Archive for the ‘Crapblog News’ Category

And its effects on the body politic.

Our fine lefty betters are now officially insane.

That was just before they fired the guy who questioned the leftist orthodoxy.


Planned Parenthood is insane.

“How do I talk to my preschooler about their body?” is a set of guidelines published by Planned Parenthood that encourages parents to talk to their young children about their genitals…

While the most simple answer is that girls have vulvas and boys have penises/testicles, that answer isn’t true for every boy and girl. Boy, girl, man, and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities “boy” or “man” have vulvas, and some with the gender identity “girl” or “woman” have penises/testicles. Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.

Most kids want to pretend they’re elves or wizard or something like that, this is nothing but Munchausen by trans-proxy syndrome. It’s always been depressing watching parents shove their delusions on their children, now it’s a Societal Good.

There are no good outcomes in that bullshit. It’s like ADHD, sure some kids have it, but not the 20% that are medicated to get them to sit down and shut up… diagnosed with it. Except this is even worse as, according to adult actions, the actual number is well under 1%.

Of course, abortionists are insane so they are thinking as if abortion doesn’t go far enough, we need retroactive abortion!

Those who held power over Charlie decided that his life was not worth living. They reached this judgment on the basis of his expected mental disability. They denied him treatment, and ordered his ventilator removed, not because of the burden of the treatment, but because of the burden of his life. In a cruel act proposed by doctors, approved by courts, cheered by the press, and blessed by certain high clerics, Charlie Gard was euthanized. It was euthanasia by omission, but it was euthanasia all the same.

Baal worship is alive and well. Maybe that’s why they’re so pissed off because the Golden Cow lost. False idols are all they have left since losing their tenuous grip on sanity.


I wonder how this affects the curve.

A University of Georgia professor has adopted a “stress reduction policy” that will allow students to select their own grades if they “feel unduly stressed” by the ones they earned.

This is the bit that makes it just a little crazier.

Watson—a “Regents Professor” at the university, a title “bestowed by the Board of Regents on truly distinguished faculty”

I’m in favor of this actually, it allows employers to know which colleges’ degrees are utterly worthless because they’re awarded by crazy people.

It’s also a good representation of socialism, this debases the A received by the student who actually tried.


‘Journalist’ discovers useful idiots are not part of the ruling elite when socialism morphs into communism.

I had thought that being a foreign reporter protected me from the growing chaos in Venezuela. But with the country unraveling so fast, I was about to learn there was no way to remain insulated…

That’s just stupid, here’s where insanity rears its laughing head.

I was trying to make small talk with the men who had grabbed me when we pulled past a high, barbed wire-topped wall, and I glimpsed the logo of the secret police. Flooded with relief, I realized I hadn’t been kidnapped, just detained.

Oh yay! The secret police have kidnapped me! I’m saved!

Yeah see, Chavez’ secret policeman cum dictator does not really want accurate reports getting out. If you’re not going to explain how it’s all the fault of those ‘protestors’, what with their bleeding all over the place and demanding stuff like toilet paper and food they’re not your friends.

In the end, the secret police cut me loose a few hours after they arrested me, with a warning not to return to the city of Barinas. The burly men put me in the same black SUV and drove me to the airport, then watched with crossed arms as I boarded the plane to Caracas.

Showing how impervious willful ignorance and lack of sanity leads to self-delusion

Finally, this summer, I decided to leave the country on my own accord,

Of her own accord. I guess. She could have stayed and been murderously dictated at, but she decided, totally unrelatedly, to leave!

One definition of insanity is doing the same commie things over and over and expecting it to work this time.

This time, This Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! communism is going to work!

 I suggested things might get back to normal before too long.

Not until they get a Pinochet to kill all the commies in the country.


Via David Thompson, we see insanity in Akbar Britain.

While that statement is arguably correct, it’s another way, it’s arguably insane to think it’s a good option.

It might be better than being under Sharia law, which appears to be the other option Brit pols want, but I prefer freedom. I’m monomaniacal about that sort of thing.

Speaking of which, I’ll quibble with this.

John Gill tried to do it right!

Capt Kirk was having none of it though. Like Communism, fascism always fails. Its only accomplishment, which is in dispute, was getting the trains to run on time in Italy. Its actual accomplishment is murdering a number of people within an order of magnitude of those murdered by commie dictators. That’s an accomplishment. Not a good one, but that’s all you get out of leftism. Murderous dictators.

Speaking of Crazy Talk!, I’ve been saying that we need to fire everybody in the DO”J” GS-12 and higher and replace them with Free Republic commenters. While it might be awesomely entertaining, I realized how crazy that is.

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

We should just disband the entire DO”J” and replace them all with Judicial Watch!

I know, that looks like crazy talk!, but bear with me.

 In the letter, it is noted that public records indicate the following counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens:

  • San Diego (138%)

  • San Francisco (114%)

  • Los Angeles (112%)

  • San Mateo (111%)

  • Solano (111%)

  • Yolo (110%)

  • Santa Cruz (109%)

  • Monterey (104%)

  • Imperial (102%)

  • Lassen (102%)

  • Stanislaus (102%)

Not so crazy now, huh?

Remember when Trump was a lying liar who lied because he noted that Hillary’s totals were padded with illegal voters? So crazy it might be true!


I’d say this is totally crazy.

For the first time in its history, the Second Amendment Foundation today issued a “travel advisory” to firearms owners to avoid going to California, warning law-abiding armed citizens that their civil rights could be in jeopardy due to that state’s restrictive gun control laws.

In CA they’re doing something surprising, they’re trying to use the law, socialist dictators usually pervert the law. In light of that, I’d have a warning about going to NJ where they will illegally take your legally owned guns if you’re legally carrying them while legally travelling through the states.

It’ll then take you years and a lot of money to get your property back from the thugs in NJ. If you’re lucky, your case will cause enough of a stink that Christie will throw you a bone… pardon you. But since he does not spend all his days pardoning people it would just be crazy to even drive through NJ with your legally owned property.


You can tell someone is an idiot or insane.

It was supposed to be a dazzling opportunity for the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra — a volunteer ensemble of professional and semiprofessional musicians led by Guido Lamell — to play the prestigious Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles for a fund-raiser. Mr. Lamell, music director of the orchestra, invited the conservative talk show host and columnist Dennis Prager as guest conductor for the event…

But that decision caused immediate outrage among some members of the symphony, and a number of them are refusing to play the fund-raiser…

Some are even encouraging others not to attend the concert.

How can anybody still think that all that talk of Tolerance by our fine Tolerant, Mostly-Peaceful friends is about tolerance for other points of view?

That’s beyond stupid all the way into delusion.


My neighbor in my old apt is a paranoid schizophrenic who is just paranoid with medication. It’s weird, he’s paranoid about all the wrong things but he thinks I’m too paranoid! No really, he does.

So the point, he makes less than $1,000/month in disability but keeps getting new credit cards. He must have close to $20k in credit card debt. There is no way in hell he can pay it all back. But he can still get another credit card whenever he wants, and does.

American consumers just hit a scary milestone.

They now collectively have the most outstanding revolving debt — often summarized as credit card debt — in U.S. history, according to a report Monday released by the Federal Reserve. Americans had $1.021 trillion in outstanding revolving credit in June 2017. This beats the previous record in April 2008, when consumers had a collective $1.02 trillion in outstanding credit revolving credit.

So who’s crazy, the people ignoring that giving too much credit to people who cannot possibly pay it back is a good idea or the crazy guy who keeps taking that money?

Let’s look at that definition of insanity, doing everything the same and expecting a different outcome. In the late 20s we had a problem with debt. We know where that led, in 2008 we had another problem with insane debt dragging us down.

And here we are, giving out too much credit and not expecting bad things to happen.


I’m not sure if this is like some NY Times’ writer’s “taxi driver” who is used to push an elitist point or if Rush’ chef is really this crazy/stupid.

It was the chef. The chef came in this morning about 10:15, and the chef is a huge Trumpist. The chef just loves Trump, and the chef is, “Did you see that rally last night? Did you see that speech? Did you see those people?”

I (Rush) said, “Yeah.”

“I mean, do you know those people in Washington, when they watch that, they’re just gonna have to come around. They’re gonna have to know that people love him.”

Really? Based on what reality? They hate us and they hate him. They already know we love him, that’s just proof that we’re too dim to run our own lives.

Rush is not insane, he’s finally realized the GOP is not on his side.

Ah, ah, ah, no. No. That, unfortunately, is not what will happen.” What happened already is the people in Washington who saw that rally in West Virginia last night hate Trump even more and are even more committed to getting rid of him, if that’s possible. This is standard operating procedure. This is human nature. And here’s why, folks.

Exactly. Human nature wins every time.

Rush also sees the doves in DC for who they are

Coup Coup

Not only is the D.C. swamp attempting to run a coup on President Trump to get him out of there, what they’re really trying to do is deny your choice of president. This is a genuine constitutional threat because what official Washington is really trying to do is ultimately claim it doesn’t matter who you vote for. If they don’t like it, they’re gonna do everything they can to nullify it or cancel it. The Constitution doesn’t matter.

We’re threatening their feed troughs and power over us, that’s something any self-respecting oligarch is going to have to quash.


McConnell’s insane if he thinks is going to get anybody but The Better And Smarter Than You apparatchiks to honk their horns and slap their fins.

