Reign of Terror: Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Brad Friedman’s war on conservative bloggers, and anyone else in their way

Posted: May 25, 2012 by doubleplusundead in Liberal Fascism

I’ve been around the blogosphere long enough to get to know most of the major players on the right, at least on a cordial, fakey intarwebs friend basis, and in a few cases, spoken with over the phone or met in real life.  I thought the situation with Stace McCain bailing MD was fucked up, then I read this from Patterico, and the fucked-uppedness of the situation was turned to 11.  I don’t care if you have any outstanding issues with Patterico or Stace McCain, YOU. NEED. TO. READ. THIS.

I got tiny bits and pieces of things, I knew Worthing had some sort of back and forth with a leftist that was turning into a real life shitstorm, and even then it was kind of a murky thing, but I had no fucking clue on this stuff with Patterico or Mandy Nagy (AKA Liberty Chick, who if you’re on da Twittahs, you should be following) until this whole thing blew the fuck up.  And for the Moron Horde, know this, these fuckers ARE going after the Head Ewok.

The other thing to remember is that it isn’t just people on the right these fuckers are doing this to, a lefty blogger (real name Seth Allen) has also had his real life FUBAR’d by these fucktards for daring to question them.  I hope he doesn’t get lost in all this, I really doubt he’s gonna see much support from his own side, given the fact that Kimberlin and crew are getting heavy support from Soros and other major liberal donors.  And we don’t know if there are other people opting to stay quiet, waiting to tell their story, or if there are others who’ve been scared into silence by this goon squad.

This story needs to be told.  Because this could be any of us.  And most of us aren’t Patterico, who has extensive experience in the realm of criminal law and building cases, and tons of real-life contacts and acquaintances he can utilize.

  1. Sean M. says:

    Nobody is gonna get any traction from Streisand or Soros on the fact that they’re spending money to prop this piece of shit and his buddies up, but since John Kerry’s wife is among the donors, perhaps some respectful calls could be made to his office seeking comment.

  2. WatcherOne says:

    Thank you for posting about this.

  3. FreeUlysses says:

    Love your raw style. Thanks for posting about this. We cannot let anything thwart the free exchange of information, if humanity is to have a chance. Shine a light on the cockroaches.

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