Posts Tagged ‘Drunken Chariot Races’

The last 5 days have been utterly insane. I try not to look at stuff from Afghanistan but it’s so outrageously unbelievable and continuously adding more unbelievable outrageousness.

Much as I hate to do it, let’s start there.

I’m not posting the picture, but a bunch of goat and little boy fucking savages copied the iconic photo of the US Marines on Iwo Jima raising our flag.

Yes, they’re mocking the United fucking States fucking Marine fucking Corps.

In part thanks to the actions of Marine General “Mad Dog” Mattis and in accordance with his wishes.

I hope that motherfucking, oath-breaking, insurrectionist is fucking happy. It’s not my place, but the rest of the Marine Corps should declare the first ex-Marine.

And not just the Marine Corps, but they’re ordering all US military out of their ‘country’ by 9/11.

They probably want us out before whatever horrible terrorist attacks are going to happen on 9/11 so we’d have to decide to go back, get ready to go back and then actually go back. Which wouldn’t happen for the foreseeable future.

And in the Taliban’s defense, they’re entirely too mockable.

The Brit told him to go fuck himself, hopefully in those words. With other words questioning his manhood, parentage, procreational acumen and equipment. If it was a woman, I hope he made gender proper insults.

Without asking the general’s pronouns.

That shit is just embarrassing.

Of course, as Biden said it’s no problem getting to the airport.

He has a plan to evacuate them.

Well, not so much a plan as a hope that our fine media betters don’t report on the thousands of executions we’re about to not see.

Despicable and embarrassing. This sucks and it’s only going to get worse. A whole lot fucking worse.

The Taliban is showing off the weapons we paid for that they have but We The People don’t.

Helpfully illustrated

In the Glorious Now instead of Funny Cuz It’s True we have Not Funny Cuz It’s True.

And lest you think our fine betters in the State Dept are not on the job,

I wonder if they got absentee ballots.
I mean for federal elections, California absentee ballots are a given.

The State Dept was hacked but I’m sure it’s not serious.

Oh crap, they denied it. Hmmm, as I think about that, I’m actually thinking it really won’t affect their mission in Afghanistan, since they do not currently have a mission to evacuate anybody in Afghanistan. Whew, dodged that bullet!

Wherein Veeshir disagrees with Mark Steyn

Afghanistan is about Afghanistan – if you’re Afghan or Pakistani…

Afghanistan is not about Afghanistan, Afghanistan is not a country, it’s a place that no country wants enough to keep it.

Afghanistan to Pakistanis and Afghanis is about their own tribe and which tribes they’re allied with and which tribes they’re fighting.

As for alliances, they are just a convenience, they rarely have anything to do with who each tribe is going to attack.

The People’s Front of Afghanistan will ally with the Afghanistan Front of People against the People of the Front of Afghanistan but when battle starts, the Afghanistan Front of People suddenly join the People’s Front of Afghanistan against the People of the Front of Afghanistan! But wait! Suddenly the Afghanistan Front of People are joined by the People’s Afghanistan of Front against the……..and so on, century after century. They can’t even get together to repel an invader.

It’s like Syria with no central gov’t but with more little boy fucking and better beards.

I was fer going in, not so thrilled with “nation building” where there has never been a nation. I did have a plan for leaving a few years ago, it involved bombing much of the country with fuel air explosives, nuking the Pak border and leaving a few Marines with Ospreys, some of the 10th Mountain and a shitload of A-10s and Apaches.

The nukes were possibly a bit much, but that would have been better than what we have now.

That’s all the Afghanistan I can take, let’s look at something happy!

Whoever’s running the federal gov’t is ignoring the Taliban to focus on the real enemy.


One of the themes of this brave new world is how America might be boned, but the rest of the world is astronimcally more boned.

“These protestors want their freedoms back.”

Watch the whole, short, thing if you ran out of coffee and need an adrenaline fix to get going. I made it about 25 seconds. I had enough coffee this morning.

If you want more of the same, click here. It’s half infuriating, half frustrating and half depressing. Too many halves for me. Australia is going to a scary place.

In more “The People Are Getting What They Voted For Good and Hard” news, Seattle!

Seattle residents fed-up with homeless encampments fined by city for taking back their streets

Seattle residents, tired of their streets being used for homeless encampments and vehicles, blocked off parking spaces with cement blocks only to cited by the city.

Kurt Schlichter asks, Can Larry Elder Save California?

I’ll field that one.

No. California needs for the people to take back their state.

What our fine betters are prepared to do to keep us from ever voting for an unapproved candidate.

First, ensure we only see approved information

According to Vorhies, Google had tweaked its algorithms to ensure that people only saw negative stories from the mainstream media about former president Donald Trump when they used the search engine. He admits that the Big Tech platform altered its news algorithms to harm the president’s reputation, as well as the 2020 presidential election.

Yeah, we saw that, and anybody who wanted to know could have discovered it. Most people don’t want to know and/or are happy it happened.

In ‘Canada, they’re making a political party verboten!

Leaders’ Debates Commissioner David Johnston has confirmed that leaders of five political parties will be invited to participate in the upcoming election debates — but People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier is not among them.

I don’t care enough to find out if they’re commies as their name implies, but I don’t care.

FBI starts to cloud their involvement in January 6th False Flag Operation.

I might have taken a liberty with the end of that quote.