In his first Kentucky appearance since the fake vote on the fake repeal of Obamacare last month, McConnell announced that fellow lying liar Lamar Alexander (R-TN) would be teaming up with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) to create a bill that will continue using money we don’t have to subsidize insurance we don’t want until 2018.

If Murray’s name sounds familiar, it should. She’s one of the GOP’s favorite “go-to” Democrats when selling out on campaign promises. It was Murray who joined Paul Ryan a few years ago to pass the failed Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013. Despite their promise to cut the budget, Ryan and Murray’s failed budget agreement increased spending, raised taxes, and threw out any attempt to balance the books for two years.

No arfs for you!


Speaking of which, this is not crazy.


In Sin City one of the bad guys says something like, “If they can make you lie for them they have you by the balls. They own you.”

It’s an old totalitarian trick – you break the will and the spirit of your enemies by forcing them to say, over and over again, what they and everyone knows to be false. After all, truth-telling is the province of the free and the proud, not the enslaved and the humiliated.

That’s why when my leftist family says, “You disagree with everybody, doesn’t that mean you’re wrong?”

I’ve been right far too often when my family declared me wrong for me to think any such thing. They still hate Ronnie Raygun for weakening America.

I harp on Apple and, to a lesser extent, Google, Yahoo and some others, in relation to doing business in China. I know most big businesses do so, but I think it’s crazy and stupid to expect it to work in any sort of long-run.

In the short run, Sainted Apple, Yahoo and Google help the murderous commie dictators in China be murderous dictators.

Tech giant Apple Inc. is increasingly caving to the demands of communist China..

Apple rang in the New Year by removing The New York Times app from its Chinese app store, complying with a request from Chinese government regulators. In mid-July, the company announced that it is building a data center in China to adhere to the country’s autocratic new cybersecurity laws, which gives China the ability to seize information on possible political dissidents and potentially pilfer foreign technology. Apple also removed Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), software essential for Chinese users who desire internet freedom and the ability to jump “the Great Firewall of China,” from its app store later last month, capitulating to Chinese government demands.

That’s cuz they’re commmie. China I mean, Apple is just helping them Try Communism Right!


Speaking of insanity…

Dateline: Memphis/Athens/Rome

Americans across the U.S. will see the country’s first coast-to-coast solar eclipse in 99 years. While millions of people get ready to watch the Aug. 21 eclipse, local authorities are the treating the event more like a natural disaster and are preparing for the worst.

No, not Memphis, Tennessee, Athens, Georgia and Rome, NY, I mean Memphis Egypt, circa 4,000 BC, Athens, Greece circa 500BC and Rome, Rome, circa 0AD.

People are people are people are fucking insane. If there’s one thing people are drawn toward it’s a good doomsday cult.

I do wonder if global worming will combine with the eclipse to Kill Us All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I really need to start a lefty website. I could come up with idiocies that are positive reinforcement for lefties’ insanities and cash in on all that sweet, sweet, George Soros money. The fucking Kochs don’t give me shit.


Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m gonna disagree on this.

Today’s teenagers are more sheltered and less independent than previous generations, and the shifts correspond with the mainstreaming of smartphones around 2012. Instead of going out with friends and looking for every chance to get away from their parents, the post-Millennial generation is staying in and Snapchatting—and it’s making them less happy.

My nieces and nephews are all over 20, a couple approaching 30. When visiting my sisters I noticed that their kids did not play the way we did and it was long before they all had smart phones.

They were constantly underfoot, they wouldn’t leave us alone. I remember thinking how weird that was.

When I was a kid I spent most of my time trying to keep adults from knowing what I was doing. I left in the morning and came back for lunch, for dinner and then when it got dark. When we visited my uncles’ and aunts’ houses, I and my cousins immediately disappeared. We had serious trouble to get into, having parents around crimped my style. How could I get blood all over my clothes with them watching?

Adults do the same freaking thing with smartphones, how many of us have seen pics of a family eating dinner out and all of them looking at their smartphones? So that smartphone/unhappy trend is across age lines, hovering around your parents is a totally different, unhealthy (IMO), trend.


Okay, do you have to be crazy or stupid to use this site?

An Australian website allows internet users to test out passwords before using them to see if they were leaked in one of the many data breaches in recent years.

I wonder if you have to give them all your credit card numbers, expiration dates and three digit code on the back to see if they’ve been stolen too?

If a breach is detected in your online security when using HIBP, the site will specify what information is at risk (email addresses, passwords, credit cards etc.) so you can take appropriate action, such as changing passwords.

Heh. I wonder if they help you create a new, Totally Unbreakable!!!!! password?

Reminds me of a thumb drive I got. It was made in murderously commie China and it came with Unbreakable Security!!!!! Just click here and your drive will be totally secure!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I was too paranoid, but I deleted that shit before I put anything on it. I tried to make sure the thing was totally blank, not sure if I did. Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t answer emails from Nigerian princes and I don’t accept security from commies.


So… who would be more upset. her blind date who shows up and sees this or the cat?

Fluffy is not amused.


I wonder, do you have to be a woman?

The company’s adverts showed a line-up of cartoon women in their underwear with the slogan “The whole city is looking for BREASTS”. It listed discounts for women depending on their cup size, with greater offers available to women with bigger busts.

Cuz with my bra size, I’d be eating for free! Moobs for the win!

How do you say, “I identify as a woman” in Mandarin?


State of my Gs.

I turn my tablet to airplane mode when I get done tubing but I left it on one night, all night. A couple days later I was at 75% of my usage. It took more than a week for me to get to 90% usage, so it seems I have enough Gs for a month, so long as I don’t forget to turn it off.

This month I’m going to run out of Gs and be forced to go to 2G or pay extra. I’ll probably pay the extra. 2G sucks. I still have most of my phone’s Gs so I have that going for me, but I’m surely going to run out long before my month starts over.


TV without cable.

I’m going to have to go to a bar to watch MNF and if I want to watch the Giants on an out of market deal, but I’m pretty happy.

I have maybe 10 channels I watch and they don’t all have the same commercial schedule. One Spanish language channel shows action movies. I watched The Expendables the other day, you lose not a thing by not understanding what they’re saying. Hell, it probably enhances the experience as the dialogue is mostly stupid.

I watch Grit most. during the afternoon they have Death Valley Days. About every 3rd or 4th show is filmed in Apache Junction. It’s funny, I can often spot where they are. It looks different but that’s mostly because they paved a lot of roads in the last 50 years.


Posted: July 19, 2017 by veeshir in Crapblog News, Random Crap

I’ve been reading more kindle books, I’ve bought maybe 3 or 4 books in the last year.

So what have I been reading? ‘

To let you know what I like so you can see how you’d like my suggestions, I’d say that Heinlein, Niven, Pournelle, SM Stirling , Eric Flint, David Drake, David Weber, Forstchen, John Ringo and, recently, Tom Kratman, BV Larson and Jack Campbell/John Hemry are my favorites in the sci-fi realm.

If you haven’t read the last two, check them out. BV Larson’s Swarm series is my favorite of his, Undying Mercenaries is pretty good too.

Campbell/Hemry’s series I like the best are The Lost Fleet, it gets bogged down in the second and third book of the second part of that series (due to the husband/wife stuff where the captain (wife) keeps giving the admiral (husband) a hard time on the bridge during operations), but overall it’s at least as good as Honor Harrington. I got pretty sick of Harrington by the 6th or 7th book and got back into it around book 10 or so. I skipped a few books in the middle of that when I last read it.

The other series of his that’s very good is Stark’s War. It’s a very good look at where we could be headed in a couple hundred years with a soldier class that doesn’t interact with civilians and everybody thinks that voting is a waste of time cuz all you do is trade one set of fuckheads for another (sound familiar?). It’s told from the POV of a sergeant.

I met Kratman when he co-authored a Posleen War book with Ringo, Yellow Eyes that’s fantastic, and his series that starts with A Desert Called Peace is very good. It’s about a future where the UN achieves their goal of getting rid of America…by getting people like me to leave Earth. Then they start to want to take over the new Earth but….meet some pushback so they get terrorists to start a war that starts with a zeppelin crashing into a tall skyscraper. It’s sorta….. familiar.

He’s the one who wrote my favorite definition of insanity/ definition of the Democratic party.

Where you do everything differently yet expect the same results.


On to the Kindle authors!

While I don’t think Taylor Anderson is primarily a kindle guy, that’s how I met him. His Destroyerman series is pretty darn good. It’s like a cross between Forstchen’s Lost Regiment series and Sliders.

There are a bunch of parallel universes that include the Earth but they developed differently. Some very similar, some very different.

The one they go to is very different, to the point of vastly different flora and fauna.

It’s a 10 or more book series and I read it all. It was a good week.


I’ve also read every book by PK Lentz, all 5 or 6 or so. His books also have the different universe thing going on, Layers he calls them.

They’re cheap, I just paid 99 cents to pre-order his next book, but very good. He’s obviously into ancient history. One book takes place in Asgard, another in ancient Greece. I first read it before reading Thucydides and I’m now re-reading his ancient Greece series (two books) and it’s funny how I understand it a lot more now. Our Hero is not in Thucydides, but many of the rest are.

