Speaking Power To Truth

Posted: May 6, 2012 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah, Liberal Fascism

It’s funny, in an endy way, how the occutards always seem to agitate for the gov’t and just don’t want to allow anybody but themselves to actually exercise their free speech.

Click the link to see occutards storming a tea party.

I understand that protesting a protest is free speech, but how about you go fuck off and leave us alone? We leave you idiots and big-gov’t types alone? Well, except to point and laugh, but we don’t try to shut you up.

The occutardish types want a revolution or a civil war, but they should be afraid of it. If right-wingers ever do decide to have a revolution, we’ll do it competently, not in some half-ass, “let’s kill a few cops” manner the way Obama’s friends do.

Saw it at Doug Ross’ “Larwyn’s Lynx“, an excellent place to get your blood pressure up in the morning.

  1. Lemur King says:

    You’ve heard the saying along the lines “Evil cannot build, it can only tear down”. By definition, the occupiers are not made of the right stuff. How many Wall Street Executives are Occupiers? How many Occupiers are business owners with more than 100 employees?

    The Occupiers have discovered that their little hissy fits while camping in public parks, streets, fields, etc. really hasn’t done more than to get attention and even that is dying down. No one who is goal-oriented or believes that people should be self-sufficient is rushing to their cause. So the next thing on the agenda is to screw with the people who are telling a successful story.

    Occupy was all about being obnoxious until something was done. Now they’re being extra obnoxious. “Occupiers cannot shape events, they can only disrupt them.”

  2. A two year old has a better concept of what he or she wants out of life than these people do.

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