Posts Tagged ‘don’t fuck us over’

Many times on this site and elsewhere, I have documented the impact of my daughter and her life upon my own and my zeal to do whatever I can to make her life better than mine. As part of the never-ending series of events that have shaped my life as a result of being a parent, several over the last two years have reshaped my life and changed my focus.

One of the greatest tests of a parent is to let your child go and hope that you have provided her with the upbringing and tools to handle the troubles that the world throws at a child, all while hoping that they come home safe at the end of the day, ready to start anew with the sunrise. For me, that all came home a few months ago when, for the second time in her life, I had to watch through a glass barrier as she had to recover from a medical challenge, and the helplessness I felt as I realized I couldn’t protect her as medical professionals worked to help her, burned a feeling inside of me I thought I had put away.  Not only did I feel fear, but I also became angry. I became so angry, that anger bled over to hate: hate for the recipients of liberalism who caused this (and, no, I will not discuss what happened), and hate for those who allowed this to happen.

Thankfully, she has made a full recovery, and after some post treatment, is back in school and a regular 4th grader who just tested as a 7th grade reading level and a 5th grade math & science. She is fine, and I am relieved. But I also thought about what I could do to prevent, as much as I could, anyone else to have to go through this helplessness via the legal means available. And that brought me to today. I have been away from this site for some time. I have been away from many sites for a while, and my life focus now stresses that I probably limit my exposure even more. All that said, I put myself in the position of considering what I can do to protect her yet again and so my best to halt that which threatens all of us. Yes, it may be futile and useless, the candidates will disappoint, and the politicians will suck, but voting is all I can do at this point. Voting to remove as much as possible, or limit it at worst, the liberalism that endangers us all. And besides, futile gestures are better than nothing at all.

So, to that end, I offer that tomorrow will be one more chance to stand up via the legal and electoral process to protect our country. And at the same time telling the left and its destructive minions a simple message:


We are watching you. Don’t fuck up and go all squishy on us.

That is all.