I enjoyed his books as much as I’ve enjoyed just about any other author except maybe Heinlein, Niven and Pournelle (even though I wish Pournelle had finished his Janissaries series)


Glen Doucette is another author I like. His series about an immortal is up and down, but cheap and worth at least checking out. He’s not some superman/godlike guy, just some dude who was born tens of thousands of years ago and is still alive. He hasn’t been friends with Alexander the Great and Caesar and that kind of stuff, he just goes around, getting drunk and seeing what’s what. The first one is probably the best, but the rest are pretty good.


Marc Alan Edeilhet’s Stiger series is another pretty good one.  As I recall, it takes place on another planet where they lost technology. Sorta like Stirling/Drake’s The General series (which is a great series), without the cool, riding dogs thing.


I’ve talked about it before, but Dennis Taylor’s We Are Legion. We Are Bob and the sequel, For We Are Many, is very good. A guy pays to have his head frozen and wakes up in the future but it’s not quite what he expected. You’ll want to be Bob.


Another series I like is Craig Alanson’s Expeditionary Force. It gets better as you go and it started pretty good.

I don’t want to write about authors I’ve read that suck, since the books usually only cost a buck or three, I’ll let you figure that out but I will touch on one.

The Eden Plague starts out….okay, but quickly gets bad. Let’s Kill Off Half Of Humanity For Some Stupid Reason bad. Let’s make the good guys into fucking vicious assholes bad. Our Hero is a moron who always does the wrong thing, which wrong thing usually results in millions of deaths. But his peeps are LOYAL!!!!!! Geez. I’d put a bullet in his head by the end of the first book because, while I don’t like most people, that doesn’t mean I want you all dead.

Well, that’s that. Your turn. Any e-book authors you like?

Important, Above The Fold Screenshot I Forgot To Post, Update!!!!!!!!

So not just hateful and dishonest but stupid too!


Just not here. I’m pretty sick of it and I don’t get Foxnews or CNN anymore. Every local broadcast is full of Russia and Trump COLLUDING!!!!

Not important, I just love that Trump left that gif of him body-slamming CNN up on his Twitter feed

That’s Winning!.

A Hawaii judge yesterday ordered a nationwide loosening of Donald Trump’s temporary ban on US entry for some travellers from six Muslim-majority countries, ruling that the administration’s strict ­approach contradicted a recent Supreme Court ruling.

So the Supreme Court ruled and the Dems got this partisan asshole to disagree?


Just a little, peripheral, Russia.

Veselnitskaya’s presence in the United States alone ought to be the source of suspicion that not only is the Trump-Russian collusion narrative suspect in this case but that the real inquiry ought to be into whether the encounter was a small part of a larger attempt to trap the Trump campaign.

The Russian lawyer wasn’t even supposed to be here. She had been denied a visa for entry into the United States in late 2015, but given a rather extraordinary “parole” by the federal government to assist preparation for a client subject to an asset forfeiture by the Justice Department. That was in January. The client was Prevezon Holdings, a Russian company suspected of having been paid some portion of $230 million stolen by Russian mobsters. When Sergey Magnitsky a Russian lawyer representing a company that had been the victim of the theft, reported it to authorities in Moscow he was promptly jailed and beaten to death…

So it’s not so much Colluding With Russia as Democrats working with murderous assholes and harming our country because they are unhappy with the last election.

Our political parties and partisan judiciary are the worst threat to our system of gov’t there is.

Speaking of threats to our system of gov’t, Minitrue!

Identifying the worst of journalism has become a battle of superlatives. One outlet does something barely comprehensible in its stupidity. Rather than learn from it, other news organizations try to outdo them.

That was the case this week, where a Washington Post piece blamed a right-wing radio host for the shooting of GOP Rep. Steve Scalise and four others. Yet, things are so bad, it wasn’t the worst story. This was also the same week where CNN’s Poppy Harlow couldn’t even tell the Star Spangled Banner from the French national anthem. She wasn’t the worst, but I’m a native of the city that brought us that song and think she deserves a dishonorable mention.

It’s a race to the most obvious, despicable lie told with a straight face.

Each week there’s a more despicably dishonest lie from the NYTimesWashPostCNN which lie is then disseminated by the NYPostABCCBSNBCnon-HannityFoxNewsetc., they ignore the corrections or memory-holing that inevitably come soon thereafter.



The blithering idiocy of NeverTrumpers!

A specific example of elite solidarity across partisan lines appeared in a New York Post column by Maureen Callahan. She peruses the guest-list for an annual soiree hosted by Washington Post heiress Lally Weymouth in the Hamptons:

It was full of politicians and power brokers — the ones who pantomime outrage daily, accusing the other side of crushing the little guy, sure that the same voter will never guess that behind closed doors, they all get along.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner partied with billionaire Democratic donor George Soros, who rubbed shoulders with billionaire GOP donor David Koch.

Chuck Schumer and Kellyanne Conway were there. So were Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Ronald Lauder, Carl Icahn, Joel Klein, Cathie Black, reporters Steve Clemons and Maria Bartiromo, columnists Richard Cohen and Margaret Carlson, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton and Steven Spielberg.

Like Pepper Gomez and Ray Stevens, these denizens of the 1% are fierce partisans in front of the cameras, but old pals at a tony party or a chic restaurant or a high-end golf resort. They share the same zip codes, the same tastes, the same amenities of celebrity and wealth, and ultimately the same interest: keeping themselves on top, and hoi polloi at a distance.

They’re not worried about being intelligent, consistent or honest, they’re worried about saving their phoney-baloney jobs so they’re Getting Trump!


More Unproven Accusations By Trump proved oh so accurate.

Scoop: Manaforts phone was illegally bugged during meeting with Russian Lawyer, confirmed by multiple sources. Lynch ordered it.

So Obama was wiretapping Trump. But the Never Trumpers at the NYPostNYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCFoxnewsetc, aside from Hannity, are still calling it ‘unproven’, ‘inadvertent’ or ‘totally justified because Trump Was Colluding!!!!’ depending on which hurts Trump the most.


The Wash Post, Jew-haters extraordinaire, explain the Temple Mount is

a “Jerusalem mosque complex”

If lefties knew history, or even current events, would they still be so fucking hate-filled?

Yes, they’re aggressively and willfully ignorant so they’re impervious to reality.


Let’s EUnuchstanian Cultural Suicide!

A few months ago I saw a chart at IB that showed the Sweden was not the Rape Capitol Of The World.


As you can see, it says “Reported”

As I wrote then, that’s only the ones they admit to, let’s see how they’re handling it now as it gets so bad they’ve made music festivals “Female Only

 The government believes that we do not need to investigate further immigrant crime. Everyone claims to be in agreement that they are overrepresented in crime, but that the difference is reduced by taking into account various socio-economic factors. According to the government, we should not investigate immigrants’ crime further without focusing on helping them with better socio-economic circumstances.

Socio-economic circumstances? Ummm, how about enforcing your laws? You know how not to help someone’s socio-economic circumstances? You don’t enforce the laws where they live.


In Akbar Britain we’ve seen a rash of acid attacks by “boys”.

Police said on Saturday they have charged a 16-year-old boy with 15 offences following a spate of recent acid attacks in London.

On Friday, British police arrested two teenagers after five acid attacks against moped riders in less than 90 minutes across east London on Thursday left several people with facial burns, including one with horrific injuries.

They’re not telling us the names because they’re minors, but I’m gonna bet at least one of their names rhymes with ” Sabdul” or “Johamed”. I’m also sure that if their names were “Bert” or “Nigel” those names and their pictures would be leaked.

With the de rigueur quote

“It’s already an offence to carry acid or a corrosive substance to cause harm,” Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokeswoman said…

Let’s make it even more illegaler to throw acid at people! That’ll work. such people might break one law about assault but surely they’ll be deterred by a law against carrying the weapon they’re going to use for said assault!

I can help them with this

“We are working with the police to see what more we could do.

How about you walk around Brit cities and look for people flying the ISIS flag and calling for death to those who insult Islam?

I know, that’s a hate-crime in Akbar Britain. Remember, there will always be an Akbar Britain!


The worst part for Akbar Britain is that they’re fighting EUnuchstanian oligarchs too.

A leaked memo says

French bankers are plotting to ‘actively disrupt’ the City
The London financial centre is worth £66 billion a year to the Treasury
The City’s Brexit envoy says Macron has declared ‘open war’ on the Square Mile
French representatives are now offering firms big money to move to Paris

That’s a casus belli if ever I’ve heard one. Of course, for that Akbar Britain would have to get rid of their entire gov’t and elect some with balls and love of Britain and its culture. That’s a hate-crime so not likely to happen. Peacefully at least. I wonder if the Brit peasants will fight back against the death of their culture.


Pakistan and Iran get frisky!

Two Iranian civilians were killed in an alleged cross-border attack by suspected militants on Saturday, according to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

A statement on the Guards’ Sepah News website said, “On Saturday evening, a terrorist team… fired (ammunition) from within Pakistani territory towards the Iranian border region of Saravan. Two local workers in the region were martyred in this terrorist attack,” read the statement.

For “Two Iranian civilians” read, “Two terrorists, possibly/probably Republican Guard”.

