U mad bro?

Posted: June 5, 2012 by doubleplusundead in Liberal FAIL

Bro be mad,

Hmm…what to say here, what to say…oh, right,

Shoulda taken Walker’s reasonable offer to roll back some benefits and contribute a bit more to your lavish benefits…you didn’t play along, and it blew up in your fucking faces twice.  Eat it, motherfuckers!

  1. alexthechick says:

    It’s even better that this guy is now going to be all over the Ebil Reich Wing Blogs.

  2. Andy says:

    I’ve got a schadenboner that could cut diamonds.

  3. Sean M. says:

    My heart, it just bleeds.

    (Heh. Like I have a heart.)

  4. DejahThoris says:

    I want that boy turned into a plush doll that repeats over and over “Democracy in the USA is DEAD” when I squeeze him.

  5. buttercupmorgenstern says:

    Dancing on your grave dead…if it was up to me. We live in a freaking Republic! We have NEVER been a democracy and stupid people like this need to be seriously disappointed…over and over and over until they get it.

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