Jon Huntsman, Douchebag

Posted: August 21, 2011 by socklessjoe in Conservatism, Fun with Elections, It's Science!, News, Op/Sped, Uncategorized

On ABC’s “This Week”, we heard Jon Huntsman tell Jake Tapper that he is a bitter, vindictive, giant douchebag the Republican Party is in danger of being viewed as anti-science.  This was in response to recent statements by Rick Perry that he doesn’t believe the global warmonger hype, and some vague remarks Perry has made on the subject of evolution.

The global warmonger thing has been pretty well covered on this blog. Frankly, it’s anti-science if you don’t have some doubt about the doomsday rantings given how much the data has been manipulated and outright lied about.  Even if one does believe that there is probably some global warming going on, one can’t immediately draw the conclusion that any policy “solutions” coming from AlGore or the Obamunists are good ideas.  Thankfully, the public is starting to catch on.  Too bad Jon Huntsman hasn’t.

As to evolution (-and the somewhat related subject of the age of the earth), Perry has understandably hedged.  Though I find it amazing that a supposed Mormon would question anybody else on the subject of religion and science, what Perry said on the subject really wasn’t all that controversial.  Recently, Perry explained, “Well, God is how we got here. God may have done it in the blink of the eye or he may have done it over this long period of time, I don’t know. But I know how it got started.”

What’s so bad about that?  Is the idea that God might have played a hand in human evolution absurd on its face?  (Any more so than the idea that dark skinned people bear the mark of their sinful ancestors?)  If such an idea is absurd, Huntsman out to tell that to the 38% of Americans who believe so (as well as the 40% who believe in strict creationism).  Huntsman can keep the mere 16% of Americans who believe in a solely materialistic evolution of mankind.

Huntsman is acting like a spoiled child, and the stooge of the Obama administration many suspected him to be.

Moreover, by engaging in an idiotic wedge campaign over religious issues, he’s acting like a bigot.

  1. veeshir says:

    He’s doing what all Republicans have to do to get good coverage, attack other, effective Republicans.
    McCain, Jr. in other words.

  2. Douglas says:

    Not to toot my own horn, but When he was floated as a 2012 hopeful boning up on his foreign policy creds by being Obama’s bitch in china, I thought “ARE YOU RETARDED!?”

    He just answered that question.

  3. Wow…whatever happened to the fucking Scientific Method, Huntsman??

  4. Sean M. says:

    Golly, Huntsman is attacking a fellow Republican (who happens to be the current front runner) and not his former boss?

    Stalking horse, anybody?

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