The suspense on whether Pakistan will get involved in the Middle East nukular war is one of the uncertainties out there. Along with where we’ll get into a war with Russia, the middle east or eastern Europe. And there’s China, will we get into a war with them over Taiwan or the South China Sea? I’d bet China was rooting for both when Obama made it so we had no nukular carriers at sea.

The world thought Hillary would be POTUS and she would continue Obama’s policy of US Out Of Everywhere!!!!, instead they got Trump. I just can’t fully explain how funny I find it that the world is afraid of our poofy-haired maniac. That has to have the murderous commie dictators in China furious. “That’s our shtick!”


Clintonian Chutzpah!

Yes, according to Granma Euro-Lite (Reuters), the wizened old king  (the current murderous Castro murderously dictating in Cuba V) did say this yesterday, in response to the Trumpinator’s new Cuba policy. :

“We reject the manipulation of the topic of human rights against Cuba, that can be proud of much in this area, and does not need to receive lessons from the United States nor anyone,”

He’s right up there with China, Norks and Saudi Arabia for Human Rights Perfection! (that means “none”)


We have a serious problem in our criminal justice system.

Plea bargains are by far the most common way cases are settled in courts across the country. Most research claims anywhere between 95 percent to 97 percent of criminal cases in America never go to trial. Instead, they are hashed out between prosecutors, defense attorneys and defendants.

More than 90% are plea bargains because the system is overwhelmed. With repeat offenders.

There’s no ‘rehabilitation’ in the system for criminals, jail is where they get three hots and a cot and talk to other criminals. Jail is notably lawless what with the various gangs, not to mention if jailhouse rape is as prevalent as supposed. How can someone be rehabilitated if they live in a lawless state where Might Makes Right?

The problem is that the system is so huge and has so many people going through it that a change would be nearly impossible. Especially since lawyers like the current system and they’re the ones who make the laws and decide what the laws mean.


Speaking of ignoring reality, Chicago!

Rahm sent out a letter explaining how public pensions in Chicago are totally going to be Solvent For Centuries!

But there’s a bit of reality that’s being ignored.

llinois’s biggest financial challenge, the $130 billion debt to its workers’ pension funds, may only get bigger thanks to the budget that pulled the government back from the brink.That spending plan, pushed through by lawmakers eager to keep Illinois’s bond rating from being cut to junk, allows the state to sink deeper into the hole by giving it five years to phase in hundreds of millions of dollars in increased contributions to four of its five retirement plans.

Those extra payments stem from the funds’ decisions to roll back forecasts for what they expect to make on their investments, which means Illinois will need to set aside more money to ensure it can cover pension checks due in the decades ahead.

Can-Kicking 101!

Since it’s Chicago you know retired pols will get their pensions in perpetuity while cops and firefighters will have to deal with consequences of unrealistic promises.


This is pretty cool. 100 top movie props. It’s all one page so you don’t have to keep clicking, I’d scrolled down and just read the ones that interested me. The neuralyzer had a flash-bulb in it, they had to change it after every use. That’s pretty inventive. Charlton Heston’s tablets in the Ten Commandments were granite, his double used plastic ones. Yes, Heston was more manly than a stunt-man. I bet lefties still can’t get his guns from his cold-dead hands.


I am very surprised they chose the “egg box” from Pink Flamingos.

That’s the sickest and most twisted movie I’ve ever seen and that’s a sick bit. That fat lady spent the whole movie spread across that crib, eating eggs. In any other movie that would be the most twisted part, in Pink Flamingos it was about the least disturbing bit. At the end, Divine eats some dogshit off the ground and smiles with shit flecking ‘her’ teeth and that’s not even close to the most disturbing part of the movie.

John Waters stumbled around bars in the Dundalk section of Baltimore looking for the most bizarre people to put in movies, he found some beauts.

I walked into a Barnes and Noble in the 90s looking for this movie, the snotty jerk behind the counter sniffed and told me they don’t have such movies! He was happy to see me leave.


Let’s end on some Truth!

Putting a coffee can on the exhaust and a shopping cart handle on the trunk doesn’t change that.


Engine update!

I’m looking at 4 bodies in particular. There are three 66 El Caminos and a 65 Impala SS convertible. There are some 62 and 66 Rivieras I’d love to get, but they have 7.0 liter big-blocks that need work. I don’t want to be the guy who took out a big block and put in a small block. I’m pretty sure there’s a place in Hell for that and I’d like to avoid it.

The Impala is my choice, but the El Caminos could be ready with around $5k while it would take at least $10k for the Impala but…. 1965 Impala SS convertible!!!!!! If I paint it it would probably be worth more than double the El Caminos. I’ve seen them in the high-$30K region if they’re even decent while it takes a really nice El Camino to get up there.

Also, all the El Caminos have engines, the Impala doesn’t. I would put them in the Caballero, not running just put in, possibly in the bed, and sell it with an engine, which would make it worth more and save me more money in this deal.

I have some money I’m saving to buy a house and if I use it for the Impala I’d probably have to sell it when I’m ready to buy the house. With the El Caminos I’d be able to keep them. But 1965 Impala SS convertible!

And yeah, I wanted the car to drive in the summer to save the top on my Mustang, but 1965 Impala SS convertible!!!!!! It’s just awesome. There is nothing like two tons of convertible Detroit steel barreling down the road.

Since I used up one of my Gs, I’m at 2G on my phone’s hotspot. It’s usually at 3 Gs, I didn’t realize that having one less G would make everything so sssssllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwww. I haven’t been to Ace’s for a few days, his site is so full of ‘stuff’ it takes about 10 minutes to load. Seriously.

Centurylink doesn’t do my area of Tempe so it’s either Cox or DirecTv. Faced with those options, I opted to get more Gs using my phone, so I have 3 or 4 times as many Gs. We’ll see how it works out.

So until my new Gs come through I’m tubing with only 2 of them. I didn’t realize that Gs were so important, I thought the ‘G’ was silent in tubin’.

Eh, let’s do a short, slow tube.


Germany is doing cultural suicide but Sweden is doing it far more aggressively.

This is a country where rapes by Muslim men are systematically ignored by the authorities or responded to with minimal punishment. Routinely, Swedish courts refuse to return these monsters – some of whom have repeatedly subjected small boys and girls to violent sexual abuse – to their home countries for fear that they’ll be put in danger. In other words, Swedish judges care more about the safety of foreign rapists than that of Swedish children…

It’s a country where the government rolls out the red carpet for returning ISIS members, giving them special benefits, in hopes that they’ll see the light and put down their weapons.

“Fuck you! I’m going to save myself by drinking this toilet cleaner!”

They appear to be actually angry at reality, it keeps not doing what it’s supposed to do. Jihadi are just friends we haven’t met! Everybody wants to live in peace, tolerance and happiness!


It’s a good thing our spy agencies are in all out war with the POTUS or they might be forced to notice shit like this!

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton …questioned the state of United States’ intelligence because it did not know about North Korea’s successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) July 4th, saying the “bad” North Korean intelligence could eventually mean “bad news for the United States.”

“[W]e didn’t know about this missile until it was launched on the Fourth of July,” Bolton told host John Catsimatidis. “It’s a good example of how bad our intelligence is about North Korea.”

Motherfuckers are leaking everything while ignoring the important stuff. Fire everybody in every spy agency GS-12 and above. Restock them with Free Republic commenters. It can’t be any worse but it would be hilarious as our spy agencies put America first and the NY Times et al. freak out over that.


Speaking of spies who hate Americans, let’s Comey.

More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information…

Daniel Richman, with whom Comey shared at least one memo — the contents of which Richman shared with New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt — said President Trump was simply wrong.

“No memo was given to me that was marked ‘classified,’” Daniel Richman told CNN.

So those memos Comey wrote, that Comey kept secret until you and he leaked them were not marked classified? That’s taking obtusity to new, clintonian heights.



In Sharyl Attkinson news,

An award-winning journalist who broke the story of the group of Jewish women ejected from an LGBTQ march in Chicago last month has been reassigned to non-journalistic duties at the paper which ran the original report, the Windy City Times.

Gretchen Rachel Hammond — whose June 24 story caused a national storm after she detailed how three women flying Jewish Pride flags embossed with the Star of David were instructed to leave the gathering by organizers from the Dyke March Collective — confirmed to The Algemeiner on Monday that while she was still employed by the paper, she was not presently engaged in its reporting and writing operations.

Journalism is about providing disinformation, misinformation and affirmation, not information. She deserves whatever she gets!



I think Apache Junction is following me.

A man was arrested after police received a call that a naked person had been inside a Walmart store located near Elliot Road and Priest Drive.

When Tempe police officers arrived at the scene, they found 49-year-old Robert Kanoff across the street and still completely naked, but did have shoes on.

Tempe is a college town, that shit is supposed to happen in AJ, which is full of tweakers and coyotes at night, during the day it’s blue hair and slow drivers as far as the eye can see.


Arguing with headlines!

Viagra won’t advertise on NFL games, signaling softening ad market

Should read,

Viagra won’t advertise on NFL games, signaling hardening ad market

See, if the market was soft they’d need Viagra.


Now, I’m not defending domestic violence, I’m attacking little Big Brother.

According to ABC News, officers were called to a home outside Albuquerque, New Mexico this week when a smart device called 911 and the operator heard a confrontation in the background. Police say that Eduardo Barros was house-sitting at the residence with his girlfriend and their daughter. Barros allegedly pulled a gun on his girlfriend when they got into an argument and asked her: “Did you call the sheriffs?” A smart device in the home apparently heard “call the sheriffs,” and proceeded to call the sheriffs.

