Ignoring The Endy

Posted: October 13, 2016 by veeshir in Funniest End of Civilization Evah, HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!, PEBKAC

I will say it’s hilarious that Minitrue is pushing all these decade(s) old accusation that nobody mentioned before.


My personal favorite is Winstette Smith at People who kept it quiet for so long, poor girl suffering in silence for all these years. Too bad she didn’t have some sort of outlet for publishing her bullshit….totally true accusations before. It’s must have been especially frustrating for her since tabloids like People have never discussed Trump much.

An artist’s rendition of if Bill were a baboon.



Now we’ll go with sideburns.

No, we’ll go with SIDEBURNS!!!!!!!!!!!


Proving that not everybody in the 70s had porn star facial hair. Although…that was just 1970 so more of a 60s thing. That does make me wish I could grow facial hair.


I’m gonna have to decry the homophobia in this one.


I’m pretty sure he just called Hillary! a dyke.

The “Justice” Dept. has their own version of the Constitution.



It’s not fair confusing this poor girl.



A question.

Which is more disturbing.

This disturbing

or this oh-no

Yeah, I know. That’s ‘below the fold’ stuff. Sorry.


Speaking of Hugh Jass and trouser trout, Rutgers is having a new graffiti crisis! No, not the great Trump Chalkening, but Mr. Dick Butt!


With this utterly hilarious quote

“Rutgers has such a huge name and the University needs to stay up to its name.”

First, is that how Rutgers students speak? “a huge name”? Rutgers is actually a fairly small name for a university. As to “stay up to its name”, how about ‘live up to its name’? That’s so close to intelligent speech it’s scary. You know, if you’re paying tuition of In-state: $31,733 Out-of-state: $47,384 to go there.

Rutgers, of course, is where they  ensmallened their name by telling their students to only speak when “necessary” and where the students protested Condi Rice  while the university paid that Snooki thing, from Jersey Shore, $32K to speak so having them speak like a Jersey Shore-ite should be expected.

I will say that Mr. Dick Butt is ‘necessary’ speech.


Whodathunk that toads could be scarier than creepy clowns.



I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to sleep if that was on top of my house.

We interrupt this post for a Hillary! campaign ad

She’s changed!


I’m going to hell for so many reasons, let’s just add one to the pile.


The best (worst?) part? You’ll never run out of wine with Him on your team.

If Hillary! wins


I’m not sure what that huge, honking pistol in the middle is, but I want one.



Do you know what today is? It’s one of the greatest holy days in the American calendar! National No Bra Day!




Good tit, bad tit, I’m the one with the tongue.


Keeping with the Star Trek theme, let’s end on something that our fine social, moral, political and intellectual betters will never understand.

But Shatner gets us!

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