The motive for the FBI to say there is “scant evidence” of any coordinated group activity in the January 6th Capitol Hill events is transparent.  The FBI need to cloud their involvement, their coordination, their agents, their planted informants and the FBI direction in the events.

And bingo was his name-o.

The reason for the title and first picture (which caption I saw on a graphic somewhere a few weeks ago, I forget where and couldn’t find it.

Glenn Greenwald — CNN and Lib Media are controlled by the CIA…

All too plausible and even likely.

A great 21st Century story.

A landmark study on how to curb cheating has been retracted after nearly a decade and the prominent professor whose team produced the paper is himself accused of cheating and relying on faked data. 

That’s too funny. The Global Worming dept must have had cutbacks at that school.

This one I don’t understand.

Bishop caught masturbating on Zoom call replaced by Pope Francis

I’m not sure if that would have been an improvement, I wouldn’t want to see either one beating off.

Let’s end with some graphics.

Sure they didn’t have antibiotics or deodorant, but this makes a good argument.

A coupla current events related ones

actually, this next one is totally not current events related at all. Not at all.

Yup, totally unrelated to anything that happened in November 2020

Speaking of events that didn’t happen, I hope Roberts is happy at what his fecklessness and probable corruption have wrought.

I had a heck of a time getting home the other day.

That’s freaking great.

A little personal business.

I’m pretty darn paranoid (but am I paranoid enough?), the other day I left work at about 12:45 am and got on the highway. I set my cruise for 80 so I don’t get a ticket (I love AZ), and passed a guy as soon as I got on the highway.

He sped up and started following me. I hadn’t come close to piss him off but, eh, I figured he just wanted me to get the ticket.

He got off at my exit, 10 or so miles later. He followed me through 4 lights to the right turn on my street, a major street. I noticed it but thought I was being too paranoid so didn’t worry about it. Much.

He turned into my trailer park. What the fuck? Now I’m really fucking paranoid. I went past my street and just went straight, if he followed me I was going to just pull over and get out to see what his deal was but he turned down my street. WTF? I was glad I didn’t turn that way because that would have freaked me out. I went around a block and saw him go up the next cross street, turn and pull into a driveway.

I figure he saw my car, knew it because he drives by my place a lot and there aren’t a lot of silver Mustang convertibles cruising the greater Phoenix metro area with a devilishly handsome, balding, silver-haired, fat guy driving.

For a second I thought Hayzeus was looking for my new place, good thing it wasn’t. I was gonna put sugar in his tank for a change.

Dude wants a boycott because Starbucks supported a bill allowing for gay marriage (PuffHo link advisory in effect) in Washington.

I’m still gonna support Starbucks because they continue to support the 2nd Amendment.  The Brady Campaign continues to call for Starbucks to bar people who carry from their shops, and Starbucks continues to kick the Bradys in the sack and refuse their requests.  Any company that kicks the Bradys in the nards is one I’ll buy from.

Gotta love some of the socons, ZOMG TEH QUEERS EVERYBODY PANIC as we’re 15 trillion in the fucking hole, shitheads on every level are trying to crush every bit of liberty we have left, we’re hurtling toward authoritarian rule and financial ruin and they’re worried about whether Michael and Steve can get married.  *facepalm*  Hey guys?  Learn to fucking prioritize.

Also, what’s the over/under on this pastor being a major closet case?  Seems like it’s a high ratio for pastors overly concerned about Teh Ghey.

Fun with zombies

Posted: December 22, 2011 by doubleplusundead in Zombies!
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Fun one, though not as shooty as I typically like in my zombie games.

25 days is my best thus far.

Given my background in history and political science, I have a fascination with North Korea and its wacky Communist/Cult government, and Vice does some of the best/most interesting reporting on North Korea.  The Caller has an interview with Shane Smith of Vice regarding his visit to these camps.  Absolutely read the article, then watch the videos.

And can I just say this about the DC’s commenters?  Seriously?  You fucking mouthbreathers are whining about the fact that there are a few f-bombs being dropped by Smith and quoted by DC?  Grow the fuck up, this Vice guy brings us absolutely brilliant original reporting, I, someone absolutely fascinated by North Korea (given my history and political science background) had no fucking clue about these Siberian labor camps, and you’re bitching because he drops a few f-bombs and used phrases like drunk-y and murder-y to describe his various run-ins with violent drunken Russian hoodlums?  On top of the original reporting on yet more human rights violations that are routine with this absolutely sick, bizarre regime…and you’re bitching about a journalist using the word fuck in said reporting?  Get over your fucking selves you goddamned immature puritans.

I’m totally humming No Motherland Without You right now.

Also, here’s one for the Paultards,

Take a hint, guys. Also,

I’d totally watch this every morning,

Awesomeness all around

Posted: July 11, 2011 by doubleplusundead in Hotassery
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This is pretty cool, and I’ll say this, I’ll never like his music, but Justin Timberlake definitely deserves some kudos here.


I have thus declared,

I’m the Generalissimo of delightfully cheesy 80’s music…it’s sort of like being a regular Generalissimo, but with a slightly better taste in music, but an even worse haircut and really *REALLY* gigantic shoulder pads.  And tons of blow, mustn’t forget the blow.

I had to look it up because I had no idea WTF was going on with this story (if it wasn’t made obvious by that, I don’t have a TV) so I had to Google it…I do know that Hitler’s already issued his reaction,



Posted: June 2, 2011 by doubleplusundead in Parent of the Day
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Sometimes there really is no better way to comment on something you see other than an Allahesque dude