Those things are the modern equivalent of a Gentleman’s Gentleman or a Ladies Lady. If you’re too lazy to whip out your phone to check on the weather, well, that’s sad.


Speaking of lazy bastards who laze, let’s end on the final nail in the death of Western Civilization.


For those who cannot put on or take off their own socks. I saw the commercial for it and they said stuff like, “bad back, bad knees” and other ailments but we all know it’s for people too fat and lazy to put on their own dam socks.

So the pinnacle of our civilization is a way to put on, and take off, our socks without bending over and having an electronic assistant listen to our every word and take care of simple shit that would take us a minute to do.

We in America are not EUnuchstan boned, but we’re still pretty dam boned.

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!

Veeshir Poll


We’ve been begging for a Republican to Fight Back!!!!! for a long time and now that we have one, some people seem to think he’s too confrontational.

He’s been doing what he was elected to do, like cutting regulations, drilling, fucking with the enviro-wackos trying to destroy our economy and making people take us seriously overseas.

Meanwhile, the GOP lost their cover and might actually have to do what they’ve been elected to do because they’ve been promising to do it while the Democratic political/entertainment complex is going out of their freaking hive-mind.

As Ace writes,

Did Trump spend the entire week talking about that, or was it just the media?…

This is obvious, but it really can’t be said enough: Tweets take three seconds to write. So Trump writes three poorly-considered tweets — and being “poorly-considered’ means he spent less time on them than the normal 3-second tweet — and then the media says “That’s why we have to spend 24 hours per day of our own time covering this”?

They’re frothing at the mouth over the stupidest shit so much that nobody but committed partisans take them seriously anymore so he gets a freer pass than even Obama. Well, nearly as free as Obama, Obama could literally do anything and they’d ignore it, Trump gets two scoops of ice cream and they freak out. As if he would say, “I get two, you peasants get one! Bwahahahahahhahahahhaha!” while twirling his overcomb.

So I say, keep it up. Maybe in the future America will start to think about the people we’ve been giving so much power over our lives.

The best people we have in Congress could, possibly, maybe, be not too ridiculous for a Mel Brooks movie while the vast majority are only fit for Three Stooges or Laurel and Hardy movies. Maybe Marx Brothers.

Besides, the Dems have their crazed crew going out of their freaking minds and they’re not doing shit anymore than the GOP is. Will crazed lefties keep attacking the Dems’ enemies for only stinky fish? I’d think not. they’re riled up because Trump is Going To Destroy The Earth Itself!!! Nobody’s going to take that lightly.

I will say I’m happy about that last link, I’ve been pretty sick of Stephen Hawking for a while now and this should let everybody know he’s past his Best By date.



Trump the Junkyard Dog: Poke Him and Expect to Be Bitten


RTWT, or not, I’m trying to figure out how to make the links shiny but I haven’t figured it out yet.


We dodged a bullet on this one.

Just days after a judge demanded Illinois pay $293 million toward Medicaid bills, the state’s House decided to permanently hike the income tax rate by 32%.

They waited one damn year too long to go bankrupt.

Obama would have gladly added to our deficit by paying off Illinois’, and that would have started a gold-rush of failed states getting bailed out. The national debt would have ballooned while CA, NY, MA and maybe some others stampeded for that Free Money.

Although… they could be doing that to chase productive people out of the state so they can buy houses in decent neighborhoods cheap.

They are politicians after all, they’re not that bright.


History might not be circular, but it’s often symmetrical.

French Muslim leaders compares integration to “eating poison”

Abdallah Zekri, head of the French Muslim Council with ties to groups that use halal food revenues to fund mosque construction, explains why Muslims must never integrate into French society.

For decades the French have been importing wogs to do scut work, these people are the 3rd or 4th generation born in France but they’re not full citizens, so the French obviously feel the same way. It’s going to be interesting to see if the EUnuchs revert to form of if cultural suicide is too far along.


Done moving out, now I have a few days (weeks?) of moving in. Kago is not happy with change. He’s been trying to find his spots around the place. Where he lays down depends on where I am and what I’m doing. I can’t figure out the rules, but they’re there.

I shopped for a week or more so I wouldn’t have to leave, this is how he reacts to being left alone in a new place

Then he wrecked all the blinds in the apt and only then jumped out through the screen in the open window.

Which I don’t know why he didn’t do that first, he loves going through screens. I’ve bought more of those than you can imagine.



Man, I hate moving. I got a 5X8 trailer thinking I had less stuff. Which since I’m not bringing my bed I do, but I forgot the 4 bookcases that took up much of one load. The worst part is that they’re cheap Walmart bookcases so now 2, maybe 3 of them, are half-bookcases. They didn’t travel well.


Eh, let’s do a short tube. It’s gonna start with some shit, but get very funny by the end.

We’re gonna start with a double-edged Fuck You.

Just days before he resigns from Congress, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Monday that House and Senate lawmakers should receive a $2,500 per month housing allowance — something he explained would help ease housing costs for members who can’t afford two mortgages or rents.

That’s him saying, Fuck You to us. Congresscorruptocrats become wealthy while in Congress what with all the insider trading it’s totally legal for them to do, and stuff like Hillary Clinton’s cattle-futures deal.

My response is a hearty Fuck You.

But since they write the laws that govern themselves, I’m gonna say, “Most Likely To Happen.” so the last Fuck You is on us.

Cuz they have a low opinion of us and high opinion of themselves. If they had some sort of low-income and assets criteria, I would be fer it. But since they won’t, I don’t feel like giving multi-millionaire and corruptocrat extraordinaire, Nancy Pelosi, $2.5k a month.


I hate our media, the shooting of LaVoy Finicum looked very shady but since it was Obama’s Dept of “Justice” killing him, they were not interested. It looked shady to me and apparently, the Dept of “Justice” is actually investigating a crime committed by  Hillary’s Bitches in the FBI.

An FBI agent has been indicted on federal accusations that he lied about firing at Robert “LaVoy” Finicum last year as police arrested the leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation.

This asshole opened fire, guy tried to return fire and he got dead and this asshole walked.

I’m not saying it’s as bad as Waco and Ruby Ridge, but it was not pretty and Finicum should not be dead.


The other day I was surprised and thought maybe Vietnam wasn’t as murderously commie as I would expect, they’re still murderous commies though.

A prominent Vietnamese blogger known as ‘Mother Mushroom’ was jailed for 10 years on Thursday, her lawyer said, during a brief trial rights groups decried as “outrageous”.

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, whose pen name derives from her daughter’s nickname “mushroom”, was arrested in October 2016 and later charged with anti-state propaganda over critical Facebook posts about politics and the environment.

Vietnam’s one-party state keeps a tight clamp on dissent and routinely jails activists, bloggers and lawyers who speak out against the communist regime.

They didn’t murder her, but I doubt ten years in a Vietnamese jail is good for the health.


Let The Lawsuits Begin!

The State Department on Thursday announced new criteria to determine who will be allowed to enter the United States as a visitor or a refugee. …But the administration took a particularly strict interpretation of a Supreme Court ruling Monday that only those with “bona fide” relationships, such as close family members, can enter the country.

The administration’s new rules do not allow grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins and fiances. They do allow sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and stepchildren.

Advocates and lawyers criticized the family list as capricious.

Thank you Supreme Court!


Enough shit, let’s get down, let’s get funny!


Leftism has really become a copy of the Dark Ages Catholic Church. What with hypocritical leaders, only instead of Bishops having a slew of bastards, we have Al Gore flying his private jet around the world to tell us to stop using so much energy. They are all in on scourging, burning heretics and now, we’re seeing pilgrimages the way Middle Ages folks would travel to the Holy Lands (to get butchered by Muslims, sorta symmetrical there)

Lewis University is seeking a new University Minister to “encourage students to live and understand social justice from a Catholic perspective.”

The new “University Minister, Coordinator of Social Justice Formation” will be tasked with responsibilities such as leading “pilgrimages to locations significant to the movement for social justice” and organizing the school’s annual social justice retreat.

Or is that the Hajj?

I wonder, will they dye their soul-patches green?


Back in February I saw an article about a bunch of lefties Training To Take The Fight To The Fascists!!!!!

I used this to illustrate their d’oh jo.

Via Paco, I see I was being kind.



Froggy would kick their asses. Hell, Darla would kick their asses.

Updated later, I had to change the vid, they took down the embarrassing one that showed intent. if not competence, to commit a felony.


Via Uncle, I saw this and it shouldn’t be funny, but I guffawed.

Brentwood police say two suspects came onto the neighbor’s property to rob him…

So what were they going to steal?

They made him open his gunsafe.

“They made him open the safe. After he opened the safe, I guess they weren’t ready for him,”

Then I thought of Bert Gummer.

They certainly tried to break into the wrong godam rec room, stupid bastards.


Now, I don’t like to argue with URLs, but…. I will link for finding this.

I can’t argue with the first two but I feel we are not afraid enough of the Japanese. The Chinese are riling them up, no need for us to do it as well.

I’m not sure where I’d use it, probably the Moon. It’s been neglected for far too long.


Some people just don’t get it.

