Business as usual”, it’s even more awesome than I imagined.

They didn’t quit.

In a statement, acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner said all of the politically appointed officers were asked to submit letters of resignation, something he said was typical in a transition.

“Of the officers whose resignations were accepted, some will continue in the Foreign Service in other positions, and others will retire by choice or because they have exceeded the time limits of their grade in service,” Toner said in the statement.

I’ve had to let out the crotches on all  my pants.



It’s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that’s incredibly difficult to replicate,” David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry, told The Post.

Earlier this year, it emerged that Trump’s team had asked all politically-appointed U.S. ambassadors to clear out of their posts by Inauguration Day, in what was seen as a break with precedent.

Unh, unh, unh……aaahhhhhhh.

Where were we? Oh yeah. I reversed the order on the above quotes, but I felt that had more…oooompfff.

There’s just so much win in there.

Semi-related, the Border Patrol guy who QUIT GUYS!!!!!, wasn’t hired

Approximately 6 months ago, CBP Commissioner Gil R. Kerlikowske officially announced the hiring (appointment) of Mark Morgan, one of the Obama Administration’s top risers within the FBI. Morgan is the same FBI Agent that a number of congressional offices believe “scrubbed” FBI training manuals of information that would have been damning to the agency and the Administration. Chief Morgan is a disgrace to the Border Patrol.


He was ‘appointed’, via pen and phone I assume. Too bad there’s a different set of feet on that desk these days.



For every action there’s an equal and stupid reaction.

Peggy Noonan is still upset we didn’t vote for Jeb!.  (and even more upset that exclamation point is sarcastic)

Here she is whining about Trump saying nice things to Teh Peepul and mean things to our betters.

He presented himself not as a Republican or a conservative but as a populist independent. The essential message: Remember those things I said in the campaign? I meant them. I meant it all.

She’s not used to that. All right-thinking pols know you say anything to get elected and then can safely ignore teh peepul until the next election.

Normally a new president has someone backing him up, someone publicly behind him. Mr. Obama had the mainstream media—the big broadcast networks, big newspapers, activists and intellectuals, pundits and columnists of the left—the whole shebang. He had a unified, passionate party. (You forgot the Look At The Great Creases! folks like you V)

Mr. Trump in comparison has almost nothing. The mainstream legacy media oppose him, even hate him, and will not let up. The columnists, thinkers and magazines of the right were mostly NeverTrump; some came reluctantly to support him.

His party is split or splitting. The new president has gradations of sympathy, respect or support from exactly one cable news channel, and some websites.

He really has no one but those who voted for him.

And the more you assholes talk the more people realize that all we have on our side is Trump.


Nother minitrue-mistake! that somehow made Spicer look bad. They dowdified a quote (cut it short to change the meaning).

I’m sure they’re sorry about it. Not sorry enough to stop lying, just sorry about getting caught.


Fakenewsers just don’t get it.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s job running the State Department just got considerably more difficult. The entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era.

No, his job just got easier, it was going to be very hard to fire all those anti-American assholes. The more quit the fewer he has to fire or ‘promote’ to his super-important think-tank! that thinks and can’t do.


I’m gonna get on a watch list I’m buying so much saltpeter for my simple, chronic boner.


Environmental Protection Agency employees have not accepted Donald Trump’s victory and are still “coming to work in tears” more than two months after the election.

“At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark,” ProPublica reported Wednesday. “A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were ‘coming to work in tears’ each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on.”


I knew it would be good, but I didn’t realize how good.


Of course, the bureaucracy is going to be in a war with Trump for so long as he is POTUS.

Government employees from more than a dozen federal agencies in the United States have opened rogue Twitter accounts, concerned by what they see as President Trump’s attempts to stifle government scientific research and scale back the country’s Obama-era commitments to combating climate change.

I look forward to many, many, many, “You’re Fired!”s.


I’m not sure why the DNC is auditioning for Trump Re-Election folks, but there it is.


Keep America Great!


Someone tell Hollywood you only need to tithe, throwing $hundreds of millions away is not really a smart way to honor your religious beliefs.

Universal has won a heated bidding war to pick up the rights to Little America, a futuristic adventure movie that has Michael Bay and his Platinum Dunes on board to produce….

Described by sources as a “sci-fun” story rather than “sci-fi,” the tale is set in a dystopian future where a Donald Trump-like president has bankrupted America and China has called in its debts.

Geez, they picked the stupidest religion. I do find it hilarious that they claim Trump is going to bankrupt America. Obama and the fine GOP-led Congress already have that covered.

Now if they had us start blowing up Chinese armies when they call in their debts, that movie might actually make money. Too bad they won’t do that. China is paying for it after all.


Remember the vid of the kid proud of starting a fire at the We Hate Amerikkka riots the other day?  That was Drew Carey’s kid.

Jebus, didn’t he used to be a fucking libertarian?  What the fuck is wrong with the drugs in Hollywood?


In, There’s No Proof Of Voter Fraud (right Shep?) News.

This link has links to others talking about how illegal aliens vote all the time.

This one shows that the Green Party’s scam/recount effort uncovered plenty of voter fraud (just regular Dem voter fraud, probably not illegals)

In Michigan, where Trump has been certified the winner in spite of Stein’s efforts, Wayne County (Detroit), where Clinton overwhelmingly won, has come under fire explicitly due to the recount. Turns out in 37 percent of the Detroit precincts more votes were cast than the number of people who showed up to the polls to vote. No one would have noticed if not for the personal enrichment recall scheme of the former Green Party presidential candidate.

