I’ve actually been too busy to birl the tubes, I was veeshired. I also changed the title, I always get that wrong.

Let’s start with some “Smirt Daplomacy” stuff.

Lebanese acting kinda scares as they laugh at Obama arming jihadis in Syria.

Great quote, you know they’re just shaking their heads and laughing/cringing.

The United States backed “the coalition’s vision for a tolerant, inclusive Syria that respects the rights of all Syrians.

After noting that the guy people trusted said, “I’m outta here”.

In Egypt, some more of that brillyents,

Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood

Now we see why Christians are now the most oppressed religion, Muslims have killed or ejected all the Jews, now they’re working on Christians.

So as Syria is a nightmare, Egypt is becoming a nightmare and the Palestinians continue their rocket and mortar attacks on Israel, the AP knows who’s to blame. Do you really need me to tell you?

This surprises me.

Recent photographs show workers in Saudi Arabia demolishing some of the oldest sections of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, London’s Independent reports.

Not even Press TV (official Iranian mouthpiece, like MSNBC but they show the other side sometimes) is covering it.

I’m not surprised the grievance mongers who bash the Israelis for planting olives on the 13th holiest site in Islam are quiet, but since it appears Syria is a heat-up of the war between Iran (Hezbollah, Assad) and Saudi Arabia (al Quaeda, various, other terrorists), I’d expect Iran to make some noises. Huh.

I did notice this when I clicked.

An Egyptian minister says direct flights in the form of charter flights will resume between Iran and Egypt within the coming weeks.

More jihadis for Egypt! Yay. Dudes probably kept blowing up when they had to make a connection. I know it usually pisses me off.

I didn’t have enough time for more overseas, I do have a bunch of hilarity in this one so just a couple, domestic, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! or at least GO TO THE GULAG!!!!

This one’s confusing. Huckabee warning the GOP about gay marriage.This one’s about Dem senators going gaga for gay marriage.

It seems awfully early in the election cycle to get people riled up on gay marriage, for both sides. I know the Supreme Court is taking it up, it’s going to be interesting.

From the I Used To Live There files, VA has a voter ID law.  Racist! I mean, just cuz you need an ID for everything else it’s racist to require it for voting!

Via the Puppy Blender, Moe Lane notices Obama’s tool responding to a tweet from a fictitious congress-critter.

Kinda puts that threatening tweet at the Norks in perspective.

Cruz birthers are going to be a hoot. I mean, the mental contortions of making fun of Obama birthers while being a Cruz birther will be infuriatingly funny, which is not as good as funny but better than infuriating.

Via Jay we see unions acting like their fine, Wisconsin brothers. So some cops are letting good behavior prisoners out to do work, ala the guy from Shawshank, but he just has them do stuff around the town like painting the police station and shoveling walks. So the unions are all, “Hey! That’s union work!”, I guess their wives don’t make apple pies stuffed with hundred dollar bills.

But, as jay notes, there’s one problem.

The head of Arlington’s Housing Authority says, because of budget cuts, his agency would not have been able to hire the job out anyway.

Mudderpocking sonsomabatching iceholes.

Via the Jawas, Help a Brother Out.  Dude’s selling his autographed picture of Jim Carrey to buy a gun. He’s up to $444 now, that’s pretty darn close to a Glock to scare good ole’ Jim. I’d love to see him get enough to buy the gun Mr Gabby Giffords was gonna buy. That would be funny.

Via Harvey we see this Ramirez comic.


Rush Limbaugh needs to get a fund going for buses to Mexico so the DHS can dump them and not pay for transportation back to Mexico. Airfare to the Europeans might be too expensive, but if we started a fund….

A little global warmmongering humor. Global worming is hitting Europe so hard,

Ornithologists have reported that migratory birds coming from the south have turned back.

I picture Daffy Duck saying, “Fuck that.”

The swallows will be back in Capistrano next year. And you know it’s going to be caused by Global Worming!

Russian scientists are predicting an ice age based on the Sun not doing what it’s supposed to be doing. I don’t know if I believe it, we just don’t have a long enough baseline for how the Sun is supposed to act, but…

That might be better than an asteroid. It would be a targeted disaster. Leftist nitwits hardest hit, people with brains enough to go south out of the cold would have a good chance (Hello from sunny Arizona!).

Then the Mexicans will suddenly think a wall is a great thing as Abrams and Bradleys go strolling across the Sonoran desert and the Rio Grande.

Last, and most freaky, via that guy who better hope he’s a lumberjack if he lives near the glaciers we get this bit of optic delusion.

  1. Lemur King says:

    No, veesh, I respectfully disagree. Put the illegals on Carnival cruise ships and send them south. By the time they get towed into port in a giant floating Petri dish they will be ready to re-integrate into whatever shithole you care to put them and they will never want to risk it again.

  2. veeshir says:

    We could replace Montezuma’s Revenge with Travis’ Revenge.

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