Since I’m late for another trip to the new place, I just felt like not moving for a little while, no editing!

So I heard from the latest mechanic. Surprisingly, he says the same stuff my buddy in VA says. That makes me pretty happy.

So apparently, this engine is not made with emissions in mind. Now, I should have asked, but I figured an engine was an engine and the stuff you strapped on afterward made it pass emissions. Nope. I’m not sure how upset I should be considering that I told the guy at Summit it was a 79, I spoke to them because I figured they’d be able to know what questions I should ask. Apparently asking me if my 1979 car had to pass emissions was not something a Summit guy was supposed to ask me. That one I knew the answer to I just didn’t know I should bring emissions up specifically.

It needs a new camshaft to be able to pass emissions plus a tweak on the carb. I can drive it for the summer, cross my fingers, and put my convertible under an awning that way.

Or, in door number 2…. I can put in a ‘period’ Chevy small block for the same cost and have an engine to store for who knows how long until I find a car to put it in. I can drive the Caballero for the summer this way as well. That way I also get to relive the awesome experience of putting an engine in a car!!!!!!! I’m not sure if I could survive that.

Or, I can park the Caballero, drive the Mustang and wait until it cools off and get something pre-67 to put the engine in. The guy said he might be able to tweak it to pass 67-68 emissions, but maybe not.

Which isn’t a deal-breaker. I’d actually love to put it in some 40s Chevy if it fits and upgrade the suspension but a 64-66 GM could be pretty cool too.

If I switch the engine to something pre-66 the car could eventually be worth well over $20k, if I keep the Caballero it’ll never be worth more than $15k, in 2017 dollars.

I can keep the old cam and put it back in for a lot less since I won’t have to buy a cam or lifters so I can do that and still change cars.

Changing the cam means I’ll lose HP  overall but gain lower end HP, so it’ll have less HP overall but it’ll be faster off the line. It’s a top-end car as it stands.

I’m leaning toward changing the cam. Get the whole thing over with just drive the damn car. The other ways involve me having to put an engine in a car soon. Since he’ll have the engine out he can put the stuff in order like the wiring and the vacuum lines when he puts it back in.

When I move away from the greater Phoenix metropolitan area I won’t have to pass emissions so in a year or so my options will open up dramatically. If I lived about 5 miles east I wouldn’t have to get emissions tested. Oh well. I can’t “move” there now cuz it failed. Apparently, someone thought of that scam...totally honest way to get a car registered.


Since I have a post just sitting here, let’s see what happened after my last post.

Uninteresting Fake News!

Of course the media should ignore this. You know what a hotbed of right-wing conspiracy theorists they have at George Washington!!!


Mostly peaceful protestors!


Via Weasel Zippers


We all saw the news of us shooting down an Iranian drone in Syria, along with a Syrian jet.

I hadn’t heard this.

The rising tensions prompted Australia to announce it was suspending its participation in air missions over Syria as part of the US-led coalition fighting the militant Islamic State group.

It makes sense, they don’t need to get in between us with Russia playing chicken.

The Pakistanis also might have shot down an Iranian drone.

An unmanned Iranian drone allegedly on a spying mission was shot down by a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) JF-17 Thunder fighter jet in Balochistan’s Panjgur area, official sources confirmed to DawnNews on Tuesday.

Anonymous sources gave us that though, but it feels right. Especially considering this

The head of the Iranian armed forces warned Islamabad on Monday that Tehran would hit bases inside Pakistan if the government does not confront militants who carry out cross-border attacks.

Ten Iranian border guards were killed by militants last month. Iran said Jaish-al-Adl, a militant group, had shot the guards with long-range guns, fired from inside Pakistan.

How awesome would it be if the nukular war was between Pakistan and Iran with maybe the Arabian peninsula getting involved? Especially now that we have a POTUS who wants us to drill our way out of any oil shortage.


The Backlash Against non-Muslims!!!!!!!

A suspected suicide bomber who reportedly screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before triggering an explosion at Brussels Central Station has been gunned down and killed by soldiers.

Maybe they should hold a candle-light vigil instead.


Just when I thought the Dems might actually notice reality I went and read the link.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said this week what liberal writers have been warning about for weeks: Impeaching and removing President Donald Trump could backfire.

The replacement for Trump, as fantastical as it would be to imagine his removal, would still not be defeated 2016 contender Hillary Clinton or a progressive in good standing. It would be Vice President Mike Pence.


Mike Pence? Really? He’s mostly a milquetoast GOP establishment dude, against abortion, embryonic stem-cell research. He doesn’t believe in global worming and he seems pretty good on guns. That must be what’s driving them crazy, that and LGBTQADAGHEY rights.

I figured they were noticing that they were looking fucking insane freaking out about a bunch of stuff he didn’t do,but no. They’re doubling down on insanity.

Franken told the International Business Times during a stop on his book tour that “everything points” to collusion between Trump and the Russian government during the 2016 election campaign.

He obviously doesn’t know it’s now Obstuction Of Justice!!!!!!!!. Collusion is so 5 minutes ago.


Got a good chuckler to end on. MSNBC gun experts puts some knowledge on my ass!

A taste

So the difference is that a pistol can fire one round at a time. Pop… pop… pop… Which is what the Capitol Hill Police were carrying. This individual had a rife, semiautomatic means that you can switch it to a point where it fires poppoppoppop. Multiple rounds.

No. Really.




I’m not sure if it’s me or if the world is themeless. I keep starting with one and then having it fall apart. Oh well. See if you can guess the theme I thought I had.

In our wordcloud below is “drunken chariot racing” but the link has absolutely nothing to do with drunken, chariot or racing. Which made me think that wordcloud is judging us! As if we’re the kind of window-lickers who’d be all into drunken chariot racing so it just threw it in.

Then I realized, a good idea is a good idea so here’s part of the chariot race from The Perils of Gwendolyn.


You can’t tell from that clip, but that movie has the highest boobs/frame ratio of any movie I’ve ever seen. If you’re into that sort of thing.


So… what happened to “The First 100 Days” on Foxnews?  It used to be on at 5pm here (7 east coast), but now it’s Tucker Carlson. His first 100 days are not over and that show started in January so it cannot have been 100 days. Every time I flipped over there was Martha and some, acknowledged, Dem operative bashing Trump, so I have to figure the ratings were pretty low because MSNBC and CNN are much sadder and a whole lot funnier.


In the now, apparently Trump is thinking about doing recess appointments to get around the GOP Senate to confirm his appointments.

I’m torn on that one. On the one hand, it’s fucking hilarious he has to do this to get around the slow-rolling of Republicans. On the other hand, that’s a slimy thing that we do not need to have regularized. Which leads us to the gripping hand, Czars! They do not need to be confirmed, I’m not even sure if they’re officially appointed. I think they just show up and start working.

The ‘recess appt’ thing has to be a troll. I prefer the Before! so I’d like a Czar troll.

Having the NYTimesWashPostCNNABCCBSNBCetc. start freaking out about ‘Czars avoiding confirmation are the end of the Republic!!!!!!” so Trump can comment on the 39 Obama sub-Czars wikipedia claims avoided that messy, tax-cheating-finding, confirmation process would be hilarious.


To make sense of this next link, you have to understand Trump  is a recent Republican. He thinks more like a Democrat.

WELL, YES: Trump isn’t really campaigning earlier than other recent presidents. He’s just more upfront about it.

The “permanent campaign” was invented by (or maybe “for”) Bill Clinton a quarter century ago, and for better or worse it’s now a permanent part of our political landscape.


WELL, NO: Bush didn’t campaign constantly. He promoted himself, but he didn’t campaign. He was a breath of maturity in the office that Clinton and Obama did their best to ensmallen.

As for “He’s more upfront about it.”… No. The media is more upfront about attacking him for it. He’s not doing anything different from what Clinton and Obama did. Hell, he’s less upfront than Obama who traveled to fundraisers across the country all the freaking time.


While I’m yelling at Instapundit, this always bothers me. Most of the article linked is pretty accurate.

The basic division in American politics today is not over the merits of President Trump. Many of those who voted for him believed that he lacked the moral grounding and gravitas that great Presidents must ultimately draw on. The division is between those who think that before Trump, things were going just fine and the American elite was doing an excellent job, and those who blame the rise of Trump on the failures and blindness of the so-called “meritocratic elite” who, they would argue, have been running the country into the ground.

No argument from me so far. Here’s where we go off the tracks.

In foreign policy, the United States has had two failed presidencies in a row. Our grand strategy of…democratization of the Middle East would and could solve the terrorism problem—and so did their degreed and esteemed advisers and the commentariat.

We had won in Iraq. We were almost done. As anybody with a brain told Obama, he had to fucking leave some dam Marines, A-10s and Apaches there, similar to how we treated Germany.  That way, ISIS would have been stain in the desert when they were first chased out of Syria in their Toyota pick-ups instead of getting stronger and taking over much of the region.


Now: Israeli soldier gets 18 months in jail for shooting a wounded, Palestinian terrorist. Palis are all upset it’s only 18 months. Apparently, helping suicide attackers suicide is verboten in their religion. You need to let them blow themselves up I guess.


Before: Palestinians have a different view on successful suicide bombers being killed as they open an exhibit of a suicide bombing from the previous month. After an outcry from people who give the PLO money, the Arafish canceled the exhibit. Yes, it was built less than a month later. Too soon?