Oh man can I not wait until people like Shep, who declared that Foxnews Knows Of No Evidence Of Voter Fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday, have to talk about all the Democrat-Party-Bought-And-Paid-For Voter Fraud!.

That’s gonna be funny.


So….they raised the minimum wage and restaurants are closing!?!?!?!!?!?!? Shouldn’t that have increased jobs?

Upward of 60 restaurants around the Bay Area have closed since the start of September alone, with many citing difficulties like the cost of finding and keeping good employees, rising rents, new requirements for providing health care and sick leave, and doing it all while competing with the slew of new dining options.

Kudos for mentioning Obamacare and other Dem stupidities, but notice the elephant not in the room.

They have some stuff about how stupid people talk about minimum wage increases being responsible, but they let you know that’s crazy-talk.

Being a lefty means never admitting that you’re wrong. Especially to yourself.


At Paco’s the other day, commenter MikeW, mentioned that there’s a grain of truth in most Duffelblog posts.

Case in point.

A new plan touted by President Donald Trump to end the nearly six-year-long Syrian Civil War has reportedly stalled after the president and his staff realized they did not have enough different colors and (Risk V) pieces to represent all the different factions in the country, sources confirmed today…

Trump had planned to use a single colored army to represent “all the Syrians,” sources say, but he was apparently foiled once he realized there was no brown army. Instead, he began using blue for American forces, red for Russian, black for ISIS, gray for rebels, green for Turkey, and yellow for Kurds.

However, he realized there were not enough colors after the CIA presented a list of 12 former and current Al Qaeda affiliates that were also fighting inside the country, along with at least 30 other non-governmental tribes, armies, militias and terror groups.

Too many scorpions in that bucket.

This one gets to me.

Advisers from the Department of Defense have been trying in vain to persuade Trump to take a more nuanced and academically rigorous view of the conflict. So far they have only been successful in convincing him that “taking Australia on turn one and sitting on the Indonesian bottleneck until we can build up our forces” would be a terrible idea.


I always fall for that.



Important Above the Post Twitter Video That’s Awesome!
In Portland, Oregon they’re protesting the police by shutting down traffic. I love the way they get the crowd on their side.

Is that beautiful or what? As the cops start tackling them the crowd cheers and people start blowing their horns. I like the guy who’s pointing the cops at the asshole prostestors.
Now, back to our post, the next part is sorta about a textual example of the above vid.
Via Twitchy.

I’m not sure how many of you read Ace, but this is fucking beautiful.

It’s pretty long but well worth the read.

It’s this (Obama attacking some poor pizzeria owners in Indiana at a correspondent’s dinner V) that sent me to a place from which I’ll never return. I literally don’t care what Donald Trump does because nothing he can do is worse than what they’ve already done.

Donald Trump isn’t the bully; he only insults and abuses people in power who have attacked him. They’re the fucking bullies. The left, with their smears, their witch hunts, their slanders, their insults and their weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy.

There aren’t any rules anymore because the left only applies them one way. And in doing so, they’ve left what once was a civil compact between the two parties in smoldering ruins.

I have no personal investment in Donald Trump. He is a tool to punish the left and roll back their ill-gotten gains, no more and no less. If he succeeds even partially in those two things, then I’ll consider his election a win.

Preach it. That bit about Trump only insulting and abusing people in power is one of Trump’s best attributes.

He punches up. If you punch down, like fucking Obama attacking a particular, Boston cop, you’re nothing but a punk-ass bully.

RTWT if you haven’t already.

Once again, CNS buries the lede.

The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

Geez, that must me some huge slum-tenement with 24,000 residents! How can Atlanta allow that to be?!?!?!?!?! I mean, we know there’s no illegal alien fraud for Trump to find! They respect our laws!
I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzr TV, I love it. I’ve always liked Match Game and I’ve been getting into the old Family Feud as well as watching some of the other ones. Young Alex Trebec is hilarious in his polyester suits with white shoes and belt. I used to love Beat the Clock. I even had the home game! It was awesome.

You can surely tell it’s the 70s. I don’t miss those days, but the casual racism and sexism is crazy to watch.

Richard Dawson and Gene Rayburn pretty much molest every hot contestant they can get their hands on. They scare the hot chick sitting next to Richard on Match Game too. One episode I thought they were going to take off Elaine Joyce’s very not, halter top. She thought so too. She tried to keep a smile on her face, but she was pretty scared. They just kept going.

A girl, 18 and married with a kid, was on Family Feud in the last couple of days, when Richard asked, “Do you work?” she responded, “Ladies don’t work” in an adorable Tennessee accent. The contestants say stuff all the time you would never, ever hear anybody today say.

They had Cowboys against Cowboy Cheerleaders on Family Feud and Richard made a joke about a black man not needing to go to the beach, I thought Tony Dorsett was going to smack him. His look was priceless. The cheerleaders didn’t make it to the final part so he didn’t get to do anything but kiss them and sorta fondle their shoulders. Poor Richard.

When Match Game has a black guy in the upper left spot, they say shit that just cracks me up. The questions have shit that’s pretty much just racist and the guy has to smile and laugh. Questions about watermelon or fried chicken. I mean, it’s not funny cuz they are really racist, but it is cuz they’re such caring lefties and let you know all the time with all their “causes” and praising St. Jimmeh and bashing and hissing over Ford and Nixon.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.