Doesn’t really fit, but this is another in a very long series. We’re talking Days of our Lives long.

At UCLA Law School last week, a squad of student “thought police” tried to ban my book, Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism: From George W. Bush to Barack Obama and Beyond. They don’t want you to know the book even exists, let alone what’s inside it. And the UCLA administration enabled them. This ominous episode underlines how students are learning to be contemptuous of intellectual freedom.

And since it’s California, they went the extra mile. It happened at

…a panel discussion at UCLA Law School on the vital importance of freedom of speech and the threats to it.

The funniest part is that this State-Sponsored, Law Fucking School does not see the irony of students learning how to be law talking folks at a gov’t-affiliated Law Fucking School stomping on speech they do not like and not being immediately and humiliatingly slapped down by either the faculty or the admin (both?) at the gov’t-run Law Fucking School. More, they think anybody who does see irony is a hating hater who hates.

Yeah, that bothers me a lot. At least some of these people are likely to be future lawyers, politicians and judges.

Our best hope is if all the different flavors of fascist assholes start killing each other before they start trying to kill the rest of us.


Which leads to this.

“The Court finds these allegations sufficient to establish that CNN was acting recklessly with regard to the accuracy of its report, i.e., with ‘actual malice,” the order reads.

That could be really horrible with possibly good results.

CNN begged for it. As did Rolling Stone. As are a bunch of others. Expect a slew of these as precedents are set.

I really don’t like the idea of the US have British-style libel laws. US law is an attempt to fix what the Brits got wrong.

On the other hand, maybe they’ll stop being fucking lying sacks of fucking shit.

I’m really of the opinion that it’s a terrible precedent and I really, really, really wish our fine Minitrue betters did not make it nearly a requirement but since they did, I hope it has a salutary effect. Or should that be “salutatory affect” so people can have something easy to make of me for? Besides constantly ending sentences of prepositions, that is.


These might be a good metaphor for the people who supported Trump and/or people who supported Hillary.

Peep-Flavored Oreos.

That’s right, the neon marshmallow-flavored filling will actually get sandwiched between two golden cookies…

If you’re totally into this concept, you should probably consider dunking them in Peeps-flavored milk…

To some people that’s the most horrible thing in the history of ever. They deserve no mercy on their souls.

Others think, “Hmmmmm, that sounds delicious! I’ll have to try those!”

I’d avoid those people personally. Probably anarchists. Or even worse. Hipsters.


Scientists Need Grant Money To VacationStudy In Mexico!!!!!

The worst of those outbreaks were known as cocoliztli, from the word “pestilence” in the Aztec language Nahuatl.

It’s during one of these cocoliztli, between 1545 and 1550, that up to 80 percentof the native population is believed to have perished…

Now, the Max Planck researchers have presented evidence that the cause of the outbreak could have actually been a primitive and deadly form of salmonella.


The first glaring tell, “up to” and “believed to be…” are codewords for “Yeah, I’m pulling this out of my ass.”

At one point I got really into Aztec history after reading Jennings’ Aztec.  It’s a very good book, as are most of his books, I haven’t read the sequels to Aztec, and it’s also, like all his books, surprisingly well researched and accurate.

That salmonella deal is an interesting idea that seem implausible to me. They list the plagues sweeping the area and the theory I’ve always seen is that it was just a cumulative deal with no real “This is the one!!!!”

I figure they just need some cash and global worming is getting tapped out.

Holy Moley!


That’s a video of the streets of Dhaka in Bangladesh where the sacrificing for Eid is in full swing.

Huge swathes of animal sacrifices marking the Islamic festival Eid al-Adha turned the streets of Bangladesh’s capital into rivers of blood.

Authorities in Dhaka had designated areas in the city where residents could slaughter animals, but heavy downpours Tuesday rendered them out of action.

Instead, Muslims took to car parks, garages and alleyways to traditionally mark Eid al-Adha – or the Feast of Sacrifice – by slaughtering livestock and when the blood flowed into the streets, it turned them red.

That’s a lot of blood in that water. What gets me is people walking through it. Check out the pics at the link.

Via Doug Ross’ site.


Think of it as a preview of the upcoming Battle For Mosul where the streets will run with blood too.

The United States has increased its forces in Iraq by almost 500 troops in the last week to support the operation to take Mosul from the Islamic State group, a Pentagon spokesman said Thursday.

ISIS are a bunch of murderous/suicidal, evil bastards who would think nothing of destroying the city as they fight. They’re planning on it.

Recall, they’re the ones who split off from al Quaeda because they’re a bunch of pussies and we know how al Quaeda acted in Fallujah.  And that’s when we got most of the non-jihadi folks to leave the city. The people in Mosul do not have that option.

Of course, with Obama in charge, you know it’s going to be needlessly bloody.

Some U.S. officers in Baghdad believe the Obama administration is rushing plans for a Mosul offensive so it takes place before the November presidential election, a retired general says.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Barbero said his contacts in Baghdad have relayed the concerns to him, fearing there is now an “artificial timeline” for what promises to be by far the toughest battle in the war against the Islamic State inIraq.


Nothing like telling your enemy when you’re going to attack.

Excerpt from a speech by Roosevelt, June 2, 1944.

…we shall be invading the coast of France, not at the Pas de Calais as the Nazis expect but at Normandy to surprise the Nazis!!! And we shall be invading in a few days!!! Beginning our task of driving the Nazis from their conquests on the European continent!!!!

Well, that would have been the speech if he was an idiot like Obama.

As I’m Writing The Post Update!!!!!!

Hannity is on talking about Trump’s rising poll numbers and I’m pretty sure he’s beating off under the desk as he talks about it.

Now, back to the post as it’s in progress!


Australia had their big gun-grab where it’s very difficult to own any guns anymore, so how’s that working out for them?

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.”

The machine gun are almost definitely smuggled in as you cannot own a machine gun in Australia.

So gun-grabbing didn’t work, what to do, what to do?

Gun-controlled Australia is witnessing gun crime at such high levels that state and federal officials are pushing new controls that will do everything from enact a second national gun buyback to increase sentences for gun crime and illegal gun possession.

Make it more illegaler!!!!!!

Huh, I can’t figure that out.  Gun control has worked so well in places in America that have tried it, like Chicago,


Britain banned evil guns, how’s that worked out for them?

The West Midlands is STILL the nation’s gun crime capital – and it’s getting worse…

These were all cases where firearms were actually used (emphasis me, V) rather than just possessed, including firing them, threatening others with them or using them as a club-like weapon.

It means that there were 20 offences for every 100,000 people in the region last year, or one for every 5,000 residents.

Not far behind was London with 19.4 per 100,000.

Greater Manchester had the third-highest rate in the country with 16.0 gun crimes per 100,000.

Read more: Dublin cops want machine guns as brutal gang war kills two

When you ban guns, only criminals will have guns.

That’s win/win for our fine political betters. They turn generally law-abiding people into either criminals or disarmed victims, both leading to reduced freedom as cops need to ignore other Constitutional amendments because of the rise in crime. Like “Stop and Frisk” where cops in NY were just stopping random folks for no reason except they felt like it and it was necessary because of all the gun crime. Cuz guns are illegal so the criminals know their victims are unarmed.


I’m trying to figure out what is up with this story.

She was in for a rude awakening when she realized her 5-year-old kindergarten student had brought 30 packets of heroin to school Monday, officials said.

He brought enough for everybody so I don’t get the problem.


Caballero update!

I finally got it back today! It runs freaking great, sounds great, the transmission slips like mad so I can’t get on it!

Sonomogun. The first idiot I thought was a good mechanic 4 months ago told me I had a 4L60 transmission.

I just found out that a 4L60 has lots of electronics hanging off it for computer control. Mine has one (1) wire on it. Apparently something to do with kickdown.

The guy who put it together told me I have a 700r4 transmission, so I have to replace the torque converter.

Son of a bitch.

At least now I have a guy I can trust who can get that done in one day once I get the right torque converter.
The worst part is that I knew this guy but he has a muffler place. He’s done exhaust and brake work for me but I didn’t think of him as an engine guy. His father is a big motorhead who has a shop in Globe but he came to Mesa to work on my car.

I should have known, he has a Toyota Corolla he took the body off and replaced it with a body that looks like a huge muffler. It’s pretty cool, if you’re a muffler guy I guess.

Which actually works out, I’m supposed to drive like a grandma for 500 miles to break in the engine and I surely can’t stomp on it as it sits.

I cannot drive like a grandma, it goes against everything I stand for. When I was 16 I had a hitch-hiker refuse to get in my car, he had heard about me. If I hadn’t had a ’72 Dart with a 198 cubic inch engine with a whopping 100 HP I would have been wrapped around a tree by the time I was 16 3/4.

As it was, when driving on mountain roads with “no speed limit”, which meant 55 at the time, I would get the car to 60 (0-60 measured by sundial) and keep it there no matter what the road did.

Gila Muffler in Mesa did a great job, taking a car that had two people work on it before him and figuring out what was done, what needed to be done and what needed to be redone.

I actually paid him more than he asked as I thought he was undercharging me and I wanted him thinking happy thoughts about me when I need more work.

If you’re in the East Valley near Phoenix, I suggest you use Gila Muffler. Good, honest mechanics are hard to find.

On the east coast, I have a few friends who are mechanics so I haven’t had to worry about being ripped off since the 80s.


I just can’t figure out a title, just like yesterday. I might be the only person who gets a laugh out of my headlines, but I usually do get that laugh.

Oh well, let’s tube.

Will Syria become a battleground between Turkey and the Kurds?

Turkish troops and special forces, backed by allied Syrian rebel groups,launched on August 24 the Euphrates Shield operation to liberate the strategic Syrian city of Jarablus on the border with Turkey from ISIS. Turkey’s president later vowed to press ahead with the military offensive until ISIS and Syrian Kurdish militias no longer posed a security threat to Turkey.

The Kurds tried to make nicey with the Turks, but as the Armenians discovered, the Turks aren’t all that into diversity.

Stories coming out of Syria are all confused as to who’s who. I’ll provide a helpful guide. It stopped being about anybody but jihadis long ago. Except for the murderous Syrian dictator’s forces, they align with whoever they think can help them today.

The only constants are that Iranian-allied terror groups are always for the murderous Syrian dictator and the Saudi-allied terror groups are always against the murderous Syrian dictator. Below that level, it gets murky. If Turkey gets too rambunctious, expect Saudi terror groups to ally with Iranian terror groups (both without involving the murderous dictator) to ally with the Kurds to kick them out. If/when they succeed, they’ll go back to killing each other. It’s a witch’s dog’s breakfast brew of murderous fanatics.


The murderous Syrian dictator does have a plan now that his financiers have a new ally.

The Syrian government has ramped up its efforts to teach the Russian language to secondary school students, nearly a year after Moscow started airstrikes on behalf of the Bashar al-Assad regime.

More of that Obama/Clinton smirt duhplomacy.


So having a black Little Orphan Annie and wymyn Ghostbusters is Awesome!!! but you’d better cast previous non-white roles as their ethnicity!!!!!!

Disney is supposedly making a live-action Mulan (before a live-action Futurama, TANJ)

“to tell Disney that we demand to see them cast an Asian Mulan.” The lead instigator, Michigan children’s librarian Natalie Molnar, vented against the practice of “whitewashing” — that is, employing “white Caucasian actors and actresses in roles originally meant to be characters of color.”

This is pretty funny.

…Korean-American Daniel Dae Kim to play the villainous role of Shan Yu … Japanese-American George Takei to play the Chinese Emperor and another Korean American, Margaret Cho, to play the Chinese matchmaker.

That’s like casting an Italian to play Erik the Red cuz they’re both Europeans. Although I’m pretty sure casting Margaret Cho as anything is a movie-killer.

Let’s go to the Dem Perfidy section of the post. The only hard part about doing that is deciding how many stories to actually post. It’s like a hydra-headed thing, as soon as you post one, two more spring up.

Remember when the GOP was going to PUNISH THE DEMS FOR THEIR TOTALLY ILLEGAL SIT-IN OVER GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!?

So how’s that going?

A memo from minority leader Nancy Pelosi’s office calling for a “gun violence prevention day of action” today includes a long itinerary of scripted actions to be taken by Democrat representatives under orders from the 76-year-old gun control zealot. The actions called for are tightly controlled, right down the the tweets the powerful California Democrat wants the staff of representatives to use on social media on her orders


And since it’s Dems going after guns, you know there’s jaw-dropping dishonesty involved.

272 mass shootings this year. When will @SpeakerRyan give us a vote? #NoFlyNoBuy  #CloseTheLoophole #GunVote
You would think you might have noticed there being more than one Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook or Pulse Night Club every single day this year

You would think that only if you didn’t just accept that Dem gun-grabbers gonna lie like a Clinton caught with his dick in the cookie jar.

Obama campaigning for Hillary! in his own inimitable way.  I love the URL, barack-obama-reagan-fan/

It’s not that long and it’s an interesting look into how the Dems just crap on their constituents even in something as simple as a campaign event and yet, they still don’t complain.

I have to quote this bit

 be told that they could not bring water with them to witness the president speak on behalf of the indisposed Democratic presidential nominee.

Okay, that’s funny. Don’t they know what happens when you dehydrate?


And that, folks, is why we will never see peak irony.


Dem Congresscritter Uses Gov’t To Shut Up Enemies!

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) urged the Department of Justice to prosecute conservative groups that were targeted by the IRS, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

You can file that under News We All Knew.

The reason it may have taken the IRS fourteen months to turn my IRS files over to Judicial Watch is that they state a United States senator from Oregon was involved. At the time both senators from Oregon were Democrats. But only one, Ron Wyden,

It’s what they do, act like fascists as they’re screeching about the latest Emmanuel Goldstein Being Hitler!!!!! Or Worse!!!!!!

Speaking of which, yesterday I made fun of the GOP’s Failure Theater in IMPEACHING KOSKINEN!!!!!!!, little did I know the fish wasn’t just stinky, it wasn’t even fish! It was just a handful of shit covered in nuoc mam.

But GOP leaders are cool to the impeachment push, which stands little chance of succeeding. Some Republicans argue that an impeachment vote two months before elections risked irritating voters,

How out of touch do you have to be to think that attacking the IRS will irritate voters?  No really, that’s like a prosecutor saying he can’t go after organized crime before an election or he’ll irritate voters.


So who else has noticed that all those hearings are OUTRAGE!!!! Theater and that even if they actually try to accomplish something, there’s nobody to enforce their will?

The IT specialist who ran Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server ignored a subpoena to testify before Congress Tuesday, leaving GOP lawmakers fuming and threatening retribution. (hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahha snort….no, I’m fi….hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaa thud


What happened? Oh…. Where was I?

Two other witnesses linked to Clinton’s e-mail server invoked their Fifth Amendment rights and repeatedly refused to answer questions.

There will be no repercussions. Oh, the GOP will shout about it, but they won’t actually do anything and if they do try to do anything, the Dept. of “Justice” certainly won’t be any help, the Justice League of America would be more help. They’re at least entertaining.


Yesterday I linked the post comparing this election to Flight 93. Since it was pretty down on both candidates, the push-back was pretty strong and from all over the place.

Some also complained about the aptness of the analogy:

That’s funny, I praised the aptness of the analogy, and I love analogy. I like analogy the way a Clinton loves lying.

This shows the author is really paying attention.

First is the objection to anonymity and specifically to the pseudonym. Anonymity supposedly proves that I am a coward, while the use of “Decius” shows that I am a hypocrite. What am I risking?  I freely admit that, unlike the real Decius, I don’t expect to die. But I do have something to lose, and may well yet lose it.

If you come to the attention of the intertuby left, they’ll do everything they can to destroy your life. Hell, that article is way worse than a stupid shirt.

Read the whole thing, it’s a good read.

Yesterday a guy tried run over 3 Phoenix cops

Similar things are going on in Chicago where Clintonista extraordinaire, Rahm, is busy turning it into what Hillary! wants to do with America.

In other news, an SUV was observed on the southside (006?) driving through the alley behind the station with a M/1 passenger taking video of personal cars parked in the police lot. The SUV’s plate comes back to a rental at one of the airports, so it appears to be another escalation in the directed harassment, intimidation and targeting of officers.

So yesterday they posted this,

An officer’s personal vehicle was torched the other night near 67th and Kostner. Written on the back of the car in marker was “Fuck the Police.”

People are now targeting off-duty cops. The Dems and their BLM front group are doing their best to turn America into some third-world, banana-republic shithole where only the rich and connected are safe in their persons.

Sure, let’s elect Hillary! to save the country!!!!!!!  For criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nough of that. Let’s watch a Science! fight that I didn’t realize was happening.

I was looking for a link about how there’s no brontosaurus anymore when I found a bunch of links with this.

Paleontologists have spent the last century insisting that the species and its name (Latin for “thunder lizard”) are invalid… Nevertheless, from comic books to high literature to the Flintstones, the name brontosaurus has invaded popular culture and refuses to die.
…A team of paleontologists l…., they say they found that Brontosaurus really is in its own group. Its fossils share distinct, incomparable bone features—enough for it to reclaim its iconic genus name.

So the science isn’t settled.

Now we just need to get Pluto back into planethood and at least something would be right with the world.


I hate the Eagles only slightly less than the I hate the Cowboys, but I never realized exactly how correct I was to do so.

I saw a link to a story about how (Screw The)NFL teams got their nicknames, it was all over place so I finally clicked it. They’re mostly uninteresting except for this.

In 1933, Bert Bell and Lud Wray purchased the bankrupt Frankford Yellowjackets. The new owners renamed the team the Eagles in honor of the symbol of the National Recovery Act, which was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Sonomobatch, so they’re named after one of the most destructive forces not named “Carter” or “Obama” ever inflicted on this nation.


Last and totally, hilariously, not least: It begins!

Now, it is my understanding that is(sic, and not my sic! V) she were to be incapacitated, or if she were too ill to continue, or if, God forbid, she should pass away, then the Democratic National Committee would hold a meeting to fill that vacancy. And I don’t think it would be Joe Biden. I don’t think it would be Tim Kaine. I’m fairly confident she would be replaced by Michelle Obama.

Is that a “Heh” or an “Oh shit?!?!??!”?

It’s both! You don’t get the funny without the endy.